Monday, February 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 3, 2019

Unlike some other relatives, this alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity wants a certain designation for her offspring and won't settle for anything else.

Meghan Markle (Prince/Princess)


  1. Well sh!t, look how far she's come, why not keep reaching for more? Plus it's not a bad idea in case Harry kicks her and their children to the curb.

    1. Enty... WTF? Is this the best you got today? Get a fucking day job

      ... blah, blah, who Tha fuck cares

    2. Harry wouldn't kick his children 'to the curb'. He also seems to love her so I doubt that's it. She is just very self-important.

  2. Hi DM'ers, did your asses get tossed yesterday because youre part of a troll farm?

  3. And no Nerf ball jokes! ;)

  4. MM is pushy, to say the least.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can totally see MM conspire to get William killed so that Harry (and her trailer park brood) takes the throne.

    1. Harry is not second in line to the throne. He’s 6th!

  7. I hope the pregnancy is real. If Harry will have to deal w/ yappin and shitty diapers, he should get the benefits from the horny trimester.

  8. Few trolls of MM outed on the Sun. How many we have here?

    1. Are you thinking of outing them too? They're refugees and need protection.

    2. Of course! Anyone that says mean things on the internet or has an unorthodox or dissenting opinion, MUST be named and shamed and attacked! How else can we run a “free and open society”?

  9. Yeah Right! I'm sure you know the innerworkings of Meghan's mind and all, but this is pure speculation and designed to make her look bad. Go uncover some real gossip.

  10. Enty likes trolls, they give him page views and higher ad rates, he won't toss them, in fact he feeds them.

    1. Why are you giving her the benefit of the doubt? Of course she wants these titles for her children. Otherwise she's just a C list actress who does a walk-on in season 9 of The Windsors.

    2. I kinda like those
      Too, gives me study material on psychosis

    3. Opinions that don’t mesh with yours 100% = psychosis. Yep, we’re pretty far along the road to USSR style “using psychiatry as a weapon against dissidents”. How proud you must be!

    4. @astra... you naughty.. can't lower down at your level even if you keep typing. If you want to discuss your emotions, talk with a professional. public meltdowns are not good, doll.

    5. Is English your first language? It doesn’t seem like it is. Who mentioned emotions? Certainly not me, I merely made an observation. If you think that’s a “meltdown” then you definitely have no business determining who is or isn’t, mentally unwell. Anything to avoid having to admit you are in favor of psychiatry as a weapon.

    6. Wake up call (Looking at you Sb and LR...) Knock off the holier than thou diatribes no one here has the upper hand when it comes to gossip, rumor or speculation. This is an anything goes open gossip site not Philosophy/Ethics 101.

    7. @astra, you seem very insecure. try using better concepts if you need credibilty. If your career target is trolling, next time do it properly. Tip: stick to what you know.

    8. @bluestar good point 🤣🤣. that's productive criticism

    9. Laura Ramona, just take your faux psychoanalysis and shove it. Ok? Thanks. It’s sad that I have to say something so obvious, I don’t give a shit what you think. So you can go fuck yourself, and eat shit 🖕🏻💩 Byeeee

    10. Certainly. Your language speaks miles dear.

  11. It doesn't matter what the kid(s) are called, it will all be attributed to Meghan anyway. Prince/princess? Because she's pushy. Just Lord/lady? THIS IS THE QUEEN'S FINAL WARNING, as some troll posted here several weeks ago. It literally doesn't matter what title they're given, or even none.

  12. Why wouldn't they be? Doesn't seem like she's advocating for anything out of the ordinary. Harry is the brother of the future monarch like Andrew. Andrew's girls are princesses. Why would Harry's children be different?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. How about Trashy as a designation.

  14. The “trolls” outed yesterday in the Daily Mail were elderly ladies, one of whom who called Meghan a “flopsy floozy.” A real threat to national security, I’m sure.

    I wrote about this today in my rarely-updated blog, accessible via my profile.

    1. I like your blog and you ought to update it more often.


    2. Nutty_Flavor, I tried many times to comment on your latest blog post but it doesn't look like it happened. If there are dupes of my comment I do apologize. :). I'll try again later.

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Since Charles is now acting as monarch and Meghan sucks up to him like a Dyson I would expect her child to get the princess designation. The Queen would be a totally different story but sadly she's earned her retirement.

  16. Why isn't signing bananas with "empowering messages" for sex workers being recognized as the weirdest fucking thing that MM has done?

    1. That was strange and she needs to Consult before taking action.

  17. They are entitled to those titles as grandchildren of the monarch. Just like Prince Michael of Kent. Her kids were probably getting them anyway, but the media get better ratings to suggest MM “forced” the issue with the queen.

    1. But they won't be grandchildren of the monarch until Prince Charles becomes king.

  18. After yesterday's positive affirmation banana messages for prostitutes (yes really) chance.

    1. Lol what did these heartwarming bananas say? "Any john can be a prince if you believe in yourself"?

    2. Haha the irony of the bananas!
      My sweet Mormon friend would totally make a Freudian slip like this.
      But MM? I just can't even

  19. The title doesn’t have to be given when the child is born. It can be given at any point during the child’s life,

  20. @FnChristopher, she is indeed getting roasted for the banana stunt.

    Here's a good Twitter thread between one of the Royal Reporters and an African social justice activist.

    For once I agree with the SJW.


    The history of it.

  22. Andy's & Fergie's brats are princesses, so yeah it will happen.

    As for the banana thing, they visited a non-profit that showed her & harry what they do & already had the lunches done for the hookers, so get over it.

    If you are stupid enough to post nasty sh!t on an SM account with your real name on it or associated with your FB, expect to be doxed, no sympathy for the stupid old hags in the DM.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Prince MIchael of Kent's children aren't princesses or prince.

    She'll be lucky if she's still around when the kid is born. The FBI is involved in the doxxing incident because it's illegal. Not much talk of that on the DM and the Sun.

    Every time I think she has reached bottom, she does something even more disgusting. And, she doesn't stop, she just keeps going.

    We now how difficult some women can be as gf and wives. Markle just keeps demanding more and more.

  24. Also, Edward’s children may choose to take up the style Prince and Princess at a later date.

    This whole thing is not a big deal, as others have stated. But it does make for clicks for enty.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @Mischi Yeah, two of the ladies were African-American, and I noticed that the Lipstick Alley posters were particularly cruel to them.

    One particular woman, whose photo ran in the DM, got the worst of it - hairstyle, fashion, makeup taken apart.

    She works for a caregiving organization in Pennsylvania and some of Meg's fans are supposedly trying to get her fired.

  27. Of course the child will be a Prince/Princess. As the child of a Prince, that is automatic, unless (like Princess Anne's kids) no royal title is requested.

  28. It seems like Edward let his kids be Lord and Lady and is allowing for them to decide when they come of age if they want to be prince and princess. The Queen didn’t give Anne the style of Princess Royal until 1987.

  29. Unknown is that you Meghan or one of your team?! Made it on to CDAN defending as well as dailymail online comments! Nobody likes her, she’s a scheming manipulative moose!

  30. nobody gets a prince/princess title after birth - Princess Anne was already a princess, they just added "royal". The Queen does this 6 months previous to the birth and she hasn't done it for Meghan's brat so it won't get it ever. Charles is trying to limit the size of the royal family so forget Charles trying to do anything. The brat will just be a brat, like its mother.

  31. HM The Queen is clearly not amused and has not filed the writ necessary for the MM offspring to be Prince/Princess. However, Charles could do that after he ascends to the throne in another decade or whatever, if MM is still around by then, which is somewhat doubtful. She has had a particularly difficult transition into royalty and seems to stumble at every turn. It is possible she will calm down and learn her place, but I don't see that happening.

  32. Yeah, I agree with you, Lula. She doesn't seem to *want* to tone it down, and her latest campaign to intimidate and shut down her critics is extremely un-Royal.

    Royals are supposed to be above what the little people think, at least until they're banging at the palace gates and rolling out the guillotine.

    Say what you want about Trump - and there is so much to say - but he doesn't try to silence his critics.

    He insults them (Low Energy Jeb, Da Nang Dick, Crooked Hilary, Cryin' Chuck Schumer etc.) and gets into pointless flame wars, but he doesn't suppress speech, even though he gets hit with more insults than Meg could ever imagine.

  33. Only the children of a future monarch are given the designation of prince/princess automatically, unless the Queen decides to extend it to them. The Queen extended it to her other children, not all of whom accepted and they were given lesser titles instead (or none at all). Harry's children are not guaranteed, and MM is likely whining for it.

  34. @radiogirlnyc Nope you are wrong. they will be lords and ladies. Look up Royal protocol and rules. William's oldest George was a prince but his siblings would not have been princess/princess unless the Queen made an expressed exception. Meghan could be seeing this exception and hoping the 3 previous great grandkids before hers set this change about.

  35. Remember when Enty assured us Meghan would be wearing the Spencer tiara to piss off Kate? And then of course she did nothing of the kind. Oh wait, it's almost like Enty makes these up at random and you people choose to believe it? Hahahahaha

  36. You marry garbage and then everyone's surprised when she acts like trash?

  37. Still laughing at MM and her inspirational bananas. What a fucking idiot. 😂😂😂😂

  38. I have boycotted any published article or photo on Markle, Henry or other "royals."
    (As if They were 'related to Jesus". Uh huh.)
    They are liars, mental manipulators of the public. Life is too short to waste it on those stories.

  39. All grandchildren of the monarch get the HRH Prince/Princess title. So, when Charles ascends the thrown MM kids can take those titles if her and Harry choose. And yes, titles can change as the head of the monarchy changes. HM The Queen was once, HRH Princess Elizabeth of York, then HRH The Princess Elizabeth (b/c her father became King) and then The Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh. I am sort of getting bored of all the MM trash talking. She isn't my favorite by far but Enty has been wrong several times and has blatant misunderstanding of royal protocols.

  40. @Krab Right? The Spencer tiara isn't even owned by The Crown or Queen Elizabeth.

  41. @Mischi Yes, they do get titles after birth. These changes occur depending on succession. It happens in noble titles too. And the adding of "Royal" to Princess Anne is a special designation. Her full title is HRH The Princess Royal.

  42. Also @Mischi, none of the Kent grandkids are titled. Not even the Duke of Kent. There are 3 Kents, Prince Edward, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Micheal.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I just don’t understand the use of the word “alliterate” when speaking about someone... can anyone help me out?

    1. Michelle: first and last name start with the same letter.

  45. Here's some information on the title Princess Royal because people are getting it wrong. I just learned this recently. The title 'Princess Royal' is customarily given by the Sovereign to his or her eldest daughter, and it is purely honorary. It is the highest honour given to a female member of the Royal Family. Although only the eldest daughter of the Sovereign can be Princess Royal, she does not automatically become so. There can only be one living Princess Royal at a time. It has become established that the style belongs to no one by right, but is given entirely at the Sovereign's discretion. It is held for life, and on the death of a Princess Royal the style is not inherited by any of her daughters. Ann was declared Princess Royal in 1987. Queen Elizabeth II never held the title of Princess Royal because her aunt, Princess Royal Mary, was alive at the time Elizabeth's father became King.

  46. unknown, it is not up to Markle if her kids get titles. How entitled are you folk ? whoever heard of someone choosing their own title.

  47. @NuttyFlavor
    Trump is trying to get the press banned, so I would take Sparkles over him.

    1. Lol no he isn’t. TDS is a terrible thing. 😔

  48. Screw the titles! Sparkles should just name the kid "Prince" or "Princess." Then people would have to call them by that name.

  49. If non-titles are good enough for The Princess Royal’s offspring, Meg better hang it up.

  50. Nope, no dupes. Sorry to hear you had problems, though. I just did a test comment and it was fine.

  51. Meghan Markle likes sex workers because she was a yacht girl. Maybe someone wrote an empowering message on her banana back in the day. What the hell is up with the outing of Meghan Markle’s critics in the DM? Straight crazy.

  52. Nutty, I also tried to comment on your blog last week and had trouble. It finally took it but it never appeared, figured you didn't like my comment!

  53. Henriette, your post reminds me of someone posting ghetto names Markles could name her kid.
    Prince has already been taken.

    Enty needs to start a contest on baby ghetto names, just for laughs. Don't anyone get your undies in a bundle.

  54. I'm backing Bluestar on this one.

    And Sandy, that "Hello DM'ers" joke had hair on it when Roosevelt was president.

    And I do mean Teddy. Cut it out.

  55. She is like Circe from GOT. She will.push until she gets the designation and I see her masterminding the demise if Wills and kids so she can rule via her own child(even tho we know it's a surrogate and possibly even an egg donors child)

  56. "Banana Messages for Prostitutes". What a great name for a band.


    the UK there are very specific rules regarding who is entitled to be a Prince or Princess. Most of these rules come from Letters Patent issued in 1917 by King George V, in which the King accords the Princely title to all children of the Sovereign, to the Sovereign’s male-line grandchildren and to the eldest living of the Prince of Wales’s eldest son.

    However, when the Law of Succession changed to absolute primogeniture in 2012, The Queen issued new Letters Patent to make sure that all children of the Prince of Wales’s eldest son were entitled to be Princes and Princesses. That change was necessary because if the Duchess of Cambridge’s firstborn had been a girl, she would be ahead of any younger brother in the succession, but still be titled as a Lady, while her younger brother would be a Prince.

    tatty said...
    Also, Edward’s children may choose to take up the style Prince and Princess at a later date.


    It seems like Edward let his kids be Lord and Lady and is allowing for them to decide when they come of age if they want to be prince and princess.

    Sadly, you are misinformed.

  57. Anyone read the post himmmm left about her on twitter? 🙄

  58. @Kris. What’s the screen name?

    In related news, Our Meg is this week’s People Magazine cover story: “The Truth About Meghan.”

    I’ve been told it’s several pages of flattering nonsense and none of the quotes are attributed. No one apparently wanted to go on record defending her. Et tu, Priyanka?

    Also, who the holy hell is paying for all this?

  59. @younggoodmanbrown, killing William would not leave Harry with the throne lol! And William isn't even next in line, Charles is. Harry is 6th in line, she'd have to have Charles, William, and all of William's kids killed, too, for Harry to be up at bat.

  60. Hi Nutty Flavor, I tried many more time to comment on your last blog post and I have no idea why I can't so here it is hopefully. Feel free to paste it on your blog for ShyAnne. :) lol
    Hi Nutty, I love your comments. :)

    You said:
    "Not only can it be traced back to her, it was done with the assistance of the official PR from Kensington Palace."
    That seems obvious to me, but how can it actually be traced back to them? I'd love to know.

    Seems to me the KP PR strategy was to hire MM to play the villain in a reality show format written by the fans under the goading of the KP PR team. The writing is on the wall and the screens, lol. Seems to be working so far in small numbers. They have their devotees on both sides.

    The PH/MM union is clearly so made up. Do you remember when this hit the media? I think it was a small story that announced around Halloween of 2016 that PH had a new girlfriend. There had been nothing earlier about them. No gossip in the comments anywhere and no pap pics with this lady. Nothing. Then on the eve of the US Presidential election no less, out come's PH, aka Knight KCVO to rescue MM, his damsel in distress, ;D, by issuing an unprecedented public statement made through KP that defended her from "online trolls." But still not a single shot of them together.

    Then for months with not one single pic of them together that I can remember, they were were cut and pasted side by side on the covers of the supermarket rags with stories on their relationship. There was one little outing around Christmas where they went out in matching knit caps in London to buy a Christmas tree from a street vendor. LOL

    The relationship with MM got PH 10X the press right off the bat than his other two girlfriends. Why?

    I knew after those two releases that PH would marry MM. It's a business relationship it seems. They're coworkers. It's all an act. I hope no child is involved, God I hope that.

    They're simply continuing the "online trolls" narrative. One article I finally found after searching through Skippy's blog where they were discussing it, had a very interesting comment at the end. She told me emsi247 had posted it and I found it on Skippy through searching that user name, but the publication isn't listed in the screen shot. I couldn't find that article through Google or DDG. Maybe it was removed. At the end of the piece they wonder "why anybody would wish to sow and farm hate in the comments section on the BRF is anybody's guess." They were referring to the bots, but I'm reading irony into that question.

    Is hate being sowed and farmed by KP online with the help of bots? It worked for Trump. But if yes, what is it they want?

  61. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "I can totally see MM conspire to get William killed so that Harry (and her trailer park brood) takes the throne".

    She also would have to kill his kids in reply to the person that posted the quoted statement.

  62. @Shy Anne, I have posted your comment to the blog and responded.

    If anyone else is interested in the (sporadically updated) blog, they can access it via my profile.

    1. I’ll check it out. Maybe getting a Blogger account will help. Thanks. :)

  63. @Hortensia
    I taught twins named, Prince and Princess, and they were white.

  64. Hi Michelle S., I'm offering one more explanation of "alliterate" in case it helps. Alliteration is like, "Peter Piper picked a peck..." you get it I'm sure. So the reference to an alliterate name is the first and last beginning with the same letter, as another poster described.
    Alliteration is when adjacent words begin with the same letter or sound.
    Yes, I'm a bit anal.

    1. Unknown teasing me with the last line. Hope its a chick.

      P.S. other than names i always need 3 words in a row to give/get alliteration points. So "onyx o-ring" i dont consider one, but "puckered pink pooper" is. Also, sounds need to link up. "Chocolate cooch'n cornhole" doesnt make the cut. Neither would "tongueing that tasty tang" since "th" breaks it up. Better off using "tongue to tasty tang".

      If yer loose w/ rules, allowing ampersands and small words like his/in/of can have some fun stretching em out pretty long.
