Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee went through an interview of carefully planned tough questions with even more carefully planned explanations. I don't know why he and his actress wife are still afraid to have their dirty laundry aired when everyone already knows most of it.


  1. Or Will/Jada

  2. Will/Jada on her fb show that I’ll never watch

  3. Agree with will and Jada. I tried to listen to that crap show she has and it was horrible. I feel bad for Will’s first wife and the things he said.

  4. These two never stop with intimate details of their lives. Jada is the worst.

  5. “I don't know why he and his actress wife are still afraid to have their dirty laundry aired when everyone already knows most of it.”

    Uhm, maybe because being “the one rapper who doesn’t cuss” is his business model and his whole career depends on being a goody two-shoes? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. Jada reveals gross intimate details of their nonexistent sex life and draws the children into the discussion. All to divert attention from reality.

  7. I thought this was how every interview functioned nowadays, as unscripted as reality tv.

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Will and Jada. They are trying to cover their real lifestyle by outing themselves as having a smarmy fake lifestyle. Anything is better than being outed as a gay or bi male in Hollywood...even in 2018.

  9. Umm, bcoz dirty laundry needs to be cleaned and not aired. If its aired it will start to smell and everyone will know its dirty, so better to clean than air it!

  10. When did Will Smith or Travolta win Oscars?

  11. The blind says winner/nominee and Smith was nominated for Ali and Travolta for Pulp Fiction and Saturday Night Fever.

  12. A better question would be why this permanent A list mostly movie actor and his actress wife thinks anybody cares about their dirty laundry and all the goofy ways they describe their relationship. Get over yourselves- you’re not that interesting.

  13. The blind is definitely about Will and Jada and I do like the Smiths. BUT I think it is hypocritical for Jada and Will to NOT discuss their BISEXUALITY. Jada and Will are not straight. A few years ago the tabloids wrote about Will having a same sex relationship with a C list actor Duane Martin. Will and Jada never sued the tabloids for the stories they covered. Unfortunately, I can understand WHY Will and Jada are reticent to do discuss their BISEXUALITY. Remember the African American community are VERY HOMOPHOBIC.
