Monday, March 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 11, 2019

This politician had to cancel an evening appearance, after she got carried away with some day drinking & passed out in her hotel room. We have all been there.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


:| raven |: said...

y'all guessed it but WOW

not a great way to get started and wanting to be taken seriously.

Do Tell said...

Did the inebriation make her more or less nonsensical?

Sarton Bander said...

She was rambling about a green naked eel?

Flashy Vic said...

Wheef hall dunnit!

Though maybe not while getting paid to attend.

Has she reported out an'allergy' excuse yet?

Sd Auntie said...

Probably dropped acid too.

Jim said...

Queen forever

Huckleberry said...

You mean she's not inebriated during her other speaking engagements? That's the only surprising part of this.

Brayson87 said...

It's really hard not to like AOC, much better than the crypt keeper 😄

Sally said...

I call BS. She is not stupid.

Flashy Vic said...


Do Tell said...

THAT is very much up for debate.

Bonby Haud said...

Won't matter, the press is on her side. What would that say to an educated man, when it's been a week and the press still doesn't jump on a scandal like that?

John the peon said...

@Flashy Vic, you seem dubious about AOC, please share your experiences with the NHS health care please.

Flashy Vic said...

It's not very good.

Unknown said...

She's excellent, I love her. Nothing turns hordes of voters off more than a big huge fat mouth, with zero substance, experience or knowledge behind it. It could not have been played better, had the Republicans orchestrated all of this on purpose: as Einstein said, only 2 things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former.

Well Dems, AOC and that other Islamist, they are just 2 phenomenal examples of the liberals' infinite stupidity. They really think that rolling out an ignorant, sub-educated, swivel-eyed, extremist and fascist socialist, is going to strengthen their joke of a party? Fucking brilliant!

You know peeps, there's a reason many many MANY people go from being liberals in their youth, to becoming conservatives later on. Yet, it never EVER happens the other way around. Think about that.

Paul Saint John said...

She likes booze, just like Hillary!

Poppies115 said...

Why are you giving her a pass because we've all there? You give no mercy to anyone, ever, why her? She's dumber than a box of rocks but dangerous as hell. The faster she is off the stage the better.

longtimereader said...

Aww, what a sweet blind. Ex-bartender gets wasted after a hard weekend.

Leslie said...

I hear The Green New Drink is amazing & then it makes you puke on your new shoes.

Angela said...

:| raven |: said...
"y'all guessed it but WOW

"not a great way to get started and wanting to be taken seriously."

Provided that it's true. If you have never heard of gossip campaigns to discredit a political opponent, or seen how some blinds here follow a particular agenda, you're very naive.

I don't know the details of her politics, but what I've read on Twitter shows that her opponents tend to attack her on frivolous issues and think they have destroyed her with one easy blow because she's young and supposedly superficial and dumb. She's actually sharp-witted concerning retorts, and the confrontation never turns in their favor. At this point, they should reconsider their strategy, because it mostly shows how out of touch they are with younger generations or women.
So it makes sense for them to claim she loves her liquor.

ESB said...

Well-known that she is allergic to alcohol. This is just patently false.

Brayson87 said...

It's not like AOC was drunk on the Senate floor or after some event she left a woman to drown in a sunken car she'd just wrecked. She sir is no Ted Kennedy.

J said...

AOC/Malia 2024!

Do Tell said...

"but what I've read on Twitter shows that her opponents tend to attack her on frivolous issues"

She often gets her facts wrong in regards to policies she is attacking or pushing for. She attacks members of her own party, and she is not making friends on either side of the aisle. The criticism she is encountering is neither baseless nor frivolous, but it is well earned.

Sarton Bander said...

If any party is attacking her it's the Dem party. She's pissed off Nancy P.

Now! said...

"Well known that she is allergic to alcohol"

Could you give me a source on that? I just Googled her name with "allergy" "allergic" "alcohol" and "allergic to alcohol" and got no results for this well-known fact.

I did learn that she prefers no-alcohol wipes in her skin care routine, however.

Sarton Bander said...

Ocasio-Cortez Illegal Aliens Are My Constituents

She seems allergic to reality. Be odd to work as a bartender and be allergic to what you're selling...

Substance D said...

Her drink was spiked but she collapsed in her room and not on the dance floor in front of enemy instagrammiacs. Just bad timing from a team that didn't do their homework on metabolism and bulimia. She dodged a bullet on that one.

Astra Worthington said...

So do we heritage Americans have to go to Mexico to get elected officials that represent what we vote for?

Sna said...

Who cares? I’m sure more that plenty politicians have done speaking engagements totally plastered.

Substance D said...

We stole Cali and Texas and parts in between from the Mexicoons so, fair enough, they want to take it back. It's a process.

Do Tell said...

An ignore button here would be wunderbar.

Do Tell said...

And enough with the ignorant conspiracy theories.

Thursday November said...

Lookie the trolls.

It doesn't take much to affect women. I can usually only do one glass, if that. If I try two, I would be asleep.

Unknown said...


Angela actually wrote as a serious comment "She's actually sharp-witted concerning retorts, and the confrontation never turns in their favor. At this point, they should reconsider their strategy, because it mostly shows how out of touch they are with younger generations or women"

Yes, please do keep elevating cerebrally-lacking nothings, who have achieved nothing, are nothing, and represent nothing, to rockstar status, based on their age, ethnicity, gender and politically correct political leanings.

If a 50 year old guy was saying the same things that AOC says, he'd be locked up in a looney bin for his own protection. She's literally mentally RETARDED. No person, with a healthy mind would ever dream of saying the shite she comes up with, and especially at her age.
There is no other explanation. And while the mentally retarded can indeed contribute to society and humanity, she has done, and will do, neither.

But yeah, keep "empowering" women, minorities, etc by showing us all your amazingly high standards of choosing the absolute worst of the worst, the bottom of the barrel, the bar being set so low, that ants have to rockclimb over it: A barely coherent, sub-literate, insane psychopath, who only says garbage, yet never shuts the fuck up. I suppose some here identify with that................... hey Angela *waving*

Unknown said...

And btw Angela, I am a woman, and no fucking way in hell or otherwise would I ever associate somebody like AOC with myself: she does not represent me, she does not speak for me, and she and I are nothing alike, no matter what genetics we share.

Same goes for generational theories: thankfully I know plenty of young people who laugh at her, shake their heads in disbelief and distance themselves loudly and passionately from her.

Simpletons such as Angela put all people in boxes, it suits their simple compartmentalised minds. Identity politics, it's also called: following a person because they look like you, or have a similar background, instead of supporting them for their great character or outstanding achievements.

I suppose MLK was wrong according to Angela when he said, that we shouldn't judge a person on the colour of their skin - or their age, or their gender...........

Ice Angel said...

AOC is NOT a politician. She is a reality show star. Quite literally.

Cindy said...

@Depeche Model -- you're wrong. I was raised in Texas as a conservative (as were most everyone raised in Midland, Tx) and now I'm a liberal, and so are plenty of my friends. When you grow up conservative, you realize as you get older that it's not beneficial for anyone except the very rich - or at least the smartest of us realize that.

Brondie63 said...

She's a fraud, just like Omar and Tlaib

Astra Worthington said...

We didn’t steal a thing from Mexico. It was acquired through winning a war and a treaty that both parties agreed to. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. I am also certain that the Spanish Empire would not be pleased to be referred to as Mexicoons as they aren’t at all in any way shape or form, “Mexican” in ethnicity/race. The Hispanic world isn’t an interchangeable monolith 🤷🏼‍♀️

Astra Worthington said...

And I find scrolling past comments I dislike, works wonderfully. I know it is hard for many to accept opinions that differ from their own, let alone having to accept the possibility of seeing them, but that’s how it works in the adult world (for now at least).

J said...

No, astra, that's not the case any longer.

Now, when someone disagrees with you, it's violence.

Unknown said...

Cindy, my little simpleton, you clearly have not understood at all what I was saying. Hardly surprising.

What I was explaining has absolutely nothing to do with how you were raised. One would understand that I wasn't speaking about CHILDREN and how they're raised, wouldn't one? But then one would have to possess a sensible mind.
Nobody is speaking about what your parents taught you. I was pointing to a well known and established phenomenon of ADULTS. Just regular adults with adult education and adult experience that hold adult political views which then they change at a certain point.
How can I explain this, so that even you understand? Have you ever heard of Churchill? Well, the very great and very well respected Winston Churchill once said, and I'm paraphrasing

"If you're under 25 and not a liberal, then you have no heart. But if you're over 25 and not a conservative, you have no brain"

Of course since back then, 19-year olds held far greater responsibilities than which newest tattoo sleeve design to choose, or which hairstyle looked the most metrosexual - peripherally masculine, yet strongly unintimidating - we should really revisit this famous quote and change the age on it. Many 25 year olds don't know their elbows from their assholes (these are the ones that Angela seems to believe are following AOC like herds of impressed activists ready to change the world), so I'd change it to 30 frankly.

And while Cindy's insistence that a fully formed, politically educated and conservative adult, can suddenly become a tree hugging social justice warrior, is amusing, I have yet to see any evidence at all for this, while the evidence for the exact opposite is vastly overwhelming.

NancyDee said...


sorry you had to type all that out.

because i'm not stupid.

the end.

Cindy said...

@Depeche Model I am hardly a simpleton, and sure as shit not YOUR little simpleton. I am a 60yr old independent woman who switched parties at 32 years old because I noticed that conservatives were fucking stupid (and I'm not) and being led around thinking that if they voted for conservatives, God would love them more and the rich jerks they were voting for would let them into their rich guys club. Neither is ever gonna happen. So why waste my vote or my time. I'm not a tree-hugger and if that's what you think liberals are, then you are the simpleton.

Snuggz Bear said...

I LOVE your comments Depeche Model! I was a Democrat until I finally started to pay attention and now I am a Republican/Conservative forever. The Medicare For All concept is also terrifying. I helped my grandmother with her finances and Medicare sucked! It was hard to find a good doctor who accepted it and Medicare paid crappy and we had to get an expensive supplement policy. I don't want Medicare- I want the awesome health care my employer provides. Obama-care didn't work because they wanted to cover everyone- even the folks with horrific health issues and that raised rates for everyone. The folks with extraordinary health issues should be in their own "pool" for health insurance and get gov't subsidies. That way there could be affordable care for everyone else- but NOT Medicare!

Angela said...

Nancy Dee said...
"sorry you had to type all that out.
"because i'm not stupid.
"the end."

Yeah, that's typically the kind of retort that a smart person would post. You're definitely not stupid.
the end.

Ice Angel said...
"AOC is NOT a politician. She is a reality show star. Quite literally."

Your country literally elected a reality show star as the president. See the irony?

Brayson87 said...

What's the old quote:
'If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.'

Of course neither party is really acting liberal or conservative nowadays. Free speech is considered a hate crime and fiscal responsibility might as well be a punchline for comic routines. They're all on the same team.

Thursday November said...

Some trolls need to go back to the Daily Mail where they can argue with themselves & their multiple sock accounts.

Angela said...

"The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear: Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the same way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion….Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available."

Winston Churchill, 1944 (he was nearly 70 at the time, so probably a conservative)

Morninglorri said...

Love her even more.

Mrs Libnish said...

+ infinity to all of Depeche Mode’s comments. Grew up libtard, never felt so at home as a conservative. Liberalism is a mental disease.

Unknown said...

Cindy, you're just the exception that proves the rule. It's great that you think you're not stupid.

Oh Angela, how neat that you know how to use google for copying and pasting rather long quotes.
You're such a clever girl.

Cindy said...

I am not the exception -- I am just the first one that's seen your bullshit. There are plenty of former conservatives in this country -- you just don't know where to look,or can't be bothered to back up your statements with research.

Unknown said...

@Snuggz Bear: you and millions upon millions of others, including myself. It's only natural that with age and experience, views on life and politics change. And since most young adults are stupid, inexperienced, clueless, lazy and naive, it only makes absolutely sense that leftist indoctrination takes place in schools and universities. That's why those places are full of lefties.

It's the ones with brains, who one day wake the fuck up and realise they've been played. Useful idiots, goose-step in synchronicity forever. I mean, can you imagine having the exact same political views at 60, that you had at 16?

Total arrested development, and a colossal waste of intellectual growth.

Henriette said...

So what? I would not be surprised if this was most of the Senate and Congress. The Dead Elephants have got to get off their obsession with this chick. I think this is pale compared to the pedos and traitors the Dead Elephants have been putting out.
By the way, I agree with Brayson87. The two-party system sucks balls.

Elphin MacSkye said...

So tired of people saying AOC is a Democrat; she's not. She's a millneial barmaid who won a contest to be a candidate. The scary thing is ppl are so dumb & numb, they elected her.

Cindy said...

@Elphin MacSkye your tinfoil hat is a little too tight. You might want to adjust that.

Unknown said...

sure sure Cindy....lots and lots of conservatives have famously become liberals, such hold on ............ wait for it........oh yeah: Cindy from crazydaysandnights!

Mrs Libnish, you're so right, it definitely is a mental illness. From the psychotic denial, to rabid projection, you couldn't make half their shit up if you tried. But my absolute favourite, will always and forever be the hordes American leftie liberal progressive social justice activists, marching in the name of womanhood, female empowerment, sisterhood, tolerance, open mindedness and freedom, with a ----------------- wait for it ------------------- TERRORIST SUPPORTING MUSLIMA, who wears the worldwide symbol of female oppression, enslavement of females (sexual and non), and the absolute patriarchal subordination of all women worldwide.

They marched with her, chanted with her, applauded her and cheered her on like a fucking rockstar, while she believes and stands for sharia law, ethnic cleansing of minorities in muslim countries, enslavement (sexual and non) of minorities in muslim countries, child brides, legal pedophilia, the public lynching of gays, terrorist attacks and terrorist activities in the name of Islam, multiple terrorist organisations and the eradication of an entire people.

Tolerance, and peace and love and all that jazz, evidently.

Angela said...

Wow... A renaming to "Depeche Bowel Movement" would be a good idea at that point...

Brayson87 said...

It is strange that western women don't examine Sharia law and recognize what a threat it is to them. A hundred years of equal rights progress, just gone. It's already happening in France and London.

Opinions, Schmopinions said...

This. So much this! Lincoln was a Republican, Kennedy a democrat. Our party lines are shifting. Communism in the 40s is now the socialism of the 2000s. Moderate Republicans like myself don't give a shit what you do, who you want to marry, or what have you...just pay for it yourself! Everyone is so sensitive and angry...a bunch of lit matches carrying cans of gasoline. Ignite.

Cindy said...

@Brayson87 - Sharia Law -- you mean where religion runs the country, tells women and gays that they are lesser citizens (if allowed to live,of course), where men are the only power? We live that shit now -- only they call it conservatism.

Opinions, Schmopinions said...


Christina said...

Occasionally-Crazy must have been hanging out with Nancy Two Martini Pelosi.

Unknown said...

She’s an actress who got a role as a politician in real life. She says what a lot of people want to hear because she’s been trained for it. She’s not that person when the cameras are off sadly.

Cindy said...

@unknown and you know this how? you pulled this out of your ass? There's records of her education and her activism before she ran and won. But because conservatives are frightened of educated women, you say she's an actress. Right. I say you're an idiot and I'm a helluva lot closer to right than you are.

Sarton Bander said...

NAMBLAngela That Churchill fellow was prescient I'm sure you'll be supporting him in this too

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome. Winston Churchill, The river war.

Christina said...

Cindy, you're totally wrong. Not only is Cortez an actress, she's also a moron. Markle would do a better job. She's "handled" by her puppet master Saikat Chakrabarti, her chief of staff. He made a fortune in Silicon Valley. Unfortunately, no one wants to listen to a plain Indian techie guy. His cup size isn't big enough. See below to see just how he and his group got her elected, from this article --

After Sander’s campaign, Chakrabarti, along with Rojas and Trent, cofounded the progressive political action committee Justice Democrats, and served as its executive director. Justice Democrats joined hands with Brand New Congress, also cofounded by Chakrabarti. Together, they aimed to recruit 400 candidates by asking people to nominate individuals from their own communities. According DC Beat, “party affiliation didn’t matter; candidates had to want health care for all, a living wage, and to want money not to rule all in politics.” They ended up with 12,000 applications, out of which 12 ran for primaries, and one won a seat in Congress: Ocasio-Cortez.

Chakrabarti told Rolling Stone that caring too much about a win ratio is part of the reason he believes the Democratic Party would never have recruited Ocasio-Cortez. “We’re OK losing 90 percent of our races, if it means that the ones we win cause the kind of shift in thinking about what’s possible — like Alexandria’s race honestly did,” Chakrabarti told the magazine. “So that’s a different way of measuring success.”

He has big policy dreams, like a “Green New Deal,” which, Politico says would tackle everything from mitigating climate change to transforming the American economy, and criminal justice reform. He wants to lay the groundwork now to make them realities. “Another thing to really do over the next two years is to basically show the American people what will be possible if the Democrats win the House, the Senate and the presidency in 2020, and that means putting our best foot forward,” Chakrabarti told Politico.“It means putting the most ambitious, the boldest, the biggest things we can, and then just build a movement around that.”

Sorry, Cindy. Even the people 'handling' her admit she was recruited for the role.

Brayson87 said...

@Cindy, Slow your roll there handmaid's tale. It's not going to be the Christian Right that puts you in head coverings.

Here is just one example, the worth of women's testimony. In this context it takes at least two women to disagree with a man, otherwise the man's word is automatically taken as more truthful.

Legal status

Partial list of countries where a woman's testimony is worth half of that of a man:

Bahrain (in Sharia courts)[20]
Egypt (in family courts)[21]
Iran (in most cases)[22]
Iraq (in some cases)[23]
Jordan (in Sharia courts)[24]
Kuwait (in family courts)[25]
Libya (in some cases)[26]
Morocco (in family cases)[27]
Palestine (in cases related to marriage, divorce and child custody)[28]
Qatar (in family law matters)[29]
Saudi Arabia[30]
Syria (in Sharia courts)[31]
United Arab Emirates (in some civil matters)[32]
Yemen (not allowed to testify at all in cases of adultery and retribution)[33]

Cindy said...

You people are just sad. Seriously, the conspiracy theorists have taken over this site, among others, and it's just really sad. There's not going to be sharia law ever in the country. Your fears are just that -- fears. Instilled in you because when you're scared you're easily controlled. Like that idiot that said if Cory Booker (a vegan) is president, he will outlaw meat. You idiots are so ready to believe the worst about someone, because being scared gives you a purpose, and you think your politicians are caring about you by letting you know this shit when all they're doing is scaring you to control you.

Vita said...

Cindy-- I consider the rest of this thread an interesting, albeit hostile, debate...however, your comment of 1:39 is mindblowingly glib/foolish. Disagree with American "Conservatism" all you'd like, and no one of either side would argue that there aren't serious issues that need improvement in this country. However, only people who have choice and relative freedoms would so effortlessly equate our situation to one of genuine suppression and government endorsed danger.

Vita said...

FFS, this all kicked off from a blind about someone hitting the mini bar!!

Christina said...

It's not sad, Cindy. And it's not a 'conspiracy theory' -- It's the truth. Cortez would have NEVER been elected without a group of MEN bankrolling her every move, and feeding her an agenda to spew. Did you not read the article? I'm sorry, I guess you want to keep your head in the sand. Suit yourself!

Mhdz said...

Not buying this. Wouldn't change my opinion of her if true, though.

Unknown said...

Correct. Brain calcification and an increased inclination to be afraid of everything can have the unfortunate effect of turning one conservative. And I say this as a retired liberal.

I'm Outraged! said...

Oh bullshit, how the hell would a gossip site know if she "passed out in her hotel room".

Tricia13 said...

Stop making sense:)❤️

Dena said...

+1 Opinions, Schmopinions. If you understand the nature of politics, you know that there is a reason the US is not a one-party state: Democracy. We are a nation that relies on checks and balances to protect the minority from the "tyranny of the majority". Power shifts often in government - sometimes everything seems just peachy, and then it changes into something you detest. This finger-pointing, name-calling type of oppositional politics has gotten ridiculous.

Astra Worthington said...

Sarton, now quote Enoch Powell! Another prescient fellow.

Astra Worthington said...

There most certainly will be sharia law in many European countries, possibly within our lifetimes. If it doesn’t make it to America, that will only be because our country is as large as the whole of Europe. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are enclaves where it will flourish. Hamtramck MI is one place where it might already be happening.

It isn’t being fearful or easily controlled to notice things and express concerns.

I would be curious to know why, if you think “our politicians” are doing all of this to us, your politicians aren’t doing something similar to you. I guess you’re so much smarter and savvier and just all around better than those dumb old hick yokel conservatards, right? You couldn’t possibly be manipulated by your honest politicians in any way! 🙄

The sad thing is I bet you really believe this.

It’s a luxury for people like you to blather on about “fear” and “control” when you have likely never left your controlled hothouse environments. Any “diversity” you encounter is the creme de la creme, 1% or the nice waiter at the taqueria/pho place/ethnic eatery. You aren’t watching your children be targeted and raped systematically while the police and ruling class and media do everything in their power to silence the victims (Rotherham). You aren’t the poor people stuck in a neighborhood that has had its demographics change to the point where you, the original inhabitants, are viewed as the interloper and harassed, attacked and targeted. You aren’t witnessing gangs cutting off heads and hands, or any of the other things that happen out here in the “real world”. Your ignorance is the absolute epitome of “privilege” and you have no clue. I almost think fools like you deserve to reap what you’ve sown, but I don’t want to live in the hellhole that your idiotic liberal policies are creating. And evidently neither do many of you, judging how many of you flee your liberal utopias of California, NY, NJ, for red states. Which you immediately set about turning into the same miserable shit holes you fled, of course.

Astra Worthington said...

Lol Vita I know right? And damn it I got sucked in and wrote a whole damn tl;dr of my own 😬🤦🏼‍♀️

TruRes said...

My theory on AOC, as a foreigner (me, not her). They fucked up by using Bernie to rally the "progressives" thinking they could easily switch them to HRC (PUKE). So now they have the opposite of Bernie, a young Latino woman touting the same ideas, but with no sense of reality or experience, and think they'll easily use her the same way, then switch them to whomever their true desired candidate is, down the track. Because such genius always works the second time.

Astra Worthington said...

Shit that never ever happened.txt

The only people telling anyone they’re lesser citizens is the liberals towards conservatives. You want to see some ugly vitriol, get on tumblr and Twitter and see all of the “kill yourself” comments towards conservatives, gloating about them (and white people) becoming a minority in their homelands, mocking them, calling them filth, trash, stupid, evil and all sorts of other things. Stating that they shouldn’t have any right to vote, or express opinions or do anything but die. Yes indeed, those are the sane and balanced people that will ensure that everyone is treated fairly 🙄

Do you really feel like you’ve been held back by “conservatives” because you’re a woman? How sad for you. Maybe it’s just you? Maybe you weren’t able to compete? Isn’t that what Americans are told when they complain about the unfair advantages illegals and legal immigrants get, that citizens don’t get? So why wouldn’t it apply to you? Maybe you (not all women or gays, just you) aren’t as good as a “white republican man”? Maybe you should slap on a head scarf and head on over to Saudi Arabia and see how bad women and gays are treated there. Or most of the countries in the world, for that matter. But you won’t, it’s much easier to bitch and complain that nobody is kissing your ass BECAUSE you’re a “special protected class of snowflake”.

TruRes said...

Wow, the truth really is out there is you know where to look. Fascinating.

Cindy said...

Wow Astra -- hopefully you're not talking about me -- because you are so off base you're not even in the same country as the ballpark. I am white, yes. My wife is black and was raped by her family until she was old enough to escape them. I have an daughter who is half Arab, a black son currently in prison in NJ and trying to get out of a gang, a black daughter currently in the Army Reserves who is in the middle of a divorce in upstate NY with her two black sons. You think I'm blind to the shit people face? I've lived all over this country, on both sides of the tracks. I am lucky enough currently to have a really good job but I met my wife at a homeless and battered woman shelter where my 12 yr old daughter and I had to live for 6 months. It's not the first time I've been homeless, but God willing it will be the last. I have liberal views because I've lived the conservative life and will never, ever go back to blindly following rich, white men who lead you to vote against your own best interests.

There won't be sharia law in any country other than those who decide to be blindly led into it. America won't be that stupid, hopefully. When I lived in Detroit and worked with the Arabic community, I saw that they didn't want sharia law anymore than anyone else except the extremists. The Muslim extremists are just like the extreme right wing -- they want to control everything you do in the name of religion -- sounds familiar, doesn't it. Like different children, same father.

Mary Lamb said...

This. Didn't. Happen.
It is so fucking sad that you don't even see that whoever wrote this and 'revealed' it are yanking your chains, purely for traffic.
It's called knowing your audience *cough*.
Fucking morons.

Angela said...

mary, you're totally correct.

AOC is currently the pet peeve for many hardcore conservatives, especially due to her ability to deflect many attacks.
Suggesting that she's a partier and that she may have a drinking problem is exactly the kind of vague accusations that they'll swallow and believe to be true for a while, given that AOC isn't supposed to justify every hour in her timetable. Then, every time she cancels or moves an event on short notice, they'll suspect it's because of booze.
Give the people what they want, indeed...

Regarding the use of quotes, could anybody please translate back the long rants by Astra (pot calling the kettle black...) into the original 1920s German?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

Negative regarding Texas. We Texans fought long and hard for our independence from Mexico - then became our own country!!! Battle lines drawn in Gonzalez - Come and Take It flag, Remember the Alamo! Remember Sam Houston, Santa Ana and the Battle at San Jacinto! Jeepers - do they not teach about Texas history everywhere?! They should!!!! :)

Dumblesnore said...

I also remained tickled and entertained that folks get so riled up about voting for "liberals" and "conservatives" like there's a fucking difference lol. You are voting for nothing but big money interests either way, and being divided against each other on purpose, but keep bickering and insulting lol.

Substance D said...

Did I say "Mexicoons"? I meant "Mexcrement"- Sorry, but half my family are beaners so I can call them anything I want. They certainly have colorful sobriquets for me and mine.

Anonymous said...

Please Google 'Failed Mass Immigration in Malmo Sweden' .
A heartbreaking documentary that shows the destruction of that beautiful country under open door immigration.
Happening now.
Women and children are suffering the most.
(Note: did Paris have "No Go Zones", just 20 yrs ago? )

Totto_ said...

The only thing I can say about this woman is that it's so funny how she considers herself a socialist when she's never lived in a socialist country (if she had she wouldn't be one, and no, the Nordic countries AREN'T socialist) earns a shiton of money and lives in a very expensive place at DC, she represents the deep hypocrisy these socialists have (the beloved old fart Bernie is another one,never worked a day in his life but has like 5 houses and a lot of cars, isn't he a socialist? Explain that shit to me!) I'm telling you, if this woman and Ilhan Omar is the future of the democratic party, then you guys are FUCKED. And I still wouldn't say that their attitude it's making the republicans earn more votes, the youths genuinely think socialism is good, I personally find that scary because I've actually seen socialism's real face and is depressing and mortal as fuck. Capitalism might not be perfect but it's the ONLY system that genuinely works.

orangesoda said...

She's an idiotic, racist millennial that has never had any responsibilities in her dumb little life. Fuck her. I'm her age and I can't imagine how someone can be so stupid at this age.
Then again, I used to live in a socialist country so I actually understand how difficult life can be. Unlike this dumb bitch.


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