Friday, November 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

March 6, 2018

In the past, I wrote about this permanent A list couple and the surrogate factory they own. Despite the millions they have made from show business, they make much more money owning this factory. Now, they have a new business. Women who don't want to carry babies, but still want to make money sell their uterus. The clients so far are very wealthy Europeans and Russians who either are too old to have babies or have some other fertility problem. Our permanent A list couples charge ten times what they do for a surrogacy, however, the "donor," rarely makes more than $500-1000 for the surgery and there is no followup care after they are discharged from the hospital.

Beyonce/Jay Z


Brayson87 said...

Are we talking about uterus transplants here? Is that even a thing?

- said...


Thia said...

@Brayson - it is. I just googled. The first successful one in the US was in 2017.

Brayson87 said...

I guess so, but their tech has definitely got to be ahead of the curve.

sandybrook said...

Not only are they the owners, theyre clients too just like that men's hairclub b.s.

- said...

These kinds of blinds are gross. I want more of the run of the mill coke binge type shizzle, ya feel me, homes?

Unknown said... much as I despise the camle-faced ex-drug dealer/killer and his borderline mentally retarded bot-wife, I'm finding this whole uterus business a little too far fetched, to be believable.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Thia, highly expensive and high risk, right up the black market's alley

IanPhlegming said...

Jay-Z is so ugly and uncharismatic, the only way he got to the top was playing brown bullseye recipient for some powerful and manipulative people.

Krab said...

This blind was stupid the last time he posted it.

Brayson87 said...

@DDonna, that's the real rap game, making hit deals bent over a desk.

Sd Auntie said...

Not buying this one

Og said...

I agree, these blinds while I dont rule anything out just seem crazy. And if your invovled in something like this I would think very few people know

Leanne Norman said...

It's this kind if made up rubbish that casts doubt on your more credible blinds. You should have just stuck to surrogacy factory but you always have to go too far for shock value.

guessinggame123 said...

With these two I'll buy pretty much anything that is being said. They have no limits to what they will do for money/ being relevant by boasting about their power and riches even though they couldn't sell out a concert in ages. No wonder they are pimping out their marriage, "fake marriage problems", family life and whatever they can to maintain the spotlight. This isn't that far fetched when you think of how many questionable things they have had to do/ hide to get to where they are today.

Krab said...

Yeah, it's pretty far fetched from a medical standpoint. Not as bad as the shot that gives you cancer--that was the stupidest blind of all time. Hey Enty, gonna reveal that one?

So many ridiculous blinds this year.

Brayson87 said...

@Krab, what about carcinogens? Pretty sure they're real.

noun: carcinogen; plural noun: carcinogens

a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

Krab said...

You can't inject them into someone and then they develop cancer immediately and die which was the blind. That's not how it works.

KittensRUs said...

All of that to have a baby. I've spent most of my adult life being relieved that I got my tubes tied and was safe from it.

plot said...

Bullshit, and I think the Carters are trash on the whole.


"Jay-Z is so ugly and uncharismatic, the only way he got to the top was playing brown bullseye recipient for some powerful and manipulative people."

Jay-Z was a tremendous rapper, packed with charisma, many years ago. I suggest you listen to his older music before making your pronouncement on his talents.

BTW, there are tons of unattractive rappers, which I find refreshing as an alternative to other music scenes. It's a badge of honor in Rap that talent wins out over beauty. Whether it's true or not, this is one of the ways Rap stays "pure" as opposed to "manufactured". Could be delusional, that theory, but it's one rap artists cling to.

Brayson87 said...

@Krab, If they're toxic or radioactive enough they can do that. Although those type of substances are usually detectable.

You can also transplant cancer cells collected from tumors through an injection, but that takes a lot of other factors to make them viable. Much easier to fake a heart attack.

But my point is that the concept is not that out there.

plot said...


Even cancer cells have to be kept in particular conditions (also, cancer cells still maintain our personal dna which is automatically killed without anti-rejection drugs in another person.) They can't travel in a syringe all over the country to inject into enemies, as the original BI claimed in the form of a Nurse of Death just showing up and delivering shots of cancer where ever she pleased.

Guesser said...

This of course makes no sense,I think this is deliberate fake to have deniability for real blinds.

MDAnderson said...

That’s not how any of this works!! Greys anatomy wouldn’t even touch this as a storyline.

IanPhlegming said...

Anybody who doesn't think multiple global governments have developed cancer-causing biowarfare technology than can be delivered on an individual basis is either a naive fool or disinformation agent.

Jay-Z was over-rated from Day One. He had a couple decent tracks, but he's far more responsible for the rapid degeneration of the rap genre than any quality music he put out. One of the most over-rated "artists" of the past 20 years.

plot said...


I'm a fool or an agent of disinformation?

It's socially and psychologically beneficial to doubt, no matter what cults and conspiracy theorists say.

drkdragon777 said...

This is just as asinine as the 1st time it was posted. This isn't even anatomically possible, as was pointed out the 1st time it was posted

hunter said...

I don't understand why you guys are so determined to say it IS true or ISN:T true.

Why not just "possible" true? That is how I look at some of these. Open your damn minds.

Melanie said...

I think its true

plot said...


Because uterus implantation has happened exactly TWICE with successful results. It is still not known if the anti-rejection drugs will have an effect on the fetus or the children, long term or short term.

There is exactly ONE transplant surgery that has become routine enough for regular clinics everywhere to perform it - kidneys. Everything else requires the participation of major medical centers and large teams of doctors (wait, maybe not retinas but I don't know much there.)

So how the fuck are The Carters going to assemble a world class team of doctors in some secret location for factory style uterus removals and transplants? When highly trained surgeons in that particular field can make millions without any legal hassle, anywhere in the world? Not a fucking chance.

MDAnderson said...

Because medically this doesn’t make any damn sense at all. Love the quasi racist is telling people to open their minds. Thanks for the laugh.

Unknown said...

Any fucking body can talk,BULLSHIT - there is no such thing as a talented rapper,only how far one is willing to sink for stardom.

Brayson87 said...

@Plot, you answered your own skepticism, one of the factors is how to keep the body from rejecting the new cells, anti-rejection drugs might be one way. I didn't say it was easy just that it was possible. Yeesh, anyone with any kind of transplant would already be on those drugs.

Mary Lamb said...

They have black market surrogate farms all over the world. Black market uterine transplants ARE a thing. It was either FrontLine or NOVA (or some such) where it was examined.
The first page on google is worth shit. You have to know what you're looking for.
Just like any other procedure, like liver and kidney transplants, it will be exploited and done on the black market (where there are no set laws or the govt looks the other way $) with no care to the donor post surgery. Wake up.
I find this blind completely plausible.

Exactly. The recipient would have the best medical care possible and have anti-rejection drugs in place. In India, for example, the donor makes pits but the recipient pays a ton of rupees, or whatever.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't make sense. Uterine transplants only help women who are either born without a uterus, who have a damaged uterus, or who have had the uterus removed surgically. Older women don't have problems getting pregnant because of the uterus-it is egg quality that decreases over time. So unless they are removing the ovaries and fallopian tubes, too, it wouldn't help older women. I did a quick search in the medical journals and nothing I read there said anything about transplanting ovaries, too, which makes sense because those are tiny, delicate organs that are easily damaged.

Fifi LaRue said...

Someone had too much tryptophan yesterday, or is off their Multiple Personality Disorder pills.
It's unbecoming to argue with multiple selves.
(Your syntax gives you away!)

Mango said...

I believe the Carters are capable of just about anything, but I don’t think they doing this.

plot said...


You are going to have to find a link to that Frontline or Nova if you make that claim.

Mary Lamb said...

@ Plot
I don't have to do anything. If you choose to research, that's your business.
I don't talk shit. If it's being done legitimately, it's been and is being done in countries where 'doctors' and 'proprietors' can do so, for large amounts of money, for a lot longer than doctors working where they have guidelines and scrutiny to adhere to.

luckythewondercat said...

My understanding of "sell their uterus" is they are willing to carry the baby so the client does not have to gain weight, have morning sickness,etc.

plot said...


"I don't have to do anything."

No you do not. Likewise, I don't have to believe there was ever any Frontline or Nova on the subject of the black market in uterus transplants.

"I don't talk shit."

Only one way to prove that - show us the uterus transplant story and how a black market has grown around it...WHEN ONLY TWO UTERUS TRANSPLANTS IN THE WHOLE WORLD HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN SUCCESSFUL!

plot said...


THAT I would believe of the Carters. If they are running a private service for super secret celebrity surrogates, that would be somewhat believable enough to talk about.

This uterus shit is nonsense.

Mary Lamb said...

"Only one way to prove that..."
You sound like a child.
As I said above, I don't know if it was PBS, the Science channel, natgeo or whatever but I do watch NOVA and FRONTLINE whenever possible.
It was a show about black market transplants of all kinds, black market baby 'mills' and yes, it touched on surrogates and womb/uterine transplants.
It was a few years ago or so and I'm not about to spend my time proving shit to you.
They've been successful only recently in the MEDICAL community where they have to conform to ethical, governmental and clinical guidelines but that doesn't mean that they aren't doing it, or attempting to, in chopshops in India and elsewhere. At quick glance, as far back as 2012, Swedish doctors were successful in two transplants.
Try wikipedia's references, or, you could shove your defamation up your ass.

Habibti said...

These 2 are disgusting animals. So greedy and horrible.

plot said...

Again, mary, these transplants will have to prove generally successful in the regulated market before they are successful in the black market. As yet, they are not. Added, uterus transplants are not generally needed in the way kidney transplants are, or even heart transplants. The profitability of a black market source would be extremely low.

Are you saying that black markets are not run on on the idea of maximum profit to fulfill an overwhelming need?

Anna said...

From National Womens Health here in DC:

"The procedure is still very new, however, and there have been a total of only 16 women globally who have undergone the surgery. The first U.S women successfully gave birth with a uterus transplant in November 2017. There have been eight other babies born to women who had uterus transplants, all in Sweden.
What has been reported about the procedure is:

The process is complicated and has considerable risks for both recipients and donors.
Some dangerous factors include potential organ rejection and surgery risks
The pregnancies that have been successful were high risk
The transplants are still in the experimental stage. Current transplants have been covered by research funding.
If the surgery becomes part of medical practice, it will probably cost hundreds of thousands of dollars."

loonalooneylovegood said...

I just want to say I started a Google account just to say this is on the Breitbart level of crazy. Seriously? You think they have that kind of time? It ain't that lucrative of a market. Honestly.

plot said...

Thanks Anna!


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