Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #4

It looks as if this celebrity offspring who might have her parents go to jail might also get the nightclub she visited shut down. Our offspring was sharing where she was and what she was doing at the alliterate nightclub. Only one problem. The club is 21+ and our offspring is not. Investigators want to know if she used a fake i.d or the bouncers just let her in violating the terms of their liquor license. 


  1. Replies
    1. Not sure if last name is Loughlin or Massimo’s?

  2. Olivia Jade for sure this time

  3. Olivia Jade Giannulli

  4. She should just start going by OJ, might help her image.

  5. Poor kid, they gave her a stripper's name, what did they expect would happen?

  6. They don't come much dumber than her, do they?

  7. Fake ID no excuse for the club,they let her in because they know who she is,if they know who she is,they know her age.

  8. These blinds are getting dumber each day. Oliva Jade was seen leaving a club, so let's make a blind about's LA, there are many underage kids that are famous,semi-famous, off springs of someone famous who are let into clubs and are drinking every day. Nothing blind worthy or news worthy about this!

  9. Lock that little brat up in supermax. Improve society.

  10. Olivia Jade was at Bootsy Bellows, i believe

  11. I wondered about this when I saw the post/pictures. How was the 19-year old getting in this club?

  12. It's pretty bad that her parents are looking at prison for helping her but she's out hitting clubs. Try to maintain a low profile for your parents' sake at least.

  13. Poor clueless entitled family!!

  14. A nightclub isn't getting shut down because they let underage people in. This happens every night in every city across the country.

  15. She probably wants to get even with her parents. Her easy money from being a You Tube "influencer" is all but gone,she never wanted to go to college. I doubt she was going along with this.

  16. @Guesser, She wanted to go to ASU where she could party. Also didn't she pose in some fake sports photos and was included on some of the emails?

  17. @ kiki you are right BUT who would touch Olivia Jade with a twenty foot pole right now? She is SUCH BAD PRESS and being closely watched and scrutinized because of the scandal. Just shows she thinks she can't be touched and furthers the bad morals, or lack thereof, her parents gave her.

  18. She is not a very bright kid......I wonder which parent she gets it from?

  19. @Kelly: the one who is bragging to press that she won't do any time.

  20. @Elphin Yep. Does Lori really think that tactic is going to work in her favor? What a ding-dong, she is just pissing off the prosecutors.

    On a side note: She seems to think that she is popular and a "big" star....Really? Who ever gave a crap about her?

  21. Guesser is right, this kid never wanted to go to college in the first place. Given that she was being pressured to go by her parents, she tried to pick the option that might be the most fun for her.

    This is a kid that is really angry at her parents, and I can't really blame her. Doesn't seem like they care much what she thinks.

  22. Kiki said...
    These blinds are getting dumber each day. Oliva Jade was seen leaving a club, so let's make a blind about's LA, there are many underage kids that are famous,semi-famous, off springs of someone famous who are let into clubs and are drinking every day. Nothing blind worthy or news worthy about this!

    Well, we know you LA type are high as a kite on Ketamine and ecstasy shortly after Mom weens you from her tit and are sucking dick and snorting heroin at 14 but much of the rest of the country doesn't live that fast lol. Drinking in bars in most towns across the US is a very dangerous sport because it kills them and others on the road dumbass. Why would someone even have to take the time to tell your dumb ass about that? Fuck. You might not value the life of a few brainless yacht girls in grooming but some of us care about every life, even a cumdumpster like you from LA. Alcohol is still a number one killer there Bud, time for you to get weiser. Gilk!Plus were sick and tired of you overprivileged fucks too.

  23. Exactly. Drink as much as you want, I don’t give a shit how anyone destroys their lives, livers, whatever. But when you get behind the wheel you should be punished harshly. Like, years in prison. This Olivia Jade bimbo is exactly the type of entitled asshole that would be driving drunk.

  24. @Do Tell - her parents don't listen to what she wants? A parent's job isn't do what their kid wants - it's to do the right thing for the kid's future, because kids, by definition, do not think long-term.

    Olivia Jade will NOT be able to earn a living as a youtube influencer in ten years... what the heck is she going to do to earn a living? The problem isn't that they're not listening to her - it's that they raised an entitled, spoiled child who doesn't respect the value of education - or them, and they tried to buy their way out of the situation.

  25. @Bec

    "Olivia Jade will NOT be able to earn a living as a youtube influencer in ten years..."

    I don't see why not. She's toxic right now, but in a few years this will all give her that little frisson of bad girl that can only help a career as celebrity.

    After all, didn't the whole Khardashian empire start with a sex tape?

  26. If Olivia Jade's parents wanted her to get an education from a prestigious university, umm why didn't they give her a better name? When we were naming our kids, my husband & I consciously thought about what would look good on a resume, LinkedIn or in the Outlook Directory.

  27. Olivia was at Bootsy Bellows and the Jenner’s (Kendal and Kylie) were there all the time underage. Do it this play is being shut down.

  28. you really can't function properly at all when high on ketamine


  29. A lot of people to to college to please a parent. College is not for everyone. This was for parents bragging rights,and considering the large amounts of money involved,it wouldn't surprise me if the money laundering is more scandalous than what we have heard. And other celebrities got their kids in college by donating money for buildings and scholarships. Several celebrities have done the not showing up for class but passing anyway routine and brag about it. Just to show off the paper.

  30. She is complicit in the bribery - and she should go down for it... I don't care how old she is or isn't. She knew, and I'm sure she whined to Mommy and Daddy to get her into USC.

    So she took out a nightclub too? Isn't she just the whirling dervish of entitlement and destruction.

    Don't name your kids "OJ", folks.

  31. She was bragging to her friends at her private highschool that her parents paid $500,000 to get her into USC as a rower. The story got around to the athletic coach, who knew she hadn't participated in the sport.
    The coach called her parents to ask about the story. Moss is being quoted from the FBI tapes that he "went to the school and talked with the coach".
    The wiretap also has him on the phone with Rick Singer saying, "I went to her school today and everything has been TAKEN CARE OF. I also told OJ to keep her mouth shut."
    The kid was BRAGGING to her schoolmates that her parents lied and paid $500,000 to get her successfully into USC.
    The entire family knew and the kid was PROUD her parents did it.
    I would not be surprised she is having her movements followed. Lots of people pissed off--not good for her.

  32. Well I guess as long as Jade stays happy then does it really matter if everyone around her burns??? Seems like she hasn't heard no too often in her life. She might be the first teenager that really does know everything:))

  33. Sigh. You can’t fix stupid.

  34. Dear heaven, how do people do everyday things who are just that fucking stupid?



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