Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 9, 2019

These two foreign born co-stars from a hit television show who also happen to be married looked miserable during a night out last night. I'm not sure why they continue to drag this thing out.

Kit Harrington/Rose Leslie


  1. every couple may have a bad night.

    in video after video and picture after picture, they look happy and in love.

    i don't believe this blind.

  2. and for GoT fans ..

    this. is. hysterical.


  3. Shame Enty, Shame, Shame.

  4. Well Enty also told us it was only a matter of time before Hugh Jackman was outed as an abuser, but now he seems to have dropped the idea. And does anyone remember when he was telling us about houses being built over thousands of bodies of kids? Just vanished from the site. Also Kit was supposed to be in the closet then somehow he went from being closeted to being a horn dog. Just makes you wonder!

  5. Well no wonder he's miserable. He was just told he's banging his auntie.

    The man is a walking Pornhub category.

  6. @Raven - I hadn't seen that before. That was hysterical! Thanks!

  7. If Enty has been divorced that many times, I don't think he knows what it takes to make a marriage work.

  8. @Thia - i know right??? i just found it today. i was dying!!

    @Vic - LOL!!

  9. no-beard Kit Harrington looks like a skinny Jonah hill.
    Which is *Not* a good thing

  10. Their married of course they look miserable..geez...are you even trying ?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Jeez, everyone knows the two happiest days of a marriage are the wedding and the day it's legally dissolved, you're definitely partying and getting laid both nights. It almost makes you feel bad for people who stay married until one of them dies.

  13. Raven-- thanks for the link, that was so fun!😂

    I'm thinking it was a bad night, but I doubt they 'd separate before all of the hoopla for the season is over.

  14. Serious bullshit being pimped here.

  15. This site is really nothing more than a watered-down version of other ILLUMINATI pimping conspiratard rightwing nut hatcheries.

    Very entertaining sometimes and even correct in some of its call-outs but so obviously part of the (sometimes effective) wacko-right wing and their efforts to delegitamize and undermine cultural stability.

    You folks hanging on every word here bring something new to the world of pathos, for sure.

  16. Delegitimizing and undermining cultural stability, hot damn rock'n'roll, where do we sign up? ;)

  17. Enty has the world's worst track record on relationships involving Brits. Once he declares a relationship acrimonious, you can depend on a wedding and the birth of one or more children over a full decade. Wil these people ever break up? Probably. But enduring a decade after Enty tells us they hate each other makes his predictions meaningless. Examples: Krasinski/Blunt, Matthew Rhys/Keri Russell, Rachel Weisz/Daniel Craig. He has been especially poisonous towards Krasinski, claiming for years he would never work again, that Emily wouldn't go through with the wedding, and finally questioning the paternity of their first child. Yeah I know Enty is friends with Rashida Jones, but I don't associate this kind of malice with the thoughtful, highly educated woman she appears to be.

  18. Not buying it. They might have had a bad night or a fight but I know people that work with them and they seem very happy.


  19. i watched the GOT premiere sunday night and i can honestly say Kit is the most boring and vanilla actor I've ever seen

  20. This is true. He cheats on Rose.

  21. He may be a horndog but the bigger issue is his drinking. If he sobers up, he might tend to make better choices including being a better husband. Such a waste. He is a very good actor going down that oh so familiar self-destructive road.

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Well I can't see him married to that woman who looks like a man. In other words, a tranny. Biggest Adam's apple on that "Rose" I've seen in a long time
