Monday, July 22, 2019

Blind Item #13

This former A- list reality star turned celebrity all of you know has her husband cover his Swastika tattoo when they go out in public.


  1. Eva Braun, Scooter's sister.

  2. Why even bother? They had a Satanic wedding. KVD is probably one herself, it wouldn't surprise me if she has a hidden tat. I mean, Jesse James was all into it. Isn't her husband Hispanic or Latin American? How does that work out with a swastika?

    1. A lot of people seem to not understand that white supremacy and Nazi Germany have in fact nothing to do with each other. Adolf Hitler for example is also popular in Pakistan, Iran, and spots of South America. Western education has done few people any favors here with this one.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Her husband is a cholo, doesn’t make sense

  4. Kim Kardashian. Swastika goes with Kanye's confederate-flag jacket.

  5. Heidi Montag for a change

  6. I don’t think it’s Kat Von D her husband is Mexican, that wouldn’t make sense to have a white supremacy tattoo.

    1. White supremacism and Nazism are in fact not the same thing. The mainstream media and the education system has this quite wrong.

  7. These latinos (mind you, I'm Latina as well) pretending to be Nazis... Give me a fucking break.

    1. right? live in his hometown and heard he is into shocking people and popular with the ladies. knew some Latino punk guys in the 80s and they called themselves the skins. so stupud

  8. KVD doesn’t really fit the “someone all of you know” category. She’s a little more niche.

    1. Niche for gossip fans maybe. 'All of you know' refers to people who regularly read this website. She's definitely niche in the mainstream population.

  9. I cannot believe people's lack of historical knowledge.

    46k Spanish and Portuguese troops served in the Blue Division on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union. Before that the Nazis were in Spain during their civil war aiding Franco against the communists along with help from Italian fascists. Fascist Franco, Hitlers #1 fan, ran Spain until 1979. The whole Nazis in South and Central America thing? It just baffles me that people are surprised that there are Latin Nazi fans.

  10. Tricia 13 - I'd love to get in touch with you but don't want to post a more public email here for obvious reasons so can you email me at
    I live here in LA and am a writer in the biz. Hope all is well!

    1. Thank you.
      I remember you saying that once:))
      I will email you by tomorrow morning for sure.
      All good,TY and same to you.....

  11. Uhhhhhhhh people still do that?

  12. I am pretty sure she had one on her face years ago and either covers it with make up or with all the stars around here eyes.🖤

  13. @Robert.

    Also the Zoot suit riots in LA in 1941.
    Zoot suits were mostly Mexican and wore nazi symbols as part of their Zoot suit. It's thought more to rile the off duty sword and marines who they hated and were constantly fighting with. This came to a head in June 1943 when the sailors and marines organised and with the help of the police, hunted down the Zoot suit gangs all over central LA and took a very bloody price in the infamous Zoot suit riots.

    So Nazi symbology, whether the ideology is believed or not, has a long history in Latino gangs.

  14. 1943 in the first sentence, of course. Fat fingers rather than autocorrect this time.

  15. And Sailors not swords. That the fucking autocorrect this time, the cunt.

  16. KvD herself is part Mexican. So yeah marrying a nazi is dumb on both their parts.
    @robert. Latin Nazis are surprising to me because so many (most?) latinx have heavy non-white admixture. Lots of native blood and LOTS of African blood among the Spanish. Many deny it but you can look at them and see it.

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. (on his adams apple) Looks more like a Buddhist swastika to me (backwards) with a star of david in the middle of it.

  20. oh nm...that's not the right tattoo

  21. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thanks @Robert and @Vic. Nazism is not all about blonde-haired blue-eyed Aryan "Master Race". That idea has been incorrectly drummed into us. There were and are plenty of "dark" Nazis. Hell, not even all Germans are fair people.

  22. robert: Riiiiight??! Amazing to me too...Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, etc. were allll riddled with Nazis (annnnd their indigenous sympathizers) during and after the war. he fact that peeps are *surprised* belies their deep ignorance of the alliances/fraternization peoples had with Oncle Adi's missionaries...

  23. It's been going on since "the days of slavery," huh? Which slavery is that, @Gen-z99? The North Africans enslaving White people which lasted longer than the Transatlantic slave trade did? The Mongolian Empire enslaving a third of the world's population? The Egyptians enslaving the Hewbrews? The Japanese enslaving the Chinese? The Middle East enslaving Ethiopians which is still going on today?

    The biggest slavers in history were not White.

  24. This is Kat Von D and her husband who is Mexican. His name is Rafael Reyes but changed it to Leafar Seyer (same name but backwards). He is cover in tattoo so I dont doubt he has swastikas tattoos on him. Here's the think, as Latin American born and raised I have to tell you there's still racism in those country. People think because their skin is white they are Caucasian which in reality we are all mixed even if our skin is one color. There's still people out there saying they are Spaniards or Italians because of their last name or skin's color. Its comical to hear those people talking about how being white is better and superior. They are in denial of their mixed ancestry and if you said so, they will accused you of being mean to them, being jealous of them, and not accepting the fact that they are not 100% caucasian. Mexico like any other country is still being raised against it's own people. All the novelas and tv shows you see being produced in Mexico have white people, blue or green eyes as protagonists. People of color get secondary role such as the maid, the gardener, the trash people, etc. Even when this girl Yalitza Aparicio (?, I think her name is), got a small role in the movie Roma, Mexicans were saying racist comments about her because she comes from a indigenous background. So instead of lifting the girl up, they were bringing down. Also I saw how people were creating memes when this girl Halle Bayley was selected to play Ariel in the little mermaid and they all (memes) were coming from Mexico (being racist against here). Its sad, and Mexico is not doing anything at all to give a black woman the lead role. I'm not saying it's only Mexico doing this, it's in almost all the countries, I just used Mexico as example how racist we the people can be. In conclusion, I do think this guy (who is married to Kat Von D) is racist, we just have to look at her dating story (Jesse James hello 💁🏻‍♀️)

  25. 100% Von D

  26. Is Holly Madison married?

  27. Her name is Katherine von Drachenberg, she is of German descent and anyway Nazi are about racial purity, not necessarily white supremacy. Her boyf might be into that. She has a really awful taste in men.

  28. Abominae - I do not think there is a whole lot of internal consistent logic with supremacists of any ilk.

    But, some people believe that the ancestry of some countries is "Aryan" not only the pale blond blue eyed type but the ancient Persian type as well.

    And of course Nazis fled to Central and South America so some believe there were early Aryans who were there long ago too. I does not make sense. It reminds me of the Chapelle sketch with the black Klan member.

    Hitler planned to take over the world and his OK to live list was very very narrow. The rest would've been destroyed or at "best," enslaved.

  29. LondonGirl - supremacists are often separatists, but in the Nazis' case they believed in "racial purity" as you put it, and ALSO in supremacy. Nazis definitely believed in supremacy ergo the "Master Race."

  30. Google Rafael Reyes sawstika and you can see it on his throat. Took me seconds to figure this mystery out

  31. Correction to my post: KVD was born in Mexico but isn’t of Mexican heritage:

  32. who in the blue hell is Kat Von D?

  33. Tattoo artist, reality show star (former?) and founder of a cosmetics line.
