Friday, January 11, 2019

Blind Item #12 - Mr. X

When is the Netflix special airing about the permanent A++ list mogul molesting the permanent A++ list singer when the singer was a child? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Berry Gordy and Michael Jackson?

    1. Ooh, good call (sadly).

      Very few are perm A++, and also very few were singing as a child (not a teenager).

  3. Why is he asking us? Should we know? This is why we read the site, to find out dates and such.

    1. Ummm (as if this wasn't completely obvious)...sounds like a cheeky way to wonder about when these other allegations will finally come to light and perhaps receive attention through their own docuseries, much like the R Kelly one.

  4. Or Clive Davis maybe and MJ? Maybe a female (he’s allegedly bi)

  5. If Davis is bi then it could be him and Whitney

    1. That’s what I was thinking... if she was a child-definitely

    2. I thought he was loving the boys (I’m looking at you Usher) but if bi it could be Houston. He knew her mom and Dionne for a long time.

    3. Poor Whitney...

    4. R Kelley Aliyah

  6. +1 Montana, with so many ++ it's tough to think of any others it could be.

  7. Child molesters really are attracted to the arts.

  8. Yet another CDAN dog whistle post, followed by payouts.

    Which makes the answer to Enty's question, "never".

  9. I always had a weird feeling about Diana Ross and Michael Jackson so it would be even weirder if he was molested by Berry Gordy.

  10. Disney and Annette Funicello?

  11. As it turns out I have inside info about this documentary. It will air on February 30th!

  12. I don't think it's Aaliyah. Wouldn't it say singer/actress? Although her acting career was cut very short. I liked her in Queen of the Damned. She's the only good part of the film. And I don't think she's permanent A++

    I never really thought about Berry Gordy and MJ. But I do think that poor MJ was passed around. Doesn't MJ have more pluses though? Of course Enty ratings can be very weird and inconsistent. I often don't pay a lot of attention to them.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is definitely about Michael Jackson as a child.

  15. Geffen and M. Jackson, to me they are the very few people that can be labeled A++ Listers

    1. Agree. Aaliyah and JayZ will never be that imho.

  16. Quincy Jones and MJ

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  18. Could this be something like LB Meyer and Judy Garland or Shirley Temple, something old Hollywood? Not too many perm A++ in the late 20th c. outside of MJ

    Just throwing out other options

  19. Barry Gordy and LIttle Stevie Wonder?

  20. Berry Gordy and Michael Jackson is my guess.
    Unless it was Joe Jackson. But I think Joe molested the girls, and beat the boys.

    Horrific. Whoever this happened to.

  21. Janet Jackson. or her brother.

  22. Clive Davis is the devil, per Whitney Houston
    They all get dickmatized by him——male or female Clive is getting his big O
    Berry Gordy was called out by sleeping with most of his artist..
    Some of the women was prostitutes until their career really kicked off..

  23. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Joe Jackson would have sold every one of those kids to The Devil himself for a shot at fame and fortune.
    Remember, this is generational. It's probably Joe himself was molested and it was normal for him.

    We just have to stop the cycle, as a nation. We just stop it.

    Of course the US has granted thousands of Visas to men and their child brides, so I guess we're not doing a very good job of that. Maybe we could start with stopping that.

  24. The list of people this blind could apply to is unfortunately very long.

  25. yepthatsme I absolutely fell for that. well played.

  26. @Davina, Jeez, could you imagine the parent/teacher conferences for child bride students? Any teachers who complained about talking to the 40 yr old husbands of their students would be reprimanded for being culturally intolerant.

  27. mj and quincy,berry,or geffen

  28. My inside sources tell me it's going to air on a day that doesn't end in "Y".

  29. How many A++ singers are there that a mogul would have access to when they were kids besides MJ? Judy Garland (actress primarily)? Taylor Swift? Would any boy band singers be considered A++? Is Timberlake A++?

  30. Neither Joe Jackson or Aaliyah were perm A++

  31. Tommy Motorola/Mariah Carey. Or Celine Dion and Renee

  32. The HBO Documentary about Michael Jackson is supposed to air in Spring. It's 4 hours long so god knows what all is in it, but I know Wade Robson is in it. Michael Jackson strikes me as a person in total denial. Like he would never tell a soul that he was abused by an A+++ mogul as a child so there will be someone in the doc who spills the tea. The only one I can think of who is A+++ who was around Michael as a child would be at Motown. Berry Gordy? I'm not convinced...perhaps. I know his son Kennedy Gordy has been in and out of psychiactric hospitals his whole life. When he was Rockwell "Somebody's watching me" That was/is his illness. He always feels like someone is watching him. Specifically, he thinks god is in his back seat or following him. He told me that himself.

  33. Why you askin' us Enty?

  34. I change my guesses in B. Gordy and M. Jackson

    ( with the help of Agcmainpage,too)

  35. You guys are slow. This is obviously JayZ and Beyonce. JayZ also had relations with a teenage Foxy Brown in the 90's too and he did Aliyah too.

    1. The blind says "child". not teen or even tween. So neither Aliyah nor Beyonce.

  36. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "Permanent A++" eliminates most performers.
    There should be only a few.
    IF we include too many, the classification system loses all meaning.

    In my opinion, it should also require a lengthy career.

  37. @MD Anderson, yes. I read from several sources that Michael Jackson had an inappropriate relationship with Diana Ross. I also found it odd he had plastic surgery so his eyes could look like hers. If you look at photos when he still had skin color he looks like Diana in the eyes.

  38. Clive Davis and Whitney Houston.

  39. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Diddy and Usher
