Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #11

The wannabe momager suddenly has a ton of cash burning a hole in her pocket thanks to recent statements she made supporting her ex and his vision going forward.


  1. If the dad and team has to pay off the mother to keep Britney on track and not just letting her loose into the world. To have another meltdown. So be it.

  2. Not a surprise. Mom screwed her up and caused the meltdown last time. Grifter.

  3. Lynne sure doesn't mind having her photo in the DM.

  4. Britney is like a grifter magnet.

  5. I know someone that knows Lynne, and Lynne just wants her daughter free. Stop spreading lies on her, who contacted you, Jamie?

    Lynne wants her 37 year old daughter to be free and have a life. She also wants it investigated which is now being done.

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    @Bloggybutt, how can I get in on shilling for cash? Asking for a friend.

  7. Britney should not be freed. Her own manager said that she’s not capable of returning to Vegas, and may never perform again.

  8. Aquagirl: do you know what a conservatorship consists of? Why would you type something so ignorant? She'll get free of the control she's been under for a lifetime - one way or another. I think people should be very careful what they speculate about her.

  9. Seriously, doesn't Britney have enough net worth at this time to retire back to Louisiana - her and her family - and live happily ever after - out of the public spotlight? Nobody wants to see a drug-addled shell of her former self puppet out there for the sole sake of her money-grubbing team - with no regard for her.

  10. Really interested in what you had to say about Lou Taylor yesterday Enty.

    And yes that follows the creepy greedy stalky manager playbook, fits to a Tiger Woods tee.

    If they think they want nothing to do with you, they approach somebody you trust (like the friend who’s always forwarding open casting notices to you and such).

    Next thing you know, they’re FUCKING EVERYWHERE. At all your haunts, introducing herself to directors you work with... To the point that everyone you know is suddenly mutual friends with her and she knows all the staff of the places you frequent.

    Yolanda Saldívar was that way too.

    You should do a Deep Dive on sketchy manager types.

    1. OH and if you ever do a Deep Dive on sleazy manager types, please include Wendy’s ex-husband (I still think she’s only talking about all these men she’s dating to ward him off). He deserves an honourable mention.

  11. Poor Britney. I wish she could just go home to Louisiana. If she still has her condo in Destin, she could go there. Or even better, Panama City. They opened a Tudors Biscuit World, and there’s a bunch of Corams everywhere, if she’s gonna come back to the South, she’s got a plethora of delicious options to walk around barefoot in. And bonus, it’s the beach, nobody really cares if you wear shoes.

    But sadly, they’ll never let her go. She looks so sad all the time. I wonder what exactly is wrong with her?

  12. @Elphin: I am quite aware of the the meaning of a conservatorship, and please, do not ever again, refer to me as ignorant. Please reread my comment above yours. If her own manager (who makes money from her career) is stating that, I’d have to believe him. He further mentioned that, when she was excited about performing, she’d call him every day, yet she hasn’t called him in 3 months.

    @Astra: I believe that her diagnosis is bi-polar. One of the problems with that is that the meds can work and then just stop working. I think her father’s illness put her over the edge. I wish she could just retire and live in Louisiana with her kids. I saw a video of her doing handstands & working out and she looked so happy 😀!

  13. I wondered why Larry Rudolph went public and risked his job to say that Britney may not (i.e., should not) perform anymore.... this would explain it.

    It would be the perfect check-mate if Lynne was planning to use her ex-husband's illness to take over as Britney's conservator and fire Rudolph so she can remove the conservatorship and take over as Britney's manager. Which Rudolph clearly believes is not in Britney's best interest.

    I wondered why her mother made cryptic social media posts she did. Sounds like there's a good reason Brit's close with her father, and her father was chosen for the conservatorship.



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