Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 9, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress who was recently a regular in three separate shows at the same time had the opportunity this weekend to discuss why she left one of those shows, but chose to keep quiet about it. I smell a confidential settlement.

Ruth Wilson/The Affair


  1. No clue who this is

  2. actress from the Affair on Showtime

  3. She's excellent at playing crazy b!tches ;)

  4. I want details! She is good at playing the deceptively normal who unhinge.
    Always thought she and Michelle Monaghan could be sisters.

  5. @Vita, Yes but with Ruth it seems like her great acting skills, but with Michelle it's more like the real her coming through 😅

  6. Never heard of her.

  7. Really Vic, she's from your side of the pond. I thought you folks all held meetings together while practicing your American accents ;)

  8. She’s excellent. Great in The Affair, but they screwed her. Figures. Just did a mini mini on PBS Mrs Wilson. Story about her own grandmother. Has also received very good notices for theater. Olivier and Golden Globe winner.

  9. If you want to work, you keep your mouth shut publicly. She ain't dumb.

  10. @Brayson. They won't let me attend because I got behind with my dues, Gosh and darn it to tarnation y'all.

    See? I'm a bit rusty.

  11. @Vic, jeezus you've been practicing by imitating Yosemite Sam? 🤣

  12. Brayson/Vic - of course if we were to try our British accents, it would be 'pip pip cheerio old fruit, I'll be back on the beam tomorrow, what?' Why does the british sound so much classier? ;)

  13. never heard of this name guess ill google it
