Sunday, May 05, 2019

Blind Item #6

This comedian/actor who should still be in a situation where he should be begging for forgiveness has apparently hired a full time escort to fulfill his fetishes. 


  1. +1 Louis CK
    Now he can pay ppl to watch him jack off

    1. Right? That's what he gets for being a cheapskate.

      Frankly, all those skeezy motherfuckers should just hire a whore and leave the rest of the female gender alone.

      And they could still kid themselves that they're nice guys and accomplished in their field.


  2. I hope he/she/whomever gets paid a lot of money. Bless their hearts.

  3. Aziz was wrongly accused, he has nothing to beg forgiveness over.

  4. Aziz is a sexual terrorist. He offered that poor victim WHITE WINE. #believewomen

  5. I don't buy it. Louis CK had to have as part of his fetish that he was shocking the woman and it was a new one. Guys like this don't want to routinely just jack off in front of a paid woman and the same face over and over. Maybe HE placed this blind so as to look like he is behaving himself aka finding an acceptable context for this. Or maybe he is TRYING this but it won't last. Gonna need his fix and I think that was a new woman having to watch him.

  6. It's #notallmen when it comes to paedophiles, rape, domestic violence, terrorism, despotic leaders and serial killers et al., but #YesAllWomen when one woman lies, according to a racist, misogynistic prick who should have been aborted by his poor Mother..

  7. Weird how J manages to sneak the word "terrorist" in there.

  8. Yeah, AppleThief... sooooo weird.

    What's your inference? Show off that steel-trap mind of yours.

  9. Louie, in case you are lurking here: First, get a telephoto zoom lens for your camera (get a camera) Then, find your prey. The lens will keep you from having to get too close and be recognized or ID'd as a stalker. Snap away. Cafe's and malls are easy pickins' hunting grounds for hot babes and barely to not legal, if you want to go that way.
    Once you have the shot you want, go home, print it (get a printer) at least 11x24" or larger if you need a full body shot. Full color. Tape to wall. Splatter that baby like Jackson Pollack!
    As you read this you wont think it's adequate, but just like a big game hunter who doesn't eat meat (what else would a chronic masturbator be?) the thrill of the hunt and the mounted trophy will indeed come to suffice.
    Heard this from a friend.

  10. There was a local story of a dirty old man (this was years ago) that was walking through the checkout line of a high school girl with his erect penis out. He was arrested, but i wonder if that girl got any compensation...probably not. She has to see that old wrinkled pecker in her head for the rest of her life. Poor thing.

  11. Louis CK...interesting theory, Kiki71. And, um, im sure hes grateful for the other suggestions.

  12. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wonder if he hired Sarah Silverman? Bet she could use a paycheck.

  13. I'm so sick of Aziz being labeled by some as a predator. He isn't- he did nothing wrong, drop it.

  14. Aziz did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. That girl is a whiny skanky ho and no one forced her to take her clothes off within the first 5 minutes of being at his house... idk maybe that’s why he thought you were DTF ya moron. I actually have been raped and these women that complain about absolutely nothing and make up false accusations make me utterly sick and make us people that have been legitimately hurt, it makes our lives harder, its difficult enough to come forward without idiot skanks like you around.

  15. J: How much do you weigh? 400#? 500#? 600#?

    Must be a massive amount. Piggy Pigstien.

  16. Exactly. Everyone knows a whore isn't an actual female. If you want sex without romance, go kill yourself and your whore. DO IT!!! We rest of our genders want to live like Mormons without the sci-fi crap. Then we will have the utopia we nice people deserve.

  17. Aziz is an unfunny gay.

  18. Aziz is not very good looking but he's famous and he's awkward - he didn't do anything wrong and she was a cunt for making him look stupid in front of the world. Real cunty.

    I think J is intelligent and interesting and I enjoy his commentary more than Substance D who gets a bit vulgar for my tastes but that's also Substance D. Like J said - this is the internet, it was built to expose us to a wide variety of ideas, get over it.

  19. How much extra does the claw cost?

  20. @SD Auntie: Since the pro-Joe talking point seems to be about a funeral being out of context of some sort, here is uncut footage where Joe Biden can't keep his hands off of Senators' children at the swearing in ceremony. Watch all 12 minutes, and let me know what you think? Each time, notice how he directs the action taking place, who stands where, etc.

    1. Thanks Mr. Thot and have not changed my mind. I live in California so we are of different views. Its the quiet ones or tweakers who are the kiddie diddlers. Hood day !

  21. Everyone is a diddler in California.



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