Saturday, April 20, 2019

Blind Item #2

This B+ list celebrity who is no longer bff with the A- list reality star is meeting up with a guy who has paid for the services of two Housewives.


  1. Could be either lol. Jordyn*/Kylie or the other ho Larsa

  2. I’m guessing the Nigerian guy who hooked up with Porsha and Kenya

  3. Jordan flew back from Kenya yesterday.

  4. Yes, MD, it sounds like Jordyn has found her way to the guy who was with Porsha and Kenya

  5. My god these ratings are depressing - someone stop the world and let me get off. I’m beyond over the kardashians and anyone remotely connected to them 🙄🤯

  6. Kim the lawyer is making a mockery of the legal system. Van Jones found her some way to pay for the Esquire title. She does not have to go to high school college or law school to become a lawyer. All she has to do is pay Van Jones.

  7. Let's check in on Kimmy Kakes in two years or so and see where she's at.

    I'm not ready to call her a complete failure quite yet.

    It'll be richer if she has time to marinate this fantasy anyway. Or she could impress us all. let's see.

  8. The fact that she did not go to high school, college or law school makes this whole scheme look paid for.

  9. Then their is the background check. Will they look into Kim’s staged fake Paris robbery? What about her career as a porn star or her cocaine Snapchat she posted? Not usually things the Bar Association lets slide. Now can the Bar Association be paid off?

  10. Lisa, thanks for the Van Jones connection tip. I'll file that away.
    Kimmy is someone to whom I'm not willing to give a pass.

  11. Yes. First she went on Van Jones and claimed she was not ruling out a run for the presidency. Now she is back on it thanking him for introducing her to the San Francisco lawyers who will secure the sale of the title Esquire. I wonder how much this is all costing PMK?

  12. Is Van Jones fucking Kim? She already cheated on Yeezy with Drake.
