Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Item #9 - From Reddit

From an escort who says an actor pays her to watch his show with him after they have sex.

This one is more sad than funny, but I think there's some humor to it. This client is a pretty famous comedic actor. He's on a pretty popular show and there's a good chance you've seen him, or at least heard of him. Think "Tina Fey when she was on 30 Rock" or "Jack Black at any point in the last 20 years" kind of famous. A lot of people would recognize him, and they generally think he's funny. He's also pretty cute; a girl I went to high school with had such a big celebrity crush on him that she changed her last name on Facebook to his last name for, like, three years. (I've signed an NDA and I will not share his name or any other identifying details).

Turns out he likes to watch the show that he's on after we have sex. Okay, fine, great, not a big deal. It's a decent show. He even gives me the email and password for the streaming service that it's on so we can watch it on my TV while we're still in bed cuddling (clients fuckin' love cuddling, man. They fuckin' love it). He laughs at every single joke that any character on the show makes, except for his own. When I ask him about this, he looks me dead in the eyes and says "I don't think I'm funny". (To be clear, he is specifically known for being funny).

But getting to watch TV with clients for an hour or two is pretty fun. And as someone who's working on a Master's degree in Social Work, getting to learn about the weird fucked-up psyches of the rich and famous is weirdly fun as well. 


  1. Eric Stonehouse?/Modern Family?

  2. Jason Biggs? doesn't say he's single the cute part I dunno

  3. Yeah Stonestreet ain’t such a looker ,fits the paying for sex part though. Will Arnett was my first guess . And he’s cute-maybe him
    GF be damned!

  4. Reading the reddit thread, the OP is NYC based, so narrows it down a lot.

    Since its in NYC, maybe not a sitcom but a talk show.

    Someone guessed Fallon, he is one of the few comedians who was crushworthy when he was younger

  5. Definitely read the reddit thread. The rhoomba guy is adorable. I hope that escort changes her mind.

  6. I'll guess Bill Hader, for no real reason.

    1. @dena- nice one, I guess The Count from Sesame Street. Same difference. 👀

  7. A comedy that runs on a streaming service.

    How about one of the guys from "The Office" - Ed Helms?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Good guess

    2. Don’t think the escort would be female with Ed..

  8. The best part of the blind is learning that the escort is using her work as a means to achieve something for herself.

  9. I once posted an answer in a reddit thread about interesting coversation cab drivers heard and got a GOLD! Now, I have never driven in my life, not even my own car, let alone a cab! Felt good!
    Edit- My brother drives my car. Otherwise I hire a driver!

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    On board with the Will Arnett guess. The actor is on a streaming show? He's been a few, the most notably being BoJack Horseman. I can see him being as depressive as BoJack, considering the material he does (see also: Flaked) and his divorce. Also, handsome enough that I can buy someone having a crush.

    1. He’s been sober for years .. definitely think comedy is his outlet but likely low self esteem
      Prevents him from being aware of his own-take talent. And he is imo

  11. Eric stonestreet plays such a convincing gay that I just can't see him cuddling a woman.
    Will Arnett or Jason segel

  12. Oh come on. Why the hell post a story like this then say she won’t reveal his name because she signed a nda? If you don’t want to risk divulging his name keep your mouth (and legs) shut.

  13. Stonestreet is gay.

    I like how the escort is studying the "weird fucked-up psyches of the rich and famous"

    Your a whore honey. Maybe study that psyche.

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Also, Brooklyn 99, How I Met Your Brother and Modern Family are not streaming shows. And Orange Is The New Black is not a comedy.

  15. Escorts are always pursuing higher ed. Riiiiight...

  16. If Eric Stonestreet is gay, he's not out.

    Lots of publicity about him dating women.

    Google "Eric Stonestreet partner" to see several of them.

  17. Perhaps you are confusing him with Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Stonestreet's husband on the show, who is openly gay.

  18. Including Charlize, Nutty.

  19. I'm going with Ashton Kutcher

  20. Ah, the old, "I'm only doing it to pay my way through college" trope.

  21. I also kept thinking Bill Hader

  22. Anonymous1:25 PM

    For those saying, Bill Hader, its somewhat viable (funny, cute) but BARRY is not a streaming show. Its a cable show.

  23. I think Will Arnett makes the most sense, but would the Lego movies make him too big?

    Is the show a new streaming series, or repeats that are provided on streaming?

    Will Forte?

    Rob Delaney? Has show Catastrophe on Amazon?

    I really have no idea!

  24. What about Danny Masterson

  25. I also guess Bill Hader - he has admitted to having anxiety while on SNL, was on SNL with Tina Fey and had a cameo in the first 30 Rock live episode, Jack Black was in an episode of Documentary Now. Hader also seems to have a quiet darkness to him, also he is divorced and doesn't seem to have dated since his divorce.

  26. I swiped through Eric Stonestreet's profile on Bumble (I'm a female) a few years ago. Not that this is 100% proof that he isn't gay. I do agree that he plays a very convincing one, lol.

  27. I'm going with the Arnett guess, a lot of people think he is funny, he seems like the kind of person who recognizes he is a not a great person (who the hell cheats on Leslie Knope?) who has a lot of weird issues. He'd definitely be the kind of guy who watches his sex tapes and ask for ratings.

  28. Arnett is plausible. I didn't see that guess. He has Bojack Horseman and is somewhat recognizable.

  29. Only middle America still watches HBO on "cable". They're focused on streaming.

    It's Hader.

  30. Seth MacFarlane. Orville streams, voice actor, relatively cute, NYC based.

  31. How much does this gig pay? Where can I apply? Lol 😂

  32. Anonymous9:26 PM

    The escort sounds like a sociopath. Social Work seems to be an odd choice for her.

  33. no one acknowledged will arnett being on arrested development which is on netflix... he was married to amy poehler and the tina fey hint kind of connects the two .. also everyone seems to be ignoring the cute comment. will arnett is the only attractive guy out of these guesses. he has dark humor and i can definitely see him saying these things.

  34. On th contrary a bunch of people suggested Will Arnett lol



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