Thursday, February 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 30, 2019

Once again, the producers of a soon to be released movie tried to do damage control by sending out two of the people involved to apologize for their apparent support of the child molesting singer. Instead, it just turned into a non denial kind of denial and they never took the statements back. The producers and studio are crazy right now because the movie is going to be a bomb because of it.

Taraji P Henson/Erykah Badu/R Kelly


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not my girl Taraji. SMDH.

  3. Good, you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas.

  4. I love when movies bomb.

  5. I don't think that's the only reason the movie's going to sink.

  6. The movie is going to bomb because it’s a useless remake of a movie that didn’t need a remake.

  7. I don't know, Enty hasn't had a good track record lately predicting box office bombs.

    1. Yeah Brayson. Star is born is such a flop.

  8. Is it irony, or ironic that this movie is a female version of the old Mel Gibson 'What Women Want"?

  9. @BasiljH I was trying to remember the name of that movie! It is a remake of Mel Gibson's movie, isn't it?

  10. It has a 2.8 on IMDB right now! That's hilarious.

  11. I love it when movies with douchebags bomb. Erika Badu is a fake. Suck my tavis you smiley bitch.

  12. What’s Taraji gonna do when it turns out Jussie lied & she so quickly came to his defense?

  13. R Kelly. That bitch is an OPEN SECRET!! All those people should know and they're STILL working with him?? It beggar's belief.

    I watched Surviving R Kelly and omg, I knew of many details about the guy over the years, but the extent of it and his psychopathic tendencies and amount of women or his harem that he has. Kelly must have MAJOR dirt on SO many people to be getting away with what he's doing.

    What needs to happen is for him to go bankrupt, lose his posse/bodyguards, and for those stupid young girls who idolize that piece of trash to listen to their parents and stay away! The amount of people who still worship Kelly is surreal to me.

  14. Shake your damn head all you want, are you new here or what? Taraji sold out long ago, way before the fake racist accusation years ago. Hollywood is a vapid den of sycophants, losers, and perverts. Just please don't revere these evil scums.

  15. Wypipo didn’t mute Charlie Sheen not Hugh Hefner

  16. Some of us have. I saw bohemian rhapsody because I do enjoy queens music. I downloaded it illegally just for spite

  17. the movie is really funny.
