Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Item #7

In the latest installment of the seemingly never-ending saga of a certain singer's family, the situation is becoming laughable. One family member's social media gibberish is the usual, but allegedly this person is now blabbing to conspiracy theorists too. One of the conspiracy theorists allegedly leaked information to another, who then passed it to another, which resulted in public claims being made that have not been substantiated. Oops. The sad part is that these people don't care if information is inaccurate, as long as it continues to substantiate their version of things.


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...
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Tricia13 said...

Chris cornell

MDAnderson said...

Which one lol

Tricia13 said...

Gotta be Icky Vicky or the mom in law

MDAnderson said...

I’ll go with Cornell too. They are going to discuss his autopsy on a tv show

P keel said...

Cornell an open secret was doing a documentary
On sexploitation

AwkwardTurtle said...

@p keel... I saw that on Enty's Twitter. I think they stopped making it after Cornell and Bennington, but I wish they would have continued on with the work. There were probably threats though.

P keel said...

They were going to also do a concert called traffic jam

AwkwardTurtle said...

I wonder if the concert part was how Taylor Momsen fit into all this.

Dannette said...

@AwkwardTurtle what you mean they stoped making it? Can you supply a link to the press release about the production, and also the concert?

P keel said...

The canceled documentary was the silent children and was supported by Dave Mathews Sheryl crow and many others

AwkwardTurtle said...


From the Twitter page @AnOpenSecret
"Chris Cornell was the main financial backer for a documentary “The Silent Children”, about child sex trafficking.

After he died, the project was cancelled

Chester Bennington was going to appear in the documentary

His band Linkin Park was going to contribute music"

That was posted on 28 August 2018

Anonymous said...

I don't know who the blind is about; but I never laugh at 'conspiracy theorists', which in itself is a negative label.
Their ideas often turn out to be true, a decade or so later, after the laughter dies away.
Never mock someone, just because they are thinking outside of your little box.

Dannette said...

Okay. Where's some documents or letter of intent or even a press release talking about this? Obviously Cornell cannot verify it, so who can?

Dannette said...

^^for @AkwardTurtle

P keel said...

Go to Jamie dlux yt channel that will show you the short version of things

irishyvonnedanceparty said...
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AwkwardTurtle said...

"The foundation supports organizations that provide shelter and resources for homeless, abused and at risk youth, children living in refugee camps and victims of human trafficking."

Cornell's last video released The Promise is a tribute to refugees.

He seemed dedicated to his organization to expose the dangers of the world, so why wouldn't he be involved in a documentary talking about trafficking--another one of the organizations his foundation supports?

Jack Benimble said...

Hey JackBNimble, be original.

When is this vapid cunt going to stop this nonsense and shut her witch of a mother the fuck up?

And who in their right mind listens to Randy "Rocket" Cody?

Phatdawg said...

Chris Cornell's nutcase mother in law.. That woman continues to make a mockery of his legacy. Her babble never ends & her tribe of followers apparently have no brains. Someone please shove a dirty sock in her mouth!

j said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Entern, your master retweeted the "inaccurate" information. You fucked up.

Sarton Bander said...

People trafficking NGO members arrested in Greece

Dannette said...

@AwkwardTurtle I don't see anything on Cornell's page talking about the supposed movie he supposedly was paying for, nothing whatsoever. No proof no believe, or as Enty says, it's unsubstantiated conjecture.

Me. said...

There is enough information that proves that this foundation was another of the dirty businesses of the Karayiannis family. Vicky has donated less than 5% of all the money they raised with that foundation.

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...
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Dannette said...

Less than 5% of Cornell's foundation went to charity - Is this normal? Wait it's Hollyweird of course it is. @awkwardturtle you should due diligence better on yr references.

shakey said...

Houstons? Do they have a problem?

1SICRN said...

So, does this mean that the information given to AOS was false? Or just no receipts? Were they given false information intentionally? Is the website “THE SILENT CHILDREN” even a legitimate website? Is there some kind of scam involved? So many questions...I hope this “oops” inspires AOS and assoc. to dig further into the family.
This would be laughable if it wasn’t just so damn sad... “The current wife and her family will not go quietly”...🙄
Enty and Co., thanks for everything you do and for sharing with us.

Cree said...


You do make an interesting point. I dont think its outside of the realm of possibilities that Chris was a financial backer for such a documentary, but I cant find the original source for the claim.

Imdb claims the project was completed in 2013

The silent children website has been updated since 2018 though (i believe):

Paul Myhill seems to have all kinds of connections, but so far I've only found this FB post in regard to Chris:

Someone might have to ask "an open secret" directly on twitter.

Cree said...
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Cree said...

Video posted in 2015 on paul myhills channel

"Pre-production vision" but he could have just shared it after the fact. (I dont know)

Cree said...

Looks like someone already asked and the response is essentially "take my word for it". So it's up to you if you believe it or not.

["Is there any proof the Chris Cornell financially backed this. I don't see that information listed and it would actually be the most important part."]

["The project never happened. Therefore his intended financial backing never happened. We posted documents we received when they were looking for more funding. Since we funded our film, we often get pitched similar projects."]

["The thing never ended up happening after he died, no script was written, no scenes shot - so there weren’t costs to fund. TBH it’s a pretty simple concept to understand, or are you just trolling?"]

AppleThief4Elliot said...

This blind is the most meta thing ever.
I honestly can't tell if whichever Entern posted this did so because they were really self-aware, or really NOT self-aware.
I mean... This is Pogo territory, right?

Dannette said...

@Cree, it's not outside the realm of possibilities that Cris Cornell, being a songwriter, was going to make some songs for a project, but there's no proof of that either. Your research says there's no proof of his intentions in any way and yet this company is seeking legitimacy off of a dead guy. Wouldn't it be better for them to proceed with Vicky Cornell carrying on the wishes of her deceased husband since she has such a strong interest in vulnerable children (Keep the Promise etc)?

Cree said...

I don't disagree with you, I'm just reiterating a point. I understand why people would believe it because when I first "heard" it, it sounded plausible. (The financial backing)

Since you brought up the point I decided to look into it myself. I shared what I found, or rather didn't find.

Which company are you referring to? If you mean Paul Myhill's foundation then I can't find any connection between him or Cornell. In other words I can't find proof of Myhill ever mentioning him outside of one post.

The first place I can find comment about the funding is from An Open Secret and as I've said; they don't seem to have any proof outside of two pictures they posted onto Twitter. And even that "proof" isn't proof at all as its information that can be easily found on the silent children's website.

If this blind is in fact about Chris Cornell then I would find it a little funny that Enty would share this (blind). Enty himself had retweeted the initial Silent Children tweet that sparked this very conversation in the first place.

Like I said; people can decide what they think for themselves. There could be info I'm just not privy to for all I know.

All that said, I assume AOS just got some information they assumed was legit and decided to share it. I'll leave it at that.

Edymcspeedy said...

Can we all take a moment to look at how similar Chester and John Podesta look... it's like Pedo-star is his dad...

Unknown said...

Kanye West

Unknown said...

Could it be that the film producers (not An Open Secret) latched on to Cornell's death and the subsequent conspiracy theories about child trafficking in order to get some attention to their project? That any documents were created after the fact?

If so, how does that jive with his daughter wearing a t-shirt stating "We will not be silenced" of something to that notion on the red carpet of some premiere?

Paul Saint John said...

Chris Cornell's big fat Greek wedding proved fatal in the end.


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