Monday, August 20, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 13, 2018

At least two actresses have spoken to news outlets and said they were told to pretend to act like tweens when they had sex with this child porn loving writer/director. When one refused to do it after the second or third encounter she was ghosted by the director.

James Gunn


Brayson87 said...

But hey hey it's all his wacky sense of humor right? Waka waka what a zany creepy guy.

R in NYC said...


Unknown said...

Yeah he's a pedo, never a doubt in my mind, just reading those tweets of his and how he revelled in depicting the abuse of children, only pedos talk like that. Tell you who else is a pedo, the Mexican wrestler who plays Drax. No-one goes that strong unless they're projecting. Chris Pratt also ia piece of shit, praying for him to get his job back? Fuck you.

nonyabusiness said...

i wonder why dave is still talking about james on twitter? he must want to be fired. if so, he won't be missed. his character is forgettable anyway.

nonyabusiness said...

replace him with taika waititi for gotg3

Rosie riveter said...

Cue Angela the man and plot to show up to defend him again in 3..2..1..

Tiger Lilly said...

Him and Dan Harmon are canceled as far as I am concerned.

Brayson87 said...

Oh I like Drax, got a little burnt on the Groot bs and Starlord's dialogue is suffering. It's pretty much Drax and Rocket carrying the humor on that crew. Don't remember much about Gamora beyond the first movie, guess Marvel decided she wasn't supposed to be interesting anymore.

schweetyfleety said...

Very, very disappointed in Chris Pratt for supporting him. I have always liked him and I hope he comes to his senses.

nonyabusiness said...

how can you expect a man who is part of a cult like "church" to come to his senses? he's just as awful as the rest of the cast.

Cree said...

I can imagine this blind being true. He seems to have a thing for "dressing up".

Susan said...

Remember he was married to Pam from The Office? I have to wonder what she knows or thinks of the situation...

Brayson87 said...

You mean Pam from The Office with her baby face back in the day?

SteveD said...

Is this supposed to be what was happening in the story about Selma degrading herself for a role?

SteveD said...

To paraphrase Michael Scott from the pilot episode "If you think Pam's cute now, you should have seen her 20 years ago. "

Unknown said...

Look up the video of him joking to Jenna that if they had a daughter, he would have broken her in to anal sex before her husband got a chance.

He's a very funny fellow, James is.

Ophelia said...

Wow, Steve I often say that there's an office reference for every situation... :/

Chase said...

@Ophelia- Funny. I say the same thing about Seinfeld.

Sal Salington said...

Pratt gave about the weakest support he could give, though. I got the feeling he couldn't care less one way or the other and was just doing what made it easier for him with the others.

Ophelia said...

Pratt doesn't care which way the wind is blowing as long as it blows a paycheck and young women his way.

Angela said...

Spoiler alert: the fact that a reveal here confirms that the guy in the blind item is the guy whom everybody had guessed the name of in the original blind item from a week ago doesn't make the blind item true, whatever way you try to spin it.

What would make the blind item true would be one of these actresses making a public statement about James Gunn or one reporter for these various media outlets confirming that they had talked with actresses who wanted to tell their James Gunn stories.

Has any of this occurred? No. So, the question is why?

The media outlets didn't find the actresses trustworthy? Come on, there were at least two actresses, maybe more. The number would be some kind of confirmation.

The media outlets didn't find the story interesting enough? We live in an age where basically everybody can get their stories published. Look at Chloe Dykstra. It just took a blog account for her to tell her story.

The media outlets are afraid to attack James Gunn? They weren't afraid to attack Weinstein, they weren't afraid to attack Leslie Moonves, James Gunn isn't returning to Marvel, after it was confirmed that Disney didn't want him back. It would actually be the perfect time to attack the guy.

The story is a fabrication made for this site? Come on, think of the number of people here who would be disappointed to hear that Gunn may not be a monster and isn't obsessed by child porn. You can't break their fake pedo-hating heart...

Brayson87 said...

Damn somebody went with the mid-grade shilling, it's like getting 89 octane.

Green Tea said...

So, if he hadn't ghosted her, she would have continued to see him?

molly said...

Angela........."The story is a fabrication made for this site?" It is the idiot's own tweets that have lost him his career. How can you argue with that? But The Guardian wrote it was bad form or something equally inane. Weird the way people want him to be normal so badly and just can't seem to make it happen.

Count Jerkula said...

I feel bad for any of you broads who never dressed up like a school girl for some role play.

Hell, I have played the reverse and pretended to be a lil boy getting molested by a babysitter.

It is all in good fun.

Stupidpervs said...

Cuz Actresses NEVER lie. ..key word pretend ...they were legal ..I don't know the guy but if he molested anyone it's gonna come out Alisa or whoever her name is she banged a 17 yr old in Cali I do believe and what is the age of consent ? Are we not gonna mention it still at all???

Stupidpervs said...

I agree

Stupidpervs said...

Ruining sex ...Ruining flirting ...PRETEND...ROLE PLAY ....I'm guessing I'm the only woman called dirty names as well

Angela said...

How much do you wanna bet that another studio (Warner has certainly something in mind for him at DC) will hire him?

Since he was fired, there have been six blind items about a guy this fucking site knew nothing about before the 4chan campaign. Why wasn't any of this published before, if it was notorious, as the blind items actually claim, that Gunn was very much into child porn? Then the guy gets fired, and magically there are six blind items that say that, yes, everything accusation made by Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec and the peso-hunting crowd at 4Chan (who fail to notice the many people very much into child porn there) is true, and then there's more.

If Gunn was a well-known creep, why not make EVERYBODY a favor and denounce him, I don't know, four or five years ago, when he got a major gig? All that this site has actually done since the start of the campaign is to produce different rumors or innuendos to give weight to the original accusations from this summer, that basically rely on a series of old tweets and three old photographs. That's how networking works for alt-right militants. You throw some accusation, then somebody else at another place produces a slight variation on this initial accusation, then somebody else, etc. and ultimately, due to the amount of "evidence" people get the feeling that this guy was spending his life watching child porn, and that directing blockbusters was just a side-project for him.

Then, notice that Dan Harmon who was reported here as being as sick as or even sicker than James Gunn for something like four or five days. Then it's over, and nothing gets published anymore on Harmon. You know why? Because the alt-right guys who contribute to the site or send their "tips" realized that he wouldn't get fired, and that it would be a mistake to spend more time on him, especially as he wasn't a household name. So they put all their energy on Gunn, as he's the more high-profile target, and pile on new "rumors" or "reveals".

The very funny thing is that it's actually quite easy to source down how a particular blind item was written. The author, for instance, just googled "James Gunn Jenna Fischer", then read the first article of interest that would talk about their post-divorce relationship, and then built an entire blind item on it. Ditto for the Manganiello/Vergara stuff. Found some unrelated article on the web, rewrote it with a child porn perspective, then published it.
Yeah, I'm the kind of guy who explain how magicians perform their trick while they're in the middle of doing it. But it's difficult to be a party pooper when the whole party is crap anyway.

Count Jerkula said...

@stupidpervs: Please share some of the names you enjoyed being called and some that you didn't.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

This blind item has a little issue for me. "Told to pretend to act," really? Who in Hollywood ever says "pretend to act," and doesn't just say "act"? I think it's a small detail to get hung up on, but if this item was submitted by someone who knows that Gunn really was paying women for sex a la Portman in V for Vendetta, then this is hardly how I would word it. Where are the intimate details? Why isn't the story getting picked up anywhere? Sounds like there are some half-truths getting stretched.

Dannette said...

Yup, angela is def. plot. The massive pro-pedo cut & paste is a dead giveaway.

Angela said...

If you're pretty sure that I am plot, it's no wonder you'll eat the bullshit that the site feeds you.

Also, why does it have to be actresses?

I've read the infamous Don Simpson biography, the one where the author spends more time dwelling on the mores of Hollywood than on his supposed subject (sometimes for good reason).
Hollywood is a place with a ton of prostitutes. Porn stars who also escort, high end call girls, and a few prostitution rings, including Heidi Fleiss' in the nineties. And there are also the girls who will serve BDSM and fetishes.
It actually makes sense. When you're a producer or a director, unless you're a total degenerate like Weinstein with domination fantasies, you don't rely on the casting couch that often. You tend to prefer professionals, whether they're prostitutes or a "model/actress/whatever" who'll accept her "boyfriend" to pay the rent for a few months at her place but don't regard herself as a prostitute. When you pay for a relationship, you're pretty sure that the girl won't talk to her friends about your peculiar fantasies or, worse, how you can't get it up in bed. Besides, you can afford paying $2,000 or $5,000 for a trick when you make millions.

So, if you want to have sex with somebody who pretends to be a tween, you hire an escort who does role-play, because you won't hear a peep afterwards. You'll never date somebody in the industry and ask her to act this way in bed, unless you're the most naive child porn loving guy in the entire history of humanity, or you want to write one more blind item about the same person.

Unknown said...

"So, if you want to have sex with somebody who pretends to be a tween, you hire an escort who does role-play, because you won't hear a peep afterwards. You'll never date somebody in the industry and ask her to act this way in bed, unless you're the most naive child porn loving guy in the entire history of humanity, or you want to write one more blind item about the same person."

This actually makes sense. How was Gunn relegated to paying actresses to dress up like lolis in a town literally crawling with people that would do much more and never talk? It feels like there's someone out there with a grudge against Gunn and will throw anything that can be stretched to sound dirty to Enty, who should post it, but it's still probably not true.

Paul Saint John said...

Maybe Disney knows something we don't, Angela, or else they wouldn't have fired him. Gunn has darker stuff in his closet.
BTW, Angela, how much money do you make defending pedos online? Does NAMBLA pay well?

Mango said...

So what I’m taking away from Angela’s posts is that she’s really a dude?

Unknown said...

I would go just as hard as drax for the guy who got me a job not nearly as good as playing drax if he was getting fired over jokes.

Have you ever hung out with comedians? Gunn's jokes were tame by comparison to what is said when more than 2 comedians are in a room together.....

Unknown said...

Ghosting would imply she tried to continue/contact him for more and was ignored...

Unknown said...

"Lost him his career"

He is fielding offers from every major studio including Disney.

They tried to last week but a bunch of fat people from the flyover states got real angry at something they didn't understand (as they are known to do) and Disney realized it would make it harder to keep fleecing the rubes.

Unknown said...

How has no one else fucked dozens of women wearing cheerleader or schoolgirl costumes?

Don't you get tired of the same vanilla sex after like a week?

Unknown said...

So you believe this without any actual evidence.....

How about the moon landing? Tower 7? Roswell? The titanic switcheroo?

I'm not saying I know where the bar should be for believing something but I know I (as well as every atheist on earth)would agree the bar should be higher than no evidence whatsoever.......

Unknown said...

They are going to rehire him.they tried last week but the fat people from the flyover states stillgot remembered.

They will bring him back once football season starts and the lowest common denominators are distracted

Unknown said...

Dude you could even give Enty the benefit of the doubt and say he is always 100% above board. Doesn't mean everyone who sends him blinds is....

Unknown said...

If Gunn really is a pedo I can't wait to see some actual juicy BI's on here from whoever is investigating him. Until then this tame BS is just a waste of blog space.

Unknown said...

So you believe that even though dan Harmon was sued for sexual harassment and his case went through a discovery process I.interviewing past employees and reading his emails and everyone all the police/employees (100s of people) all just covered it up because a cdan blind item said so?

Unknown said...

How would you feel if the boss who believed in you - really believed you would lose weight get in shape change your entire life and become a literal superhero was fired for some jokes he made on Twitter a decade ago?

Chris Pratt (like everyone with a burden of proof higher than nothing) knows he isn't a pedo.

Unknown said...

Donald trump has said infinitely more creepy things about ivanka.....

I say that as a diehard maga trump supporter who knows he isn't a pedophile/trying to Fuck his daughter. He was just trying to make people laugh....there was a time you could still make jokes in this country.....

Unknown said...

And there is my answer to

1. How old are you people?


2. Do you guys have any familiarity with modern comedy like CBB or Asscat?

SteveD said...

Dozens and people can post here with the same conspiracy theories and lingo: "Totally organic."

If a few people are skeptical about the conspiracies: "OMG, Soros-planted sock puppet!"

Unknown said...

Disney tried to rehire him a week ago. Warner brothers wants him for DC Sony wants him for Spider-Man/venom.....

Disney didn't fire him because they thought he was a pedo. I genuinely am shocked there are people dumb enough to think that...

They fired him because fat people in the flyover states got real angry at something they didn't understand (as they are known for doing) and Disney PANICKED worrying about a boycott during summer when they need rubes to come to their parks for fleecing

Paul Saint John said...

It's always the rednecks in flyover country liberal perverts blame for everything.
Listen: Gunn was retweeting the tweets of a convicted pedophile and friend of his, Huston Huddleston. Want more strange associations? Check out Gunn's former boss at Troma Films, Lloyd Kaufman, whom he mentioned in a tweet as mentoring him in a NAMBLA meeting. No surprise, Lloyd Kaufman is close friends with Tony Podesta, whose art collection would make anybody who's not a pedophile barf. You know, John Podesta's younger brother.
But it's all coincidences the rubes wouldn't understand. It took decades for Disney /Nickelodeon to get rid of Dan Schneider, despite persistrnt rumors and denunciations of his abuse. But it only took a day for Disney to fire Gunn. I repeat, they know something we don't know yet.
Oh, and when was the last time you saw someone throw a pedo-themed party? Methinks rubes understand all too well.

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

Not sure if I'm the unknown but I'll take it.

You actually think Lloyd Kaufman, head of Troma filmmaking, is a pedo? That's the densest thing ever.

First off, Lloyd has been broke a lot of different times for his staunch refusal to work with the major studios. If he was into pedophilia, he would have been involved in the scene since likely the 1970's, when he made a few adult films under a pseudonym.

But we're to believe that this guy is a pedo, then goes on in the mid 80's to make The Toxic Avenger, which eventually spreads to, among other mediums, a children's show--and you think he's been a kidfucker this whole time and no one cared?

Never mind the fact that Gunn came along years after all that, then supposedly started his own fascination with sexing the youngins, which people also conveniently kept silent on, despite going thru Troma studios, making Tromeo and Juliet, making Super and a fuckin Scooby Doo movie, and then Disney just hires him even though he's a pedo?

OH KAY. If you believe that, I have some oceanfront property in Arkansas to sell you.

Paul Saint John said...

Troma Films weren't harmless fun for kids. Just check them out. Sick stuff.
Also, look at these tweets by Gunn and Kaufman.

Also, let me ask you a question : would you remain friens with a convicted pedophile, like Gunn did with Huddleston? I know anybody but a NAMBLA member would never see or speak to him again. How much do you guys, Plot, Angela, and other sockpuppets pay for your NAMBLA membership?

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

Sir, this is an Arby's drive-thru.

mike m said...

I'm shocked at the amount of people who defend these pedophiles.

Don't you have a vetting process here, Enty the 300 lb lawyer?

Cree said...

I dont remember the time when it was okay to make jokes about anally raping your daughter (and im talking about Gunn) Trumps a pig too, I wouldnt be using him as any prime example.

Cree said...
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Cree said...
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Cree said...

(Fixed some typos)
If you like James Gunn and think he was just joking, that's your buisiness, but I dont get why people are throwing themselves on the sword for him. It's not like he's the next Stanley Kubrick or martin scorsese in terms of talent.

Defend him if you think he's not guilty, sure; but its not like hes facing a criminal charge and you're helping him be free. He's had a lot of hollywood support for someone who says nasty shit, hes not exactly an underdog. He said what he said and it just wasnt funny, let him take his backlash.

Hollywood gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation while they were sitting with Harvey Weinstein and partying with Hugh heifner all while Bill cosby was doing standup. Im sure your pedo "joke" loving James Gunn will be just fine.

Unknown said...

If he's a pedo like Polanski or a predator like Weinstein please show some fucking proof instead of acting like telling some jokes is equated to what these sick fucks actually did.

Mary Lamb said...

@Paul Saint John
You're making too damn much sense for what this website has become: a shit hole.
Too many sock-puppets, too much time on their hands for them NOT to be paid.
Here's the truth. ANY man who uses ANAL SEX and INCEST regarding HIS DAUGHTER is a SICK FUCKING BASTARD.

Angela said...

As I said, I don't care much for James Gunn. I'm not a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, even if I acknowledge that the guy (like Soderbergh in his Ocean trilogy) knows how to handle an ensemble, give everybody something to work on then makes it work. And when he pays tribute to somebody like Russ Meyer, he does it in an articulate way, rather than "big boobies, LOL".

What I care for is justice. And in this case, it's not justice. It's mostly rhetoric. The alt-right groups took some guy, connected him with some of the vilest accusations possible and refuse anybody the right to really check the claims. If you want to do this, if you say that a blind item is not true, they will accuse you of being a child porn supporter, a shill or whatever, because that's how they operate. They want to hijack the discussion or any investigation, to prevent any reasonable conversation because, as a general rule, they know that they can't have the upper hand in a reasonable conversation, they know that they have zero evidence to their belief that every liberal is a sicko. That's also why somebody, either the current Enty or a source, constantly feeds the site with new blind items about Gunn that are so far baseless (a reveal isn't evidence). When you don't want people to discuss the actual elements for too long, you drive them to some other, even worse, claim, then to some other, so they muddy the water. And the end game would be that every time some other guy will face similar accusations it's a done deal and nobody will take the risk to discuss this, because it would result on personal accusations ("you're a supporter", "you're a shill", "you're into child porn", etc.).
That's quite a widespread tactic that had occurred many times in recent history. And you can bet your ass that it's manipulative and vile. That's basically verbal intimidation.

It's true that Gunn posted a few jokes about child molestation on his Twitter account a long time ago, when he was just a figure known to genre and schlock movie lovers. There's also quite a bunch of people who have made the same kind of jokes. "Dead baby jokes" is the kind of bullshit that some comedians would post just to look edgy and fearless. And it's most likely that he didn't post them out of the blue. Often, on Twitter, you'll see something that a friend of yours has posted, and you'll answer with a similar joke. No need for putting an hashtag every time. The first thing to do would be to check if Gunn would regularly talk about child porn on his own, in a very unsound way, or if it was part of some conversation, a contest with other people to post the sickest jokes. With some of them who are definitely not pedophiles.

He was internet friends with Huston Huddleston, and exchanged a few words about a cover of "I Touch Myself". He was photographed with Huddleston. Yeah, but, apart from this single picture, how much did they know each other? Were they just acquaintances or people who'd meet on a regular base?
I did a quick check on Huddleston. The father was a songwriter for Disney, Huston had entries in the whole industry. He worked with Spinal Tap, Joe Dante and Mickey Rooney, who don't appear to be pedophiles. He was a huge collector of sci-fi and horror memorabilia. Due to his involvement with the Star Trek scene, there are pictures of him with various Star Trek actors. Does that make Nichelle Nichols a pedo supporter? And how about the pictures of random people with him at conventions that were posted on Flickr or other sites? Does that mean that all of them knew about the child porn thingy when they took the picture? That's why, when you do a serious investigation (as they did for Weinstein), you do an in depth study, you don't just rely on a picture, a comment and four retweets. Do all closeted pedophiles, such as Huddleston, only have pedophile friends?

plot said...


"I dont get why people are throwing themselves on the sword for him. "

Who is doing that? Melodrama much? See, this is why some of us don't trust the accusations made around here in the Great Pedo Hunt of 2018. The sheer amount of drama needed for the accusers to stay interested is off-putting. To stay on the chase, even the most ridiculous of connections must be extended for the Outrage! thrill.

It really has not a damn thing to do with Gunn.


"I'm shocked at the amount of people who defend these pedophiles"

Cool, then name one person who is defends pedos here. Show us some quotes. Shouldn't be hard with such a "large amount" available all over here.

Angela said...

And, finally, there are the two photos from the sad-looking "pedophile party" where Gunn is dressed as a priest, next to two women, clearly of legal age, and a middle-aged man in pigtails (don't forget him...), all dressed up as schoolgirls. Yeah, because the first thing pedophiles do is to host semi-public parties about dressing up badly as pedophiles and little girls, then they post pictures of the event... And, by the way, the theme of the party was "To Catch a Predator". Check the Wikipedia entry for the show, and you may remember that, at the time it aired, it was regarded as exploitative, and more concerned with getting ratings than bringing predators to justice. South Park and Arrested Development too made jokes about the show. Does that mean that South Park and Arrested Development are written by child porn loving people?

Gunn is guilty of two things in my book. He is (or at least he was when he posted these jokes) insensitive to victims of child molestation. And he was careless enough to keep all of this material on his Twitter feed, while he had gone from an underground figure that only fans of Troma had heard about to director of a film that nearly got a billion dollars at the box office last year. He clearly had the money to hire people to delete his wacky old stuff in the course of six years, but didn't bother to do so. For this reason alone, Disney had ample grounds to fire him. And now that it's done, other studios are free to hire him, as they don't see any good reason to believe the internet trolls here or on 4Chan. It's not as if these trolls were willing to have a fair and reasonable conversation about this topic...

Paul Saint John said...


"Do all closeted pedophiles, such as Huddleston, only have pedophile friends?"

Huddleston wasn't closeted. He was a convicted pedophile.

And you never replied to my point: for Disney to fire a pedo is unprecedented because the Corporation is chock-full of pedos. Don't you think Disney have the goods on Gunn? Or else, he'd still be directing crap like Guardians of the Galaxy, which was making gazillions of money.

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

Sir, if you don't have an order I'm going to have to ask you to pull through to allow other customers to use the drive-thru window.

Angela said...

Huddleston wasn't a convicted pedophile when the picture was taken. Who actually knew at this point? Was Huddleston open to his habits towards people he knew, outside from posting a couple of videos featuring barely legal girls? Nothing so far hints at this.

And I never replied to your point, because it isn't a point but a gratuitous assertion so far. YOU say that Disney is "chock-full of pedos". It's up to YOU to prove that first.

Unknown said...

Disney didn't fire one of their most profitable current directors within 12 hours over "a few jokes."

GingerSnap said...

Don't forget to look up Kansas Bowling and Parker Bowling. They are defending James (and I suspect are some of these "Unknown" commenters) to the death. I can't decide if they're victims of Lloyd Kaufman themselves, or victims of SOME kind of underage sexual abuse OR if they're just famewh*res trying to defend the weird, creepy old men that want them in the most demeaning and disturbing content they can imagine. There are way too many coincidences and connections here to keep pretending nothing nefarious is going on.

Just... be careful who you choose to defend. There are some truly sick people in this world and most of them are in Hollywood. I hope it burns to the ground.

Unknown said...

We're not on a jury here. We don't have to obey demands from his public defenders that we provide proof beyond some standard they set (which will be a moving standard anyway). We're allowed to use our brains and common sense.

Angela said...

They did fire him after an orchestrated campaign by Internet trolls, and because they wanted to make a statement to show they were treating equally Gunn and Rosanne Barr, who, a few weeks before, had been fired for her tweets. Because, remember, they fired their most profitable TV actress within 12 hours over "a few racist tweets".

If there were more to the picture than these old jokes, Disney wouldn't have fired him immediately. That's not how corporations handle sensitive departures. They want the least amount of damage to their property, so they delay the announcement until there's less pressure in the media. Gunn would have been asked to leave on his own some time later, with some "creative difference" bullshit explanation to make it look diplomatic. Instead of that, the cast of the films has voiced their public support for Gunn, which made the story stay in the headlines for weeks, with some supporting actors threatening to leave the next sequel.

If Disney knew "more", the first thing they would have done after firing Gunn would also be to give the cast members an explanation of what they couldn't talk about Gunn in public, so they would accept the decision. It would only take some evidence that he wasn't just joking or trying to look edgy. Like some report from an internal investigation, stuff like that. That's how you build loyalty from people. You give them a factual explanation.

Unless of course, the guy at Disney started his speech by saying, "at least two actresses have spoken to news outlets and said they were told to pretend to act like tweens when they had sex with James Gunn. When one refused to do it after the second or third encounter she was ghosted by Gunn."


It's almost as if Angela is accepting money from a PR firm to defend known pedophile JAMES GUNN hired by a known pedophile organization DISNEY that had gainfully employed and defended Brian Peck and Victor Salva, among others, if Angela actually cared about any of this.

Angela said...

The current Pennsylvania Catholic Church abuse scandal started in 2016 with a grand jury investigation, after two similar cases in 2005 and 2011 around Philadelphia. Various Church officials tried to shut down the investigation. A few weeks ago, the grand jury concluded that more than 300 priests had taken part in child abuse, with more than a thousand victims.

If you fucking cared about any of this, why didn't you do anything during these two years to help the investigation? Or any investigation in your local area, as there's evidence of various wrongdoings within the Catholic Church in every State of this country? Why do you just focus on Hollywood? Because there are more Jews there?

And, this is a serious question, has any of you done anything to fight child abuse apart from posting or repeating stuff you had heard here? Has any of you actually done anything to protect an actual child? Just give me an idea, don't be modest, be a model for others.


Why would we doxx ourselves to a hostile "anonymous" account?
You really are stupid.

Angela said...

In your own fight against child abuse, you must have heard stories about what other people did, and it would be easier to protect their anonymity than yours. Come on, you must have a TON of examples. I guess you must have spent more time fighting pedophiles and child molesters in real life than here... Share your experience with other people, that's how you turn these horrible crimes into something positive and helpful.

For starters, if I wanted to fight pedophilia in the US, what association should I get in touch with?

plot said...


" for Disney to fire a pedo is unprecedented because the Corporation is chock-full of pedos."

Like whom? I've asked this question in another form on another board - if Disney deals in pedophilia, which are the kids who were abused and are now wrecked people because of it?

Disney does deal in child worship and the sexualization of children, younger and younger children. They are reprehensible in this regard but if you are saying Disney is "chock full" of pedophiles would you really mind naming a few, just a few?


"We don't have to obey demands from his public defenders that we provide proof beyond some standard they set"

No, you don't. But you do if you want your statements taken seriously. If you are just throwing out shit for the hell of it, fine. But that isn't what you claim to be doing. Most the Great Pedo Hunters say they are doing important factual work here. If that is the case, then your statements WILL be called into question as they would be by any serious individual.

plot said...


BTW, you are attributing Angela's quotes to me. Bad form.

plot said...


"A few weeks ago, the grand jury concluded that more than 300 priests had taken part in child abuse, with more than a thousand victims.

If you fucking cared about any of this, why didn't you do anything during these two years to help the investigation? Or any investigation in your local area, as there's evidence of various wrongdoings within the Catholic Church in every State of this country? Why do you just focus on Hollywood? Because there are more Jews there?"


What is the fury about Gunn except political? If the members of The Great Pedo Hunt were serious in their motives, why aren't they all over this Pittsburgh scandal, this organized mafia of pedophiles?

Cuz they really don't care about pedophiles or their victims.

Schneiderisnext said...



@Angela "wahhhh I'm a Pedo apologist. Prove it!"

How about the convicted pedophile BRIAN PECK? who was hired to work on Disney's SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY after being convicted of molesting a young boy on the set of NICKELODEON'S ALL THAT?

What About Victor Salva? Who directed the DISNEY movie POWDER, and used the actual film cameras to record him molesting an 11 year old actor in the film?


Schneiderisnext said...


"If you fucking cared about any of this, why didn't you do anything during these two years to help the investigation? Or any investigation in your local area, as there's evidence of various wrongdoings within the Catholic Church in every State of this country? Why do you just focus on Hollywood? Because there are more Jews there?"

We focus on Hollywood here because this is a Hollywood gossip site...

Your desperation shows. @Angela @Plot @Unknown

Fuck the Catholic church. Fuck Hollywood. Stop all pedos.

Only y'all are making this partisan.

The great pedo hunt of 2018 will be looked on in history as the beginning of the child civil rights movement.

Do you really want to be on the wrong side of history? @plot @angela

Schneiderisnext said...





Schneiderisnext said...



Disney has suspended Jon Heely, its director of music publishing, after he was charged with three counts of felony child sex abuse involving two underaged girls a decade ago.

Variety, which first reported the charges, said Heely, 58, is accused of abusing one of the girls when she was 15, and the other from the ages of 11 to 15.

Unknown said...

the grasping at straws to link gunn to actual pedos is hilarious in here

this is a blind item gossip site and ppl are trying to drop a dossier in the comments lmao

drink some wine and read the blinds pls

Angela said...

You just have been able to provide two name of child molesters. While I tend to agree that hiring Victor Salva or Brian Peck is totally unacceptable, we're talking a company that employ 200,000 employees worldwide. That's hardly make this place "chock-full of pedos" apart from your own personal fantasies, or the stories tailor-made by Enty to confirm your beliefs.

Schneiderisnext said...

@Angela, you fell right into my trap and proved my point.

I provided 3 (John heely, Brian peck, Victor Salva)

No matter how many DISNEY Pedos I name, you will say that isn't representative of the company as a whole.

1st you demand proof, then you disregard it by saying it isn't statistically significant.

How many pedos does DISNEY have to hire and profit off of, enable, and Protect?

You lost.

You ADMMITTED it was totally unacceptable for them to REHIRE CONVICTED PEDOS.

Well DISNEY did that @Angela. For the $$$

Angela said...

Hey, now there's a third name, twenty minutes after the other two. It's getting (almost) crowded.
What, months of study about Disney, and you can only find three names? That's not a particularly great track record for somebody who supposedly knows the entire truth about this studio.

Schneiderisnext said...

And we will continue to advocate for the children.

Cry loudly. Be heard. Speak for the voiceless.

Or you can $hill for DISNEY like @Angela

Schneiderisnext said...

How many pedos are you okay with @Angela?

I'm not okay with corporately sponsored child abuse and molestation.

Rosie riveter said...

@schneiderisnext Good points once again. But you know (and have proven again and again) that Angela the man and plot will NEVER be satisfied with any amount of proof.
Its become a joke by now, and obvious what they are and who they work for.
I think its time to think about just scrolling past.
Whats the point? Theyre pretty terrible.

Keep up the good work Schneiderisnext! xo

Mary Lamb said...

@Plot @Anglea @Unknown are all the same person.
Reread the thread. Remembering who you logged in as can become tedious, I'm sure.

Now you can stand on your head and deny it all you want. You've got nothing better to do.

Rosie riveter said...

Omg @mary lamb
Youre right!
Hahahahahahahahhaha hahaha
thats beautiful.

Angela said...

No, I'm neither plot nor Unknown. My second alias is mary lamb.

So we have experts regarding child molestation who have actually never done anything to fight it, apart from posting on the internet. What an achievement...

We have the guys who know stuff, like what precisely happens at every major studio, and yet, when asked to substantiate their claims, can just come up with three names (and it took time to get a third name), and names that are actually on public record.
Do they even have some gossip (hey, it's supposed to be a gossip site...) about how Disney protects child molestors, doesn't investigate on the background of their employees or buries scandals? We get the sound of crickets instead. Their file is actually empty, while they had months to do heir homework.

We also have guys who wouldn't know how to lead an actual fight against child molestation. They don't even know the name of a single association to give money to, they wouldn't know how to oppose the efforts by Church officials to shut down an investigation, they have basically done nothing in real life to stop this scourge from happening.

Despite what they claim, these people have actually done nothing against child molestation. They just want you to swallow their big empty words, along with the pill that Hollywood is full of degenerates and that you can't trust any liberal.

Also, how can these guys say that their opponents are shills paid by the big studios? What studio would even pay a cent against such morons?

plot said...


"But you know (and have proven again and again) that Angela the man and plot will NEVER be satisfied with any amount of proof."

We're not even at the point of proof. How about one valid assertion? Is Disney "chock full" of pedos or not? If one says "chock full" that is what one means, right? Or do they not mean what they declare? In which case, they are incendiary assholes engaging in agitprop. So which of these?


No, it is your claim that we are all the same person. YOU have to prove it, I don't have to deny anything though no, we aren't the same person. Anyone can casually see that without too much effort.

Paul Saint John said...


Of course it's tougher to fight child molestation than joining NAMBLA. It's probably difficult for you to understand that the first duty of parents is to protect their own children. That's a job in itself. Being a father, I keep an eye on my kids to make sure no harm happens to them. As an extra duty, I'm also watchful of my friends' kids and any other kids in the playground, on the street, in department stores. Honestly, as a citizen I can't do more than that, other than warn other parents about predators.
Having read about the staggering numbers of missing children, and knowing all about the growing number of sickos that are into pedophilia,not to mention child traffickers for sex or "organ harvesting", I try to avoid dangerous situations for my kids and the kids of my acquaintances and extended family. Whenever I can, I post comments on blogs and fora to raise awareness.
Our only weapon against pedophiles and pedo enablers and apologists like yourself, Angela, is EXPOSURE. And it seems to be working, hence your concern.

Paul Saint John said...

As for Disney, it would take a lifetime pointing out the numerous pedo sub-plots, innuendos, symbolism in their films, series and cartoons. The rot goes deeper.

Schneiderisnext said...


"So we have experts regarding child molestation who have actually never done anything to fight it, apart from posting on the internet."

-Your words only. Nobody here has claimed to be an expert, We're all just concerned citizens. (Strawman #1)

We have the guys who know stuff, like what precisely happens at every major studio, and yet, when asked to substantiate their claims, can just come up with three names (and it took time to get a third name), and names that are actually on public record....

-Nobody claimed to know everything that happens at each studio. (Straw-man #2) We have clearly shown 3 examples of DISNEY burying PEDO lawsuits/hires or supporting them when they are revealed. That's a pattern AND IT'S ON THE PUBLIC RECORD.

"Do they even have some gossip (hey, it's supposed to be a gossip site...about how Disney protects child molestors, doesn't investigate on the background of their employees or buries scandals? We get the sound of crickets instead.

-Every time somebody posts an unsourced claim, you call it unsubstantiated. You can't have it both ways. (STRAW-MAN #3)

"We also have guys who wouldn't know how to lead an actual fight against child molestation. They don't even know the name of a single association to give money to, they wouldn't know how to oppose the efforts by Church officials to shut down an investigation, they have basically done nothing in real life to stop this scourge from happening."

-Giving money =/= solution dumbfuck. When institutions are corrupt, we have to use our free speech to inform the public. (Strawman #4)

-Yes the Catholic church is full of pedos too. But this is another stupid diversion. If you'd like, I can link you with tons of Catholic abuse forums. But you don't actually care, you're just using one tragedy to distract us from another(straw-man #5)

Despite what they claim, these people have actually done nothing against child molestation. They just want you to swallow their big empty words, along with the pill that Hollywood is full of degenerates and that you can't trust any liberal."

Straw-man #6 Nobody is saying pedophilia is exclusive to Hollywood or Liberals you partisan hack.

@Angela I hope karma hits you hard. You aren't a bad debater. You are a LIAR

@Rosie <3 don't worry I do it for the people scanning the comments. I know Angela and plot never admit to being wrong

Angela said...

You should start by learning what a "strawman argument" is before using the word "strawman" big time.

I'm pointing out that in this bunch of people who pretend to fight child molesting, all you're doing is to repeat ad nauseam that so-and-son is a pedophile because he works in a place that defends pedophiles and because Enty says so. Problem is that, besides this, there's very little dirt on a 200,000 employees company. You were always coming up with the same two names, and it took you more internet searches to come up with a third name, most likely because you didn't even know about the public record of this third guy before yesterday.
That shows me that you never really put any real effort into finding what the actual situation was. For instance, you've been mixing up stories about Salva.

I agree that Disney did a terrible job with Victor Salva. They tried to weasel out of the situation, and they didn't make the right calls at the time. Roger Birnbaum, the producer, looks absolutely awful in this story.

But no boy was raped on the set of Powder, contrary to the claims you made in capitals.




And that's actually a claim you repeated later here:

"What About Victor Salva? Who directed the DISNEY movie POWDER, and used the actual film cameras to record him molesting an 11 year old actor in the film?"

Nathan Forrest Winters was raped 7 years before, during production of Salva's debut film, Clownhouse, in 1988, a film that has nothing to do with Disney. Winters and his family brought up the criminal record of Silva for a boycott campaign, but he was never on the set of Powder. Verify your sources first.

Also Disney claims that they didn't know about Salva's past when he was hired on Powder. This reportedly came to their attention after production had started. Then, they just checked if there would be minors on set (there weren't any) and had people watch after Salva, which is quite eye-rolling compared to the crimes he had committed. However, they didn't try to kill the story in the press, as it was published in The L.A. Times just two days before the film opened. And they never worked with Salva again.

So, to support your allegations on Disney, you're making a false statement, before embellishing it with more details (about the camera) that are also fake. Maybe it was an honest mistake, maybe you did it on purpose, but it shows that you need to be precise and factual in your accusations rather than making blanket statements.

There are fewer details available on Brian Peck and ABC, and once again we don't know at all if he was hired by somebody who knew about his criminal record. If you have elements that show they knew (rather than a generalized and relaxed attitude in the industry to ignore California legislation and its red tape), you can share them. When ABC got word that Peck had molested a child, did they keep him as a dialect coach? Has he worked with Disney since?

But I've also noticed that Salva (1995) and Peck (2005) were also the only two names that Rosanne supporters would single out to accuse Disney of having a double standard. Of course, it was before Gunn became the subject of a smear campaign.

Angela said...

Now, about Gunn. As I said, if there was more, Disney would have waited for a few weeks or months to make a quiet announcement that he had left GotG 3 due to something like "creative differences" or "schedule conflict," as it would have been the easiest way to save faces in that situation. The cast of the project would have been briefed and wouldn't ask for him to return. That's how corporations tend to bury potential scandals.

That's also exactly what happened with Dan Schneider. Ever heard of him? He's just like the guy mentioned in your actual alias.
In March, Nickelodeon quietly opted out of his production deal, canceled one of his two shows and just kept one in production. No current or previous cast member on one of his shows has paid tribute to him or even wished him good luck. Apart from a Henry Danger film, announced in late 2017 (and which might never be produced with any involvement of his), he has zero projects in development. He missed pilot season. Now, that's how a corporation gets rid of a rotten apple. That's the kind of situation where I think that people have grounds to suspect that there's more than meets the eye and have to read between the lines.
But, of course, it takes them to read first before writing, something you haven't done so far.

plot said...


He has no idea what a Straw Man argument is or any other form of rhetorical fallacy. Worse, he doesn't want to learn, nothing beyond his current English knowledge which he seems to think is stellar.

Don't bother, seriously, take it from someone who bothers most the time. This one fails to agree to fundamental forms of communication. Russell and Wittgenstein called this kind of thing the end of language and meaning.

Angela said...

That didn't bother me. Actually, in the process, I've got the information that I had asked here.

First of all, Nathan Forrest Winters, the boy who was raped by Victor Salva, has turned into everything "Dancing Boy" strives to be. He actually does something constructive and articulate with the tragedy he suffered.

"I am currently outlining a nationwide speaking tour at various key and pertinent venues to raise awareness, educate, and provide information and tools to stop sexual child abuse at all levels. The entire process will be documented for a film about my story conceived and helmed by my partner, filmmaker Connar Frazier. The film will show my journey from victim to survivor. It is my belief that we as a whole in this country have been too afraid to face such an unspeakable topic and continue to turn a blind eye, which has allowed these predators of our children to go unchecked for too long.

"Just a few of many disturbing facts: Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Every 8 minutes that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 6 out of every 1,000 perpetrators is convicted. United victims and survivors, parents and children can make this world safer. Education is prevention, and the more light we shed on this darkest of crimes, the fewer shadows there will be for them to hide."

Then, there are actual groups that need support. The Brian Peck situation at ABC was caused by the production ignoring the California Child Protection Act. Parents have been pushing for the act to be enforced in the studios, and there's an advocacy group named BizParentz.

Finally, a common source for accusations is the documentary "An Open Secret". A producer does a fine job describing the actual problem: "Hollywood needs to get convicted pedophiles out of the industry. Hollywood is a small, insular town, and while 99% of the people haven’t done anything like this, a majority may know somebody who has." And that comes from a man who couldn't find a distributor for the documentary and who could easily make more outrageous claims to draw interest in the project.

Schneiderisnext said...


A straw-man is when you attribute a false argument to your opponent. Then you "blow-down" the man of straw.

You didn't answer them. And are just snarky. Typical.

Schneiderisnext said...

People name Brian Peck and Victor SALVA because they are the two most blatant abuses.

@Angela You can't simultaneously claim it's a small insular industry where people protect each other and also claim DISNEY had no idea they were hiring child molesters.

NATHAN FORREST WINTERS was groomed for six years on the sets of "Something in the Basement" & "Clownhouse"

Impressed by Salva's 1986 short film Something in the Basement, Francis Ford Coppola gave him $250,000 to make Clownhouse.[1] To shoot the film, Coppola gave Salva his house as a location, and the same cameras George Lucas had used to make American Graffiti

With these same cameras, SALVA filmed child pornography. Salva raping WINTERS

When SALVA was arrested he had commercial child porn as well as his own self produced tapes. He was charged with molesting multiple boys as evidenced by the tapes, but was only convicted of 4 minor counts on WINTERS

WINTERS family protested the release of Clownhouse, but it was still released. They were even sued by the production company for breach of contract and couldnt attend the premiere.

Only after Powder was filmed and released did they even know DISNEY was producing another SALVA movie. So they protested again

Upon Powders release, Coppola defended him publically saying it was a good film and he was a good director, and he supported good art.

Coppola also said though this was a tragedy, the difference in age was not so much. SALVA was 29. WINTERS was 12

Schneiderisnext said...

Coppola continues to support SALVA

He gave him $5000 dollars after he served his 15 month sentence, to "get back on his feet.

He also produced Jeepers Creepers 3

Addison is a 13 year-old runaway whose estranged relationship with her stepfather is alluded to have involved sexual abuse. While no scenes depict her molestation, two other characters share an exchange in which they express sympathy for her abuser.

"Can you blame the step-dad, though?" one character says. "I mean, look at her. The heart wants what it wants, am I right?"

Schneiderisnext said...


Are you seriously criticizing an Open Secret for not finding a distributor?

A film that's about abuses of an industry can't get distributed by that same industry?


mooshki said...

Honestly, if he's having adults pretend to be young but not actually going after young girls, then I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Who is the "Unknown" dude? Wonder if he is on a payroll to do damage control. If "modern" comedy is primarily making pedophilia jokes -- then it sucks. If the only humor you can manage is going for the shock value, then you just don't have any talent. Period.

Anonymous said...

I don't care how many ways you try to spin it -- those pedophilia "jokes" are enough for a decent person to fire his ass. Period. Of course, since Disney doesn't have any decency, you are probably right that they didn't fire him for being a pedo. There are probably lots of pedos running around the offices of Disney. Maybe he just pissed off the wrong person. Maybe they worry that something really bad is going to come out about him and they are distancing themselves. Hard to say. At any rate, if you think that pedo jokes are funny -- you are a sick individual. Not an "enlightened" person. Not someone better than the mere rabble. Maybe you are even a pedo yourself.

Paul Saint John said...


Maybe, just maybe, James Gunn came this close to going down with another guy charged with possession and distribution of child porn. He was being investigated just two months ago. Disney found out about this and got rid of him overnight.
Watch closely at the 2 minutes mark (hell, watch all the damn video):

plot said...


@"If "modern" comedy is primarily making pedophilia jokes -- then it sucks. "

It's not primary but the tendency is there especially in the animated shows. The need to produce jokes, highly potent jokes that keep eyes on the show, produce a kind of hysteria in writing for them. Not a fan myself (except for Stewie in the early years of Family Guy) because I find the desperation for making a funny rather embarrassing for them. It's painful to watch, for me at least.

"you are probably right that they didn't fire him for being a pedo."

Because as far as we know Gunn is not a pedo, just a tasteless bore, a hack trying to fit in with the other desperate shock humorists.

"Hard to say. At any rate, if you think that pedo jokes are funny -- you are a sick individual. Not an "enlightened" person"

Who is calling themselves enlightened for laughing at stupid comedy shows? I don't find rape jokes funny on any level but it doesn't stop people from laughing about prison rape. I wouldn't call those people sick. I'd call them unaware and addicted to bad forms of comedy. We obsessed with being funny in the USA, will bust a gut to be thought funny (hey, Jackass, ya'know) and that makes us look like idiots most the time. Too bad there isn't a little more national reflexion on this condition.

"There are probably lots of pedos running around the offices of Disney."

There may or may not be. Disney is about money and power. Morality isn't going to stand in their way unless it hurts profits. If the county as a whole is under the thrall of precious animated children, stupid kid movies, and the humor of writers desperate for attention in any way possible, Disney is going to follow that lead. The only way to change this is for people to quit watching Disney products and scorning the whole operation.

Unknown said...


Unknown from earlier here--if you're wondering about who possibly could be getting paid for any of this and you think anyone who is defending Gunn is doing damage control, you're looking in the wrong place.

The damage control team is, if anything, a team of Russians using both a botnet and the alt-right movement (guys like Cernovich) which itself is just a product of more Russian operations. Don't believe me?

That's just one of the latest of many things the Ruskies have been doing to fuck with the American people. The thing is, since the fall of the USSR the Russian government has been run by the mob. They moved into the US in the 80's, took over in the 90's, and today continues to wage a war against those that would stop them.

That includes James Gunn, who would make these great, long Twitter threads mostly aimed at Trump and his alt-right cronies. Who, as it turns out, are all working for the Russian mob-state, whether they know it or not.

So this is why I'm pissed about this whole disinformation campaign and why I'm suspicious of a blind item that doesn't pass my bullshit detector's litmus test. Especially in this case, where Gunn has yet to be shown to be any kind of a pedophile, yet he's continually being labeled as one. It's a classic mob tactic to burn your opponent's credibility with a scandal.


Please come back at me with something meatier than this dumb smear campaign.

Paul Saint John said...

@ Unknown
When you've run out of arguments, mention the Russuans. It's fast becoming a joke, you know, the Russian menace? Lol!

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

So you don't think any of what I said isn't true? Are you a Russian bot?

Dismiss the arguement out of hand because you'd get wrecked by me.

The Russians are real.

Schneiderisnext said...

---you disagreed with me!!!! Are you a Russian?

"The Russians are real"

The Russians are the new Jews. It's all their dault!

Angela said...

"You didn't answer them. And are just snarky. Typical."

Says the guy who made FALSE STATEMENTS TWICE. Your main accusation against Disney was that they let Victor Salva rape a boy on the set of Powder, while it happened during another production, which had nothing to do with Disney. What, no "My bad?", no "Honest mistake"? If you can't even address one of your statements when it turns out to be blatantly fake, that's quite worrying for the rest of what you say.

I have no intent of fighting for Disney or Gunn, it don't look like the studios are doing everything they can to protect children in this "work environment", and I believe that they take the laziest approach and fail to report some problematic situations. As the guy behind "An Open Secret" says, there is 1% of people in the industry that shouldn't be allowed to work there and who should be in jail, and the 99% of "normal" people who can't believe that this colleague of them could be a creep or that his brushes with the law came from some fake accusations, etc.
I don't believe in claims that child molesters are in charge of the studios and protect the other molesters. I don't believe in secret societies at Hollywood that run international child molesting rings or want to legalize sex with minors, the topic in a few recent blinds here. But I believe that the alt-right is reusing and adapting old anti-semitic canards that date back to nearly a century about Hollywood being a town full of (((depraved people))) who want to destroy Christian values. The Catholic Church is doing a good job for this on its own, by the way.

Which is why I don't believe that Gunn is into child porn or that his firing had reasons other than the campaign started on 4chan. The evidence is very thin, the tweets are dumb and offensive, but they don't reveal any particular sick obsession, and after Gunn was fired, the entire cast from the GotG showed some support for him, which they wouldn't have done if they had been briefed even on some of the intel that Enty mentions in his sources.
So I conclude that the intel simply doesn't exist and that it's mentioned here to trick people into thinking there's much more, and that the guys behind the campaign (members of the alt-right or 4chan) were perfectly right to start such a fight. Then, when these guys will start a new fight (and you know they will) against, for instance, Rian Johnson or Kathleen Kennedy, it will be easier for them if they have part of the public ready to believe them, because of the "good will" they got in their earlier campaign against "the child porn loving director James Gunn".

Paul Saint John said...


If you think the Russians want to take down Hollywood to hurt America, you're wrong. First of all, they'd be doing America a great service by destroying Hollyweird, that pedo-liberal propaganda machine. Now, why would the Rusdians be concerned with the moral health of middle-America?
All this Rusdian thing is a smoke-screen to hide the real collusion between Rusdia and countless other countries for billions that has been going on in the Clinton Foundation since its inception.
So, that makes you either a DNC operative, an FBI asset, or a NAMBLA member. BTW, none of those categories excludes the others.
As for me, I'm no Russian,an Alt-righter, not even a Trumpian. Just an independent right-wing guy who enjoys watching Hollywood, the DNC and the pedophile networks (all three are interconnected) go down in flames. Take cover, Unknown, lest the falling rubble crushes you!

Schneiderisnext said...

@ Angela what's worse? Making a false statement, then clarifying?

Or repeatedly attributing false statements to others? No I'm not alt-right, anti-Semitic, a believer in grand unified conspiracies/secret organizations,

I'm saying money buys silence. And it always has. Organized crime exists. Even pedophilia and child porn production.

Blow smoke all you want. Nobody is saying the heads of studios are all pedos.

We're pointing out the corporate studio structure necessitates the knowledge and protection of criminality by multiple higher-ups.

It's like a mafia. A family. You protect the profit not the victim.

We're hearing more and more stories of child victims. The Dam is opening. Victimization and Predation is the NORM, not the exception.

molly said...

For those who think the hollywood pedophelia blinds are not consequential, I'll bet Kevin Spacey would beg to differ. And if Disney wants to hire him that would be great.Let them lose a ton of money. They deserve it.

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

Mark Burnett is a Russian asset. The Ruskies are not interested in taking Hollywood down, they're interested in taking Hollywood over. I mean, there was always a connection between La Cosa Nostra itself and any depictions of the mafia made in Hollywood. How do you think they got The Godfather so accurate, yet also were able to keep just enough hidden so as not to completely spill all their mafioso secerets?

For example, the very idea of "Hollyweird" is more or less a creation of this connection with the underworld. Nowadays La Cosa Nostra is not in power, though, it's the Russian mob. Point at the Clintons all you want, but the fact is that Clinton and his group are not working with the Russians. If anything, they are the remnants of those that worked for La Cosa Nostra and didn't get rolled up by the Russian takeover of the 1990's. Same goes for Bush and his family. The DNC and the RNC are both hip-deep in corruption of this kind, of course, and that's how it's been for a while.

But the difference is nowadays the mob is run by a foreign power, instead of by a group of Americans. That's why the Hollywood apparatus is acting so strangely and has sort of shifted in course in the types of movies it puts out. Take John Wick's universe--why do we so easily believe that a group of Russians could take over the entire NYC underworld? Because that actually happened.

The Russians need Hollywood weak if they're to cement their hold here on the US black market. They're trying, but it's not succeeding, because as it turns out Americans fucking hate the idea of Russians taking over anything on US soil. Or, at least, most real Americans do.

Enter career con-man Trump and his cronies. Enter a Russian botnet and a huge online operation to polarize political attitudes, resulting in the creation of the "alt-right" and all its toxicity. Enter a rigged presidential election. There is clearly an invisible hand at work organizing all of this chaos towards its own end, and that hand belongs to (if anyone) a guy name Semion Mogilevich.

These are the people that James Gunn would go at on Twitter. They stood the most to gain by taking him down. The people going after Gunn on Twitter are the same alt-right "people" that were created by the Ruskies.

How much clearer do you need it put to you?

Paul Saint John said...

Good story, but the country that's actually taking over Hollywood is China. Keep trying.

Unknown said...

@Paul Saint John

got like, i don't know, a source or anything like evidence? you'll notice my post actually had some. if china is really trying to take over western california i'm sure there would be at least some stories about chinese interference right? right?

Paul Saint John said...

The Chinese are buying all of Western California, bit by bit, Hollywood included. Are you blind?

YeahYouKnowThatsRight said...

No liberal media outlet is going to report anything negative about Gunn. He's a liberal. And anyway liberals nowadays are pedo friendly so in their book he did nothing wrong anyway.

Bubbles said...

Mike Cernovich is the nazi douche who called out Gunn on twitter, Cernovich is also the white supremacist who created the infamous "Pizzagate" nonsense that almost got several innocent people killed. This tRUMP nazi bullcrap has to stop. The good news is the average mortality rate for men is 75. Trump is 72. Tick tock.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you didn't think they were funny jokes... No one said they were good jokes in fact I would say it was a bad idea on his part but regardless of wether you laughed or not they were still jokes. Quit getting butthurt over it.

Anonymous said...

Bitch of the Devil, I understand this is difficult for you to get because you likely have no moral fiber and are easily distracted by ignorant things and thoughts but you sir are a real asshole.


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