Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Blind Item #14

After crashing and burning an entire network show to the ground with her behind the scenes thirst maneuvers, this former A-/B+ list actress who was in a huge franchise cannot get work. None. It has been almost three years and she is just now getting some solo red carpet invitations. She ruined her career in glorious fashion.


  1. Agree on Nikki Reed guess.

  2. Chevy Chase.
    (I KID! j/k)

  3. I'm thinking of her and the show she did briefly with Robin Williams about 3 years ago right before he died.

    1. Was Scooby Doo a huge franchise, though?

  4. not the only one not getting work.

  5. I love when entertainment careers collapse.

  6. What did she/this actress do that got her blacklisted?

  7. I guess being a straight up bitch who killed a show glue. Cost studio lots of money.

  8. Is this lea Michele?

  9. how can someone (Nikki Reed) be A-/B+ if I've literally never heard of her?

  10. Nina Dobrev left Vampire Diaries in 2015. The show was cancelled the next year.

  11. Nikki was in Twilight & then married the guy from Vampire Diaries.

    How did she tie into Ian & Nina's breakup? I know that's why Nina left TVD & then it got cancelled after her departure (burned to the ground)

    1. I think Nina left because Nikki didn’t want she and Ian to do any scenes together... kinda hard when they were dating on the show and main characters

  12. Also Nina Dobrev said she always wanted to be a famous movie actress and not a tv actress....Now she cant find work and nobody remembers her.

  13. It's not Nikki reed, because who the hell is Nikki Reed..lol I doubt it Sarah Michelle Gellar although the network it probably would have been Buffy. I don't think Nina Dobrev is a minus B plus.

  14. I also guessed Nikki Reed at first, but neither the year the last Twilight movie came out nor the year Sleepy Hollow was cancelled fit the "almost three years" clue. It may be Nina Dobrev!

  15. Nina Dobrev wasn't in any huge franchise though, was she?

  16. @Sansa Nina was in The Vampire Diaries which now has 2 spin offs so that might qualify in the TV world as a huge franchise.

    I feel like Glorious Fashion is a clue. Nikki has her own jewelry line. I know Nina has done some repping for athletic brands but is there anything else?

  17. Nikki’ was on Sleepy Hollow from 2015-2106 I believe.
    It ended the next year.
    Nina /VD was almost Network(CW)

  18. Who is Nikki reed?

  19. How about Shailene Woodley?

  20. Agree with Nikki Reed. Nicole Beharie left Sleepy Hollow and I think it was because of Nikki Reed.

  21. Nikki Reed is one of the vampires from the Twilight series.

  22. Nina's shot at movie stardom literally flat lined with the Flatliners flop. She can't carry a movie or put asses in seats.

  23. Nina has a new tv show this fall.

  24. Oh I actually know this one.
    Actress: Stana Katic
    Show: Castle

    She was horrible and was rightfully blacklisted.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Nathan, is that you? ;)

  25. My first thought was Lea Michele, but that might be that I think she’s vile. I really liked Cory, and her awfulness after he passed was despicable.

  26. I still think it's Reed and "Sleepy Hollow" although she wasn't the only one at fault. The show runner(s) tried to shoe horn her into the show in a way that made no sense. She had no chemistry with Tom Mison and fans stayed away in droves.

    Stana Katic(sp) and Filion hated each other so there was only so far that show could go. That was not the case with "Sleepy Hollow"

  27. Anonymous10:42 PM

    The network show is Sleepy Hollow. The huge franchise is Twilight. Nikki Reed.

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Also it's been almost 3 years since she left Sleepy Hollow, he's not referring to the show cancellation.

  28. Of course you do, J. Ineffectual "males" often take pleasure in the misfortune of others. It makes you feel better about being a failure..

  29. Ninas in a new TV show called Fam and has two films coming out, Nikki Reid has nothing on IMDB since 2016 - has to be Nikki!

  30. If she hadn't been in "Dietland," I would have said Julianna Margulies. --I guess I'm just still mad that the show is over. Hahah!

  31. I am going to go for Ashley Greene but Nikki reed is probably the correct answer

  32. Nikki fits best but I would point out that she gave birth in 2017 so it is not unexpected that she worked less.

  33. Not Stana Katic as she has Absentia which has been renewed for S02 in 2019. Excellent show, one of my favorites from 2017.

  34. Oh, Nikki was so very bad in a show that had quite a few godawfully dreadful "actors" (and some great actors). She couldn't say a line like she understood it -- and that show was not exactly rocket science. She couldn't seem as if she had an iota of feeling of any kind whatsoever, to even the slightest degree. Oh, she was so bad that I still hate her for it. There was one other actress that was that bad, whom I have fortunately been able to blank from my mind. Even the main girl they got in the last season grew on me, and I always liked the (Australian? New Zealand?) woman who played his wife.

  35. Speaking of Stana Katic, what the heck was going on with her and Fillion?


  36. Nikki Reed was harassing Reese with her Spoon
