Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Blind Item #11

After two weeks of nice reports from a set where this A list actress/writer is working on a new project, I thought perhaps she had changed. Nope. While enjoying a very very expensive free perks complete with private jet flight, our writer/actress from multiple hit network shows complained about everything, including the size of the private jet and how few security this conglomerate assigned her for her free trip.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Wicked Witch of the West?

  3. I'm not kidding, the only way we'll know for sure is if someone pours water on that b!tch.

  4. I thought her to auntie but she was HBO-Montana must have it with tina Fey because there was a reveal about her diva ness

  5. I'm told she's very funny. Now I've never seen her be funny, but I have been absolutely assured that she is in fact funny.

    1. I've never actually seen her be funny either. Poehler is funny. Fey is not. I mean doing an impression of Sarah palin well should not be someones crowning achievement.

  6. MIndy Kaling? I can't imagine it, but, she's an actress writer with multiple hit shows

  7. When men behave this way, we don't even blink.

  8. in other news james franco has been publicly accused by actress of sexual assault. drudgereport

    1. Busy Phillips accuses him
      Of pushing her -not sure about the sexual assault

  9. I'm gonna say Fey based on the previous blind pegging her as a decorator's worse nightmare

  10. It's like that Lonely Island song:

    "I was filming a scene on Freaks and Geeks
    And Busy Philips walks up and hits me in the chest
    Bitch, I'm not gonna let you go hit me

    I threw her on the ground
    You must think I'm a joke
    I ain't gonna be part of your matriarchy
    Bitch, go hit on some other man's chest"

  11. Fey. The original mean girl.

  12. Fey did seven seasons of 30 Rock. You did not.

  13. Was she funny on that?

  14. Given the amount of GIFs still being taken from that show, that she created, the answer is yes.
    She also wrote Mean Girls, which is also still popular.

  15. Yes, Brayson, very funny on 30 Rock. She was very luck to have Alec Baldwin to bounce off of, however, and Scott Adsit.

    Her Letterman bits about her kids are also hilarious.

  16. Do 2 popular network shows equal "multiple hit network shows?" Doesn't Tina Fey only have SNL and 30 Rock?

  17. I do. I call them “assholes”.

  18. The blind doesn't look like it's about Tina Fey actually. There were never rumors about a diva behavior. Unless it's from a new "contributor" to the blinds, of course.
    And if it were about Mindy Kaling (The Office, The Mindy Project, and a third show that was cancelled after ten episodes), it would be about her relationship to BJ Novak or to the father of her child.
    Which leaves recent target Amy Poehler (SNL, Parks and Recreation) as the third and final actress and writer on network shows. She's been targeted a couple of times here lately. A few years ago, however, she was the victim, while Will Arnett was the bad guy.

    And it also speaks volume that it's almost impossible to find a fourth name of an actress who is also a writer on network television.

  19. Kate mckinnon is brilliant!! Her impressions are spot on!!

  20. Who does she impress?

  21. If Angela has parachuted in to tell us it's not Tina Fey, then it is most certainly Tina Fey. Law of Inversion!

  22. You see, bitches, I'm old enough to remember the old site, where the blind items were all about Alec Baldwin and his diva behavior on the set or 30 Rock, or about Tracy Morgan and his irresponsible behavior, while Fey acted as the voice of reason for the cast.

    But, hey, one of you is the "registered Democrat", so the liar may be able to spot another liar...

  23. Thanks for confirming it's Tina Fey!

  24. *fingere in ears* Refuse to believe fey or poehler!

  25. Thanks for ignoring me!

  26. Hey, you're not nearly as pretentiously long winded as you were Angela the dude! And anytime I can show up the satanic types and reveal their Law of Inversion principle, it's a win-win. Knowhutimean, Angela the dude?

    Tina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina FeyTina Fey Tina Fey Tina Fey

    Thought she was going to win the Oscar for "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

    I did actually like her in "30 Rock." Though it wasn't even the best show on Thursday night.

  27. Louis c k buddy Amy Poehler?

  28. Hello Tina. Looks like we now know who was sending in all the 30 rock blinds back in the day, not that Baldwin isn't a mega diva douche.

  29. Glad to hear that I must be seriously deranged for having a female name as an alias while I am a dude.

    Also, I must add that I am French, that I could lose a good 10 or 15 lb. even if I'm tall and that I have large ears.

  30. I detest those catering to these schmucks more than the stuck up bitches taking the perks.

  31. This doesn't even sound that bitchy. Shit. It ain't like she is complaining about a charity not doing enough for her, it's a fucking network, worse, a "conglomerate".

    Bitch away!
