Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blind Item #8

This alliterate disgraced actress won't cut a deal because she thinks she did nothing wrong.  Will be hilarious if her significant other cuts a deal and turns on her.


  1. Replies
    1. Rot in hell aunt Becky!

    2. Seems a bit harsh for such a small crime

  2. Her significant other is her husband. Any lawyer (or anybody who had watched Arrested Development) would have heard about spousal privilege...

    1. Any lawyer would tell you that you are confusing at least two concepts and over simplifying both of those.

  3. Spousal privilege means you cannot be forced to testify against a spouse.

    You're welcome to testify against your spouse if you choose to, however.

  4. I learned about spousal privilege by watching PERSON OF INTEREST! John Reese, Mr Finch, Bear and the Machine! Best Tv show ever!

    1. I learned there are cameras EVERYWHERE after watching PoI; now I find myself looking for them all the time. And they really are everywhere!

  5. He can testify if he wants. He just can’t be FORCED to testify.

  6. The sketch artist said she was acting very arrogantly during her hearing. So this sounds true.

    1. What a witch! Hopefully oliva jade rats her out...aunt becky runs for it anf she loses her house

  7. The Lifetime network movie about this scandal should be pretty good.


  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hey, I'm watching you.


  11. How did all these accused hear about William Singer's special side door services? Did one actress confide in another, and pass on a number? Possible. Maybe one will squeal on the other. The private schools are in on this scam. They get to advertise that their students matriculate to university, and many to Ivy League, or top tier schools.
    If there are 800 students in this scam, there are many rich and powerful people freaking out right now. Some might not even know that their careers and reputation are at stake. Now that the accused are being sued by people who didn't get in to USC has turned this into a Bonfire of the Vanities remake, west coast version.

  12. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Netflix just announced they severed ties with Loughlin. That's after the Hallmark channel announced it a couple of days ago. She's unemployable so I hope they have a big bank account to pay for two sets of legal fees.

    I did notice Amazon has not yet severed ties with OJ (the daughter). Both Sephora and Tresemme have canceled contracts with OJ. Oh no, no more trips to Fiji! Poor child will have to sit at home out by the pool.

  13. No way mossimo flips until he loses the target deal

  14. I thought Mossimo sold the business. This is the best story, I'm a little obsessed with it.

    1. Blind gossip says bill gates allegedly got his daughter into Stanford using the magic key! Im obsessed with this story too, cant get enough of it

  15. His clothing line has already been terminated. I used to buy some of it.

    1. I still have two of his dresses. They fit so well, are forgiving and have held up beautifully over the years. I’m not proud of how long they’ve been hanging in my closet, but it’s a testament to how well-made the clothes were.

    2. I have the tank top, cargo pants and some tshirts for the gym. I think Target made a big mistake.

  16. The fact that she didn’t think she did anything wrong says it all. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as OJ also was involved in cheating on a game show that she in actuality lost. Cheating is in the blood I guess.

  17. Yes, Mossimo hasn't had a deal with Target for over 3 years.

  18. Glad to hear she's been dumped by Hallmark

  19. Its Hollywood. All will be forgotten in a year and Lori and her daughter will have their own talk show. 🙄

    1. They need to start production on the lifetime movie right now

  20. The real gossip is that olivia jade might be sending mommy to jail not euro trash husband

  21. I loved Mossimo tank tops. Wearing one now actually, and I was sad to hear that Target stopped selling them. His t shirts were popular in my school in the mid 90’s along with Stussy and peace frogs. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  22. One thing I’ve learned from this site is California is a really fucking twisted place.

  23. Olivia Jade is such a vapid piece of trash that I'm surprised Half-Prince Harry didn't marry her.

  24. Still haven't seen anyone mention that Hallmark is a total Bible Banging channel hence their rapid action in cutting off Lori Laughlin.

    No big deal but I thought someone should mention it.

  25. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Loughlin has crazy eyes.
    Markle-type eyes.
    Wiki photo? Yikes...
    I wouldn't want to meet that in a dark alley.

  26. I wouldn’t be surprised if LL and hubby also bought most of their daughters ‘followers’ on social media ad they’re really a bunch of bots. She was supposedly an ‘influencr’ that was making 6 or 7 figures from sucker companies for their product placemnt/ marketing on her blog/vlog.

    And her hubby put their house up as collateral for his bail bond.... they may not have a house to go back to if he leaves the country

  27. Spousal Priviledge is why Huma and Weiner are still "married".

  28. I used to love the Garage Sale Mysteries, such escapism. she does look like a wealthy suburban mom.

  29. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Are you a bot? I really can't imagine anybody watching a show starring Lori laughlin

  30. Loughlin was delightful in Secret Admirer back in the '80s. Looks like the sweet girl next door act she's run all these years was truly just that. Maybe she's a much better actress than we ever gave her credit for.

  31. 99% of the kids involved knew what was transpiring.

  32. if you were too stupid to realise what was going on, you STILL shouldn't be in college.

  33. @drew, I doubt that blind refers to Bill Gates, since he could afford to and would probably donate an entire building to their expansion project. The daughter who attends Stanford is also on the US National equestrian team and her dad is MSFT’s founder. Either of those things alone would get her admitted. Just like if your last name is Hewlett or Packard, Stanford will roll out the welcome mat.

  34. Of course she doesn't think she did anything wrong, she's a MAGAt trash hole. They never ever apologize or take responsibility for themselves, it's always someone else's fault. That privileged c*nt needs some hard prison time.

    1. Lol fuck offfffff with that shit please 🙄

  35. After sweating my way to a college degree, what took the cake was her missing the first week of classes to jet off to FIJI!!! I still have strange nightmares about not being prepared for exams! Aarghh!

    1. That because you and I and most people are plagued by a conscience.

  36. Have you seen the video that has surfaced of Felicity Huffman lecturing on ‘Educational Equality’?

  37. BayAreaGirl-- completely agree that Bill could have bought admission the old fashioned way, if his name wasn't enough.
    However, to her benefit, if his daughter's actually on the US Equestrian team, his daughter may have actually earned it with her own merits. Not every family greases every wheel just bc they can.
    So, it appears OJ's attitude doesn't come from anywhere strange.

    Did anyone see the pitch tape (i don't know what they're called) where Singer was trying to get a reality show about the application process back in 2011? He refers to it as a game, and Im sure was encouraging these tactics back then as well.

    Miss Meow-- I try to stay out of the political arguments on here, but I have to say that, given prominent people of both political affiliations dodging accountability for current high profile scandals, your comment is unnecessary baiting. Foul critters lurk on both sides, so please keep politics out of non-political topics.

  38. Dorothy--Really! Oh, brother!!!😲😂

  39. I’m wondering if Bravo is considering making an offer for her to join RHOBH.

  40. They all have such punchable looking faces. Once the money dries up it will be interesting to see if LL a MG stay together.

  41. Why is this a blind?

  42. California is lovely. These people are weird. It's as if they were born ethically and morally blind.

    Think about it. Lori L. made millions every year as the Queen of the Hallmark Channel. Sweet deal. People adored her. (My sister and a cousin think Lori Loughlin is the cat's meow).

    Lori is transitioning smoothly into middle age. Looks great. Steady employment. Imagine an entertainer who doesn't have to think about where and when the next job will appear. That's a gig from the gods of showbiz. Gorgeous hilltop home in freaking Bel Air. The life of Riley. What were they all thinking?

    People in the business need to have one normal friend who they can call to be told, "WHAT? Are you crazy. Lori!!?? Y'all make 500k in a month. You and Massimo need to let those girls rise or fall on their own merits. BTW, lose the number of that Singer person. He sounds like a lunatic. And honey? You and Massimo are the worst criminals ever. What are you guys? Bonnie and Clyde y'all are NOT! Great to talk to you. Hello to Massimo. [Insert Dope-slap here] Bye"!

    Just a reminder: get outta Bel Air once in awhile. Case closed.

  43. Anonymous5:41 AM

    There's some very obvious paid BOTS on this forum (courtesy of Giannulli).
    "My cousin loves Lori! queen of the Hallmark channel!" etc..
    How nauseating.
    Enjoy your dollar-per-comment deal.

  44. I can't get enough of this story! I think Aunt Becky's true colors are showing now; maybe she was a better actress than anyone knew. I would not be surprised if her marriage goes kaput, especially now that all of his Trump support is coming out. I never knew they were Trump supporters. I still do not understand how William Macy was not indicted.

  45. I always a us heard her hubby was shady. I really want to blame it all on him.
