Saturday, September 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 18, 2017

This A list host all of you know was cheating on their spouse. They were so scared of being caught up in some kind of scandal though with what is going on the, host wrote an incredibly large check to keep things quiet and is now lovey dovey with the spouse again.



  1. Ugh, how is she still popular?

    1. Most have no idea because she gives money away to deserving folks constantly. YouTube is full of clips. She partners with Wal-Mart to boost their rep.

  2. I’ve never liked Ellen, very fakely compassionate, claims she cares about people but is really selective and unfair about whom she chooses to help, lives in lavish excess while acting like she’s somehow more down to earth than other rich people. Yeck. A consensual, agreed upon open marriage is fine imo, if everyone is healthy & happy, but cheating is just bullshit. Grow up and leave if you’re underwhelmed. Saddest part is, my first reaction was “well, this is extremely mild for show biz.”

    1. Unfair about who she helps?? She's not the government. She can use her money how she wants.

    2. Where did I say she couldn’t? Where exactly? She CAN do what she wants with her money, and I CAN have my opinion about whether or not she’s using it in a truly compassionate manner. What I’m talking about doesn’t just apply to Ellen. I’m sick of celebrities being touted as saints for their donations while still living in gross excess, when millions of people live in poverty, underpaid and uncared about. Lavish vacations, overpriced meals, luxury vehicles. Yeah, she’s “earned” her money, but the world is pretty messed up when it comes to what work is highly paid and what isn’t, and I firmly believe that if you claim to care about under privileged people while still walking around happy as can be in your Dior and Chanel and Gucci, then you’re not as compassionate as you want people to think. That designer outfit could pay for someone’s insulin or light bill. Obviously people should be allowed to indulge in their earnings but there comes a point when it is just absurd. There are people out here living paycheck to paycheck willing to give $5 out of their final $20 to a charity or a homeless person on the street, yet these celebs who have millions or billions of dollars occasionally dropping thousands or even millions in donations...yes it’s great, I’m sure some have accomplished great things, but that’s proportionally pocket change to some of them. Many, actually. If they can afford 7 cars they don’t need, they could actually use that money to build communities and help people more. It’s just an example of how things are messsd up.

    3. Well I'm not that into this fight but her money ..her choice..her life..and it has no effect on yours so refuckinglax

    4. I am relaxed, even enjoying a nice chamomile and honey...this is a gossip site...just an expression of an opinion no need to get upset over it, keep scrolling if you don’t want to read 💁🏼‍♀️

    5. While I agree that it's Ellen's money and she can spend it how she wants, I think Kit is right to a degree. There is disingenuousness about being charitable if you're giving pocket change to a cause when you can clearly afford to do more. Then being loud about it is even worse. People like Ellen have savvy tax accountants to ensure what she is giving goes through her businesses, which no doubt, they will find ways to recoup that money through taxes. For many of us, what we give comes from our paycheck. Even if I declare any charitable givings, I will receive little if any money back.

  3. I'm to this point now, so here it goes: Was it a consensual relationship with an adult? If so, then it's Ellen and Portia's business. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm all for some "normal" Hollywood gossip after the last 24 months.

  4. Ellen is a monster. Just as "Jesus Campos."

  5. Lots of people with narcissistic disorder use helping others to feed their desire for attention, etc. Not sure if that is the case with Ellen but better that she is helping people than not.

    1. It’s basically just Munchausen’s for rich people.

  6. @Kit Fawkes Wow, so who made you the arbiter about what gross excess is? Basically what you are saying is that you are pissed about people who have greater wealth than you and others for not falling into the socialist propaganda about the evils of capitalism and the joys of wealth distribution. If I've reached a point where I can afford to spend my money how I choose, then I get to choose. Not you. To some people internet and cell phones are a gross excess. How come you haven't given up yours to make the world a better place? I think it's because jealousy and not compassion is your ultimate driver.

    1. LOL you are missing my point entirely. For one thing, this is a gossip site and if you can’t handle someone having an opinion, maybe it’s YOU that should give up your phone. I never said people have to give up every single thing and live a life of poverty. I am saying the way the world is set up right now, it’s flawed and broken. I am saying too many have too much excess whole too many don’t have the bare minimum of what they need. There are too many hungry, sick, and uneducated people out there. If you really think that’s fine, then more power to you I guess. I think the wealth distribution is fully out of whack as well as what society values. I believe people have a right to their own possessions but I don’t believe rich people deserve recognition as “humanitarians” when people that work just as hard give proportionally more yet get no praise. If you don’t like my opinion you can spend your time reading something else! No skin off my nose

    2. These capitalist lovers will kiss the ass of this system until the rich have it all. They already have over half the money on Earth. Once AI and robots take all jobs, they really won’t need us.

    3. Omg kitfawks I completely understand what you are saying, you’re original comment was an observation on the sad state of the shallow world we live in, and these people made you explain further and are so missing the point. I never comment on these things, but I feel your pain. It’s like listening to a regular classroom read out loud.

  7. I don’t like her after i heard she forces people who work for her to adopt pets she has decided they should adopt. You should adopt when you have the desire to do so. It’s a big commitment and if you are not 100% in not good for the person or the animal.

  8. Who watches this filthy dyke anyway? The same hoveround housewives who warmed up the couch and busted out the Bon-Bons every day for "The Queen of Nice", I take it.

  9. I get what you're saying, Kit Fawkes.

  10. Ellen partners with Walmart???

    Sorry, but when Walmart moves into a community, small businesses go out of business, and poverty prevails. Plus, all that crap that gets returned.

    The Devos family pollutes the planet in unimaginable ways while getting rich off the backs of the poor.

  11. Just because Ellen donates money, that doesn't mean she's not a horrible cheating bitch of a spouse. Look at Slick Willie.

  12. @Kit Fawkes - yes.

  13. Ellen doesn't donate her OWN money. Not for the show give-aways in any case.

  14. To @Hortensia --- The DeVos family own Amway. The Waltons own Walmart.

  15. What I can't stand about Ellen is her sicko bullying cruelty in the form of "practical jokes" and scaring people. She gets such a kick out of seeing people jump because she scares them. So juvenile. She is a giant douchebag.

    Same kinda thing with her gameshow. About humiliating and scaring people. She thinks it is funny.

    That's a sociopath.



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