Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blind Item #7

Apparently the word is out that if you pretend to do an investigation, and then don't say anything publicly about what the investigation found, then you too can get your multiple television jobs back. It also works for movies when corporations are more scared of losing money than doing the right thing.


  1. Neil de grasse tyson

    1. YEs please let it be star-fucker Neil Kardashian-Tyson.

      It was all sorts of disgusting to watch him on CNN (?) talk about how life life is “precious” just ~hours after Anthony Bourdain had been found dead because OMG gotta ride on that breaking news momentum.

      Well when the fuck did he ever give a fuck about other human lives he ruined, like Tchiya Amet. I’m sure what he did to her caused her her mental health issues.

      Bill Nye and his promotion of bullying can go down too. Dude has an air of a hardliner fundamentalist preacher but everyone gives him a free pass for being a hateful bully because his religion is “science”.

  2. James Gunn & Disney for the last sentence.

  3. And James Gunn (for the movies corporations). And Enty's take on Gunn being rehired is exactly the type of vague bullshit I predicted yesterday that he would post, except that it is even more vague than what I expected.

    Enty, do you really believe that Disney would rehire James Gunn (while Warner Bros is also happy to work with him) if any of the claims you posted on him was remotely true? Under investigation by the Feds, a few exes who would gladly testify on his fetishes, etc. The James Gunn from your stories does such a sloppy job to hide his perversion that it would just be a matter of time before actual evidence reaches the surface and bursts to his face and Disney's, costing them a LOT of money and damage to their reputation.
    Meanwhile, Disney doesn't exactly lose money or need a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie to survive. Hey, they can even release a film about a black superhero or a woman superhero and it's a hit anyway.
    And in the meantime, the same corporations have quietly severed all ties with Bryan Singer. Even if Bohemian Rhapsody has brought more money than GotG Vol. 2, by the way.

  4. Hi Enthusiasm.... is Amazing on vacation or something?

  5. i liked the guardians movies but just about any director could make them. why hire a gross pedophile when there are a plenty of other qualified people? instead of breaking barriers and rehiring the pedo white guy, they could’ve hired a woman or a minority director for the next instllment, but instead they choose the typical disney entertainment division route .

  6. James Gunn knows all their secrets. Of course he was never fired.

  7. WTF, no we have enthusiasm quotes? The others turned out not to be interesting after all?

  8. @LX45

    And Bryan Singer doesn't know any secret?

    @Jane Hanoi

    Actually, making these ensemble films is harder than it looks, as you have to balance the different characters (and often the egos among your cast as they fight for lines or screen time) and make it look seamless. For every Ocean's 11, there is a Suicide Squad or a Monuments Men (I tend to enjoy Ocean's 12). For every Avengers, there's an Avengers: Age of Ultron or a Justice League.

  9. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Won't somebody please think of the money at stake. Please quit worrying about the feelings of people that were harassed and/or raped. Focus on what is important, the money, quarterly bonuses, stock dividends. The money is what is important.

  11. Who are the people that were harassed or raped in James Gunn's case? His tweets may have rightfully hurt and shocked victims of rape and harassment, but nobody has came up with an actual report that supports what Enty claims he's done
    And, once again, Bryan Singer is also a director with an established box office record. Outside of the X-Men franchise, Bohemian Rhapsody has made $215M in the US, $876M worldwide, but Singer is now blacklisted. Sure, it should have happened much earlier, especially as there were multiple testimonies on him, but he's still blacklisted despite just having the biggest hit of his entire career.

  12. I’m just wondering how Gunn’s disgusting tweets that make light of child sexual abuse/rape are somehow less terrible than Roseanne’s one tweet that insulted one specific person? I am so looking forward to the explanations on how it’s different and I’m a racist for asking. Please don’t disappoint me, shills!

    1. You're not a racist for saying that-
      You're a racist for saying all the other stuff you've said and the mocking of other people, different from your superior self.

    2. Common sense strikes again. I wish it were contagious.

  13. @Angela,too little too late regarding Singer,most of the allegations against him were known before Bohemian Rhapsody was ever made. The big story was killed by the studio until after the Oscar noms. Many here thought it didn't even exist. An honest question,what does a person have to say or do before they suffer consequences? It seems people are rewarded for bad behavior. Directors are fired all the time,for very little reason. Do you know something isn't going to com out later,far worse than what we heard?

  14. +1 @astra Worthington, she also has a lifetime of proof that she is not racists to back her up. She has always been a provocateur,like Gunn,but that was ok until she went pro Trump. And if you actually listen to her,she disagrees with much of his policies, but is still labeled as such.

  15. -angela -So only the pedo social media white guy, gunn, was qualified to direct the latest guardians installment? Thats a crock.

  16. Chris Hardwick for the first part? Had his in laws, The Hearsts, do an “unbiased” investigation that turned up nothing.
    Second part is James Gunn

  17. @Astra Worthington

    James Gunn's tweets are disgusting, but he posted them at a time where Twitter was in its infancy, and nobody regarded it as some social media that would become that important, and archive everything, a decade later.
    At the time, it was mostly a way to share stuff among a small circle of people, like a Discord group now. Gunn wasn't a famous director with hundreds of thousands of fans, he was a struggling indie writer-director with a few hundreds followers. These jokes weren't supposed to reach an audience of victims. That's like telling an offensive joke in front of a limited audience. Of course, you can claim you've never told such a joke or laughed at it, but almost everybody else has.
    Also, Gunn had previously apologised for this old material, when it first came to the surface around 2013 or 2015, long before the 2018 campaign on him.

    Now, Roseanne Barr had something like 900k followers at the time she posted A SERIES of tweets, not one single tweet, contrary to your sloppy memory. First, she had made a series of factually wrong accusations that told that Chelsea Clinton was married to a nephew of George Soros, and, when confronted by Chelsea Clinton, that George Soros was a nazi who sold other Jews to the nazis during WW2. Soros was 14 at the end of WW2. She actually had a long history of posting bullshit on Soros. And that was at that point that she added the Valerie Jarrett tweet.
    And her successive reactions were embarrassing to say the least.
    - First she deleted the tweet and apologized to Jarrett for her "bad joke"
    - Then, she said it was because of Ambien that she had posted that, and she didn't know Jarrett was black
    - Then, she claimed that her reference to The Planet of the Apes was indeed about the script by Rod Serling that was ultimately a story about anti-semitism, because of Iran (where Jarrett was born to American parents long before the Islamic revolution there)
    - Then, she claimed to be much into Malcolm X and Kanye West these days, so she wasn't racist

    Having many followers cause you to have bigger responsibilities on what you write. Her attitude when posting these tweets and afterwards showed that she was totally irresponsible.

    1. Soros did work with the Nazis, he even said so in his 60 minutes interview. Talk about being sloppy, so are you.

  18. Goddammit there is too much Enthusiasm in here Amazing, we only need one per thread KTHXBYE

    Everyone remember Angela is a man, it makes some of her comments more sensical when remembering that.

  19. Gunn was fired for some tweets and the stars of Guardians said they wouldn't come back if he wasn't rehired. I doubt if he was in the same real as Singer they would've put a million dollar paycheck at risk for a pervert or maybe they would have. Either way it all comes out in the end.

  20. i am baffled by the J. Gunn thing, bc : Jokes about hurting children? Ok, let's say that they were jokes

    but then he wrote

    he wrote" i remember my first NAMBLA meeting. IT was the first time i felt ok being who i am. Some of these guys are still my bff's"

    NAMBLA = NOrth American Man/ Boy Love Association" Jokes?

    " Felt ok being who he was AT NAMBLA"?

    and when the " jokes" spam for 10 years or so...maybe AT LEAST one can doubt about his " repentance"

    1. Spielberg's inner circle is indeed a safe place 😬

  21. Ahh I see! So the amount of people that see your “jokes” or comments are the deciding factor on whether or not you should be punished for them! Yes indeed that makes an awful lot of sense 🤔🙄

    Good lord is that truly the best you could do? How do you stand to look in the mirror after writing all that nonsense? And defending a person that thinks that pedo jokes are ok?

  22. Oh and if you want to make private jokes, the fucking INTERNET isn’t the place to do it. Seriously come on now.

  23. My hunch is that Disney will end up regretting this. Gunn doesn't seem to have the right level of common sense to not cause more shit. Unless GOTG is pivotal to the fourth phase of the MCU, Marvel would probably be better off not making it. There's no compelling reason that they have to keep making them.

  24. @leo21
    Gunn didn't cause any shit for GotG and GotG 2. His political views did, as they got him a bunch of 4Chaners and Redditers from The_Donald to campaign against him. But hours after he had been fired, the entire main cast was supporting him, and the boss of Marvel Studios tried to intervene to get him reinstated.
    I'm not a supporter of James Gunn, I just prefer to use common sense logic. If any of these people had witnessed Gunn doing something actually awful, or heard about it, they would suspect there was more bad stuff that could see the light of the day, and they wouldn't have tried anything. Precisely because they would have been "scared of losing money." You voice your full support and bet your reputation on somebody who turns out weeks or months later to be a criminal, that's a serious blow to your bankability.
    All that the 4Chan cum-scrubbers were able to find between July and now was two pictures of some ill-advised "pedophile costumed party" where the youngest woman was well into her twenties, and evidence that he knew Huston Huddleston, a Trekkie who's now charged with child pornography in May. And, BTW, Gunn didn't try then to hide and delete his conversations with Huddleston, which would have been the first thing that anybody who has done anything wrong would do.
    Enty posted blind items and reveals to them, but none of that shit ever materialized or got any echo in real life. Where are his exes who had contacted several news outlets to attest that he had asked them to act like little girls during sex? Why aren't the Feds doing anything, if they have a long file on him?

    @Astra Worthington
    Have you seen a documentary called The Aristocrats? It's about a stupid and crass joke where comedians try to top each other by telling the most shocking and disgusting version of the same story. They got a ton of comedians, from Robin Williams to Parker and Stone telling variations on the joke, and it was Johnny Carson's favorite joke. Yet, Carson never saw it as appropriate for live TV, and he definitely wasn't a promoter of coprophilia, incest, child molestation, or any of the shocking acts that are usually described when someone ad-libs the middle part of the joke.
    Because context is the key. For instance, if I take your words out of context, they can sound like the ramblings of a hateful, idiotic person with obvious mental issues. While in context, they sound like the ramblings of a hateful... Shout, wrong example...

  25. @Angela 100% to everything you said

  26. Angela....currently there are about 30 DC congressmen who are retiring. This is unprecedented in our US history....good work if you can get it. esp. the perks. Also unprecedented number of actors and musicians being outed as pedophiles....Seems like only the black black ones are going to jail, however like R Kelley ..who also seems rather thuggish which is anathema to such high toned blacks as Oprah and Gayle.Pedophiles seem to run in packs.....their defenders, we can only guess. But the damaging tweets from J. Gunn , in a real justice system would get him some serious time.The fact that Disney rehired Gunn is no surprise as they have a lot of pedophilia going on in their theme park and business in I wrote, they hang together.

    1. Molly is a truth teller. And Disney is rotten to the core.

  27. This whole Gunn thing is SO much ado about nothing...what he said was tasteless, and...that's all I've got. Looking forward to G3!

  28. Angela, it is kind of amusing that you’d try to “insult” me. As if I care what a pedo defender thinks. I’d be doing something terribly wrong if someone like you approved of anything I said.

    It’s sad that you can’t see that some dumb ass movie by comedians telling jokes in bad taste, vs this creep, is a totally different thing entirely. I never saw that movie anyway so I have no real knowledge of it anyway. And since we started destroying people because of jokes, let’s apply the punishments fairly. I’m sure you’re all for the ruination of those you don’t like or agree with, but think your favorites should get a pass. That’s typical for your ilk. I hope you get paid a lot for being what you are.

  29. My gut is telling me that Disney pretended to fire Gunn to ensure the smooth takeover of Fox, but overall, in a strategic sense, they're planning to pivot away from their 100% family-friendly branding to something that allows for more edginess.

  30. Good! NDT did nothing wrong.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Jane Hanoi, you’re a fucking racist. And for the record, non white people and women are not minorities, not perpetual victims, not oppressed - all that nonsense is Libtard rhetoric to keep their voter base filled with unthinking sheep looking for big government nannying. Disney did exactly right to hire the person on the merits of his talent. If you don’t like white people, kindly gtfo of all nations we founded, why hurt yourself by forcing yourself to live in our “terrible” culture? Because you hate us out of your own insecurities and ugliness but you just lurve that first world white created luxury dontcha chucklehead?

  33. a lot of y'all are fucking imbeciles, jesus christ

    1. Welcome Prick. It would be tragic if it wasnt so absurd.

      These imbeciles are the neighbors you live next to that smile & wave & then scratch your car & burn crosses on your lawn when youre not looking.

  34. In a 1998 interview of George Soros, by Steve Croft, Soros admitted on camera the he was a Nazi collaborator.
    He strongly comes across like a sociopath in the clip, devoid of empathy, grinning and very very pleased with himself. He insinuates that he played no role in the confiscation of jewish property during the holocaust, but then also says 'If I hadn't done it, somebody else would have' and that he felt absolutely no guilt.
    Now why the fuck would the SS need a 14 year old at all in all of this? Unless of course he was a collaborating Jew who sold out fellow jews' hiding places of course...

    Nice try Angela, but you can crawl back under your rock of denial and delusions now.

  35. You need to join her, racist terroristic troll.

  36. Angela you are a POS, Valerie Jarrett is a traitor who collaborated with enemy combatants, and "joking" about being a member of NAMBLA is not acceptable EVER!
    GTFOH with your hypocritical bs. And GFY while you are at it.
