Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Item #7

If you are this A list celebrity is it creepy to be using the same surrogate as your sister-in-law used?


  1. Meghan and Kate?

  2. is meghan going to be wearing fake baby bumps

  3. has kate ever been pregnant with her own body? I forget

  4. No. If Meghan has fertility issues she should be able to have a child by any means

  5. What, it's like sharing a rented minivan with family.

  6. It's a tragedy that only the rich have access to surrogates.

    1. Not for long. I hear Travis K. The disgraced and ousted founder of the ridesharing UBER is working on a womb-sharing APP... UTER

  7. Notthisagain-I think Kate was legit pregnant with George her first-it was apparently a very painful and difficult pregnancy, so that might play a part

  8. Why would it be creepy for a family to rely on someone they trust with their lives?

  9. Why is this a big deal?

    Agree with @Tricia-- Kate was pregnant with George. She suffered from horrible morning sickness and was in a lot of pain, all of which was documented.

    If Meghan has fertility issues, then using a surrogate is just fine. Why are we surrogate shaming people with issues? I'm baffled.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Its the hypocrisy of pretending they were pregnant.

    2. Men cannot have babies- medical fact.

  10. If money grabbing Meghan isn’t legit pregnant then it’ll come out

  11. Well that explains that horrible blue dress. I’m amazed the Queen would be ok with this, for Kate it’s understandable after she had such a difficult pregnancy, but with MM and all of her baggage I’m surprised the Queen would be ok with her locking in a lifelong paycheck.

    1. Miss Sparkle is blackmailing the Royal family. That's why they are so considerate with her and pulling up with her bs

  12. So was William lying when he said she had hyperemesis in her second and third pregnancy and couldn’t attend functions?

  13. Diana started this whole business when she used a sperm donor.

  14. OH give me a break. Diana did not use sperm donors, and Kate was pregnant, if you see pictures of her during each pregnancy you can see the change in her face and neck.

    1. Completely agree. Her face had the very obvious pregnancy look.

  15. Well, sperm donor is a euphemism.

  16. i guess some of you (sunspirit and lauren) forget that ya girl kate waited for william for years b/c she knew he was affluent and had status in society.
    if that isn't money grabbing, then idk what else is! you don't get rich or end up in circles with the rich & elite by being passive & nice.

    1. +100000 nonyabusiness!

    2. Preach it girl. They use to call her Waity. And Pippa married for love??? Whatever

    3. Everyone knows that Carol Middleton was a huge Princess Diana fan. Yeah they called her waity Katie and what?! She’d of been vetted and scrutinised from day 1 by the Royal Family as soon as she came onto the scene. Kate knew what she was getting herself into. Why wait that long for someone unless you knew what was at the end of it. I do think William and Kate are more suited to each other than Harry and Meghan.

    4. And the Middletons are great for breeding! Keep that African blood out of the royal lineage right sunspirit?

  17. @Brayson87 it is not a tragedy at all that poor people have no access to surrogates. Poor people have too many children they can't take care of already. And no, I'm not looking down on poor people because there are also plenty of them who would like kids but realize the sad truth is that if they don't have the money to provide for it, the kid is moist likely going to have a shitty life.

    Anyway, no, I don't think it's creepy to use the same surrogate. I'd imagine it's a very rigorous screening process, especially if the royal family is involved. Having someone who already passed that and also has already done the job and is probably recommended by someone you trust would provide way more peace of mind than creep factor IMO.

  18. Every time a royal baby is born, cocaine dealers look forward can expect a new customer twelve or thirteen years down the road.

  19. Wish America would take MM back and keep her there forever. Every time I’ve seen her she looks so uncomfortable

  20. no, but it's creepy to put "information" about it on a gossip site.

  21. No way in hell Kate ever used surrogate so this site needs to stop lying. There are tons of proof that she was pregnant with all her children.Enough already.

  22. Who outside of Britain really cares what the inbred royals do? At least MM isn't related to the ginger. Maybe, she doesn't want to stretch out her vag so she can maintain a lil yachting on the side.

    If Brits cared as much about dental hygiene as they do about their precious royals... then they could actually integrate with the rest of society...

    1. If you educated yourself, I think you would find that a massively high number of Brits are anti the royal establishment. We hate that our taxes go towards their lifestyles. You really are incredibly ignorant.

    2. Then do something about it.... Americans can't solve ALL your problems.

    3. I don't think you realise that in comparison to your massive continent that our tiny island has over achieved all throughout history.....

  23. lol J F that's actually pretty funny but a great idea! There are plenty of medical apps pairing ppl with blood drawings/donors/clinical trials etc so why not those seeking surrogates?? You may have a million dollar idea there :)

    Also MM is like 37, the older you are the higher risk pregnancies are. Same reason Kim used a surrogate. If she is using one and doesn't want the public going after the surrogate like they did with Kim's & it's to protect the child then can't fault her for that.

  24. people suddenly have amnesia when you bring up that kate waited for william, but meghan gets w/ harry and she's suddenly a money grabbing whore.

    i wonder why that is?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. If Meghan has chosen to use a surrogate, then why the rush? Unlike a bio baby, the timing of a surrogate baby isn't limited by the mother's age. Meghan and Harry could easily wait a couple of years for their marriage to "take" before going down the surrogate route.

    IMO they got married too quickly anyway. Whether you like Markle or not, she seems terribly uncomfortable in her role and never seems to know what to do or what to wear. At least Waity Kaity had plenty of time to get used to all the rituals and be sure it was what she really wanted.

    Both Princess Charlene of Monaco and Princess Alexandra of Denmark reportedly tried to escape shortly after their weddings and had to be brought back from the airport by royal agents. It's hard enough for a civilian to learn to be a princess. Bringing some poor kid into it, surrogate or not, is cruel.

    1. Forcibly returned. Looks so glamourous on outside. Did they know they were signing up for indentured servitude???

      Their children are born luxurious slaves. Long live sovereignty. Good luck with that Meagan & Kate.

  27. sunspirit so it's ok that kate waited for william for his money and status but it's suddenly not ok for meghan to do the same thing? why is that?

  28. @nonya, you're fighting a losing battle here.

    10 years of a middle-class college girl with basically no past waiting for a prince and studying to be a princess is not really comparable to a divorced actress with a fun past marrying another prince after 18 months of a long-distance relationship.

    Love Markle or hate her, the two situations just aren't the same.

  29. In any other context... Kate would be considered an obsessed, whacko, Stalker.

  30. @Nutty_flavor the rush is the fact that once she spits out a royal grand-baby MM will be on a gravy train with biscuit wheels pretty much no matter what.

    1. "on a gravy train with biscuit wheels"
      This tickled me...LOL

  31. I fully believe that it's healthy for couples to wait a few years after marrying before introducing children, as you said to make sure it's a stable marriage to bring a kid into... however I've been told that couples over 30 move much more quickly. Since I'm a wee 20 something I don't feel that I can argue against that until I've hit that age myself haha

  32. Nobody's ever said Meghan Markle has fertility issues and she probably doesn't.

    I'm 42 and have never been pregnant because RESPONSIBLE but I've donated eggs and have 11 babies out there with my DNA in them. If I wanted to crack out a baby next week I'm sure it would be possible except children suck the life out of you so no way.

    My point is 37 is NOT that old and of course she never had prior children due to her career and her choices. There is no reason she can't have her own baby now and if she doesn't feel like living through the shittiness of pregnancy then fuck yeah hire a surrogate.

  33. @Hunter Sure, Meghan could certainly become pregnant at 37.

    Alexandra of Denmark had hers at 36 and 38. (The older one is now a Burberry model and pretty decent-looking. Google Nikolai of Denmark.)

    Alexandra, unfortunately, got dumped for a younger model and demoted from Princess to Countess.

  34. There's no doubt she could become pregnant at 37 - plenty of people have children into their 40s - I was just saying that I know the pregnancies are higher risk the older the mother is

  35. Too late, Sd Auntie - read up on George III's wife Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

    1. They need to infuse their line with African blood every few generations to keep the crazy & illness at bay.

  36. MM has some incredibly narrow hips. These woman have very difficult births. It may boil down simply to this.

  37. @Amy, What about the House of Lords part of parliament? That seems kind of messed up too. All appointed, do they actually do anything or just more figureheads collecting checks?

    1. I don't think they actually do anything of merit Brayson and in all honesty the British public aren't at all content with the old fashioned system we are still in use of. There is no other country that is obsessed with the class system as we are due to the fact the upper classes are still in control of most things.

  38. Thanks for the info@nutty flavor!

  39. @J F
    The Royals know they are OK by us as long as they bring in more tourist dollars than they cost.

    If and when I wanted rid of them I would not ask an American; no doubt you would shoot me in the head with an automatic weapon and claim self defense. Safe over her though, if it wasn't for your law changes in 2007 only 10% of you would have passports still.

  40. My sister got pregnant spontaneously at age 42. Meghan has time.

    Plus, this blind clearly isn’t about Meghan and Kate.

  41. Spontaneously? Like immaculate conception or tequila?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Kate used a surrogate? Absolute fucking bullshit!

  44. @Hunter: Meghan said she had fertility issues when she was with Trevor. She was told that, even with IVF it would be almost impossible to get pregnant. So now she’s many years older and much thinner so it’s very doubtful. Plus there have been many leaks about an impending birth next year. Nobody could possibly predict that unless she’s planning to use a surrogate.

  45. I don't think it is creepy at all.

    But they could adopt, which would be nice, too.

  46. @BestMan: If thin hips were the only issue, she could have a Cesarean.

  47. @Amy, Best damn language anyway, even you guys don't pronounce it correctly ;)

    Aluminum, say it! lol

    1. Brayson87, I have a London accent. We struggle with a lot of words! Even my Scottish grandparents think the English don't pronounce words properly.

  48. Spontaneous means an unassisted pregnancy, aka, pregnant “naturally”, but “natural” is offensive to people who use assisted reproductive techniques (who also have natural babies), so spontaneous is the word that is used.

  49. I dont think it is weird at all, the surrogate is just carrying the baby.
    I think the blind could be about Robbie Williams' new baby.
    But i dont normally guess as my guesses are are usually naff lol.

  50. If this is Meghan and Kate, I don’t think it would be weird to share the same surrogate. It probably cuts down on loads of paperwork at least. I think that Meghan’s baby bump is actually the angle of the ruffles on her dress.

  51. Not slogging through all this, but Kate was pregnant all three times. You can't fake ankle and facial puffiness, people!

    1. Thank you for saying this. I was so confused how nobody is really commenting this. She was so obviously pregnant

  52. @Nonyabusiness
    Maybe Kate was in love? They look pretty damn happy to me. So do Meghan and Harry. <3

  53. Wait I’m confused... I feel like Kate was definitely pregnant... she didn’t use a surrogate. Is that what people think???

  54. She took a break to Ireland to get it back together when they broke up. William actually chased Kate, initiated getting back together. Kate was pregnant with all 3 kids.
    MM and Harry are in love and for all we know Harry got hitched in Vegas when he was drunk and making an Ass out of himself.
    The past is the past,that's why the rearview mirror is smaller than the windshield.

    I actually thought Jay Z and Beyonce but does Jay have Sister?

  55. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I'm still trying to process how any thinking person can believe that a three-times-married Californian actress is royal, ie, 'related to Jesus'.

    1. Mary Magdalene???
      Those w/o sin, cast the first stone said y'alls Jesus, right?

  56. @Ringo
    That's one helluva imagination you've got there (ps. take your meds).

    You nearly made me pee my pants!:D

  57. There's no way Kate could fake a pregnancy, not with hundreds of staff surrounding her watching her every move. Besides the girl looked pregnant, bloating, weight gain in neck, chest, legs. This rumor started because Russian tabloids asserted that women could not walk, let alone look that good 48 hours after delivery!

  58. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I have to disagree. I believe Kate's second and third pregnancies were thru surrogate.
    She was violently ill with her first.
    It's a system that relies on appearances. Can they really afford to have her stuck in bed on an IV, for months at a time? What would be the long term effect on William, the other children, Kate herself, and public image?

    Staff would sign firm NDA's. No talking.
    Weight gain: Not difficult! Actors gain weight for roles; and the 'royals' are actors.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. How can you not like Meghan? SF Valley girl who attended Northwestern and made it in the TV industry. So she turned a few tricks along the way - big deal.

    She is the only one of the main group who has done anything on her own.

  61. nothing whatsoever wrong with surrogacy, i guess even when used for reasons only of vanity. Kate though never used a surrogate for any child, you can see many a pictures of her with a turkey neck bloated face from all 3 kids. Also she was still carrying baby weight at the wedding, you just know she would have been flat as a board even for that day for a killer outfit look. Also, think about it the royals would not risk the no.3,4,and 5 to the throne to another. THat one blind there is too much evidence to disprove.
