Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 19, 2019

This disgraced friend of the reality star with the lucrative side gig is going to the land of yachting to create her own lucrative side gig so to speak.

Jordyn Woods


  1. There was a bathing suit shot of Jordyn Woods on TMZ. She is a barely average looking girl with a pudgy to overweight body. Maybe she'll find a niche bunch of clients.

  2. Vita, blind item #6 is where that discussion is taking place. But be warned, only “dumb” people think he should’ve been prosecuted for what was essentially a hate crime. So 🤷🏼‍♀️😂🙄

    As for Jordyn Woods, there are people that would pay to sleep with her? It must be for her Z list level of fame, not her looks or body because she is not even anywhere near cute.

  3. Nah she better stick to La Cienega Blvd if she's going to hook or head to the Orange County yacht clubs.

  4. She's gonna be disappointed.

    She's not even a butta face, she's a DUFF (Duttiful Ugly Fatt Friend), even after all the plastic surgery.

  5. Oh Enty.. get over yourself. Can a young woman not have a REAL business that is actually MAKING MONEY without you always calling them out as sloop slores??
    I, for one, am watching with glee, as her business continues to grow! Any eyelashes that stay on through all those tears...let’s just say, I’ve placed a large order!

    1. Yes rooting for her to show up the self righteous, bullying horrible Kartrashians.

  6. She's cuter than most of the yacht girls.

  7. https://theblast.com/jordyn-woods-london-business-ventures/

    Woods will also be making appearances all over Dubai and we’re told she’s looking at locking up some “huge financial deals.”


  8. She's a nobody who paid the DM to show daily non-stories of her. Her 15 minutes are already up.

  9. https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a26853468/jordyn-woods-business-deals-post-cheating-scandal/

    "She'll also be visiting the Middle East and Dubai to make several appearances after the London trip. As The Blast phrased it, Woods is looking at "locking up some 'huge financial deals'" there. She and her mother have been working with an experienced marketing expert, Sheeraz Hasan, to sift through them all. Hasan previously helped handle Middle East deals for stars like Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton."

    Did we just find a yachter broker? ;)

  10. Way too chubby for a yacht. Next

  11. This girl, she literally hit the lotto being the long-time bestie of a "self made billionaire" *rolls eyes*....that's all she had to do....keep her legs closed to the husbands/boyfriends and keep her mouth shut.
