Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blind Item #3

News that broke yesterday just confirmed what I have been telling you for many months about the permanent A list "singer" and her situation. For anyone who thinks the hashtag will come true though, it won't. Should it be necessary, there are other family members ready to step in and fill the shoes of the patriarch. 


Anonymous said...

briney spears?

rdkizziah said...

Yeah, it's the #FREEBRITNEY hashtag. I am conflicted over this. I know it's terrible that she's been locked in a mental institution since January, but I think she actually DOES need to be on medicine and her refusal to take it shows that she has to be managed. My former father-in-law was a paranoid schizophrenic and refused to take his medicine most of the time because he would get better and think he didn't need it anymore, or he would be in his paranoid phase and think someone was trying to poison him. Either way, he ended up dying alone in the VA Hospital in Los Angeles, far away from his family.

Sal T said...

What was the news that broke yesterday? I haven’t checked the DM in a couple of days.

Sal T said...

Thanks rdkizziah that explains part of it - I wonder what prompted the hashtag?

Anonymous said...

who is going to fill britneys shoes? no one, thats who.

rdkizziah said...

I saw it on Twitter. Someone who runs a Britney fansite received a voicemail from someone purporting to be a paralegal who worked in the law office where Britney's "commitment papers" were drawn up, and stated that she was being held against her will. They said she refused to take her medicine and was also caught on camera driving to a local In-N-Out Burger (she's forbidden to drive).

Sal T said...

Wow, thanks rdkizziah. Hope she’s ok.

J said...

Safer for everyone this way.

Justme said...

Her situation is very sad. Being in the business since she was young, she must have gone through so bloody much abuse. Then there were/are the hangers on who want a piece of her fortune. My heart goes out to her.

Chillax said...

Jeez, just let her rest, retire and live peacefully.

Anonymous said...

Here is the podcast link if anyone is interested. It is interesting how this keeps happening to her.

Troy Dyer said...

To quote Britney:
“I need time...I need space” -Overprotected

Let’s give her the space she needs to heal. Girl has been in the biz since she was 8 and has wanted out for the past 10-12 years. Her family and “friends” need to stop treating her like a Golden Goose. If they cared about her, they would just let her live her life in Louisiana out of the spotlight.

Thot Crimes said...
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Thot Crimes said...

The plastic surgery is what makes her look crazy. She would have been out months ago, if it weren't for her shitty doctor making her look like she belongs in Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. #FREEBRITNEY

Shady Pines said...

Also interesting is the Lynn Spears was liking comments with the #FREEBRITNEY hashtag.

A paralegal for an attorney who worked on Britney's c-ship left them a disturbing voicemail detailing the circumstances surrounding Britney's latest treatment.

In summary:
• He says Britney has actually been in a mental health facility since January, and it was due to her no longer taking her medication. It wasn't voluntary.
• After her father Jamie found out, he took her to a doctor who prescribed her new medication. She refused to take those too.
• In order to get her to comply, Jamie threatened to cancel her Domination residency. And he did, using his own illness as the excuse. He then had her committed.
• Britney's team members, specifically Lou, Larry, and Adam, are hellbent on keeping Britney medicated and under a conservatorship to secure their own finances. The paralegal says during a meeting, Larry Rudolph's only concern was that her hiatus will help with ticket sales when she announces another residency.

momo said...

Troy Dyer said...
Her family and “friends” need to stop treating her like a Golden Goose. If they cared about her, they would just let her live her life in Louisiana out of the spotlight.

Reminds me of a DH Lawrence story called The Rocking Horse Winner. The child could predict the winners of real horse raises and they rode him to death. Literally.

I feel for her. I lived up around her mother's place and also in her father's neighborhood. I root for her to break away from all the parasites and reclaim her own life. I've never been put in a psych ward but it was threatened once by my own mother. It's a terrifying situation that in itself will make you crazy. Once you get in there you have no control over what they give you. I know someone who had a nightmare because he was allergic to some psych med they gave him and kept him a long time because the med made him way more crazy. I think it was stelazine?

Anyway I wish she had an advocate not on the payroll. Shame.

Vita said...

Thanks Shady Pines and others. This makes me sad. I'm not sure who the other men are, but I remember Larry Rudolph being in and out of most of her career. His concern about the next residency at this point is very telling of his interests. Where is mom in all of this?
I dont know what Britney's personal wishes will be, but until I got some believable verification that Britney wants another residency, Id feel like I was watching a dancing bear at a low rent circus, trotted out for everyone else's pleasure but her own. She's made a lot of people a lot of money, let her lead a quiet life with her children before they're completely grown

Kim said...

I would like to see her left alone, too! She's made her whole camp extremely wealthy and if all she wants to do is shop and drink Starbucks then she should be allowed too. However I have a sister that has permanently damaged her mental health by using Chrystal meth and when she's off her keds shes a danger to herself and others. Every six months she has to go to a facility to get herself straightened back out. The medication has negative side effects. If her Dad cancelled her residency then maybe he's just a concerned Dad thats worried about his child. I just hope that this ends with Brittney happy and healthy being able to be a Mom to her sons.

momo said...

Her mom's estate is gorgeous literally middle of nowhere paradise. My friend lived down the road on 800 acres. Her place is probably at least that with gates and walls. It looks like a nature reserve. There is literally nothing to do in that area. Kentwood is a hell hole. No decent food, I don't think they even have a chain restaurant near her mom's place. If I were Brit I would just go there with the children and get fat. There are cheeseburgers and milkshakes in the vicinity. No one her age should be forced to do shit. Especially not take meds. Let the chips fall where they may. It is her life.

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for ten years, she has worked her ass off. Shes almost 40 years old. Its time to let her go and let her be a damn adult on her own. If she doesnt take her meds, then so be it. Make sure the kids are safe and thats all that can be done.

molly said...

Brittany has probably had enough pills to last a lifetime.One aspect of psych meds is depersonalization. Or you lose your sense of self. They are given out freely to our military for this reason....makes it easier to kill self and others. PTSD can get you all the meds you want , it is misdiagnosed and can be done with 20 minutes with a so called doctor if he or she has the right mind set.This is only one of the side effects. Recently watched a documentary on old Hollywood about the gas station which was actually a way to meet and greet for sex in the old days. The man who started it was dying of kidney failure, a side effect of malaria drugs given to him when he was in WWII in EUROPE. No malaria there. This ingredient is scattered about many of our so called legal drugs today. Researched it a bit, a friend who has an auto immune disease and been given Pacquinal has stage III kidney disease . ANTI MALARIA DRUGS are in pacquinal.Let's trust Brittany. She has been through enough.

Brayson87 said...

Has there ever been a definitive diagnosis released for Britney? Seems like more than the standard bipolar.

Brayson87 said...

Yeah molly, cut Britney loose, lots of unmedicated people with mental disorders pursuing their own destiny while wandering homeless on the streets.

BayAreaGirl said...

While I can understand that sentiment to support "being free," Britney's dad wouldn't be able to commit her unless she was a danger to herself or others--even as her conservator. In undergrad, I was an exec admin to a former head of the NIMH, and sadly, schizophrenic and bi-polar patients often refuse to take their meds. Sometimes they like the euphoria that comes with the manic or psychotic episodes. However, suicide is most common when they initially come off their meds, because they're well enough to engage in goal-driven activity, but not fully sane enough to think of the consequences. So the doctors and family might just be trying to save Britney's life.

AbbyRock said...

Torn on this one because I have been around patients with bipolar disorder. It's common for them to quit their meds and the result is not pretty -hallucinations, etc. . My concern is for her sons as well as for her. It's terrible sad. Hoping that one day the people who abused these adults when they were children will be hung, drawn, and quartered.

Unknown said...

Strangers from the internet should not judge her father, who has kept her alive and mostly stable.

T. W. said...

I want to know how a person who has been declared legally insane and unable to care for herself is allowed to work for a living.

jeol said...

Good point TW can anybody explain how this works.I believe the breaking point is her fathers illness.She seems to be almost infantile in her behavior, but they still keep her in this machine that show business is.Is the plan to keep this going until she can not take it anymore.And then make even more money of a tragedy.

Brayson87 said...

@T.W., You could say the same thing about child actors/performers.

Vita said...

I'm hoping there's a happy middle ground for her. Psych meds aren't for willy-nilly, when you feel like it use, no question! But, can't she have a treatment plan, even conservatorship, but no longer be required to be in music industry? I believe her career started when her parents had a gymnastics studio or something? Maybe she could live somewhere quieter, open a gymnastics/dance studio it something, where she could oversee, participate as desired, enjoy her boys, but still be under some form of supervision/protection? It just seems bizarre and cruel to keep her in the grind if her heart's not in it and/or she's not mentally up to it. So, indeed, free britney, but from unrealistic expectations, not protection

Unknown said...

TW - sometimes work, a scheduled day, responsibilities and structure, keep a mentally ill person 'sane' and on the right road.

Boredom is the worst thing for certain people, that's when they start doing drugs, indulge in alcohol and make bad decisions.

Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

With Britney, it should all come down to whether performing is good for her. Does it stress her out, make her miserable? Or is it something she enjoys, gives her a reason to get out of bed in the morning?

Vita said...

+1 Brayson So, primary wish is that all act in the best interest of the person, not the celeb.

Guesser said...

We are assuming the person who is on the voicemail is legit,and is illegally making Britney's legal and medical info public. If Britney isn't taking her meds,she couldn't perform. It's possible someone is using her Father's illness to take over. It's pretty funny how some of you think her moving out of the spotlight will save her. It doesn't save the thousands of others who stop taking meds,kill themselves or hurt their children. We don't know everything that happened to her. But I guarantee it's worse than we know. I lived my whole life with family members with schizophrenia,and my story doesn't come close to what many have been put through. It could have been,if not for a period of time when someone was Forced to take meds. It won't always be that way. Britney appears to function well on meds,unlike some for whom getting out of bed is an ordeal. I think she has moments of clarity,and does know what works for her.

jeol said...

Anyway this is a twisted valley of the dolls story and I hope she gets better.
Doesn't she need to have a medical clearance for insurance during the Vegas shows,and this time her team could not find a doctor Kevorkian to sign her off.
Pull the show blame it on the father,lock her up before she shaves hear hair off again.Rinse and repeat.

jeol said...

This job should not be in her life right now.Let her rest a little please.

:| raven |: said...

this is devastating to me. thanks to whomever posted the link to the podcast. listening to it now. very interesting that Andrew Wallet resigned from the conservatorship.

the fact that her father pulled the plug on Dominion, is disturbing to me. all the posts on her own and her boyfriend's Instagram show her acting fine, happy and in love. so now they are saying that she lost it in January and has been "committed" since then against her will?


i can't imagine what she's going through to be committed to a mental institution. my son is bipolar I, so i know what that's like to live with a person who doesn't want to take their medicine.

but wow.

i also recently read a huge article about her a week or so ago and it talked about how much she disliked her mother and what Lynne put her through. i wish they would all leave her alone.

the podcast is really interesting. listening to the voicemail from the "paralegal" right now.

gauloise said...

@Molly, malaria was only widely eradicated post WW2, it was even prevalent in the States until the 1950s.

Italy, where much of the US fighting was, was filled with malaria, killing up to 20,000 people each year

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

@molly, do you mean Plaquenil? Lots of research you must've done if you can't even get the name right... and yes, the quinolones are a fairly large class of drugs, so what?

Nonya Bidness said...

Nice rant, but psych meds are a necessity and a live saver for mentally ill people.

:| raven |: said...

i saw today on someone's instagram when i was researching all of this at a concert she did in Paris, where her father and Larry Rudolph were at, she said: "I want to ask you all a question! What do you do when someone tells you you can't do something?? YOU DO IT!"

so she's been wanting out of the conservatorship for a long time. i think it's BS that they are holding her this way.

i also saw on someone's instagram "This wouldn't be happening if she was a 37 year old man."


:| raven |: said...

TW, right?!

she can't think for herself, drive herself, go out with friends, buy clothes for herself, go to starbucks for herself, etc. but she can put on endless shows and concerts?

because they want her contained so she can continue to be their money maker.


:| raven |: said...

this is also an eye-opening article:

and if you think about someone controlling EVERY facet of your life, wouldn't you finally throw a big temper tantrum too?? i don't believe she was ever "crazy" she was just stressed beyond belief. and i'm not sure how a conservatorship works, but they went through the court system the first time to have her committed and the put the conservatorship in place, they wouldn't have to do the same thing now. Daddy-O could just say the word.

also, it doesn't seem like Lynne, Jamie Lynn or the brother would step in to fill Jamie's place if he passed. they have been said to have washed their hands of it as they tried to get her out of the conservatorship years ago. Jamie promised Britney that he would end it after the Circus Circus tour, but he didn't. she had a fit then as well. who wouldn't??

CinnyToast said...

If she refuses to take her medication, she is a danger to herself/others. Bipolar or schizophrenic, doesn't matter. She needs the conservatorship to protect her. She had the means to carry out any whim she comes up with, and a conservator is the best way to keep her safe from herself and other leeches. I don't think I believe she's made to be s cash cow, noons knows what she really wants to do. She's kept away from press, and really hasn't done an in depth interview to a decade. For all we know, she wants to perform, and she needs a purpose in her life. Her father is on her side, and has done well by her. The conjecture surrounding this woman and her life is so harmful. She had a terrible nosejob that changed her entire face, and her veneers are gd ridiculous. If we should be worried about anything, it's the quack that fucked up her face is still practicing.

lightgirl said...

Molly and Raven I think you both are on the right track. I have seen more people destroyed by psych meds, nearly including myself. And you don't get critical thinking by responding emotionally to these comments.
Researching the psychiatry industry and i do mean industry and all the psych meds was a real eye-opener for me!

AbbyRock said...

@lightgirl, not just the psych industry but big pharma - yesterday I went for the results of a blood panel. When I checked in, the girl asked me what meds I took. Told her I was not on any. She was shocked that someone my age (61) was not on any type of medication.

:| raven |: said...

cinnytoast -

a conservatorship is usually for someone (the elderly) who are not able take care of / speak for themselves. if she is unable to "think" for herself and everything (and i mean EVERYTHING) has to be decided for her, how can she work? how can she rehearse and put on a monster show / tour? how does that work?

my son is bipolar I. he's been on and off meds and self-medicated for years. i know what it's like to live with someone and be around someone with that mental health diagnosis. schizophrenia is something TOTALLY different and that is not what Britney was diagnosed with.

if you couldn't do a damn thing for yourself, go shopping, go to lunch with friends, go to a drive through restaurant because you are NOT ALLOWED to drive, get a starbucks, buy clothes or groceries, don't you think you'd be a little pissed off too??

think of living in that cage. 24/7 for 10 fucking years.

she does not deserve to be committed against her will. this was simply a way to curtail behavior that her father thinks is in appropriate. he freaking cancelled her Vegas residency because she wouldn't do what he told her to do.

i take a few meds for different things, but my god, if i don't want to take them any longer, i'm not going to.

they are only trying to protect her as their money maker, not because they give a shit about her.

Brayson87 said...

Yeah I doubt they got her committed against her will just for not taking her meds, usually something has to happen. Also no way she's just bipolar. That's usually a quick in and out of inpatient. Not to mention she's f*cking Britney Spears. Either she's there voluntarily or the doctors have good reason to keep her there. Otherwise there'd be ten thousand lawyers chomping at the bit to get her released and get a bit of her fortune for themselves.

OKay said...

Everybody - EVERYBODY - saying that Britney's handlers need to "leave her alone" is a fucking idiot. You don't get a conservatorship just because you want one, and certainly not on an adult in her late 20s. There have to be compelling reasons. And it's not indefinite. It has to be reviewed and renewed regularly. The fact that Britney is still on lockdown is a VERY strong indicator as to her mental wellbeing. It has been suggested multiple times that performing helps keep her stable. What else is she going to do? She's not capable of anything else, and staying busy and focused is often the best medicine. Refusing to take her meds means she's going off the rails again. Why on earth would you all want her to be left to her own devices? There is no happy ending for Brit if that happens.

Krissie said...

Just because she's only bipolar doesn't mean she'll be "in and out". Psych wards love insurance money just like any other area of the medical industry. They can keep her for up to a month in California.

CinnyToast said...

Exactly, @OKay, EXACTLY. Everyone seems to forget there are legalities at play here, and the burden of proof is not on the conservatee, but the petitioner. The law is not on the petitioner's side, and does not make it easy. Both sides have medical doctors, and then there is an uninterested third party physician. It doesn't just happen.

Jennacheryl said...

Thank you @okay and @cinnytoast . Plus who wants to put their child in a psych ward? A threat ok whatever but for real? The in and out thing is being blown out of proportion. The girl likes meat.

Anonymous said...
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KittensRUs said...

There is no argument to be made that a mentally ill person's life is improved by putting them in a residency in Vegas where they are constantly under stress to perform perfectly, stay thin, stay beautiful, not say the wrong thing, etc. The ONLY reason to do this is to exploit them.

I'm with Momo. Let her go home and eat cheeseburgers and bingewatch TV and fucking relax.


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