Saturday, September 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 1, 2018

This violent, drug addicted, permanent A list musician from a permanent A list group which is defunct is back in the studio. He says the only reason he is recording again is to hook up with other women while his significant other is not around.

Tommy Lee

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 7, 2018

I hope this A list rapper isn't breastfeeding because her limo driver says she was doing bumps of coke on the way to an event yesterday.

Cardi B

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 13, 2018

The most recent celebrity ex of this A list singer who dumped him hard, tried to kill himself last week.

Mac Miller/Ariana Grande

Blind Item #8

This one named singer has made it clear that she is doing this network reality show with the intention of either winning it or making it a long way and hooking up with anyone on the show that will get her more tabloid coverage. Many people have no idea who she is, and she wants to use the platform to make herself a big star.

Blind Item #7

Apparently this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress is going to give it one more try with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor. He has played with her heart for several years now but is telling her she is the one. It is the only reason she agreed to work with him again.

Blind Item #6

I get that ultimately you make your own decisions about what enters your body and which substances you take. However, I also feel that if someone is battling to stay clean but they are being encouraged by their significant other to not be a party pooper and they should join in or else, than that changes the dynamic. If they are using a power they know they have over the other person, I think that changes things. So, when that person does say no and doesn't go to a party, and tries to do the right thing, what are they supposed to think when they get cheated on at the party they didn't attend. As I have been warning you, it could very well happen again. Very easily.  

Blind Item #5

While the military is at it, they might want to a drug test because there is a whole lot more in the system of the celebrity CEO than just pot. Way more. I bet they don't test him though. I bet they just let him slide right by and wave as he goes by on his underground train that costs $1 to ride. I wonder f any of those were built in a place that didn't ask for permission. Where else could one really want an underground high speed train that travels a relatively short distance. This one could actually pay for itself.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 30, 2018

Our favorite misspelled flowering financial institution has been having a bad couple days. She is self medicating and acting erratically. I hope she isn't mixing substances because that is when she gets to a level of manic that is frightening for her health.

Azealia Banks

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 30, 2018

There is a battle going on that is much more vocal than it used to be about charging this former A list dual threat actor with murder. It used to be 90/10 for no, but now it is closer to 50/50 in the DA's office. Apparently the only thing really holding back any charge is the case will be really expensive to prosecute and it is really difficult to weed out the credible statements and facts from people and the conspiracy stuff.

Robert Wagner/Natalie Wood

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 30, 2018

It really freaks me out that the long time tween show producer used to make all of the female tweens and teens watch a certain movie with him and now one of his favorites is paying permanent homage to that movie.

Dan Schneider/Spirited Away/Ariana Grande

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2018

This foreign born vowel loving singer/rapper who sounds a lot like another singer/rapper has come to the realization that she has burned far too many bridges at this point to succeed in her chosen career. She has also burned too many bridges to succeed in other ways she used to earn a great deal of money. If she is smart, she will do a mea culpa and start building those bridges back or she will be lucky to get enough work to even make a living.

Iggy Azalea music and yachting (Azealia Banks)

Blind Item #4

Why yes, it was this A- list host, who used to date the one word rapper who was one of the other women in the marriage of this other A- list host which is why he is no longer a married A- list host.

Blind Item #3

He probably thinks at this point, he is too old to go to rehab, but he really isn't that old. This alliterate former A+/A list mostly movie actor who was also A list on television back in the day is hooked on pain pills again and is combining them with a whole lot of wine.

Blind Item #2 - Mr. X

With his longtime (closeted) boyfriend out of the country for a premiere, this closeted A/B-list actor who starred in possibly the biggest bomb of year movie-wise was seen flirting with that former Disney tweener turned successful adult singer. Oh and the singer ignored his beard/girlfriend for most of the night after they did the red carpet thing. 

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

What annoying late night host was seen in the bathroom inhaling something in a capsule form at one of the more high profile NYFW events the other night? Later on, my source saw him sharing the capsules with that daytime TV host and her her husband. It wouldn't surprise me if he shared the capsules with other people as well.

Friday, September 07, 2018

Blind Item #15

This permanent A list mostly movie actor all of you know threatened to commit suicide in front of his children last night.

Blind Item #14

This former rapper turned reality television mainstay on this former music channel has legally speaking been raping his underage girlfriend for well over a year. Many people have reported it, but no one has done anything to stop it. Even the producers of the show don't care. 

Blind Item #13

She talked her way into another season of her network show after trashing the producers when the previous season ended. This time though, there is no coming back. The foreign born former A- list singer will not be back next season.

Blind Item #12

The only way the design line works for this former reality star is by hooking up with as many financial backers as she can. She talks a lot about the company but it operates at a loss and she lives off the generosity of others while pretending to be a millionaire.

Blind Item #11

Apparently this former A+ list reality star all of you know and does not much of anything now crossed a line this past weekend. The always hated star was wasted and told a bunch of people how small her boyfriend's manhood is. He was right there. She always tries to find a way to get them to break up.

Blind Item #10

Everyone else flew commercial. Not this permanent A- list mostly television actress. She knew she was getting an award no matter what. The organization had promoted the hell out of it. So, our actress last minute said she needed to fly private halfway around the world or she wasn't coming. They did it, but she burned every bridge at that place.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee somehow escaped being disgraced and exiled for his horrible actions. He is at it again. Not the exact same type situation as before, but still underage and he refers to her as a relative which is creepy when he is referring to her as a relative while he has his hand firmly planted on her butt.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 29, 2018

The number one lesson in Hollywood is to never walk away from a hit show. I have said this from almost day one of the site. Well, this talented actor who stars on a hit cable show is doing just that. He thinks he is going to be a huge movie star and doesn't need the television thing. He is walking away which is going to shut the whole show down for good. That upcoming movie of his will be big, but he will never be A+ list.

Rami Malek

Four For Friday - He Tried To Kill Them

If you ask this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who is on hit show, she will say the details are fuzzy. She remembers coming home from a set where she was filming a movie which was a smalllllll budget film. The hours were long, and the pay not so great. The movie did really well compared to its budget. Anyway, she got home late and when she walked in the door, he slammed her into a wall by the door. There was a painting on the wall and it dropped on her head and his because of how violently he slammed her body into the wall. She says she lost her breath and couldn't answer when he was asking about an actor on the set and whether she was sleeping with him. Because she couldn't answer, he assumed she was sleeping with him. He then took out a knife and held it to her throat before punching her. She blacked out. She says she woke up about 12 hours later and he wasn't in the house. She had bruises all over her body. She packed up her bags and walked out and has not spoken to him since.

Apparently this foreign born singer has been hospitalized for nearly a month because of the beating she took from the same man. She also says he held a knife to her throat and that he could kill her and no one would care. Unlike the victim above, our singer says she was awake for every bit of the beating. Apparently she didn't show what he thought was a proper level of appreciation for a gift he got her. It was a bronzed bangle bracelet that was an antique. He used that to beat her and then raped her while screaming at her that she should have thanked him and all of it could have been avoided. Later, after he left, she also walked away, but left most of her possessions because she was worried he would come back.

Your Turn

Home remedies to get rid of a headache.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 30, 2018

This mogul for so long is having a tough time moguling because of all the sexual assault charges. With his ex, also desperate for money, the mogul has been selling off possessions to pay her bills and his legal fees/settlements.

Russell Simmons/Kimora Lee Simmons

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 30, 2018

Apparently there was not a role for his wife as he led her to believe, which is one of the reasons this A- list dual threat actor bailed on a film.

Alec Baldwin/Joker

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 31, 2018

Apparently this permanent A+ list musician has also discovered the world of online troll hiring. In his case though, he didn't hire them to troll disgruntled members of the public. He hired them to go after a family member.


Blind Item #8

After doing some asking around all day yesterday, it appears that this C list celebrity every single one of you know but probably wish you didn't was involved in a very sick game with his D list celebrity wife most of you know. They would hire college guys to wash their car or do other odd jobs around the house. The wife would then seduce them while the husband either watched from a monitor in a different room or sometimes right in the room. Sometimes, the wife would be home alone and seduce them and when in bed, the husband would burst into the room and chase the guy out of the house.

The thing is though, the husband made sure to always stay out of the view of the camera so it looks like only the wife was involved. That same camera has the wife doing all matter of drugs and drinking while the husband again stayed out of sight. He plans to use it all to make it look like his wife is out of control and he was perfectly normal and tried to put a stop to it.

Blind Item #7

I hope this A list rapper isn't breastfeeding because her limo driver says she was doing bumps of coke on the way to an event yesterday.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2018

The drug use even cost this foreign born A list rapper one of her long time best friends/employees who just couldn't handle the nonstop abuse from the rapper.

Nicki Minaj

Blind Item #6

With all the drugs talked about on this southern reality show, no one ever asks why the closeted one pops oxy like popcorn. It explains so much about his behavior.

Blind Item #5

This is one of the longer relationships in Hollywood although they don't actually live in LA. At this point, she is an A- list mostly television actress from an acting family all of you know while he also mainly acts on television.Too much cheating from both of us while they both have been working and the public split announcement is coming.

Blind Item #4

It certainly didn't take long for this Housewife to get back to work doing what she does best. She was trolling for customers this week at a very big event.

Blind Item #3

This former A- list "singer" all of you know is using family money on both sides and connections on both sides to pay for a huge marketing campaign. Oh, and a little payola through some intermediaries to get a buzz about her latest effort. All told, the amount spent is nearly $500K and they could have just burned it and got the same final result. People just don't care about her any longer.

Blind Item #2

It turns out this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor who has a superhero franchise, also made his own wardrobe choice for a scene in the latest installment. He was trying to let a certain celebrity know it was OK for her to open up to the world.

Blind Item #1

This A- list horror director/part-time actor has a secret child with a porn star he has been hiding for nearly a decade. He says if it became public it would ruin his career. I don't see how that is possible, but to each his own.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Item #16

Think of the oddest f**king couple you can. Yeah, probably not the way to go about it. I don't really care when people get together all that much if they are both single. This one though is crazy in the ways it could explode. How about the A list comedian who just lost her high profile streaming gig doing the dirty with the disgraced A list comedian who tried to mount a comeback last week. How did this happen? Oh, I can't wait for this to go public.

Blind Item #15

It was going to be all for show anyway, but there are rumblings this alliterate very tall model is going to postpone for now any wedding talk with the guy she calls her boyfriend. Hmmmm. I wonder why. Could be very good news for a certain stan nation out there.

Blind Item #14

Apparently being out of the country made this former almost A- list mostly television actress think she could party with her favorite drug of choice and no one would notice. They noticed and then realized it makes all of her other denials sound ridiculous when you are watching her doing it in front of your face.

Burt Reynolds Has Died

Burt Reynolds, the star of such films as Deliverance, The Longest Yard and Smokey and the Bandit has died. He was 82.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born permanent A- list singer everywhere but North America recently got a breast enlargement. She says it is for her new boyfriend. Huh? She only dates guys in the closet after that terribly abusive relationship she had with that foreign born actor who did the same thing to an actress here in the States.

Blind Item #12

I am not really sure how this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress always has a smile on her face in public when she is asked about her foreign born cheating actor husband. I think she just sticks with it for the kids.

Blind Item #11

I find it pretty interesting that this permanent A list designer has been spending more time on red carpets and at events while her daughter is dying.

Blind Item #10

At the same event as #9, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress was overheard saying something that might well be a first. She hooked up with a producer so her actor ex could get the role.

Blind Item #9

Not only did these two frequent co-stars not pose for any photos together last night, they did their best to avoid each other entirely. Both are foreign born. Both are A list. Both are in a franchise. Oh, and the one who is the lead in that franchise was also an a-hole to fans who asked for a photo with him. I'm guessing none of the fans was a young attractive female because the married actor would have been all over them in a second. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 31, 2018

As I wrote here several months ago, one of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor took a role in an ensemble movie was for the chance to hook up with this foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Apparently the husband of the actress got wind of this and has tried to be around as often as he can. Probably not often enough.

Brad Pitt/Margot Robbie

Today's Blind Items - Just Awful

I have written about this director/producer/a-hole a few times. You may recall him as the director who spent more time trying to molest/harass/coerce into sex this former Disney actress who finally gave in, than actually directing the movie in which she starred. It has been years now that she has had to endure his behavior and he has photos of her and shares them with friends to show that women still want him. Women don't want him. They are afraid of saying no. It is why he goes for women who are very young and very easily intimidated. I hinted that our actress was ready to stand up for herself and she did. He has been fighting back by releasing false stories about her to tabloids. He also wants the tabloids to call the pair "broken up," as if they were actually dating rather than him abusing her. Apparently he found someone on the movie he is directing who is legal in the country where they are shooting and has been sending clips of him having sex with her to our actress. I hate this guy with every ounce of my being. The things he has been doing for decades are disgusting and no one says anything because of how powerful he is behind the scenes. This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor who not that long ago gave up a franchise tried to call out the a-hole but was thwarted and even at A+ list had trouble getting any good roles for nearly a year. So, if that happens to him, what is a teen actress supposed to think about her chances of saying no.

Your Turn

Who is the biggest movie star? Do you think movie stars are a dying thing?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 31, 2018

This permanent A++ list celebrity is working with her favorite child to hide the cost from the public of a soon to be huge wedding that has gone ridiculously overboard in cost and is currently two or three times the cost of a not that long ago much more popular wedding.

Queen Elizabeth/Prince Andrew/wedding of Princess Eugenie compared to cost of Harry and Meghan wedding

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 31, 2018

This former A+ list mostly movie actor has now dropped to B list. He is an Academy Award winner/nominee which was not all that long ago. He has spent most of the tens of millions of dollars he earned and lives role to role at this point. The roles don't pay what they used to though and he has an entirely different kind of look for which there is not much demand.

Mickey Rourke

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 31, 2018

Left out of the explanation of this former actress turned A list singer about her now boyfriend is that their first kiss happened right after he hung up the phone with his girlfriend at the time. Kind of changes the whole tenor of the story when you hear it that way. He has said it that way which is how it came out. He bragged to his friends about how it happened.

Ariana Grande/Pete Davidson

Blind Item #8

This former A list Disney actress turned B+ list adult actress who I also think has the possibility of a different type of acting in her future has gone to the powers that be five times at her previous home to complain about a producer who molested her and other girls her age. Nothing was done. The producer is still working and still "mentoring" tweens and teens.

Blind Item #7

This A list dual network host thinks his girlfriend's monetary demands have become out of control. He is looking to replace her with someone much less expensive.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2018

Everyone just laughed nervously and nodded a lot while dealing with this permanent A+ list singer from a singing family at an event. She was so far out of it, no one had any idea what she was saying. She was in her own world and then back in the present and was making horribly off color jokes and comments to people which was really making people uncomfortable.

Janet Jackson

Blind Item #6

This foreign born permanent A list model couldn't stop doing coke at a show honoring her.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born former A+ list tweener is being pressured by his girlfriend to get her a record deal. Umm, she doesn't sing.

Blind Item #4

In order to try and get a marriage proposal this permanent A- list singer/host wants to force her A- list celebrity boyfriend into it by forcing him on a show about their relationship.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born alliterate celebrity has her world crashing down on her right now with the world about to discover her role in a murder.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity was acting all lovey dovey with the wife this week, but had no qualms about spending time with his mistress yesterday.

Blind Item #1

For about the past month, this former actor has been sleeping on friends couches. He couldn’t pay the rent at his last place.  He insists that his desperate need for money has nothing to do with any of the frauds he is promoting.

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Blind Item #15

Apparently there were two women sent from The Church to the rehab center where this A- list singer is recovering. One of them has started a relationship with the singer. 

Blind Item #14

This former A+ list singer who probably would still be A+ list if he wasn't such an a-hole/woman beater has multiple detectives following the mother of his child trying to catch her doing something he can use against her. He is also not above framing her for a crime.

Blind Item #13

Ahhh, young love. The kind of love where you say f**k it and get wasted on coke and booze and show the world how much you love each other. Interestingly enough, the companions (A- list foreign born actress/A- list singer) to this wasted couple (B+ list singer/B+ list foreign born actress) showed no such bodily fluid exchange (also didn't partake, but it wouldn't shock me if the actress helped herself)  and barely seemed interested in anything other than their respective phones.

Blind Item #12

This A list dual threat (different kind of dual threat) actor is on top of the world right now with everything he is doing. He is also cheating on his wife with multiple women. Fame is really starting to change him.

Blind Item #11

I wish someone would ask this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor why he "loaned" one of his disgraced co-stars $250K to get himself back on track.

Blind Item #10

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is only still that high because of name recognition and not from any recent acting that was any good, ticked off the pap she has on retainer. Apparently she has been late with payment and he has some photos of her she would rather not be released. They are at an impasse right now. 

Blind Item #9

I think this A- list mostly television comic actor who stars on multiple hit shows is going to regret his current fling with the woman half his age that cost him his marriage. The fling is already talking to a different actor who is younger and makes more money and who does the first two vowel thing with his name. Oh, and is A- list mostly movies.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 29, 2018

This foreign born A list dual threat actor has been forced to hire 24/7 security for his family because of a stalker who wants to kill everyone in the family other than the actor. She thinks the actor will then be free to marry her.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Today's Blind Items - Never Been The Same

I have written about this show in the past and how a certain actor everyone praised to the high heavens encouraged and participated in some horrible behavior that ultimately led to the cancellation of the very popular show. It also changed multiple lives, not for the better and left one actress in ruins. The subject of our blind is the one who had her life most affected, but there is another who became a totally different person and has been well documented in this space.

Our actress was not even old enough to drive when she started on the show. The thing is though, she was playing a part that required her to interact with much older men on a regular basis. Those actors started taking advantage of her and she says she was raped multiple times on and off the set by some of the actors. She says they were men she thought she could trust. She says they took advantage of her because of her age and because they knew she wanted more on camera roles, as opposed to off. She says the A list actor who was the star of the show was someone she went to after the first rape. Instead of comforting her, he raped her. Later, he told her if she ever said anything to anyone, he would tell the world she was having sex with all the men in the cast and that he would make sure she got fired from the show. The thing is, she says he not only raped her again a few weeks after the first time, but also convinced the writing staff to give her more scenes with the first actor who raped her.

Since she left the show, she has barely worked. She has trouble staying sober. She hooks up with men for money and has multiple sex tapes with men who are thrilled to be having sex with her. She doesn't really care about living any longer and things have progressively become worse to the point where she is suicidal. She is still so young that she can be helped, but everyone who tries is pushed away.

Your Turn

Your favorite one hit wonder song.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 29, 2018

It is no accident that this A- list mostly movie actress is making sure stories about her helping out an ex are being released almost every day. There is a movie coming out very soon and this is being used as talking points for interviews to get maximum attention on her.

Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 29, 2018

This former almost A- list actress who has A list name recognition in the tabloid world recently bragged about a contract she says she got for reality television. The thing is though, she exaggerated it and is now facing issues when it comes to child support payments she was demanding be maintained.

Denise Richards/Charlie Sheen

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 27, 2018

This A list country singer has already moved on to a new married guy. The wife doesn't know yet, but she soon will because the singer likes to make sure the wife knows.

Miranda Lambert

Blind Item #8

This foreign born one named A+ list singer/rapper did indeed have sex with the A list reality star. Most of the time she would just ignore it, but because of her current relationship and his relationship with the A+ lister, she has to deny until she dies. 

Blind Item #7

Having some guy telling you he is trying to get you on a show so you will sleep with him is not, "in talks" to be the star of the show. This is not about being one of many, but rather the star. This is the second time in as many months reality stars have tried spinning the same yarn about that network reality show with lots of spinoffs. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 22, 2018

The man she had been having an affair with who was now her boyfriend dumped this foreign born alliterate model. She is desperately trying to save her only paying job, but the producers want to dump her. She has no money to pay her bills.

Asia Argento

Blind Item #6

The bottom line is this. This east coast Housewife was taking all of her husband's money and spending it on drugs and also hooking up with men who would then give her drugs or drug money.

Blind Item #5

I have written about this this very rich somewhat infamous celebrity who has to this point somehow avoided being arrested. I wrote how she was in the middle of a sex trafficking ring smuggling children from other countries who were used for sex and house sex slaves. In a recent communique while I was pressing her for details on what she is most infamous for, she let slip that she has three of these underage females under her own roof and is molding them in the way her leader would appreciate. I took that to mean she and her significant other are using them for sex.

Blind Item #4

This foreign born celebrity is nearly permanently A- list. She has hosted and done reality and done other things in entertainment which were big too. Anyway, not surprisingly in a recitation of events, she has left out the details that make a family member look bad at all, even though that family member was completely at fault for what has happened. 

Blind Item #3

This CEO told everyone he wasn’t going to Burning Man this year, to focus on troubles at his company.  He sneaked over there anyway, stayed inside, and went on a wicked bender.

He also made the mistake of answering  questions from a journalist, about a controversial recent story by email, while in that state of mind.

Blind Item #2

This rapper/producer/reality star/lover of underage females would go bankrupt if he can't dodge a judgement against him. He is lucky that none of the underage females he has sexually assaulted have come after him or he would be in jail too.

Blind Item #1

I don't think he has been in contact with her, but someone reminded this former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress about all the footage that was shot of her naked doing all kinds of things which would be "leaked" if she says anything negative about a certain permanent A lister.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Blind Item #15

This foreign born probable former superhero knew he would be safe going to this employer. You really have to do some very bad things to get fired. He did bad things. It remains to be seen if people consider those very bad things.

Blind Item #14

An ex-boyfriend of this openly gay alliterate singer says he has photos of the singer making out with a foreign born A list closeted singer all of you know.

Blind Item #13

Ever wonder if edibles and LSD are a good combination? They aren't. Just ask this alliterate A+ list mostly movie actor who had to be locked in a room for six hours just to keep him safe.

Blind Item #12

This former athlete turned actor is talking a lot of smack, but if he doesn't show up for work, he will be in breach of contract and no studio would hire him after that. 

Blind Item #11

This former B+ list actress who is much better suited for her current job on television than those sure to be awful movies in the can or about to be made really thought she was getting back together with her ex. She didn't know about the other women, including one of which he is discussing marriage to. Apparently, since they do not live in town, when the ex gets drunk, he calls our actress.

Blind Item #10

It seems as if this girlfriend got tired of always coming in second to all the men this foreign born former A- list mostly television actor from a defunct hit show slept with. She says that between his hookups with men and the threesomes with men and women that she had sex one on one with the actor about once every three months. 

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show is secretly funding a large percentage of a movie project for her ex. Not even her current significant other knows.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 29, 2018

This A- list singer has had big hits solo and in duets. She says she fasted for six days to make sure she looked good for an outfit at a recent award show.

Meghan Trainor

Today's Blind Items - The Cartoon

Dear Parents/Potential Momagers &Dadagers,

I am going to tell you a little story. The warning is for parents with children who want to get them into show business. The rest of you will like it because this involves some big names who are in on the scam. Oh, it is a scam. A big scam.

There is a "manager" who targets kids for these scams. Why? Kids have parents who have money. Starving artists don't have money.

What this manager does is to sign up kids for their workshops. Of course you have to pay to attend these workshops. Many parents are leery of having to pay for things like this, but the manager has an answer for it. There is an animated movie set to be made. It is going to star this A- list mostly movie actress ALL of you know and her husband who is A list. They are going to be the voices. They know their names are being used for this, but have done nothing about it because apparently the mother of the manager "discovered" the actress. It has also been suggested that the mother of the actress makes some bucks from it too.

If you sign up for the workshop, not only are you learning some acting but you are helping to finance the movie and of course you will get a role. Nothing could be further from the truth. They have been running the scam for years and hundreds, if not thousands of people have given their money to these people.

Your Turn

In case, you haven't read about it yet, I did start a podcast. The first episode launched today with John Doe. The plan is to have 3-4 episodes per week, each of which will be about an hour long. You can sign up and listen here. I would love to hear some suggestions about topics you would like to hear or guests you would like on the podcast. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 28, 2018

Even I don't know if this foreign born A+ list singer is legally married. What I do know is he definitely hooked up with someone who is not his significant other while he has been in town.

Ed Sheeran 

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 28, 2018

Dear tabloids,

Stop making it seem as if this disgraced child molesting director is taking a vacation by choice. No one wants anything to do with him because of the child molesting. So, how about just calling it what it is instead of kissing his butt.


Woody Allen

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 28, 2018

This foreign born still one hit wonder is a master of spreading fake news. She throws it out there in hopes it will stick. Lately it has been all misses for her though and then she plays the victim card.

Iggy Azalea

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind Item

Here's another one about the school:

What was he really upset about - five years ago, I mean? Probably the fact that every time he visited this institution of not-higher learning, he was assigned a minder. There was the erratic behavior, of course, which had gotten him fired, but also the allegation that surfaced from back in the day - I'm sure there was concern about young people of one sex more than the other. But if you're going to accuse "lackeys" from the school of planting knives in the yard, you should probably wipe your own fingerprints off first.

And just know too that after the social media rant, there were so many threats this one writer was called. A writer? Yes, but not just that. Among his works - this one from back in the day - was a movie about a game many of us played then, but would probably not be allowed today. For him, at least during a certain holiday-named war, the gunplay had been very real - much as it becomes in the movie. He put in a call to some of his former commando friends, who were brought in to create and implement a security plan for the school - the same one, in fact, used in schools attended by children of the country's elite.

That's how serious the threats were.

His own son had died in a tragic car crash - I knew him well; at the time of his death he was purportedly working on his own script about the secret life of Hollywood. There is, in fact, a school of cinema named after him (at one highly religious university) - owing largely to the efforts of a former child star.

PS There's a version of this game being played, as we speak, in Hollywood. It involves clandestine agents for two sides of a secret global elite. It also involves real bullets, and in this case bombs. Who are participants - on the proverbial side of light? I can tell you two, who will appear in the first scene of the first dancing boy project (which will debut next year; you won't find it on IMDB, because it will be performed live). One is the biggest child movie actor of a certain decade, and the other is his tv counterpart; they've been secret brothers in this unit, for decades. 

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list tweener who really does not do much entertainment wise any longer is selling things off as fast as he can to raise money. He too has been caught in the wipeout of one of the family businesses. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 28, 2018

This former A+ list comedian/A list actor paid $10K to get himself on stage this weekend.

Louis C.K.

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list radio host who is usually on at night refuses to take any calls from anyone who mentions they are a part of or supports the LGBTQ community.

Blind Item #5

One actress who has not given her salary to charity and has no plans to or any plans to say anything negative about the child molester is this A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family.

Blind Item #4

Usually it is just tales of broken off relationships to go get some of that seasonal thirst on that television franchise. This time it will be a whole new can of worms if some guys start telling their tales about the closeted network reality star.

Blind Item #3

There is a scam floating around, based upon a restaurant in a particular corner of the country, running a sex trafficking operation.  Practically a cottage industry of people have popped up to try and make a buck off this nonsense. 

Blind Item #2

This A list network host recently had a multiple page interview in one of the biggest magazines in the world but not a peep about him being closeted or at least a question about his personal life. 

Blind Item #1

Things are getting even worse for this permanent A list "singer." With no one to care about her except for herself, she needs at least a year off instead of being rushed off to rehearsals for more money making ventures she doesn't want.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

December 13, 2017

Not a good combination. This can't get a job former PLL actress doesn't need to be using again. That A- list mostly movie actress she is hanging out with will end up destroying what is left of the career of the former PLL actress.

Ashley Benson/Kristen Stewart (I wonder if Stella knows about the Ashley/Kristen hookup or the Kristen hookup with the other actress in that photo)

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 12, 2017

Apparently the women they arranged to have sex with the oft cheating, oft troubled, child molesting former reality star were not enough. The still married celebrity has been hooking up with a stripper he met online.

Josh Duggar

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 11, 2017

This A list country singer knows he has two hours each Sunday when his celebrity girlfriend is occupied with church. Funny how he always has something to do at that time. Maybe spending some time with that woman who delivers his meals each week who always shows up right when the girlfriend heads to church. Huh.

Blake Shelton/Gwen Stefani

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 6, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actor is receiving death threats from people he suspects are associated with his A+ list actress ex.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie

Blind Item #8

I wouldn't worry about this former Disney actress turned possible future porn star. She made far more money this weekend meeting a gentleman caller than she lost to an unfortunate incident.

Blind Item #7

This former 16 & Pregnant star is hooking up with a cartel leader. This will not turn out well. 

Blind Item #6

It seems like a fatherly kind of thing trying to get full custody while mom is away getting help for her issues. This isn't your ordinary father. The C list celebrity is just attempting a money grab and hoping he can turn something temporary into something that gives him a huge monthly check.

Blind Item #5

This A- list headed to B+ list singer all of you know is having a lot of personal issues right now. There is a substance problem for sure and there is the decision she is making about whether to keep the baby of a guy she only saw for a few weeks. It has caused her to miss some gigs.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 27, 2018

This online tabloid is trying to break news while still making publicists happy. Apparently they are suffering from that access disease that afflicts their corporate sister. Everyone in the know, knows this A- list singer was hooking up with her dealer, despite what the tabloid is trying to spin.

TMZ/Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 27, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee loaned out his "girlfriend" to his best friend for a few hours.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 27, 2018

A big financial backer is sticking with a movie that is probably destined for failure after a huge casting change. The reason? He is hoping to sleep with this foreign born former A list tween/teen actress who all of you know. She is probably B+ list at this point and just replaced an almost A+ lister who knew the script was garbage.

Emma Watson replaced Emma Stone in Little Women

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 27, 2018

You probably didn't even hear about this terrorist bombing that happened nearly a month ago in a faraway country. It killed several people and the police brought in some people for questioning. It had been the first terrorist act in the country in almost a year after suffering through almost a dozen in 2017. One of the people brought in for questioning and who has not been released is a brother of the woman who has her own history with mass killings. Apparently terrorism runs in the family.

Philippines bombing/Marilou Danley 

Blind Item #4

Umm, the PR teams can say whatever they like, but this foreign born permanent A list model has never gone longer than a month in the past two decades being sober.

Blind Item #3

If you look at it superficially it doesn't make much sense that a foreign born permanent A+ list designer would be collaborating with someone young enough to be grandchild. When you look deeper though and learn that a relative of the youngster knows all about the designer raping a teen model multiple times during a coke fueled weekend back in the day, but keeping it all secret, then the partnership makes more sense.

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype. This former A+ list athlete and his A list celebrity significant other escaped as quickly as they could from a situation because the athlete was going to be served with a paternity lawsuit in front of a room full of people.

Blind Item #1

This could cause some drama. Apparently this A- list comic mostly movie actress is being wined and dined and spoiled by the same very wealthy man who used to do the same for a Housewife who has never quite got over being dumped by him.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 26, 2018

That former A- list mostly television actress from a now defunct cable show is learning the hard way that any relationship with the world's worst actress is going to involve watching yourself being cheated on almost weekly. Such was the case this weekend.

Ashley Benson/Cara Delevingne

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 26, 2018

It seems like every season, the producers of this show make a deal with a "celebrity" they know has a drug problem and just assume everything will be fine. It never is. This latest incident was one of the worst.

Celebrity Big Brother (UK)/Rodrigo Alves

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 26, 2018

They should never have got married. These two foreign born co-stars for awhile longer on their pay cable show have been in nonstop fight mode. He still hasn't got over his other co-star.

Kit Harrington & Rose Leslie/Emilia Clarke

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 26, 2018

Once again, this foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult took the opportunity of the absence of his significant other to cheat with a woman who has his preferred hair color in women.

Justin Bieber/Hailey Baldwin

Blind Item #8

If only he could have listened to her (B+ list reality star on a show you all love) calling him and old sweaty fat f**k to her friends. She told those same friends she was going to dump him if he didn't propose soon because he wasn't paying her bills any longer. I bet he figures it out before the wedding.

Blind Item #7

This actor was barely there to begin with. When he couldn’t get work anymore, he started promoting wild accusations to make a buck.  He’s been making even more of an ass out of himself than usual lately. The obvious drug use doesn’t help his prospects either.

Blind Item #6

This is going to be crazy. That closeted A list reality star all of you know has her new girlfriend moved in. Yes, after a week. Anyway, that girlfriend still hooks up with her ex who is that A- list mostly movie actress all of you know. So messy.

Blind Item #5

This sometime reality star who is the offspring of a reality star all of you know has been earning money doing threesomes with some other sometime reality stars. This is in addition to being the sugar baby of a very rich married man.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 25, 2018

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who has won/been nominated for some of the big awards in his home country was a serial cheater on his long term wife who all of you know. Well, leopards do not change their spots and he was hooking up with a waitress last week which is probably a surprise to his new bride.

Vincent Cassel

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 24, 2018

This is a huge break in the investigation. She was still married to him and she received some new information from three people about the death of this A list celebrity. That information has now caused police in the country where the death occurred to question their initial determination of suicide.

Anthony Bourdain

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 24, 2018

This B list comic actor all of you know was doing coke at a college party after a recent gig.

Pete Davidson

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 24, 2018

As I previously told you, as much as this foreign born A- list dual threat actor would be great for an iconic role, the producers, no matter how much they try to leak otherwise have insisted they would never cast a person of color in the lead.

Idris Elba/James Bond

Blind Item #4

This closeted reality star must be about to come out of the closet. There is no way this guy, who hangs out with A list reality stars can stay in that closet if he continues to hook up with guys from Grindr while he visits LA. Just impossible to keep it a secret for long.

Blind Item #3

This former model/stripper/reality star turned frequent yachter is looking for a huge increase in child support for a child she barely sees.

Blind Item #2

Apparently easy access to drugs and willing forgiveness of all the times she has been cheated on and will be cheated on is most important for this one named A- list singer. No other reason for her to take back the guy who disrespects her every chance he gets.

Blind Item #1

This former A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee but has trouble getting any kind of work now is back on drugs again and really needs rehab. Oh, and to stop harassing women.