Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 16, 2019

How creepy is it that this foreign born three named underage actress had a personal fitting of her clothes while in the presence of the foreign born A+ list rapper/singer who has been creeping on her for well over a year.

Millie Bobby Brown/Drake


  1. Now I have a question, how can you know that so exactly that you can kinda-confirm that? Do you have like people you pay to sneek on celebrities and they tell you later?

    Also wasn't there some news about Drake either harassing or assaulting women somewhere, maybe even underage? He should have been already gone by now, I have no idea how his career is still there. Rap is trash and so is he.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Gen-z99
    Not only this, but he is black too, he's a half-bred mamzer. I laugh at his existence. Death be upon him.

    1. It's pretty obvious that you're posting under different names, shit for brains.

  4. His Jewish what, Gen? Please enlighten us with your font of wisdom.

  5. Anything to please her pushy, greedy parents.

  6. Oh no! So that makes him into kids?

    Are you sure there isn't a cross burning we are keeping you from or something?

  7. I'm guessing you take it deep up your ass amirite motherfucker?

  8. @Flashy Vic @sandybrook

    I am not sure if you are christian or religious, prolly you're atheists Idc and Idk, but this is not your business, but ours, the "Abrahamic Faiths". If you never heard of the Talmud you really shouldn't even speak about jews and if you didn't read the Bible, don't come swinging around here with that Cesare Borgia looking Iesus Christ troll talking 'bout love and equality and shit.
    Both in the Quran and in the Talmud, the holy book of the jews, it is allowed to have sex with children, thus making them pedosexual by default and most of them choose to be like that.
    Idk 'bout Gen, but he seems not a sleepsheep like you sandy.

    1. Jesus Mary and joseph youre stupid

  9. Someone needs to castrate Yolo Bozo.

  10. Im Jewish shut the fuck up and stay out of MY FUCKING BUSINESS you fucking jackass. Understand motherfucker??

  11. The problem with books of holy toilet paper that asshats like the religious follow is that they were written when sand niggers of every stripe in the middle east had a life expectancy of 18. That meant, as soon is there was grass on the field, if not before, play ball! Otherwise, these divinely inspired cultures of death centering on Bronze Age goat worshipping and a dead surfer fag hanging on a cross would die out. So, the ten year olds got their hymens ripped to shreds ASAP. The problem with these rolls of sanctified toilet paper is that because of their so-called inerrancy, the naughty bits have to remain in situ which allows real human beings to make fun of these insane deposits of gawd's words which should have been flushed millenia ago.

    Homer: Mmmmmmmm... ripped hymen.....

  12. @sandy
    Well then, as an Edomite you should know how perverted you are. Your father Esau was corrupt, so are you.

    @Substance D
    Pascal's wager kiddo

    @Rosie riveter
    Yeshua*, Mirjam* and Yosef* you are worse

  13. Go fuck your goat. I td you to stay the fuck out of my business you stupid troll piece of shit. Understand? And if you do have trouble understanding simple orders here are your answers to the question "understand?"
    A) yes sir
    C) I'm way out of my league and going to shit in my pants now sir.
    D) you're right and I'll never troll this board again because I'm way too fucking stupid to be on this board. I'm off to 4chan and InfoWars where I belong.

  14. Speaking of Pascal, Did you ever notice that Pensées is almost penis?
    First off, gawd is made in man's image (imagination) and as a proper sheep that responds only to the presumption of state authority, a believer in such religious nonsense responds favorably to the false dichotomy of punishment/reward. Aristotle's either/or interpretive framework is the template of more simplistic religious schemes of empires: Hebrewisms of various redactions, Roman based Christian expedience, Islamobritish oilagarchies, etc.
    What it comes down to is this: Our senses are always on, even if we shut down consciousness to do things like sleep or watch royal weddings or series finales. These senses have to sort out a single file narrative in order to function within causality loops that keep the cray cray at bay and sort out contradictions, even to the point of accepting some because we just can't keep everything straight. (People with OCD or ADHD have some trouble staying in the loop)
    The state, who presumes to have mortal, as well as moral, authority over us, does not acknowledge contradictions. It exists in a black and white, either/or certainty. (You are either with us or the terrorists)
    Our senses tell us there is more than black and white, but because we accept from our earliest indoctrination that the state has authority, the dissonance that occurs when black and white supersedes sense certainty keeps us in stasis.
    Pascal posits that accepting this stasis alleviates anxiety. He is of course promoted, as Aristotle was, by the state because he is telling us to obey, happily.
    If that willingness to surrender gives you warm fuzzies, bleat on...

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Get your schitzo ass back to 4chan, Yochanan12. And take your damn meds.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. IIRC, MBB has happily exposed much of this dynamic herself. It's real, and it is creepy!

  18. there's totally non-racist gen-z99 again, being totally non racist...

    fucking retard

  19. Jews are totally known to be pedos....unlike catholic priests and Muslims............................

  20. and we're off.

    The comments are so much more entertaining then the blind.

    Love it.

  21. so Drake wants to ass fuck Millie Bobby Brown



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