Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Blind Item #2

While thinly referencing his own bisexuality, this foreign born A- list mostly television actor has taken a shot at basically outing two of his fellow countrymen and an American. All are roughly the same spot on the list.


  1. I just started watching Outlander. He’s dreamy.

  2. Could be Travis Frimmel as well

  3. +1 MD he had that interview discussing gay representation in film

    1. Not saying MD is wrong, but Renner is doing a wretched job of being in the closet. Hes got gayface all day long, like Liberace level

  4. Kit made comments about why isn't there an openly gay actor in the superhero films - would assume Holland or Hiddleston as the fellow countryman and Renner as the american?

  5. Possibly talking about Tom Hardy, too, who seems to have popped back in the closet.

  6. Or he may have meant Cumberbatch. The possibilities are endless.

    Also, had no idea Kit Harrington was bi.

  7. @Sara have you ever seen a hetero man pull off a fur cape that well? lol

  8. Gayface. I spit my drink out reading that! Thanks rosie!

  9. Sam Heugan is dreamy i agree....Travis Fimmel is handsome too.. but since I'm happily married I guess it doesnt matter if they are gay lol

  10. Sam Heughan is gay not bisexual. I'm going with Kit or Tom on this one but I thought Tom Hardy was openly bisexual anyways?

    1. Anonymous1:09 AM

      According to him he is straight , but I don’t care. I don’t personally know him, but he seems like a nice young man. And why is it in America gay or bisexual is a thing? As long as he continues Outlander to the end. He could do ducks or trucks makes no difference to me just as long as we get the whole story done. I hate when they start a series and stop it. You either do it right or not at all.

      By the way be ready for the OL ladies they have fits of you say he is gay. They have melt downs.

  11. ok so bisexual not 100% gays like Heughan, I would say Hiddleston has to be bisexual, butbsurely slept with women so not gay, the other Renner for sure. And which other british? Holland is a kid, and Tom Hardy is married, has to be Henry Cavill

  12. The actor outing his peers is mostly television foreign born. (rules out the superhero crew since I believe even Hardy is listed as mostly movie now after Venom & Mad Max) - Kit & his superhero rant

    There are 2 other actors from his country that he outed. -Hiddleston and Holland are bi (I believe there have been blinds indicating as much for both of them)

    there is one American actor that he outed. - I think we have all agreed this is definitely Renner lol

  13. Let's be honest, for most actors from a certain island country, it's a coin flip.

    1. Indeed, they learn to bugger each other in those posh public schools British actors attend, places like Eton, Harrow, Rugby, etc

    2. absolutely, Most lf them qualify as bi, its socially accepted, its only when they go to America that they enter the closet.

  14. Hardy & Fimmel are essentially straight. Hardy blurs the lines, but whatever. Fimmell is def straight, he's an old rugby boy. I remember him back in the day & didn't get any gay vibes. He was well hot & out of my league though sadly. Heck maybe he is gay...who cares?

  15. What would any actor have to gain by outing other actors?

    1. Relevance? Interest in his interviews? Telling the truth?

  16. Travis Fimmel is Australian

  17. @Marianne Elba

    The threat of outing them is a powerful form of blackmail. Maybe some gay actors get cash, free drugs or sex on demand as a form of payment for their silence from closeted gay actors.

  18. Nah, not Travis. Not Tom, either. I don't believe the 'I'm a fucking actor, I've played with everyone and everything.' He doesn't speak like that and I believe him when he says he was misquoted.
    I'm going with annoying Kit and MD's guesses.

  19. Kit harrington

    Jeremy renner
    Benedict cumberbatch
    Tom hiddleston

  20. cumberbatch is nicknamed a pusheater, pushhound, not only he is not gay but regularly binge drinks and has sex with costars and other women in London. Inside sources.

    1. a same source coted that tom hiddleston is living a bit like an hermit, struggling to accept himself, ashamed of his bisexuality and profoundly insecure. Apparently since school days he admires glamourous actresses but in the past attracted other insecure women who followed behind him and inflated his ego.

  21. @News
    So his nickname wasn't Cumbersnatch?
