Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress entering into her last season on this long-running hit pay cable show has been paying for exposure now that she knows her career is coming to an end and has spoken out about her medical condition.


Tricia13 said...

Emilia Clarke

MDAnderson said...

Emilia Clarke and you are being mean

sandybrook said...

That's what Enty does MD

sandybrook said...

Anyhow she has 2 completed movies that haven't come out yet so we shall see if they end her career won't we Enty?

yepthatsme said...

Breaking news, Taylor Swift makes a 130000$ donation to Tennessee LGBTQI org, so she has essentially blasted away the closet doors. Blind by Enty tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Emilia Clarke, but that’s pretty nasty to say. I mean this is a gossip site so mean is expected. But man. She’s starting a good charity over it. Maybe let this pay publicity slide.

Huckleberry said...

I have wondered why she suddenly decided to share such a private thing so publicly. She must not feel very confident in her work if she is already resorting to this sort of publicity to keep her name out there.

Snatch and Ladders said...

Good on her for raising awareness.

Unknown said...

Again, she shared it publicly because she just started a charity for it.

Brayson87 said...

Had no idea Emilia Clarke was working after suffering two aneurysms and a botched surgery, a real trooper. Anyway her career isn't over, any tv series will hire her if only to attract fans.

Of course it would be nice to see one celebrity for once do the smart thing and take the money and run. Go lead a happy and fulfilling life in comfort, working when they feel like it.
The alternative being having to relentlessly audition, get cosmetic surgeries, hit the casting couch, have fake relationships, etc just to stay relevant and in the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's fucked up Enty.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

Emilia Clarke, and I agree with everyone else. Low blow, even for you, Enty.

Huckleberry said...

I didn't realize she had started a charity. Good for her. That's good publicity.

timebob said...

I think the typecasting days while are not over but not as bad as it used to be. They will all get work in some form. She hardly looks like Daney when she is out of costume. GoT is hardly a career ender for any of them. Hell, if Kit can survive Pompeii anything is possible.

Better to pay to keep your name out and relevant to be cast. Than have to blow a Harvey Weinstein for a part.

Rynn said...

Are you implying she cant afford to treat it? She's british so she wouldn't even need to pay and its not like talking about having an anueyrism is going to improve someone's career. Wtf.

timebob said...

@Rynn no, what I believe Enty is saying that she is paying magazines to feature articles about her. Thus, keeping her relevant since GoT is ending. Using her medical condition to have the interviews.

Nobody is really buying this one.

Ambrosia said...

She is using her platform to raise awareness AND fund a cause for it.not only is speaking about that like reliving it for her but she is probably aware of what a big professional risk she is taking by telling her story. I doubt Emilia's career is anywhere near over with a heart like that

herbert arnold said...

i saw her interview on cbs sunday morning. shes a lovely woman and i wish her the best whatever she decides to do.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is just cunty. She's worked more after both incidents than she did before, and was in a big budget Star Wars production, so the producers of GOT and Lucasfilm didn't think it too risky to hire her. She's not a great actress, but career over? We'll see. She's not Lena Dunham/Amy Schumer bad.

Spider Rico said...

This is why I unsubscribed from your podcast Enty. You're just as disgusting as the pigs you write about. Shameful of you. Absolutely shameful. It is clear you have faced ZERO adversity you punk. Punk move and cowardly.

MDAnderson said...

Enty needs to go after Hilaria Baldwin and her thirsty behind, not Emilia.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

$130K? Why that's exactly enough to pay off an affair when you're running for President!

BayAreaGirl said...

Must be really slow for Enty to post this blind. My best friend had an aneurysm too and had to stop taking birth control because of it. It's scary shit.

Vita said...

She's the Mother of Dragons, ffs! Seriously, prime character on a show that is getting major hype for going into its final season. I'm not understanding why she'd have to pay to talk about her past illness/charity? I'd think right now all outlets would be clamoring to talk to her, no matter what topics she wanted to add in.

"Now that her career is over,"...is there someone else to whom this could be referring? Seems like her, I just dont understand how this would be less than sympathetic/empowering.

Randaleese said...


certainsomeone said...

You know since it's the last season any actor can do anything and they'll get free publicity? This not just makes you look mean but also stupid. If anything she'd be afraid producers, directors etc would hire her because of her medical condition. But instead she's raising awareness and running a charity now, which she has actually been working on for years. A piece of shit like you should actually shut the f up.

jcstevens said...

Another ridiculous blind. I’m pretty sure her career is not coming to an end, just in the same way that she’s clearly not having an affair with Kit Harrington, but you keep going with all these BS blinds Enty. Scraping the barrel these days.

Anonymous said...

ENTY has kind of lost it these days seeming like he is not nearly in the know as he use to be/ maybe he was better at faking it before. For some reason, he just does not like some actors/ actresses and you can really tell by his blinds sometimes but never says why.

I mean Emilia is not the best actress but I can easily see her in comedy roles if she wanted to.

Also, GoT is going off on a high note not a low note which really can be the career killer. As long as they do not botch the ending which I think is a career killer for long running shows (looking at you HIMYM) she will be ok.

I wish her well with her charity. Anuerysms run in my family and my uncle died of one and my grandma had to have stints placed in her head like Emilia. It is a real and very serious issue and I think it is awesome what she is doing.

And, no. I do not think her and Kit were ever together.

texasrose said...

"Her career is now coming to an end"? Really? Seems like she has a better chance than a few of the others when it ends. (She being Emilia Clarke.)

Huckleberry said...

+1 CCgirl
I think comedy is where her future lies. She could be really good in them.

Amartel said...

Every now and then the mean girl shows up here. This was really mean.

NoMoreBullshit said...

Giirl byeee (this is for you enty). What a lot of bullshit.

Em and 'im said...

I hope Enty is talking about someone e,she and we have the wrong endi of the stick thinking it is Emilia Clarke. Emilia’s career is not over, she is the headliner in two films due for release/postproduction and has been in numerous other films during GoT. She was wonderful in Me before You, the film in which I first saw her. She and her eyebrows, which really should have had a co-star credit, were mesmerising.

Also she hasn’t just set up the charity. This was done a few years ago and was later launched in the UK. She gave interviews about her aneurysms because recently there was escalating speculation about why she, her mother and a leading neurologist were directors of the charity into which she put her own money. It was widely rumoured she had suffered from aneurysms in the past, something she neither confirmed nor denied.. Lady year she was also been made an ambassador for the Royal College of Nursing which is quite an honour, but got tongues wagging again about the suspected aneurysm/s.

This is a 2018 article about the charity, before she ever spoke publicly about her neurological history.

Guesser said...

Hmmmm. One of Enty's spies is married to the showrunner of Game of Thrones. I wonder if this is where the mean girl comes in. Enty has a long history of making cruel comments about females with health issues. Years ago he concluded an Olsen twins had a kidney infection because she had a lot of sex partners. You know,because he read it somewhere. Selena's kidney, Hayden's post partum depression,Selma Blair making up her illness. The list goes on. Every attractive woman with a heath issue caused it and deserves it. That seems to be one constant through the years.

bdm said...

Her career is over.. dead ...finished...no magazine covers ever again. Nobody wants her, she is use too young and beautiful and accomplished.

Seriously, that’s just hot garbage. I’m 56, if I live to 90 her career will still outlive me.

Anonymous said...

Guesser! Really good, astute point about Amanda Peet!! ENTY must feel obliged to repeat her mean girl comments since she one of the few that tips him. In reality, it says a lot about Amanda Peet who is only still relevant because of her husband. Maybe that is where her jealousy comes in at that her career never took off and other actresses more popular/ loved have health issues/ hoes. Also, she was the one spreading those Kit/ Emilia banging rumors at the award show after parties. Man she is lame. ENTY is lame for "blindly" repeating her mean girl comments.

Frederick said...

In what world is her career over, anytime soon.

littlefoot said...

This has to be the girl that plays Haley on Modern family.

Angela said...

I really hope this isn't about Emilia Clarke.

TerribullTres said...

You are so annoying...standing there, preaching with righteousness indignation, yet still here.

bigcountry. said...

you are reading a gossip website. what part of gossip is nice? silly.

TerribullTres said...

Damn, is this the Emilia Clarke fan club? So many panties twisted over this blind.

sam said...

This is the shittiest blind I've ever read on this site. Shes the star on the biggest show on TV, thats ending. Why the F*ck would she need to pay for publicity? She had two aneurysms 8 years ago and waited until the show finished so people wouldn't bitch about her using it as a publicity stunt to further her career. Fans already knew years ago she had one because she accidentally let it slip to a journalist and she wasn't ready to talk about it. Make up all the bullshit blinds you want about who sees who,and all the other garbage this place makes up, but don't make a mockery of someone that nearly lost their life and is now helping others.

Unknown said...

This is absolute BS. What a f up blind, she has some projects in the works and if she is paying to promote her charity fund great! Speaks tons about her generosity and good will to spread awareness for an illness.

Pearl said...

@sam, I think there is someone not happy with the show ending sending out these bizarre blinds. Emilia, like much of the cast, is not hurting for work and it's not like she's going all Jenny on everyone with how she cured an incurable disorder.

Humor Me said...

Enty - I hope we are wrong about Emilia and that it is someone else from the cast.


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