Monday, January 28, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Something For Everyone

It seems like so long ago, but it really isn't. Two of the people involved are still well known, and depending on your interests, I'm guessing one is really well known and the other isn't. It is all about perspective. What isn't about perspective even though this A list director likes to pretend it is just sex is the fact that during a casting call and during the filming of a movie, the A list director raped a well below driving age star of the movie. The director, who has been written about before here in this space is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He is finally being taken to task for his actions and some of the victims of Bryan Singer are coming forward speaking about this director. What also happened on the same movie is that this also too young to drive actress who was at the time a drug addled mess and was about to get the biggest boost to her fame by starring in a television show, was also raped by a producer while she was basically passed out from drugs. He liked to brag about it and even showed people pictures of the naked actress until someone told him it was child porn he was carrying around on his phone. 


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  3. No, but you make it too easy for them. Death is a release nonetheless, we all wait in Sheol, but we should torture the shit out of people likes this. Flaying or cutting them into pieces alive and feeding it to the dogs.

    1. John, please think of the dogs! They deserve better!

    2. Id like to get a lot more intricate than just simple torture. I wouldn't even kill them immediately. I say they're better off being deformed, castrated, blinded in one eye, and crippled. Followed by putting them in a glass box, and parading it around Washington DC, before we drop the box into Marianas Trench or the nearest Volcano.

    3. Bonby, I like your style! I’ve always been a fan of the Saddam Hussein style of torture. Tie your victim to an anthill and pour honey on them and let the ants do the rest! Also a million little cuts and salt mixed with lemon juice rubbed in those cuts! I think all pedos need this type of execution. Let their victims watch and participate if they’d like. Now THAT is justice.

  4. @tricia

    I thought about how he sexually assaulted his transgender niece that time on set...

  5. @TheJohn

    +1 yes so true. dont give them the peace of death. its an easy escape.

  6. Beebop just said what we all was thinking you snowflake, removing his comments, choke on it

  7. The Singer connection makes me think Schumacher, but was he ever nominated for anything?

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Beebop, I feel like you’d appreciate the show Death Note ( if you haven’t already seen it going by your username)

  9. I am unironically at the point that I tryna write spec scripts to get into Hellywood, just to fuck with this cunts like that.

  10. Anybody heard of Spacey lately? Where is his big reveal? Or is he behind the Singer scandal? He dodged a bullet with his
    *jumps down*
    I'm gay

    1. He was just in court.... he hasn’t dodged any bullets

  11. Throw a small stick in Hollywood and you will probably hit six or seven probable suspects. Anyone with a 2018 Audi R8. Any Audi drivers really too.

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Is there any end to Singer depravity? Jesus

    No amount of drugs or money or desire for fame would ever make me be alone with his beady eyed ass or any of his weirdo crew

  13. I'd feel safer having children around questionable priests than around directors or producers. They could have cleaned their own house a long time ago. You'd have thought they would have at least gotten rid of the obviously blatant predators if only to protect themselves.

  14. If its ORussel. I hope not. But actors could be Jeremy Davies and Carla Gallo. Both in his first film Spanking the Monkey. A film about a kid that screws his mom.

  15. Here's the thing I'll never understand. What parent in their right mind leaves a child with anyone? The parents who left their little boys with Michael Jackson or a parent who drops a kid at a movie set? If your kid wants to be an actor great. But don't just abandon all reason

  16. The "driving" clues made me think of License To Drive from 1988 with the Coreys and Heather Graham. She later became well-known in Twin Peaks.
    But I guess the director doesn't make sense though.

    1. Heather graham may have the greatest tits in hollywood.

  17. Gus Van Sant?? Taylor Momsen was in his movie

    1. It doesn’t say the gender of who he raped. The actress was raped by a producer. Taylor was in Paranoid Park with a bunch of teens. Thinking of who would have common victims with Singer.

    2. I dunno possible ,but he’s not that way (abusive from what I’ve heard)-definitely cruises younger boys though. Lots of stories about what when on during My Own Private Idaho....

  18. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Ladies, Gentlemen, Others, in the category of paedophilia at an industrial level, the nominees are . . .

    The Catholic Church
    Washington DC
    Westminster London
    Hollywood Star Machine
    Davos World Economic Forum

    A five-way tie

  19. Stick EU HQ Brussels in that list too, Oracle.

  20. Speilberg, elliot, ?, drew barrymore

  21. Because of the phone reference, this has to be late 90s at the earliest.

    Gus Van Sant has the worst reputation of a lust of nominees/winners.

    I’m going with him.

    1. It doesn't say that the director was nominated/won as a director, though. It could be for something else.

  22. Missed you, Count. I'll take your word for it.

  23. Being gay does not equal pedophilia. Let's leave Gus Van Sant and poor Joel Schumacher out of it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why should they be left out of this???

    3. There are gay pedophiles and they shouldn’t get a pass because they’re gay.

  24. I agree with Taylor Momsen (bc of Gossip Girl same time frame), Paranoid Park, GVZ as director....not sure which cast member or producer

  25. Looloo,Gus and Joel have some pedo type stuff floating around.

    I agree completely with you. Gay is not the same thing!!

  26. Loolooeasy--- following clues, I dont think anyone is saying one equals or results in the other!

  27. Anonymous1:03 PM

    A list director who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and friends with Bryan Singer - Gus Van Sant
    Movie - Paranoid Park (2007)
    Below driving age star of the movie - Gabe Nevins (14 when he auditioned, 15 when they filmed it)
    Nevins struggled with "mental breakdown, homelessness and sexual identity":
    Also "drug abuse":
    Too young to drive actress who was about to get the biggest boost to her fame by starring in a television show - Taylor Momsen
    TV-show - Gossip Girl

  28. Anonymous1:09 PM

    An Open Secret tweets about GVS:
    "Gus Van Sant didn't mention Harvey Milk's multiple documented illegal relationships with young underage vulnerable teens in his film. Maybe that's because we know he uses the same sleazy rapist feeder as Bryan Singer to funnel young men his way in real life?"

  29. I think the pics on the phone is a clue that it's within the last 10 years or so. How long have cameras been on phones?

  30. Good point HotThot. Not even 10 years, I think I had a silver flip in 2008.

  31. ha ha ha your name's not HotThot but I'm leaving it.

  32. Let's stick with fun Meghan Markle gossip my little head doesnt want to believe this shit but knowledge is power. Hope victims keep coming forward so we can put the creatures where they belong.

    1. We have to know. So we don’t support those scumbags and so we can demand justice and stop it from happening to anyone else. This is very important. Not pleasant but it is imperative that we fight this evil.

  33. There's only two producers listed for Paranoid Park (2007). Which of the two is more likely for the blind?

  34. The Google says cell phone cameras first became available in 2002.

    JohntheSavage may have it. Momsen certainly fits.

  35. On a sort of related note, everyone should be following John Doe on Twitter. I commend him for being so brave with his tweets. It really would be wonderful if we could see some of the giants taken down and Hollywood truly reformed in our lifetime. We can all hope!!!

  36. What I don't get is how Hollywood nominated Bohemian Rhapsody for Best Picture with all the controversy surrounding Bryan Singer right now. Plus, the film is average at best. I just feel like it's their way of standing behind that sicko. I watched it on Saturday (torrented) and even Rami Malek's performance is just fucking weird. Was Freddie Mercury an android? Because that's how Rami plays him. The MeToo movement is such a sham. They're all out there still protecting him and his ilk because it makes business sense to do so. smh.


  37. i hope bohemian rhapsody wins best picture at the oscars and bryan singer gets a standing ovation

  38. Brad Pitt, it sure seems like you are just trying to get a rise out of us. I won’t give you the satisfaction!

  39. @dummy, Because they were paid/bribed/influenced to. The award shows are all meaningless scams meant to raise the value of a product. More people are figuring it out, that's why their ratings are usually in the shitter.

  40. @Sarah, Actually Brad's hope is a best case scenario, it would reveal the industry for what it is. Then again the academy has always had it in for Spielberg, he had to make Schindler's List before they gave him any love. Wonder what they had against him, did they hate Jaws that much?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Jaws is one of my all time favorite films.
      They didn’t hate it-but it was based on a book that took place on NJ beach (transported to The Vineyard)and a mechanical shark was the star(but my Man Roy Scheider was that movie with Robert Shaw). Watch the All That Jazz to see how great RS was.
      It was coming off off of years of films that looked nothing like it; hence the snub.
      He’s still a —-.Ill leave it at that


  41. Braydon, I did not look at that way initially. Thanks, that does make sense!

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  43. Good to see you back, Count!

  44. @The Oracle - you can add the EU to that list.

  45. @dummypants and Brayson, I think Bohemian Rhapsody getting all this love is Hollywood rallying around Bryan Singer.

    And Tink, I had completely forgotten about Spanking The Monkey. That movie was fucked up.

  46. Definitely GVS. Nobody is saying that all gays are pedos but lets not ignore the fact that there are a lot of pedos that are gay. The likes of Singer and GVS seem to enjoy flaunting their deviancy because they know that nobody would dare to call them out for it yet kids like Brad Renfro and Gabe Nevins end up completely messed up or dead.

  47. This is GVS, enty basically said it during his podcast, it was part two of Kevin spacey. Apparently he heard a newspaper was working on an article about him.He thinks this will be the next big abuse reveal.

  48. reddit AMA where someone who worked with brad pitt said he was abused by someone who is ..

    - A list in hollywood for decades
    - people would never in a million years believe he was guilty
    - as huge a star as michael jackson was

    imo the only people who are that big are Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Harrison Ford

    (i think the AMA was shia)



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