Saturday, March 24, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item

Which former tweeners turned successful adult singers hate each other so much that at that big political event tomorrow their PR people were ordered not to make them do any photo ops together? They have hated each other ever since their tweener days when they both worked for the same network. Even if they end up doing photo ops together, it will look very forced and staged

Blind Item #9

There is a movie filming in New Orleans right now that no one will see. I mean, I am saying that because it looks like crap although it is about a permanent A list rock band. Anyway, one of the actresses in it that no one has heard of probably until this blind was in a show last year about porn no one watched. Well, except for one sheikh. He loved it. He saw her filming in town and had an intermediary offer her $50K for one night of sex. Now, that is more money than she has earned in the past several years combined from acting, so of course she was interested. She says she went by the house on St. Charles and then something scared her about the house and she walked away. She said it had an evil vibe. She went home and Googled the house and she found the blind about the house and this is where it gets freaky. About ten minutes after her Google search, someone from the sheikh called and said he didn't think green would be a good color for her to wear. That was the color she was wearing right then. She turned off the phone for two days and used a burner phone for filming. When she turned back on her phone, she expected to see a bunch of missed calls or texts. Nope. Her phone had been scrubbed of all conversations with the sheikh and his people. It was like it never existed. She thought she was losing her mind but remembered she sent a copy of the message containing the address she was sent to a friend. That friend still had that one message. For now.

Blind Item #8

With no go between now, this foreign born former A+ list boy bander is having to meet with his dealer personally. Hey, at least it gets him outdoors in the daylight.

Blind Item #7

I really don't understand this A list reality star with a lucrative side gig. Whenever her boyfriends cheat on her, she buys THEM a present to try and get them to stay. She did it again this week. 

Blind Item #6

Look for this former foreign leader to end up dead. He skimmed a lot of the money he was in charge of finding for the Church. With all his connections to the former colonies of his country, he was the point person. Now, he is going to start naming names and that won't be allowed. Notice how nothing has been written or any sign seen of that missing US government employee I wrote about last month. A flurry of stories in the press and then radio silence. Not a peep. The Church at work.

Blind Item #5

A certain elected law enforcement officer has been in the news very recently.  Several years ago, during an election, a video appeared, in which a girl claimed that she had an underage affair with this officer / candidate. It was quickly revealed that an associate of the political opponent had paid for the video and hired an actress.  The officer / candidate never sued that associate.  There was a real story which he didn't want to have come out.  

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 17, 2018

This former A list reality star who went from ensemble show to her own show and even a movie or two says she now has 24/7 armed security roaming her yard because she fears her ex is going to try and kill her.

Audrina Patridge

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 16, 2018

The quiet brother in this acting family was at it again. The A/A- list mostly movie actor who all of you know dropped $50K last weekend at a strip club in NYC. He spent the vast majority of it on one dancer.

Luke Wilson

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 16, 2018

Why yes, that was this more than two named A- list actor/host all of you know from multiple hit television shows and even a movie franchise cuddling up to a person at a dinner that was most definitely not his significant other.

Neil Patrick Harris

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 16, 2018

Speaking of porn stars, which I have been doing a lot of the past week or so to try and figure out if any of the five recent deaths are connected, we have the answer to one of the deaths in #9. The answer to a second porn star death is that one of the doctors prescribing her pills was also sleeping with her and very jealous. When she went away to rehab and got clean, she had no use for him and met someone in rehab she was falling in love with. When she got out of rehab, he showed up at her door the first day with a bottle of pills and some wine. He also had a big stack of cash. She had not been able to work for some time and needed the money. He said he would give it to her if he she had some wine with him. She agreed and then she mixed some pills with it. He stayed with her for three days. He finally had to leave to go to work and she escaped to rehab. Apparently she took the bottle of pills with her and one night took them all and died.

Olivia Lua

Blind Item #4

This former A- list tween actress turned not get much work celebrity turned B+ list adult actress turned, everyone from a certain age still remembers me as my character but I can't get work is cheating on her soon to be husband.

Blind Item #3

Lost is apparently the new code word for when you hand over some collateral for coke when you don't have cash. Then, you get so wasted you forget you did it and don't know how to contact the drug dealer to get your collateral back. So, sayeth this former A list reality star all of you know.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is in a relationship and apparently has been dragged into the superhero world was shooting just a bit outside LA this week and was asking people in a strip mall where the massage place was located. The massage place being the rub and tug variety.

Blind Item #1

Is Rock Hawk Jayhawk a one season wonder? Well, this former one year wonder willingly hooked up with a producer to land a reality show for herself. She didn't think her celebrity boyfriend would find out. Apparently though, she accidentally sent a selfie of herself in the hotel room where it happened and the s**t hit the fan so to speak. Now, no more relationship.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Blind Item #15

This married former A++ list politician that everyone on earth knows is having an affair with a staffer of his who used to be a production assistant on a morning news show. The woman, does not actually appear to do any work, but is listed as a staffer. 

Blind Item #14

This former B list mostly television actress with an alliteration for her name told her ex she was unable to get pregnant, so this should all be very interesting the next year.

Blind Item #13

This new this season network show features two married leads who are also married to each other on the show. If this show goes longer than another season, they will end up becoming a public real life couple. Right now, it is just behind the scenes.

Blind Item #12

There has been a director sighting. In Hawaii working with one of his old bosses/handlers who has been comforting the director with college students from the university where he "mentors" some of them. Apparently he only mentors young gay men.

Blind Item #11

Missing from a recent red carpet she was supposed to attend was this pint sized reality star. Her marriage is on the rocks and any time apart will bring it to a quick end. 

Blind Item #10

This former tweener actress who had her own show now is so desperate she has lowered her appearance fee to $2500 and still can barely get booked. She spends more on clothes and makeup and hair than she is earning for each booking.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A+ list singer has picked up a huge paycheck while throwing some subtle shade at this foreign born A list singer who once slept with the A+ list singer's husband.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 16, 2018

This foreign born initialed last name A-/B+ list singer/songwriter says she is not apologizing for using the N word and will say it when she wants.

Charli XCX

Four For Friday - The Jacuzzi

There were all kinds of areas for couples to get together in this club, but there was one certain Jacuzzi that was the sole domain of this permanent A list actor/singer/entertainer. He would go to Studio 54 for a few hours and find some women to hook up with and to score some coke. If they wanted some of that coke, they would have to leave the club with him and go to a sex club. They would then be taken to his special Jacuzzi. He wouldn't allow them to talk to other men. They all had to stay in the Jacuzzi with him. He would make the women get naked and have sex with each other while he watched. If he didn't think they were trying, or just out for his coke, he would kick them out of the tub, naked and have them escorted by security out of the area. He wouldn't let them retrieve their clothes. More than one of those women was raped or sexually assaulted on her way out of the sex club. He didn't care.

He would keep the women with him for hours and hours as he became more and more drunk and more and more demanding. He loved humiliating them and night after night he would do the same thing with a different group of women. This went on for almost a year straight. Whenever someone says that he was a great guy, I remember how bad he treated all these women and how many had to take a cab in the middle of a NYC winter wearing nothing but a robe because they didn't like the way they had been treated.

Your Turn

Do you or have you ever had a streak of nights where you suddenly woke up and looked at the clock and it was the same time three or four nights in a row. It has happened to me this week three straight nights varying by a minute one way or the other. I am wondering if this has happened to any of you.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 16, 2018

This former A+ list politician who is running again for yet another position he has not held before is trying like crazy to keep his name out of the fact that he is now at least partly responsible for the two largest toy chains in the US to go under and this time around 33K jobs.

Mitt Romney/US Senate/Toys R Us & KB Toys

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. Hedge

March 15, 2018

This company saw their stock tank after causing a mighty controversy.  The company somehow didn't screen out an advertisement, which made fun of a very high profile domestic violence incident involving a major celebrity.  The celebrity was understandably enraged upon learning of this - and responded by urging a boycott of the company. Others have piled on as well.

Was this simply an unlucky accident for this company?

Alternatively, was the cash-guzzling, thirsty company simply desperate for more revenues, and purposefully lax on its advertising content filters?

Snapchat/Rihanna/Domestic abuse ad

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 15, 2018

This wife beater, abuser, former A lister at least is honest that his relationship with his girlfriend is based on money and how much he pays her to be with him. I guess she is young enough to kick his ass if he tries to hit her. Maybe he should try to apologize to his offspring for beating their mother.

Don McLean/Paris Dylan

Blind Item #8

You know what? Missing from that self fellating article that this artist wrote about himself where he basically said he is a victim and misunderstood and that critics suck is that he is an awful human being. Well, let me tell you a different set of facts. You had a child star doing what was really her first transition to being an actress as a career. She had always been on the edge and figured this was a good place to start. My feeling about this film in relation to her is that it changed how she saw acting and Hollywood and has affected her for two decades. At the beginning she was this loving person who was full of life and after the film was over, she was 180 from that. He treated her like crap. He verbally abused her. He threatened her everyday to fire her if she ate any food. He would scream at her because she wouldn't sleep with him. Even after the movie ended, he would call her and scream at her. When he was editing the movie he would call and yell at her and tell her to lose more weight. I feel like he scarred her for life.

Blind Item #7

So, this for right now A list rapper is sticking with her guy because she loves him and she is pregnant with his baby. Yes, she is sticking with him even though his ex is going to have his baby any day now and another ex is set to have a baby with him in the next month and he has I believe three other children with three other women. But yeah, this time is love. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 15, 2018

Apparently, that new organ is not working so well for that A-/B+ lister because of the abuse it has taken and she may actually need a replacement for the replacement. How about just changing your life rather than getting ones that other people would love to have and cherish.

Selena Gomez

Blind Item #6

This A-/B+ list actress singer who all of you know is on vacation right now. It was supposed to be with her boyfriend but he bailed once his wife found out about the affair he was having with the actress/singer. Our actress/singer had no idea. She has the worst radar when it comes to picking guys.

Blind Item #5

Apparently there is video of this one named singer/actress/reality star doing drugs and talking about how she only has sex with guys for money. It is not a good look. This is what happens when you start throwing shade at relatives who have access to the recordings. 

Blind Item #4

This A list director is trying to throw his A list ex under the bus because he blames her drinking for their most recent movie together being a bomb. He thinks it was all her fault.

Blind Item #3

This one named A- list producer/rapper who is out of the country spent a night this week in a country where the age of consent is 15. He spent a ton of money to keep as many 15 year olds coming to him as possible. The guy makes me sick. He will probably end up moving there.

Blind Item #2

This B/B- list rapper/producer has been going through some rough times as of late. He has been suffering from depression and can't stop taking PCP. This is not a good combination. He needs some professional help, but no one can find him. He is going to end up killing himself or others unless he gets help.

Blind Item #1

This C list actor/celebrity many of you know. You might not know his name, but you would know him as the soon to be ex of this A-/B+ list singer/actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He likes to make it look like he is trying to find work, but he just does it for show. He wants the big payday from the ex which is fine and all because that's the way life works, but it isn't like he couldn't make a ton on his own with his background and it is just sad to watch.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A- list mostly movie actor who all of you know despite the fact he has not worked in years tried to get the tabloids to do what they do and write a story about him. They were up for it until he said that he wanted to look good and his acting brother to look bad. The tabloids think the brother is a bigger star so won't cross him. 

Blind Item #14

This A- list celebrity offspring is acting free and loose, but he is about to have to pay a massive chunk of his fortune away and has no prospects for earning more money on the horizon.

Blind Item #13

This A-/B+ list foreign born mostly television actress has a new network show. She wasn't sure if she would get another great part after she turned down this married A- list mostly television actor who stars on this hit pay cable show.

Blind Item #12

This B+ list mostly television actor on a very hit, very long running network show has a girlfriend, but it didn't stop him from hooking up with this A- list male reality star who is having a very big television year.

Blind Item #11

This A- list mostly movie actress has been seeing another guy for a year. Yes, I know she is technically still married, but that has been done and gone, despite what her actor husband does to try and keep it together.

Blind Item #10

Apparently this A list mostly movie actor who is a superhero is not concerned about what his now ex who also used to be an ex is going to spill about his crazy sex life and living arrangements. Even as much as she wanted to be with him, the actress just couldn't handle it any longer. She is a talker though so I hope she didn't sign anything.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actor has a title in his home country. He shared a story last night about an incident that happened to him many years ago. He was doing a play and the stage manager walked in on the actor having sex with a co-star. The co-star was bent over with coke all over his back. Our actor looked at the stage manager and said either join in or get out. The stage manager got out.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 15, 2018

This daytime talk show host better get back to work quickly because producers have noticed audience reaction and the higher ratings with her replacement.

Wendy Williams/Jerry O'Connell

Today's Blind Items - Night Of Horrors

He was there not as an actor that night. He was there as a producer. There was the Academy Awards. All of you know him. Everyone knew him then and this was back in the day. He comes from an acting family. Depending on the generation in which you lived, it is arguable who was the biggest star in the family. What the family members have in common is a history of serial abuse. That particular Oscar year, our producer/actor got some drugs from Dr. Feelgood at the Playboy Mansion. About 40 minutes before the show he ran into a female seat filler who was headed inside. He stopped her and chatted her up and offered a drink to her. She accepted. That was a really bad decision on her part. Apparently our producer/actor also drugged this at the time A- list mostly movie actress who was a nominee that year.

During the show, our producer/actor kept tabs on the seat filler. When she started staggering, our actor jumped in to help her out. She says she woke up in the electric company parking lot with her dress around her waist. She had been raped by our producer/actor. Meanwhile, our A- list nominated actress was also in trouble. She was about to pass out even though her award was about to be announced. If she had won that year, she would never have made it to the stage. After the end of the show, our producer/actor made sure to take special care of the actress because she seemed out of it. She says that between the end of the show and the dinner, our producer/actor raped her.

She has never gone out with a man since.

Your Turn

What is your beverage of choice to get you through the day.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 15, 2018

I think what caught everyone surprised by this very recent A list rapper's big news is that until at least a month ago she was partying really hard still and even did a night of drinking shots until she passed out.

Cardi B

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 14, 2018

This A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family made short work of an interview when the first question was about someone in his acting family. The actor got up and walked out.

Dave Franco/James Franco

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 14, 2018

A little tension this week at a party when our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress ran into this A+ list reality star. Apparently the reality star blames the singer/actress for getting a family member hooked on drugs and made that clear at the event.

Rita Ora/Kim Kardashian/Rob Kardashian

Blind Item #8

This former A+ list mostly television actor is probably A/A- list right now. Middling almost television show. At a recent big annual event, there was a party and our married actor continued to show why he is such a tool. At the insistence of a permanent A list entertainment legend/mogul, our actor made out with one stripper while another orally serviced him all the while surrounded by other guys clapping and cheering. 

Blind Item #7

Earlier I told you about an actress who hates doing product placement photos. Well, quite the opposite for this former A list athlete in her corner of the entertainment world. She has always been about commercials and ads because being in front of the camera artificially inflated her career success. Anyway, two weeks ago, while taking time out from her fake relationship, she hung out in a studio with different sets designed to look like different rooms in a house. For six hours she changed clothes and rooms and took pictures with one product after the next just piling up cash.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 14, 2018

Apparently this former A list rockstar spoke to this B+ list singer on the phone right after a soundcheck on that last afternoon of his life. The singer says she accidentally recorded the 20 minute phone call because she had been taking videos at the time of the call. She only noticed about three weeks ago and she says it answers some questions, but also opens up a bunch more.

Chris Cornell/Taylor Momsen (What's interesting to me is he could have probably spoken to her in person that afternoon rather than on the phone. Why did he do that?)

Blind Item #6

This actress I guarantee you have never heard of is foreign born. Interestingly enough she is from the same country as an actress many of you know from bad publicity but probably have never seen anything she has been in unless you have Googled simply out of curiosity. None of you said, "OMG, a new _____________ movie is coming out. I cannot wait." Anyway, it turns out the pair used to team up on threesomes with very rich men and this first actress I mentioned is about to speak out about it and it is some juicy stuff that will put A listers from outside the movie business under a very harsh spotlight. 

Blind Item #5

If you ever wonder how this flash in the pan former B+ list singer manages to stay in the limelight despite not doing anything of note in almost a decade, it is because he is paid a tremendous amount of money each year to stay quiet about activities of this dadager with whom he used to be close and also to facilitate meetings between the dadager and people the singer thinks would be a good fit for the dadager. He also facilitates other transactions of a different nature for those closest to him. So, despite his total lack of success or even a blip of anything, he is actually in high demand for events.

Blind Item #4

It wasn't that she was a diva. Honestly, she acted like she couldn't believe her career had come down to her spending time holding up products for photos. This former Disney actress who is probably a B list actress rolled her eyes the whole time and was talking out loud to her people there that was this really all they could get her work wise. They kept saying it is a lot of money for just a few minutes. The company is using the photos, but there could not possibly be even one where she is not smirking or rolling her eyes.

Blind Item #3

At this point, the network really doesn't have any choice but to play things out and hope they get better. They can't cancel the show because they will look like idiots and they can't fire the host they think is responsible because they owe him a ton of money and can't be sure he is 100% of the problem. The show's ratings are in the tank and at this point, it won't be back next year or forever.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born permanent A list singer is closeted. Her long time girlfriend was left shattered when the singer showed off some young guy she was supposedly dating and let the world think she was dating. Apparently they talked it out though because the girlfriend has been with the singer at several recent doctor appointments and they look closer than ever.

Blind Item #1

And so it begins. Honestly, I am surprised it took this long for the tabloids to try and put this former tabloid cover couple back together. Don't believe the hype though, the two A listers are not hooking up or meeting up, but it wouldn't shock me if the one who is a master of publicity isn't having her people leak that they are.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Item #15

This foreign born A list singer was always going to perform despite what he said or the 30 minute rant about the wrong flowers in his dressing room. He just made himself look like an idiot with his diva act.

Blind Item #14

This permanent A+ list west coast rapper is married. He also is supporting another woman who is the mother of three children of the rapper.

Blind Item #13

While in town this week, this normally out of town A list mostly television actor from a loooooooong running hit show was sent a companion for the week from that church that seems to specialize in it. His many donations to the church, even though there is no location where he lives most of the year are apparently appreciated. I'm sure the actor's wife probably would not be on the same page.

Blind Item #12

When those pictures of this married former naked celebrity turned reality star turned porn star turned celebrity turned reality star come out, showing her with a man not her husband doing things a married woman does not usually do with another man while married, she will be ready. The tabloids are already slow walking the soon to be split announcement. 

Blind Item #11

This still technically married former A-/B+ list mostly movie actress is dipping her toe in the yachting waters. Not full on yachting, but she did agree to meet up with a guy to discuss it. It is not like she hasn't done this before. Back in her single days, she did it a lot. I guess that divorce payout is not going to be that high.

Blind Item #10

This still a teenager, A- list mostly movie actress found out her 50' something year old boyfriend is married when she was introduced to his wife this week.

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actor gets that high because his television show is doing well. Even though his career has been for the most part, middling, all of you know him. A famous marriage will do that to you. Anyway, he is blowing his sobriety by partying this week with a group of escorts he is rotating between while out of the country.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 14, 2018

This one named actress/singer went on a rampage directed at her management team that they did not land her the part that felt destined to play. The thing is though, she was never on the radar of the producers and wasn't who they were looking for anyway.

Brandy/Whitney Houston in Bobby Brown Story

Today's Blind Items - Baby Oil

Whenever I think of baby oil and naked bodies, it is generally in a comic sense like in the movies Caddyshack or Van Wilder. Yes, I have watched Van Wilder. No, I am not ashamed. Yes, I have watched the sequel, and no, I am not ashamed. Anyway, I recently learned that there is a club for all the people that have been paid to be with this former/not going to work again/going to stay in hiding for a long time A list director. They call themselves the baby oil club. One person who was in the club was paid by the director to be with him beginning when he was 16. He was promised roles in movies and given a little bit each month to be with the director. The teen said he knew when the director was going to demand sex because the director would reach for a bottle of a never ending supply of baby oil and insist the boy get them both completely oiled from head to toe.

The teen said baby oil and coke don't mix by the way and that by the end of the night there was always a fine layer of coke stuck to the bodies because of the baby oil. He remembers one time the director was filming what turned out to be an awful version of that classic superhero. It was the installment with the disgraced actor in it. Anyway, the disgraced actor also was into the baby oil game but used it to inflict as much pain as possible on to whatever barely legal teen he was with that night. The actor would find whatever was within reach and try to insert it into places it was not meant to be inserted. He would yell and scream at any guy who tried to get away and berate him by reminding him who was paying. He was a truly awful human being.

For years, this teen who stayed with the director until a year or so after turning 18 was promised parts. He got one part in all those years. A tiny little part in a pseudo sea creature sounding movie where he played a male escort. 

Your Turn

Do you still talk to your best friend from your elementary school years?

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 13, 2018

He is doing everything he can and selling off everything he can to pay for medical treatment, but he is also putting his affairs in order. Too much damage to that body over the years and this former A+ list mostly television actor who had a run as an A lister in movies before that is dying. His doctors don't think he can live beyond a year. I think it is going to be a lot less. I hope before he passes though that he sits down and lets himself be interviewed for 20-30 hours just to get all his stories and truths and everything out so we aren't left with a million questions.

Charlie Sheen

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 13, 2018

Our favorite drinking cable actor and his never ending love life has a new installment. So, he goes to film his reality show out of the country. His foreign born actress girlfriend was only a few hours behind him. Apparently though that few hours allowed him to escape to a different city to actually film. The next day he arrived back from filming and met up with that co-star he hooks up with on the sly. Where was the girlfriend? She hung out in a hotel lobby for 12 hours waiting for him to show. He didn't show back up to the hotel at all that night and spent the night where? It is looking like with his co-star. They traveled to another city together while the girlfriend went home alone.

Norman Reedus/Diane Kruger/Melissa McBride

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 13, 2018

The night always sounds amazing and he prizes being bid on are phenomenal. The problem for the charity is that well over half of the people bidding, never pay up. They like to look important and rich and that they can afford to bid $1M on something. The thing is though, they never usually write a check or if they do, it bounces. The charity, run by an A+ list mostly movie actor doesn't seem to care though because he likes the buzz of being the host.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

Blind Item #8

This management company finally dropped this DJ after being publicly shamed for repping him in the light of rape claims. HOWEVER, much like the case of Louis CK, this management company was made aware of multiple rape claims against the DJ five months ago but did not drop their client because the claims were not made public. Instead, they treated the claims like a shakedown. The victims only wanted an apology and nothing else but the management company ignored their requests. Considering the events that have gone on now, this is going to look really bad if any of these women sue the DJ. I would really like to see this flash in the pan A list singer who took a stand for women well over a decade ago with her anthem leave the agency because of this, but she probably won't. 

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list singer who no longer actually sings or really does much dancing at all on stage despite how she used to move, is in a new ad campaign. The problem is, even they didn't really know what to do with those new lips of hers that are all sorts of wonky.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 13, 2018

They are trying to ignore it, but there were several times already where this A list singer showed up wasted to a reality gig.

Katy Perry

Blind Item #6

This barely legal rapper was talked into dropping almost $25K on his former stripper turned reality star turned escort turned celebrity girlfriend. At the same time, she was sexting a guy she was going to see the next day.

Blind Item #5

Probably the greatest child star of the past generation or two, he made it all the way to A+ list as a child. He saved a lot of his money, which is a good thing. He can't really get work at acting any longer, mainly because of his constant struggle with drugs and his penchant for being drunk every day by the early afternoon because he says it keeps him from using harder drugs if he is drunk or passed out from drinking.

Blind Item #4

This one named A- list rapper is doing his best to convince the world he wasn't cheating on his wife. Even his wife believes him. Uh huh. Good luck with that. This will all work out until the woman you are seeing and were seeing gets dumped by you and then starts telling everyone the timeline of your dating. A timeline which she is already telling her friends. So, when you do show up in public with her and tell everyone you just met and didn't start dating until after your split, you better hope she signs an NDA or your wife will be even more heartbroken. 

Blind Item #3

This foreign born really rich guy who had an obsession with a permanent A list singer is doing the equivalent of the mobster who walked the streets of NYC in a bathrobe every day. The rich guy is trying to escape some very serious charges that were leveled against him, but would prefer to just wear his bathrobe around young models and release a press statement than walk the street each day to make his point.

Blind Item #2

No matter how often I write about them here or the rest of the world shares on social media, it seems this former tweener turned A- list singer/former reality judge just can't start treating her fans with anything but contempt. I just wrote about her two weeks ago treating a fan like crap and now she is treating dozens and dozens at a time like crap all while raking in huge amounts of money for it and then going on social media and telling her fans that if it is not good enough for them that she treats you like crap for your hard earned money that she will just stop meeting them all together. She won't though because she wants that money.

Blind Item #1

This twenty something A-List actor/singer has been dating his more famous for her last name girlfriend for over a year. Although most people assume that the A-Lister’s girlfriend is his beard, they are in a real relationship... but that doesn’t mean he is completely straight. The couple has been hiring gay porn actors to have threesomes with for the past few months. It turns out the A-Lister finally found a girl that loves watching him with another guy and joining in on the fun, the A-Lister also loves all of the attention. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blind Item #15

Apparently this former A- list reality star tried to force a threesome with his girlfriend and this foreign born B+ list model/part-time actress from a celebrity family. The foreign born celebrity was having none of it.

Blind Item #14

This foreign born former model turned A- list actress who stars in a hit almost television show was denied service the other day at a restaurant because she had so many open sores on her body. They told her to cover up and she could come back.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A list model at least on her Instagram probably is unaware that her brand new significant other secretly recorded them having sex on at least one occasion. Probably going to hold that over her during any divorce negotiations.

Blind Item #12

Back in the day when this permanent A list mostly movie actress who has been married to a permanent A list mostly movie actor with very little acting ability and a former A list mostly television actor with very little acting ability was married to the former she was going to cheat. With who? This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. The first husband was away making a movie and our actress was going to hook up with the still quite young actor. Apparently he couldn't stand to attention and our actress laughed at him. They have not spoken since.

Blind Item #11

At this point, this B+ list celebrity offspring from an offspring family of wannabe models should just move in with  her drug dealer. She is hanging out with him 24/7, whether at work or home.

Blind Item #10

One of the lead actors of this new movie which is a sequel to a movie that didn't do that well and the sequel is going to do worse didn't even bother to show up for a Q&A about the movie. Why? He wants as far away from the bomb as he can. He let the other lead, a foreign born A- list mostly movie actor handle the duties solo.

Blind Item #9

This A list mostly movie actor had a big year movie wise and a pretty cult like meme following. On the set of his new movie he is cheating on his wife. He is also cheating on his wife off the set.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 13, 2018

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee tried to charge the tug on his rub and tug. He should know better. You can charge the massage, but you always have to pay cash to the woman doing the sex act.

Ralph Fiennes

Today's Blind Items - Killer Comedian - Old Hollywood

I suppose as time passes, the name of this actor becomes less known, but in the all time history of movies he is a permanent A lister. If you are too young, you might not know his name, but if you read any history of movies book, he will be at the top for what he did film making wise. He was foreign born. Lets call him MG. He had his greatest success working with a co-star. The same co-star.

Another star of many of these same films was an actress who was probably A- list. Lets call her BG She was a staple of the films. She also was having sex with our permanent A list actor. He always made her have sex to keep the role. Even if they were each married, he would still make her.

This is where it gets interesting. BG was having an affair with a married man which began while she was still married. This married man, we will call SC. He discovered that BG was hooking up with MG and there was a big fight. So, BG went over to the home of MG. Apparently MG was about to get married to a woman he would end up marrying more than once. But, as it happened, MG hadn't told BG that he was getting married. MG had been telling BG he wanted to marry BG. At that point, in the middle of the night, BG said that in the morning she was going to tell everything to the soon to be wife of MG.

BG then drove off and went to the home of SC. She tried to get in but he wouldn't let her. An hour or so later, MG showed up and sneaked in through a side door of the garage and strangled BG to death with a pair of tights. He then turned on the engine of the car and walked out.

Now, what is interesting is that even though everyone suspected BG had been killed, everyone assumed it was the scorned wife of SC that did it. Nope. Now you know who it was.

Your Turn

In the past, for the most part I only label blind items as blind items. There are no other labels I usually attach unless it is a long one or attributed to a certain source. With all the blinds though, I am going to try and label them by category like cheating or closeted or underage or child molester. Maybe even things like The Widow. So, if any or all of you are up to it, maybe you can help organize. Find a link or links and the category and post them here and I will go back in and label them.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 13, 2018

This alliterate former singer turned television actress was telling friends that things are on the rocks with the guy she is supposed to marry.

Mandy Moore

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 13, 2018

I used to think it was just drugs, but it is so much more for this former A+ list tweener. He told his celebrity girlfriend she was going to Hell if she stopped sleeping with who he told her to sleep with.

Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 12, 2018

This former C list celebrity/reality star/killer makes his living now pimping out his girlfriends.

Nick Gordon

Blind Item #8

This multiple Grammy Award winner/nominee has won a lot of other awards too. He is permanent A list in his corner of the singing world. He has a side gig. It is a gig where he is introduced to teens and young men who come to him looking for answers. Instead of those answers, they are often molested and even raped by the A lister. He passes around these teens and young men to others in his group who are even more violent and twisted. This has been going on for decades but the pressure put on the teens and young men to say and do nothing is immense. I only know a couple of men who have spoken up and they have either been shut down by legal threats or their voices were lost in an abyss and never made a dent. That is about to change. I think within the next few weeks, this will all start coming to light.

Blind Item #7

I hadn't heard of him going before, but it looks like this permanent A list mogul/wannabe rapper who really wants to make his own music and not have to glom onto others because they feel obligated attended that sex retreat in Arizona to "get his mind right."

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 12, 2018

iHeartRadio Awards

This A- list alliteration rapper if you use his real name was at an after party with his singer girlfriend. The rapper, right in front of his girlfriend put his hand right on the butt of this B list celebrity offspring/wannabe model. When the offspring/wannabe model saw who did it she was fine with it. Apparently the girlfriend was not though and walked away leaving the rapper and the offspring to get to know each other better.

G-Eazy/Halsey/Hailey Baldwin

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A+/A list singer in his own country who does a lot of reality there is in the stable of this mogul. You know what that means of course. As he did with his biggest stars ever, if you are gay, you stay closeted and our mogul will find you a beard. He turned to the US for a beard for this singer/reality star.

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list rocker was really out of it at a recent dinner. He was talking to himself and kept getting up and down while at the table. He would pace around in a circle before he would finally agree to sit back down and then repeat the process three or four minutes later. It was driving the diners closest to him and his significant other, nuts.

Blind Item #4

This former tweener turned A- list singer/part-time actress recently had a miscarriage right before 12 weeks. I'm not sure who the dad was, and from what I understand she had at least two possibilities.

Blind Item #3

This permanent A+ list director is looking to cast children in an upcoming huge movie even though there have never been any children in any version of the basis for that movie at any time. 

Blind Item #2

Everyone is talking about a recent surprise performance. Well, it all happened because the closeted surprise performer went on a couple dates back in the day with the person having the show, who just so happens to be our favorite closeted former network actor who is going to get an Emmy nomination.

Blind Item #1

Considering they never even had sex, I thought it was pretty nice of this former A- list actress to even say anything nice about her sex life with this former A+ list rapper. He has issues performing because of certain idiosyncrasies he has.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Blind Item #15

This B- list celebrity offspring who is only that high because of her parental units and what happened to her when she was younger is in full on relapse mode. Goodness she was sloppy over the weekend. She is drinking and drugging again. Someone needs to help her fast.

Blind Item #14

While out of the country, this A- list singer/bad actress is recruiting teen girls to go on "missions" to  Asia and the Middle East. Because the teens all look up to her, of course they are going to do it. Things are going to be so bad in the next couple years when this all comes out.

Blind Item #13

While all his other co-stars are just hooking up with random women (yes, including that former cable actor who supposedly has a significant other), this A+/A list mostly movie actor has just been drinking to the point where he might have to pull out of the project.

Blind Item #12

Not only is this former A- list mostly movie actress who seemingly made a career from one movie three decades ago cheating on her permanent A list significant other, she took out yet another huge life insurance policy on him naming herself the beneficiary. 

Blind Item #11

This B+ list mostly television actress/former pro beard had an interesting gig. Her job last week at an event was to try and get this A- list mostly television actress/reality star to talk about that group she used to belong to. The conversation was supposed to be recorded and then the group was going to edit it in such a way to make the actress look bad. Apparently the B+ lister bailed on doing it though. It creeped her out. 

Blind Item #10

Long before she became a network reality star/seller of products/infomercial queen, she was an assistant at a talent agency. Not just any assistant. She was in close proximity to the head of one of the largest agencies in the world. That head of the agency bragged about having underage sex with a minor. Group sex.

Blind Item #9

This B+ list mostly movie actor had a very big award season this past year. It is also the first time many of you heard of the closeted actor. That was him in a VIP bathroom at a recent sporting event getting busted with another guy because security saw both of them go in to the bathroom designed for one.

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 11, 2018

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who will get A- list if her new almost network show does well. It probably won't though if those ratings stick. Anyway, she needs it to do well because she has been losing movies left and right. Our actress who is still on the young side of 30 is being told she looks much older and producers are moving her towards mom roles already. Mom of tweens.

Lucy Hale

Today's Blind Items - Guess The Athlete

Let’s change the pace of our guess the athlete today. Our athlete today is relatively new to their sport. Although not considered a big money sport yet, it is a growing sport. Unlike some sports discussed, this is a world wide sport. Although rare, some members of this sport do attain household name status. Big name status.

Now, why would this be considered noteworthy, you ask?

This sport is arguably THE single dirtiest sport out there. Has been for a long time. The use of chemicals in this sport is years ahead of any other sport out there. Athletes from other sports often consult with trainers from this sport to gain a “competitive edge”. 

Our athlete today is still a year or so away from their peak. Yet this athlete recently started to jump into the upper echelon of their sport. This athlete made jaws drop at a competition recently due to the degree of which they dominated.

The only thing keeping this athlete from becoming the face of their sport is questionable issues and events that are ongoing in their personal life. Issues that make the officials of the athletic governing board nervous.

Once those issues are resolved, this athlete is on track for household name status in the manner much like others in this sport. And our athlete today knows that. You may not know this athlete now. But I am highly confident you will be seeing a lot of this athlete in the future. For better, or for worse.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 11, 2018

Considering how this A- list mostly movie actress has been cheating on her girlfriend as of late, it doesn't surprise me at all that her girlfriend is returning the favor so to speak. The girlfriend has usually confined her cheating to men though, rather than women. So, this is probably the end.

Kristen Stewart/Stella Maxwell/Bella Hadid

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 11, 2018

By my count, this A list rapper almost died last week. This weekend he had a seizure. Maybe get off the drugs.

Rick Ross

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 11, 2018

Speaking of NBA players, no matter how much this A++ list NBA player asked, there was no way on this earth that this permanent A+ list couple were going to show up at a recent party. Not with that reality star family there en masse either with visible or hidden cameras.

LeBron James/Beyonce and Jay-Z/The Kardashians

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A list singer married to an A lister not only nearly overdosed this weekend while out of town and away from his wife, the woman he hooked up with, did overdose and had to be rushed to the hospital. His manager told authorities she had been staying with him and not the singer and that he had no idea she even took drugs. He says that he woke up and was going to have sex with her and she was non responsive so he called the police. What really happened is the manager was worried about the singer and used a key to go in the singer's room. After ten minutes of yelling and shaking, the singer finally responded, but the naked woman did not. The manager got the singer off to the manager's room and then called 911.

Blind Item #7

This former almost A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee saw her career fall off a cliff when she split with a guy who had the ability to take some professional revenge. She was out of the country this week for business and has a boyfriend, but it didn't stop her from having "dinner" with a guy for almost six figures. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 11, 2018

This A list NBA player does realize that he has been promoting the song of the woman he calls his girlfriend and that the woman he calls his girlfriend is sleeping with the person she sings with on the song right?

Ben Simmons/Tinashe/Offset

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list mostly movie actor, as part of his rider, required the hotel bar where he was staying to be open 24/7 for his convenience. So, after last call, it was all his for the night and he had it to himself and a few dozen of his friends and people he met during the day. Apparently, he drank through the most expensive stuff first costing the movie production to the tune of $20K just the first night.

Blind Item #5

She is barely drinking age, but this part-time reality star who is probably a B- list celebrity is being set up by her mom with a 60 something man who is extremely wealthy. Creepy right? Well, how about that the 60 something man is the past sugar daddy of the mom. Crazy creepy.

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list athlete who recently retired to enjoy the life of celebrity/part-time reality star/frequent strip club patron is developing a line of custom collectible bats to commemorate his home runs.  For whatever reason, his A list girlfriend is the money behind the venture, although it is technically billed as a joint venture. 

The original artwork for the collectibles is very on-brand - uses a former team's color scheme, very masculine.

The artwork his girlfriend wants used is very off-brand - feminine colors with lots of pastels and much too feminine for this type of item.  Looks more like what you would see used for a line of cosmetics or skin care.

Our former athlete's people want to go with the original artwork because they know it makes more sense with the theme for sports collectibles.  The girlfriend is pushing hard for her vision.  Since she is the real money behind the venture, she's got big sway. The boyfriend is stuck in the middle.

Will be interesting to see if money beats out good business sense in this venture.

Blind Item #3

This A list alliterate rapper had sex with some woman backstage at a concert this weekend and told her she was awful at oral and pushed her out into a crowded hallway while she was still naked.

Blind Item #2

As I told you months and months ago, this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was going to bomb with a big box office movie. Sure enough, it happened and now the studio doesn't want to make a sequel, at least with her. 

Blind Item #1

This now aging A+ list athlete in his corner of the entertainment world is making a money grab. He is going to announce a big event and ask to be paid a guarantee upfront. He will then bail on the event before it occurs, but keep the money.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Item #13

Going back to those earlier two blinds, this person in question just got fired from his company as a result of this very funny exposure.

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list NFL player who you probably know even if you don't watch football is married. He is also hooking up with this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Apparently they met about a month ago and connected and this is an odd pairing. 

Blind Item #11

I find it crazy that these two rappers are fighting through social media. The two rappers most likely to sexually assault a 13 year old yet they somehow don't get along. I do notice that when they fight, they never mention how much the other likes underage teens. I guess they don't want to draw attention to it.

Blind Item #10

One thing that has changed for this original permanent A list clothing/music/television mogul is that since all the charges brought against him he has to spend about double per day what he used to to get a woman to spend time with him. 

Blind Item #9

Going back to that earlier blind. This public embarrassment went much larger than just the person.  You can watch it. Lots of people did. You will laugh while watching it.

Blind Item #8

This A list reality star with a very lucrative side gig has about a dozen full-time staff to help take care of her offspring. This doesn't even include all the relatives available to help. Our star just wants to get back to traveling and partying. 

Blind Item #7

Shocking to say the least, but that medical facility in the African country the church used for their drug trials is trying to totally change their image and presenting to the world they are this wonderful place full of sunshine and light and beloved by celebrities instead of the death machine they have been.

Blind Item #6

This person has been a horrible person for about 20 years.  Recently this horrible person received a couple high-profile image makeovers, which made no mention of their past.

This site told you about a month ago, that this horrible person would not succeed at this endeavor.  Many seeds had already been planted.   

About a week ago, it happened - in a very big, very public way.  

Blind Item #5

With as many medications as she is taking, and the types of medications that have been prescribed, people are hopeful that the rumors this A list singer who has had a rough year is pregnant, are just that, rumors.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 11, 2018

Counting down to the next woman that comes forward on this A list almost television show. There are several who said the streaming company ignored their claims or dismissed them because the show is such a hit show for the company.

Stranger Things/Netflix

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 10, 2018

I don't know how long this new network show is going to last. A mid-season replacement but the two co-stars dislike each other and were not even trying to hide the dislike at a press event this week.

Rosie Perez/Josh Radnor/Rise

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 10, 2018

A little known story from the past of this foreign born permanent A list rocker. The rocker has been married forever. Even so, he has had his affairs. Despite his high and mighty image he keeps numerous mistresses scattered around the world for his travels and tours. One of those women was this former A list mostly movie actress from back in the day. She had trouble getting roles for awhile after she got in some trouble and our rocker paid her bills for a couple years while also hooking up with her whenever possible. She is back on her feet now and had one of the more memorable gifs of the past couple years.

Bono/Winona Ryder

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 10, 2018

You know, one of these days the A+ list singer and her PR team are going to get this thing right. Everyone knows the A+ list singer doesn't go anywhere without a wall of armed security. So, when pictures emerge of her from five feet away showing her in some kind of way she imagines a relationship to be from what she has seen in the movies, everyone knows they are staged. I will give her credit for not doing the piggyback move that she tried for three consecutive relationships.

Taylor Swift/Joe Alwyn

Blind Item #4

I'm not sure how many ways this guy can try to seek to get a payout from the estate of this permanent A++ list singer, but he is trying a new tact to get a payday from a reality show company or a publisher. He just looks more desperate.

Blind Item #3

This very intelligent A list model didn't exactly put those rumors to rest about what happened between the model and the A+ list singer. With a chance to set the record straight on the record with a non tabloid type of publication, she kept those NDA'd lips very much sealed.

Blind Item #2

This permanent A+ list mostly movie director is rebooting an old Broadway hit for the movies. The star of the Broadway revival that led to the new movie thought he had a chance at the role, but the director is totally blowing him off for his own favorites and only gave the actor an audition to make himself look good in case anyone asked.

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actor from a hit cable show recently got married. He is openly bisexual, but his new bride is closeted when it comes to that even though she has a long time girlfriend.