Friday, March 29, 2019

Blind Item #3

This A list soap star is about to get fired from his long long long long time role on a show because of some racist remarks he made.


  1. Maurice Bernard/GH? Don’t watch soaps but he’s been on forever and a day

  2. those guys from general hospital

  3. made comments about watermelon and chicken on a podcast

  4. the actors are Steve Burton & Bradford Anderson from GH

  5. If Governor Coonman gets to keep his job, why can't these guys ?

  6. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Oh my god Steve Burton. He’s so dull I find myself wondering how his brain generates enough wattage for him to ambulate.

  7. I listen to their podcast every week, I don't recall a joke like that. I am a lifetime GH watcher and fans were thrilled when Steve came back. If this is him, it would suck.

  8. @sinkabella they edited it out

  9. Watermelon and chicken are both delicious; what's the problem mentioning those?

  10. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  11. And, about time for them to kill Sonny or Jason or both, off. They ruined the show.

  12. Never much cared for Steve Burton's acting, but he never came across as a racist or a douchebag. He just needs to pay Jesse Jackson to rehabilitate his image like everyone else.

  13. The GH fans will flip out if they fire him.

  14. Do tell I totally disagree about Jason

  15. I think Steve's best acting was when Jason was shot, fell into the harbor and sank out of sight.

  16. So the best part was that he left for 5 years? LOL. That show will sink if they get rid of him. We (most) waited a long time for him to come back.

  17. The best part for GH's stories and for their overall show, yes. The Beasts that ate Port Charles should be put down. On the bright side, Sonny, Carly and Jason ended my GH viewing habit after 26 years. Don't miss it at all.

    Though I found it hilarious when I read that they had magically rewritten Sam's swiss cheese uterus to be whole and functioning again.

  18. Are we supposed to believe blacks dislike watermelon and chicken? Everything is racist except Smollett and friends.

  19. Do Tell- the medical mysteries of daytime soaps, lol!

  20. I heard Bill Burr on his podcast the other week, say that he hates St Patrick's because of all the drinks lying passed out "with a corner beef sandwich hanging out of their mouth".

    As someone who has lived in Northern Ireland nearly all my life I wondered what he meant by the corner beef thing.

    So I googled and, whaddaya know, apparently in the States 'corned beef' is an Irish thing. I never knew that.

    I quite like corned beef though, and in a sandwich with a bit of brown sauce, it's lovely.But it's popular all over the British Isles and not at all associated particularly with Ireland. Especially in Ireland.

    Am I offended by Bill Burr's remark?

    Of course not, that would be (in Bill's voice) "fuckin' retaaaahded".
    Why the fuck is anyone offended over food? It's pathetic.

    Do Scots go ballistic if anyone says they like haggis? No, not ever.

    Do Welsh go all stabby if there's a remark about lava bread? Nope.

    Do (Northern) English get sniffy if Black Pudding is mentioned?

    Well, yeah, but only justifiably because that most Yanks keep calling it 'blood pudding' which it has never been called, ever, even though it is made from blood and is fucking delicious. Seriously. Try it fried with an egg, fucking heaven! But because it's a traditional regional dish which is associated with them? Not a fucking chance.

    So why would I get offended by a 'corned beef' reference?

    Well, I'm not particularly Irish, so there's that. But I can't imagine any Irish people I do know well....and I mean actual Irish people, not some Boston or New York plastic whose great, great, great X 6 or 7 grandaddy washed up in Boston harbour about 180 years ago.... wouldn't even consider the thing as worthy of an thought.

    But, usually the spud munching bog trotters are as touchy as fuck. Yeah, there I said it.😁

  21. Corned for fuck sake, CORNED! Is it that difficult you fuck faced autocorrecting piece of shitty silicon bastard?!

  22. OMG PLEASE be Steve Burton! Can't stand him or Jason. And don't kid yourselves, GH fans. Not everybody wants Jason on.

  23. Ahh, Vic. Welcome back!

  24. Steve Burton was at a fan event and was announcing that food was being served, and that people would hear "ghetto clanks" of plates and cutlery because the event was serving watermelon and chicken. So he invoked a very old racist stereotype.

    If ABC DOESN'T fire him, as they did Roseanne, they will look like giant hypocrites and asses.

  25. And the award for consistently funny posts that make me laugh: Flashy Vic! (In my head I always want to call you Fleshy Vic!) I LOVE your comments! 🤣😆🤣

  26. Your hilarious wisdom and Autocorrect battles have been missed, Flashy! Happy you're back at it!😁

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Use to watch GH with my mama back in the day when it was actually good. Now it's all about Carly the whore, Sam another whore, Sonny the gangster and his muppet Jason. After the show killed off all the Quatermains, it hasn't been the same. The show will never be back to when it was decent with Sonny & Brenda, Emily & Nicholas, The Quatermains, Lois & Ned, Stone & Robyn. The show was so damn good. Now it's boring af.

    Would not be surprised if this blind is about Steve Burton. Can't see Maurice saying anything racist.

  29. So Jussie gets out of his charges and gets to keep his job for being a racist and paying someone to mug him so he can blame white people, but this guy makes a comment about a ghetto lunch...and will get fired? PC is getting out of control. This is ridiculous.



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