Thursday, May 02, 2019

Your Turn

If you could ask Taylor Swift one question, what would it be?


Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I never should have invested in an origami factory.

Last week, it folded.

Kate k said...

" Can you take a break?"

:| raven |: said...

Why don't you just shut up?

sandybrook said...

How sweet is Karlies sweet spot?

:| raven |: said...

lmao @ Sandy

Thia said...

When are you going to come out?

Brayson87 said...

Chicken or fish?

Zebra Seasoning said...

So. Hiddlesconda. Truth or fiction?

Tuesdi said...

Why did you wear that hideous dress last night?

Sarton Bander said...

How many pairs of dungarees do you own?


What does carpet taste like?

E said...

Why don't you get your overbite fixed?

Alf Landon said...

Were you born a male?

BigFanUSA said...

Why don't you just make like a tree and leaf?

Nosey Parker said...

Are you the 1st artificial human clone made into a celebrity?

Jennifer said...

Could I please have a measly two million dollars?

Nope McNoperton said...

When will you stop being fake as fuck?

J said...

Would you mind going away forever?

Paul Saint John said...

Are you a dude?

J said...

Or, you have money. Why don't you get that nose fixed?

Rachelxz said...

When will you be brave enough to come out?

Sagan said...

I like the way you think, @ zebra

Speaking of such, just come out of the closet. All your misandry is getting old - just like you.

COWPIE said...

Didn't you used to be Napoleon Dynamite?

B626 said...

Why did you let Max Martin ruin your career

Audrey Hepburn said...

Why dont you just... stop?

Drewholtaus said...

Is Karlie the pitcher or the catcher or do you both trade?

Rosie riveter said... more time for the people in the back:

there is none or this in lesbianism.
Let me help you with the catchphrase you're so looking for:
Scissor sisters
Scissor fight

Brayson87 said...

@Rosie, Give Drew a break, after all top/bottom can apply to everybody. Also with a strap-on it could be a pitcher/catcher situation.

HiThere said...

How does an adult do that?? Heard it was really hard and you basically have to do it as a kid

HiThere said...

What did Katy Perry whisper to you at award shows that was so mean? Can you understand why many ppl see you as petty?

Substance D said...

What are you famous for?

Lou said...

Can I have your cookie recipe?

Astra Worthington said...

Have you been tested for toxoplasmosis?

postaldog said...

Why do you work so hard to hide your belly button?

Craig said...

and you are.....?

Alana said...

Chicken or fish?

Fifi LaRue said...

Can you write some better lyrics and music?

Mahogany1 said...

Who the eff do you think you are? Have you really bought into this shit?

Anonymous said...

Lmao yesss

Unknown said...

My question was already asked by some others (were you born male)... so I will have to ask: Do YOU think you have talent or are you laughing like crazy at the idiots who spend money on your shows and songs?

nswhorse said...

Can I be the inspiration for a bitter song on your next album?

Kellikopter said...

Did you really fart at the VMAs? 😂😂😂

Gylly said...

Are you happy?

Substance D said...

Hey, Raving Badger, if you had a look any tranny would die for, "wrote" songs about dysfunctional pathologies as a favored state of mind and lip synched your way through a runway model walk passing for a concert- and were blood related to some of the most wealthy and powerful people on earth- then, yes, you would be "winning" more than us actual human beings who don't get the world handed to us. And good on her to get $$ from tone deaf rich assholes to give to even richer tone deaf assholes.

Kellikopter said...

Username checks out.

Unknown said...

Why do continue to wear read lipstick when it washes you out?

TellMeLies said...

How much could the public pull together to make you go away FOR GOOD?!!!

I abhor and her fake shit!!!

pickyvegetarian said...

will you please stop making music


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