Monday, July 29, 2019

Blind Item #2

Apparently many members of a certain royal family are alarmed about a recent addition to the family and their latest side gig. It is being viewed as not politically neutral and there is concern it is going to inflame the public during a time when they need to be anything but. One of the senior members of this particular family is observing all of this with chagrin since this isn't the first time something like this has happened. They don't seem worried since these things always have a way of taking care of themselves eventually.


  1. Replies
    1. Or “Guest Editor”🙄

  2. MM is trying so hard to be Diana.

    1. She will never be Diana!!!

    2. She might end up like Diana, but that's it.

  3. eyeroll

    Phil's gonna have her offed just like Diana!

  4. okay so I have advice for you royal family... you don't want an American dictating the new era of the royals YET she is hurting you with the public.. so maybe (and she may not deserve it) have a sit down where she 'pitches' ideas what she wants to do project wise etc and how it can be spun. She IS American, not royal but also a complete affront to those who loves the establishment so NEGOTIATE like you would with a terrorist or she is just gonna continue to go guerrilla rogue. GIVE her something and PROMISE something in return for 'protecting her' against negative press etc. Windsors, you are under siege by Meghan and this (as much as you hate to admit it) so work it. Find a way to get her to tow the line and seem 'innovative' or new world royal in a way she embraces AS WELL as the public. I'd be holding polls, talking to the people. Re-calibrate this unless you want to be out of jobs the month after the Queen is put in the ground. I know I would. you gotta figure this sh&t out!

  5. Can't figure out what the half-prince saw in her. Maybe she can do incredible acts with her tongue.

  6. Meg and her team of left-wing women on the cover of Vogue UK.

    When Jane Fonda is the most politically neutral out of the 15 women chosen, you might have a problem.

    One of the women even suggested that Meg should be the next leader of the Commonwealth, not Charles.

    1. Uh oh that won't go down well.

      She's completely tone deaf £4k gucci dress to a women's clothes bank project...then hee team wonders why no one likes her. (She doesn't wonder because she doesn't give a flying fuck).

    2. You mean Hanoi Jane?

    3. Another interviewed at one time said HMQ breasts looked like an a** on her chest they were so huge. Classy!

  7. So September will be the fatass edition?

  8. Can Vogue became any less interesting? Looking back at the 50s and 60s era, it is such a jump off a cliff.

  9. Megan is veering dangerously close to all out politics. How come she did’t Include, you know, the Queen? Royals typically stay pretty politically neutral and this is not at all in keeping with that. This marriage just gets weirder every day.

  10. @Pissoff
    I can't figure out what MM has ON Harry....At first I thought he was just spitting in the eye of his fam and they allowed it on the optics of "diversity" but he clearly does not like her and looking looks like he never really did. So what dirt is there?
    @Krab - I think Phil is too old to have control of this or it never would have happened. Charles clearly won't do anything so it is up to Wills to get serious, FAST.
    Unfortunately, for it to be believable, I think they are gonna have to crash the plane with Harry, MM and the "baby" all pronounced deceased. No one will believe another tragedy involving just the wife... then again, if she keeps it up - no one will care and they will simply be rid of a thorn.

    That said...they'd better procure whatever she "has" quickly.

    1. Could be a tape of a threesome with another man.

  11. He clearly doesn't like her. Riiiiiight. That's why people get married and have babies here on planet earth.

  12. Exactly Krab. I am white, but excuse me, fellow race members, jealousy is a very destroying sentiment. Let her and Harry alone. If he married her is because he wanted to. He has a child with her, and I am sure he loves her.

    Don't project your hate onto others.

    1. Im sick of saying this... it's nothing to do with race or jealousy...the UK is NOT the US. it is a very diverse tolerant society compared to the US. Most of us are mixed race, We've had black members of the aristocracy and those enobled in the house of Lords - for quite some time.

      If you as much as think in a non-PC direction you get hammered.

      It's because she is a profligate grifter living off the tax payer buck whilst we've had years of austerity. We also can spot a fake a mile off.

      An example: wearing a £4k dress to a women's clothes bank project. Tone deaf much.

      She's more interested in hob mobbing and virtue signalling with those and where it will be benfit HER only.

  13. I don't think Meghan "had' anything on Harry in getting him to marry her because he could't fake smiles etc in engagement, wedding, baby photos but I DO think she played the honey pot card. I think he was bowled over with lust/love by her. Still like I said the royal family has to release they are on the EVE of extinction. They already were with Charles set to replace his mom and Charles is NOT well liked by the public. William COULD be the future of the monarchy but there needs to be OLD world vibe with he and Kate as the heads AND maybe finding a tolerable WAY to incorporate the NWO with Meghan. Think of it this way. Royal buffs and those who love the family and see their value need to understand there is a way to USURP and COVET the American angle of Meghan. She is mixed race, Hollywood etc. While this sucks, if it IS the case which IT IS, find out a way to assimilate some of it. Make her do certain appearances in RETURN for what she wants at times. Get together and pow wow that. Surely the amazing Queen is not stupid. Meghan is imploding the whole damn house... like a suicie bomber... unless some PR and a measure of delicate equations go into all this.

  14. +1@Nutty, not to mention that her Vogue cover, which features 15 woman, who are ‘Trailblazers’ has a very similar cover as an Australian book which was published in 2016 which also feautures 15 women (one of them being MM & she apparently also wrote an essay for the book) who are ‘The Game Changers’.

    So not only is she getting involved in politics (and left-wing politics at that), but many are accusing her of plagiarism.

  15. Plagiarism? To take a completely generic idea and reuse it with different people? You don't know what the word means.

    And the "amazing" queen is a little old lady who basically puts up with a lot of shit from her family. I don't know where this idea that she's this courageous old battle axe came from, because it's simply not true.

  16. I've noticed, MM is morphing into her mother, much quicker than you'd imagine that happening. It's kinda strange. She looks exactly like her mom now.

    1. Her Mother's a fine looking woman...aa is she. But don't get me started on her spending.

  17. Will she be Diana'd or Fergie'd

  18. @Pissoff, it’s ass. She eats ass apparently.

  19. @Krab - I can see that @sus is a fake MM cheerleader account but do you just come on here to defend Sparkles? If you think that pregnancy was real...or the "baby" she was wagging around at the polo game was "her baby" - you are freaking blind.
    but whatever.
    @sus - way to play the fellow whypipo card.

  20. Markle has a way nicer ass than Diana, and she is American, so it will be a greater tragedy if they have her wacked.

  21. No, I comment on here all the time in different threads, and yes, I think the pregnancy was real, as was the baby, because I'm not a conspiracy theory nutjob.

    1. we know Krab and appreciate your comments! not worth your precious

    2. Contempt prior to investigation. Investigate. But why would you bother since you don’t care or aren’t interested. For me, things seemed off so I started to pay attention and look at stuff for myself-not just read a bunch of comments and blogs, put they did point the way to some things. Finding that many many other people who are also apparently pretty reasonable people had come to similar conclusions was just gravy. So why the contempt? Obviously a lot of crap on this site you buy into or why else come here?

  22. @Filmfanb, I'm thinking a Diana-type situation during a visit to Africa.

    Cars have been done, but helicopters or small planes are an option, with street crime as a long shot. Poacher shooting (ie, shot while participating in an anti-poacher action) would also be a possibility, but it risks turning her into a martyr.

    Lots of open spaces with few witnesses. (The veld?) Easy to bribe corrupt local officials. Can always blame African infrastructure, which is wonderful in some places and awful in others.

    Health crisis in a remote area, can't make it to the hospital on time?

    If I were Meg I'd stay in the UK or the US.

  23. @Count, but the Markle ass is much larger lately.

    1. @guesser, really :( good larger or slopped out larger? It was the major reason to watch Suits.

  24. After Queen Elizabeth dies, I wonder if the monarchy can survive.

    The "tourism" argument doesn't even hold water anymore. There are so many other reasons to visit the UK. Versaiiles is jam packed every day and they haven't had royalty for centuries.

  25. The pregnancy was real, by surrogate. "Conspiracy theory nutjobs" could not make up the following missteps, eg., Harry's two week commment,unsigned birth announcement, minimal photos etc. Many take it too far,I doubt killing Meghan is necessary these days with so much divorce in the family.

  26. @Krab -It’s YOU who doesn’t know what plagiarism means. Not only did Markle use the exact same layout for the cover, she used the same words too.

    And Harry was quoted as saying that he specifically wanted to be with someone from the entertainment field - even reaching out to people like Margot Robbie & Jennifer Lawrence. It’s a coincidence, is it, that he just happened to “fall in love” with a publicity seeking “actress”?

    Bull. He went on and on in the cringey interview about her being “perfect for the job” because that’s how he saw the role of his wife...a job. His “written in the stars” love twaddle was scripted and badly delivered. He looks stiff and uncomfortable around her, and always has done.

    Think. A man who has spent his life craving privacy would be most unlikely to fall in love with a woman who was advertising their relationship on IG before it even hit the newspapers. He offered her a job and she accepted. I’d bet big money that they barely see each other when there’s no cameras around.

    She’s an utterly detestable and repellant person and the divorce cannot come fast enough.

    1. A bearding relationship? He still gets his African 'working' holidays with Adam and she gets the fame

  27. @Get lost with your childish conspiracy theories “Nutty Flavour”. The only people who buy your crap are those as stupid as you.

  28. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Unknown, do tell us how you feel, lol. Meghan makes it hard for one to like her, doesn’t she? I am sure she wanted the cover for herself and was talked out of it, after all, she admires herself most of all.

  29. @guesser - to me the biggest tell was the shifting, wrinkled belly and bending over or squatting with the 5 inch heels.
    When she wagged that unwrapped "baby" at polo looked like it was handed to your older, unmarried, childless jet-setting ex-college roommate.
    From a woman with kids - none of that shit is possible and she is super uncomfortable holding what is supposed to be her own kid.

  30. Oh for goodness sake, Markle was and remains what she was in Hollywood when she “tossed salad” of creepy old buggers on yachts as she could they jobs based on talent... five letter word, begins with w and ends with an e. She stalked Harry and if a series of photos taken at the invictus games in Toronto reveal anything, Me-Gain had help strong arming him, and she did so for money and power. The royal family talking to her and offering her anything is ludicrous. They have done that in vain, she will continue to be the train wreck she is. There is only one solution, kick the wh*re to the curb and the ginger whinger with her. Call her bluff on the race card threat as well. Cut Harry off from the civil list, and evict them from Froggie cottage. Tell them they must live their private lives in the private sector. Harry is as cheap as they come, he won’t let Me-Gain drain his trust fund dry, he will tell her to pay her own way with the wealth she claimed was from Suits, which never existed. Before too long Me-Gain will be back with mommy as her friends translates to clients of her former PR hacks won’t be returning her calls

    1. Confirmed salad tosser or are you just speculating? I need to know how hard to fap.

    2. Mmmmmm. I like a nasty girl.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣@Count..

    4. Please Count do the royals a favor and take her off Harry’s hands. Am sure you like crazy.

    5. JL: what is her alimony package looking like and how are her laundry skills? A man cant survive on rimjobs alone.


  32. Get on your motion-sickness bracelets, folks, because Meg's interview with Michelle Obama is now online.

    It reads as if it were written by the giddy editor of a middle-school website.

    Michelle comes off fine, though. She answered Meg by email.

    "To my former First Lady, and now friend, Michelle – thank you," Meg writes in return.

  33. The Royal family has NEVER been politically neutral, they are as far right wing as you would expect.

  34. @meliticusbee I write here way before you, idiot. I don't care for MM, but come on, the hate you have for her is motivated by jealousy and racism. Oh, and you make her more important than she really is, which I bet is not your intention.

  35. MM caters to the lowest common denominator of intelligence. She showed this with her mundane and primitive bananas-for-prostitutes slogans and she's showing it with this boring, obvious, and just frankly pedestrian vogue cover.

    A mirror, so the reader can be inspired by themselves? Oh wow, how groundbreaking and , what's the word, oh yeah, inspirational. She's a cliche': an averagely educated, averagely minded, below average intelligent nobody, who thinks she's arrived, so now she feels she can be a sanctimonious preachers about everything: saving the world from plastics and global warming, women's rights, how to raise children, and general politics.

    She's the poster child for what's wrong with the world today: take a nothing and a nobody who don't know anything and haven't really done much, seen much or been anywhere, make them a star, either via their own reality tv show (Kardashians), Instagram or by marrying a dim wit prince, and suddenly they must be worthy of being listened to.

    She caters to those who are easily impressed, can't think for themselves and are just generally stupid, in constant need to have a famous person telling them what's what with the world. Her fans are exactly on the same level as Kardashian fans. But you could forgive a Kardashian fan, because at least their average age is 16.
    What the fuck is your excuse Krab?

  36. @sus....ooooh, ouch. burn. that was so painful.
    your crappy writing is showing megs.

  37. @Nutty I know its the middle of summer, but the thirst is through the roof.

  38. @not that DM article is did it get past the MeAgain payments? Maybe she is behind in paying up.

  39. Give it a rest meliticusBee. Not everyone who comes here to disagree with the masses isn't Meghan or a shill or any other ridiculous comment you can think up. Some of us that have the same accounts forever think y'all are morons too. You really can't see how stupid it sounds to say there's no baby

  40. To be born into a vast fortune, welcomed by a family despite their knowledge of your father's true identity, be loved and cared for and educated (insofar as your stunted intellect allows)...

    ...then to slap this family in the face by marrying an obnoxious, greedy, divisive, equally-stupid, attention-whoring, otherwise-whoring, zooming-to-obesity, __actress__...

    ...what an insult.

    1. Agree except have no doubt Charles sired Harry.

  41. @meliticusBee - it's great, isn't it? I laughed and laughed...

    I especially love:

    "Then there is Salma Hayek Pinault, whom Vogue grandly describes as a ‘women’s rights advocate, actor and producer’ without mentioning that she is married to billionaire businessman François-Henri Pinault, whose collection of luxury goods companies are one of Vogue’s chief advertisers."


    "Meanwhile, Adut Akech is another ravishing model and former refugee. Her recent Instagram accounts reveal a single Pray For Sudan posting amid a blizzard of puffs for her new perfume campaign and several selfies in a neon bikini, so she’s in."

    and of course, my favourite

    "It is hard to see how the young climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg can possibly approve of all these gas-guzzling supermodels flying across the globe to pose in a pair of pants, but she’s in there too."

    Not to mention how tirelessly our little eco warrior Greta flies around the world preaching about global warming....

    Look, this is the thing: when you put yourself out there, standing on a soapbox, condescendely wagging your finger at the same hard working people, who are paying for your new lifestyle, while you actually don't even know the difference between your elbow and your arsehole, because you're just some sub-educated Hollywood LA game-show suitcase girl, the don't be surprised when from all sides suddenly people appear who can eat you for breakfast and then burp out a critique of everything you're doing wrong, that'll make your empty head spin.

    The way I see it, she's totally fair game, because she's clearly looking for trouble. She's inviting this backlash, she's asking for it. Nobody is forcing her to act this way, in fact I'm pretty sure many are trying to stop her, so it's all on her.

    p.s.: I wonder how Serena Williams feels, now that she's number 2 thousand on the list of having been used and the discarded by Sparkles.....

    1. @not: somehow I’m thinking it’s the other way around. Serena markled Markle.

  42. ppl who are impressed by this idiot = mental midgets

  43. @MeliticusBee,all true. I did only mentioned things that can't be explained away, but put these things together, and the only answer they have is name calling.

  44. "I'm writing as bad as I can": Meg's email interview with Michelle Obama

    New blog post:

    Or click on my profile name.

  45. "I write here way before you, idiot. I don't care for MM, but come on, the hate you have for her is motivated by jealousy and racism...(snip)" end partial quote @sus

    While playing the race card exposes ignorance, who the hell is Jealous of a whore with tossed salad breath? Seriously whacked values that expose criminal insanity.
    Unless this is piss poor projection we could assume you are working in the public relations biz. Not sure what they pay, but even whores got to eat.
    By all means play the crazy race card as if licking ass is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  46. I actually thought this wasabout the Grimaldi’s and the Vietnamese French bride.

  47. Sorry,@Count,she hasn't given a money shot as far as I know. That "pregnancy" weight is so hard to loose! Even harder is losing weight from psychiatric drugs or prednisone .

    1. Psych drugs and quitting COcaine are the only 2 things that pack weight on a broad as quick as a wedding ring will.

  48. The fatter a face gets, the harder it is to get into salad-tossing position.

    I'm sure even Harry's limited grasp of geometry allows him to understand this.

    Time isn't on her side.

    1. God help me for raising my ignorant UK arse above the parapet on this blind, but @J 'even Harry's limited grasp of geometry' made me smile do damn hard. Thank you!

  49. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @Simon MM's newest Twitter account wades into politics without hesitation. She doesn't even try to hide her political ideology nor hide her identity. The NPD is strong in this one.

    IMO if she doesn't agree to take a payout and keep quiet I don't expect her to return from Africa in one piece. The Firm will have a bonanza of golden opportunities in Africa.

  50. Anonymous9:32 AM

    MM really is too much, even for the royal family. Harry needs to buy off that problem and move on.

  51. @Ann - that's her twitter? she tweets about her mani/pedis and massages, repeatedly?


  52. The British are not Far Left, she must be an idiot if she thinks this crap will make her the next Diana: , we consider the Obamas shysters, feminists a small percent of women who failed at life, climate alarmists mentally ill, and American race baiting politics best left in the gutter. I hope the Windsor’s get rid of Meghan.

  53. Anonymous9:52 AM

    @Not A that's her. Now you know what she and her halfwit prince talk about all day. Intellectual giants they aren't.

    @Count I think you got it. Rumors are she was doing the IVF route so not only did she get the hormonal weight she had to give up the nose candy.

  54. @aquagirl - what makes you think that and why? Serena seemed all thirsty and fan-girly over the suitcase girl friendship.

    1. @Not: She was asked a few questions about Meghan/Archie in an interview after Wimbledon. She was pretty rude when the topic came up. She was asked if she could see herself teaching Archie to play tennis at some point, and she said something like she would teach her own kid. But maybe her kid could teach Archie someday (or something like that. It was sort of strange & she changed the subject quickly.) Meanwhile, MM showed up at Wimbledon specifically to see Serena, so I don’t think she’s the one doing the ghosting.

  55. Or pregnancy, Count.

    Oh, Vogue, what happened? You used to be so dynamic, and then Wintour bent you over for the Kardashian’s. ☠️

    1. I'll never hold getting preggo against a broad, unless she doing it to get a whore scholarship.

  56. Meghan/Charles/Diana.

    Ominous ending sentence, Mr. Ent Lawyer!

    The Vogue "guest editor" thing - I will believe it when Anna Wintour affirms it (even though it's supposedly for British Vogue.)

    Kate was on the cover of British Vogue. They wouldn't give MM the cover. I think the 'rumor' MM will 'guest edit' anything in Vogue is just that - a face saving bit of PR.

    More likely to be a "Sussex Royal" cause promoted on their own "branding" social media. Who knows what. Could be anything.

    There's been a splitting away since the marriage, although we don't know who caused or wanted that or why. Split from Kensington Palace, split from the groups PH formerly partnered with his brother and/or father.

    Princess Diana's causes were controversial at the time, although people forget/were born afterward and don't know that. She shook the hand of an AIDS patient during a time when no one knew how it was transmitted and people were afraid to even be in the same room. Her advisors at the time were apoplectic and had wanted her in gloves. Land mines, she walked around mine fields, literally. In looking back people admire her but at the time, she was also seen by some as making waves.

    1. @Sam the 1st: The issue is done. It will be on newsstands this week. You can see the cover, etc., online. Or go to Nutty’s blog—a lot of it is there. How much involvement did she have? I assume a great deal especially given the women that were chosen. And the ridiculous interview that she did with Michelle Obama that sounds as though it was written by a 15-year-old. They give her credit for guest-editing it on the front cover.

  57. She made waves in Hewitt's waterbed, that's for sure.

  58. kiki - you're right, the RF is anything but stupid. MM might be forgetting this is literally what they were born to, and is literally in their DNA. And the royals have been at this for hundreds of years. The advisors have devoted their adult lives to things royal. Part of the reason some are allegedly frustrated with MM is that despite all of those obvious things, she still will not listen.

    I don't know if they will have a brass tacks talk with her or not (Philip is the most pragmatic in his speech, but he's in his 90s, maybe won't want to bother w/her?), another method all royal families have and use is the freeze out.

  59. Hewitt had a water bed, J?

    Who past the 1970s had a water bed?

  60. OK, maybe it was a watersports bed.

  61. Seriously, Krab?

    HRM is awesome. For courage just look at the Queen and Princess Margaret during WW II. But I won't waste breath because the Queen's intelligence, humor, insight, political adeptitude, wit and bravery are so obvious. If anyone can't see those traits, they can't be reached.

    Krab said -

    "And the "amazing" queen is a little old lady who basically puts up with a lot of shit from her family. I don't know where this idea that she's this courageous old battle axe came from, because it's simply not true."

  62. Reaching, J.

    Everyone knows about Hewitt, Squidgygate, all that. It's not shocking.

  63. Not reaching, having fun. Participating in what I believe Kierkegaard would call the Aesthetic mode.

    And the Windsor dimwits and callets give me ample resources for doing so.

  64. The writing in that interview with Michelle Obama was so bad. How humiliating to have her name attached to such drivel for a person as highly esteemed as Mrs. Obama. MM writes like a basic middling undergrad bookmarked to because she thinks verbosity makes her sound introspective. A high school English teacher much less any editor worth their salt would have torn that article to pieces and slashed the wording by half. Me-gain really is a fat head.

  65. Unknown at 8:19 AM - I think PH said "she'd be good for the job PART of it." The royals call their family "The Firm." The job is for life. I think he said that or had that in mind up front because allegedly, the reason a former flame turned him down was she did not want "the job part of it." Some love it or find it no big thing to handle. For others it feels like a prison.

    "Cut Harry off from the civil list, and evict them from Froggie cottage. Tell them they must live their private lives in the private sector."

    That makes more sense especially with all of their "we want to live as private citizens." Well, private citizens don't have everything in their lives done for them, with the public paying for it. I'm not sure it would be as appealing as they think. And for MM, a publicity-seeking actor, to seek out the most public life on the planet and then whine about privacy is just frankly -- well, I'll be polite and say "perplexing."

    1. The minute they’re cut off, Meghan will be out the door.

  66. Michelle Obama is great friends with George W. Bush, who killed more innocent people than anyone else this century.

    So it's no big deal for her to be buddies with airhead Meghan.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. She has this in common with most actor-politicos, then.

    How does Hollywood feel about MM?

    "MM caters to the lowest common denominator of intelligence. She showed this with her mundane and primitive bananas-for-prostitutes slogans and she's showing it with this boring, obvious, and just frankly pedestrian vogue cover."

    Remember the "let's all wear black evening gowns in support of sexual assault victims?" How insipid was that? Hollywood's brilliant way of going the extra mile for a cause. Like most people don't already wear black to evening events??

    It's the level of fake woke one might expect from Hollywood.

  69. @Count, wedding ring,psych drugs,and quiting coke? All three likely,she will be huge!

  70. F*ck the Royal Family and its members!

  71. AlleyKat - the engagement photo gown cost $75k, have they auctioned that for charity?

    1. Not forgetting the 100k "oscar" gown for a low key lunch....please done or I'll be forced to storm the palace myself, wrench that lowlife off the taxpayer teat and haul her ass on the first Virginia economy flight back from whence she came.

  72. Aquagirl - thanks. My tea is tepid then. But it sounds like a group pic so, they still didn't give her the solo cover.

    "The issue is done."

    Did she 'guest edit' as well?

    The PR blurb of a while ago made it sound like she was hired as a Vogue editor full stop.

    I think it would've been wiser to lay a bit low one's first year? Unless the strategy all along was to grab as much as possible, bust out the bank and go?

    The public had a decade to get used to Kate. Even then she wasn't 'branding' her image the first year. (Or even now.)

    1. @Sam: She’s saying that she didn’t want the cover (Ha! Ha!) because it would be boastful. Magazines with her on the cover just don’t sell. Also, she’s throwing shade at Kate & Diana who were both on the cover.

    2. And yes, I think everything’s about a money grab for her.

  73. Oh - ignore my question Aquagirl. Half awake today. I hadn't yet read to the end.

  74. @MeliticusBee Yeah, I am not a native English speaker but even you understand me, yokel. How many languages do you speak?

    You are too imbecile to admit you loose your sleep because a non-relevant person like MM. She crushed your dream of being royalty one day, hahaha. And on top of that, she isn't white. You have seen too many Disney movies where the annoying American girl becomes a princess. See, we Europeans don't care that much about royalty.

  75. Either a money grab or a donut grab.

  76. Aquagirl interesting.

    Yeah I don't think tact is that one's strong suit. And she has said she always wanted to be in politics.

  77. The blog just ate my reply and insted of getting the hint here I go again:

    Sus - I'm not trying to get between you and MB or MB and you but this made no sense.

    "You have seen too many Disney movies where the annoying American girl becomes a princess."

    Princesses in Disney toons are "American?" Most take place before the USA existed, and we don't have Princes in America, so who would they set their caps for? The setting is clearly not America.

    "See, we Europeans don't care that much about royalty."

    Which is why you still have royals and monarchies, and the U.S. was founded on its desire to be free of royal rule?

  78. A little off topic -- I think that Greta girl is a robot of some sort.

    Enty, Any dirt on Greta??? Was she cooked up in a PR lab? The Pippi Longstalking braids cannot be an accident.

    1. Four Dimensions of Greta was a fine film i experienced the other day via Amazon Prime. Released in 1972, the story revolves around the search for a German coed who is studying abroad in the UK. The journalist looking for her hears various conflicting accounts of her time in jolly old England. Each of these flashback sequences though is filmed in old school red/blue 3D and i was unprepared.

      The nudity is ample and Greta herself is a highlight of the 70s sexploitation genre, in that complimenting her lovely, natural chesticles is a keister that holds up in the modern day. Many of the actresses in this genre have gorgeous faces, stellar tits, lean tummies and an ass you can iron a shirt on, so Greta's was truly a delight.

      I would give it 4* as a sexploitation film, because lets face it, yer not watching these to see the next Citizen Kane or Cuckoo's Nest.

      Dirty O'Neil is the only flick on par that i have viewed in the last 3 days. They high school girls shower scene, their teasing of the neighbor and the buns on the broad who climbs i to bed with the fat cop make Dirty O'neil one of the most memorable films in 70s cinema.

  79. What about Princess Stephanie's son's new wife...Marie Chavellier?

  80. The hate for Meghan is absolutely insane. And yes, it's racist. And yes, England is racist as fuck.

    1. You are arguing with insanity. People stick with lies unto death. ThicT of it as entertainment for the proletariat.

      Nothing worse to racists than a jumped-up person of color, especially a color that wobbles along the line so carefully maintained but blurring. Racists are consistently annoyed, then angry, then out of control, and then the spittle flies.

      Let the spittle fly. Step out of the way lest it land in your eye.

    2. Sigh. See my earlier comment then fuck off.

  81. "These things have a way of taking care of themselves eventually"

    August 31, 1997

  82. mooshki - people don't "hate" Meghan. They're bored and she's available.

    Which one of her "races" do they "hate" and how does anyone know who any of us are, behind the screen.

    You all must be too young to remember the public gossiped about a lot of other royals, especially new royal brides, the same way.

    Monaco never really accepted Princess Grace as one of theirs until after her death.

    1. Gen z99. In this case I believe people hate the narcissism, the lifelong thirst and above all the willful agenda without reason even to the point that it is destroying her, not to mention Harry. And some folks don’t want to see her burn down the House of Windsor while she is at it, though that really seems like her real aim sometimes.

    2. Agree 100%. It's not her trace of race which has caused such widespread dislike. It's her greed and extravagance, which seem out of control. And we all see that Harry is a shadow of his former ebullient self. She has sucked all the life out of him.

  83. Royal gossip goes back centuries. Read some books about royals of hundreds of years ago, or royal courtesans and concubines. Some were nearly killed, the public disliked them so much.

    It probably has more to do with politics, as far as the planted stories and printed gossip; and boredom, on the public's part.

    Also, people gossip because they feel so far removed from the one they're gossiping about, that they think it won't matter to them.

    People who go on gossip sites to shame gossip are the ones I really side-eye.

  84. Disney toons are mostly based on centuries-old European fairy tales, Sus.

  85. @Samantha Yes, people do hate her. There is more hatred spewed against her than against the pedophiles on this site.

    "Which one of her "races" do they "hate""

    Thanks for proving my point about the racism.

    Yes, there's always been gossip about royals, but nothing near this over-the-top insane hatred of Meghan.

    1. Are you saying the only reason she's unpopular is her mixed race? What about her very unpleasant nature, which causes chaos and division whether she goes? Nobody who has had dealing with her has a good word to say about her. That in itself is weird.

    2. thank you mooshki! i know i'm a week late, but jfc the rabid hatred meghan seems to generate is *wild* to me. like, i don't particularly care about the royals one way or the other, but i'm rooting for her purely because i've never seen so much vitriol directed at someone so innocuous.

      also LOL at anyone claiming that the uk isn't racist, or that her being mixed race has nothing to do with it. legit absurd.

  86. mooshki, Americans are supposed to be against "royalty."

    But this American Markle thinks she should be curtsied to and called "Highness."

    Fuck her. And claiming everything is racist... pitiful and way way way past worn-out.

    1. lmaooo white fragility is the oldest trick in the world, yet y'all sure do keep shedding those tears and wringing those fists like it'll never go out of style.

  87. "Thanks for proving my point about the racism."

    Proved nothing but your adamant agenda to insult people here.

    I was being facetious. I knew what you meant.

    "there's always been gossip about royals, but nothing near this over-the-top insane hatred of Meghan."

    Easily disproven. But you'd have to have an open mind, first.

    It's gossip; and, apart from Marie Antoinette and her family, has yet to actually hurt anybody.

    Or maybe, apart from Rasputin and the Tsar and his family.

    Or maybe, apart from the royal mistress whose carriage was nearly torn apart by a mob...

    Or maybe, the relentless stories about Sarah until and even after she divorced...

    Or maybe, the relentless press about Di, both positive AND very negative...


    As for low key calling me a racist that's laughable, but you do you.

  88. I put "races" in scare-quotes because, for one thing, there really is no such thing, if you are a student at all of science or of human genetics.

    I also put it in scare-quotes because it's the easiest thing for any troll to grab, who is here to concern troll about how horrible gossip is, or to stan for someone. And because they know it's not about that at all, but they won't hesitate to go there.

  89. @kiki71 The BRF doesn't have to negotiate with a new addition that is incredibly more "entitled" than the whole lot. Somehow she got the idea that she is going to single-handedly change the monarchy. Yea right

  90. Hi Mooshki, A proportion of it is trolling, It is known about and the major troll and their blog group is getting themselves in the shit, Comment by comment blog by blog. They are currently digitally blackfacing themselves along with at least three other people and have created a persona on LSA on a thread that how can I put this is Unpopular and about Meghan. They have nestled in and And the VIBES!!!! on that thread have changed. The VIBES!!!. The VIBES!!! There is a difference between having an opinion and being so obsessed that you post 24/7, create multiple aliases, run multiple blogs, deliberately incite other commenters into aggressive behaviour, Create trolling groups which participate in things like Dogpile trolling, Cyber harrassment etc. Legally it is different too. Every comment the group makes on here, LSA and even Datalounge is just helping. And it's not me but a highly respected organization going to do something about it. I am just observing the shenanigans :)

  91. “... have a way of working themselves out...”
    Miss Thing had better be good and stay off of roads with tunnels, and planes, trains, etc.

  92. So they are alarmed but not worried.

  93. as a Brit, how much longer do we have to put up with Markle until she sods off back to america maybe taking the ginger one with her? Seriously fed up with her and I try to pay no attention to the Royal family but she is hard to avoid.

  94. I'm convinced global warming is quite real and will have quite horrible consequences.

    That said, I see today that Greta Thunberg will be visiting New York to make a presentation. Since she won't fly on airplanes due to their impact, she will sail across "aboard the Malizia II, a high-speed 18-metre (60ft) yacht built to race around the globe..."

    Like people do. It's even better than a "no-emissions" Tesla.

    1. The puppet should be visiting China, India, Brazil, Malaysia.

  95. @gnarf - are you OK?
    your rant is illegible and it is hard to tell even which side you are on.

    Personally, I wouldn't spend any energy on sparkles comments except for the obvious cheersquad I kept witnessing. since then, I see it everywhere there is any kind of MM discussion, a swarm of supporters - all fake, all using the same gushing language that is seen in the Vogue article. After that and after observing the inconsistencies in pregnancy and the "baby" issue, I feel it is my duty as a random gossip column reader to comment on the bullshit.

    @sus - your writing did not improve with anger

  96. This racism posting trend is getting tiresome. Before Megs decided to make it a defining characteristic, how many people actually knew she was black?

    We didn't care about her then, and not much more now except for the gossip.

    And I love @Nutty's insight on Megs!

    1. Gen-z99 Unless you identify as black or mixef yourself am not sure you should be correcting everyone about the “rules.” My experience is individuals choose how they self identify. That said, my experience also is many mixed race people choose to identify as black because of black history, they are perceived and treated as such anyway and because of pride. Perhaps the upcoming Mixed-ish will illuminate.

  97. E: If i ordered a black whore from a yellow pages escort agency and Markle showed up, i'd be pissed and only hand over the $50 kill fee. I didnt know she was black until i read it when she got engaged.

    1. If you want to label the seafood and garlic southern italians as black, be my guest. The ones of the Alpine region are of such a purity though that they are targeted for DNA research. It is practically a sin that my father impregnated an Irish and diluted a genetic jackpot.

  98. Jesus, so many of these comments are pathetic. I agree, Mooshkie, the English are racist as fuck. Every once in a while one of the members of the royals slips up & lets it be known for all the world to see. And Kiki, it does NOT suck that MM is multi racial. You need to look into the bloodline of your own royal family. I have more English blood than they do.

  99. Gen-z, why do you think I give her halfwit husband a hard time? Or that guy's airhead mom?

  100. Gen-Z99, I disagree with you. Mixed race people are not a rarity and I don't think there is a lot of racism regarding their heritage. 10 years ago, I might have agreed with you.

  101. I agree that Brits are horrible. We are only a couple generations from the freemasons killing all the whores who knew the deaf prince knocked up a catholic. Churchill's father the alleged mastermind of the plot.

  102. They say she is really 44.I doubt she was pregnant. Probably had a surrogate. The blog Harry Markle is interesting. Megan stalked Harry. It won't last. He looks miserable already.

  103. Anonymous5:48 PM

    @Jerkula what was the prince's name? I can't place that story and it's fascinating.

    1. Edward? Victoria's son?

      Book is Ripper and the Royals

  104. @Jerkula exactly. And I'm tired of pseudo-"celebrities" trying to force people into a "woke" moment. And I hate I just used that phrase.

    She is pretty but before she met Harry no one had ever heard of her. Just another Hollywood heaux

  105. Nutty, would you please stop using Enty's blog to promote your own! That's rude and inappropriate. If you must do so, stick to doing it on the post he has occasionally where you can promote what you're selling. Co-signed by everyone here who thinks the same but is too scared to say it.

  106. @ Jules they should attempt to work things out or she'll take down the whole lot of them.

  107. Anyone who is still defending MM at this point, given all that we've seen over the past two years, is just being willfully stupid.

  108. It couldn't simply be that this is a blind that appeals on a lot of levels could it, or that people gossip because it's fun, and escapism, could it?

    Gnarfcat what's with your tin hat blind about other commenters. Didn't you threaten me with your "important organization" or whatever, in the past? I have ONE screen name here I joined only recently. I do not have any blogs. I do not dog pile anybody. I am not that interested in MM but it's fun to join in the gossip here. I'm not talking about her anywhere else either.

    She sure brings out all sorts of extremists though, including people who come here JUST to comment on the commenters!

  109. CJ - wot wot?

    Say more?

    Historical/royal blinds intrigue me.

    "We are only a couple generations from the freemasons killing all the whores who knew the deaf prince knocked up a catholic. Churchill's father the alleged mastermind of the plot."


    "what people don't realise is that a lot of white English men mixed with the white-mixed race offsprings of their black,Asian,Indian etc indentured servants"

    Princess Diana's maternal line (mtDNA) was from India.

    1. Ripper & the Royals. It is a book about how Jack the Ripper murders were free mason conspiracy to hide the fact a catholic was in line to be king.

  110. " pretend mixed race people don't go through their own adversity cause some look white is just ignorant."

    "She's not black but multiracial."

    TY, I was alluding to that and to some of the other things you posted in the 'which race' comment, but it went WHOOSH on that person, and someone predisposed to see what they wanna see is not gonna see anything else.

    Never heard of MM before this and if anyone had shown me a pic and asked I would've maybe guessed Italian, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, again what is 'race' anyway, and who cares.

    The ones who hate her because of her mom aren't gonna make any bones about it, there won't be any need to guess based on what they write. But I don't see any of that here.

  111. Mary at 8:28 a.m.
    I'm with you. Add on that Harry should start having affairs, and staying away from home to escape the Claw.

  112. Video about the cover:

    Except for maybe one, all could or have earned a living as models/actors. (Even if they didn't choose to.) So, still Vogue.

    Video about the 25 women profiled in the special edition of Vogue:

    IDK, kind of reminds me of when Vanity Fair has a special Women in Hollywood edition.

  113. Anonymous8:03 PM

    @Rabbit UK sites are saying Harry's back living at Nott Cott and MM is staying in an apt in Knightsbridge. MM's stunt with the baby at the polo match pushed Harry over the edge.

  114. Gen-z99 - "Wrong?" Nothing malicious, just being herself really, an actor, which is what she was when PH met her. But actor behavior and royal behavior isn't really...not really the same parameters.

    I think the main thing people are pointing at is the secrecy and "wish for privacy." After she knowingly pursued and/or hitched herself to the *most photographed family on the planet.*

    She wants the wealth, luxury, and power it seems, but not the public who's paying for it. That's the message some or many people are getting.

    Also: I've said it in another topic but I don't think the British public likes change, especially in its royal family. They see her as a pushy American.

    Other complaints I've seen: She's making waves from the start vs. taking a more subdued approach and listening and learning. She's been through a lot of employees who've quit. Stuff like that, I think.

  115. Megan Markle is the only royal anyone gives a shit about. LOL.

  116. Gen-z99 I hope she and Harry make it and the waves coordinate between MM and her new family, and smooth out.

    And then by extension with the public as well.

    It will be interesting to watch.

  117. It’s never going to ‘work out’. Meghan never tried to be a member of the BRF. It was never about that—it was all about her seeking the spotlight that she never was was able to achieve as an ‘actress’, because she sucked at that occupation (pun intended.)

    1. Please note: the word ‘never’ so many times was intentional.

  118. MM is being judged on the contents of her character, and absolutely nothing else.

    The reason her amoeba-brained defenders screech 'waycist', is because there is nothing about her character to defend, so they only have this.

    They are oblivious to the fact that it doesn't work anymore. She's had so many opportunities to appear gracious and grateful, and she fucked them all up. Not because of her colour, but because she's just a shite person. In fact I'll go further: the people screeching 'waycist' seem to be colossal racists themselves, the famous racism of low expectations. No matter how innapropriately and low she behaves, she has to be cheered no just because she's mixed race. If you really believe that a person can't be a piece of turd shit, because they're not fully white, then you got some serious issues of woke blindness going on.

    1. Gen, think you may have your needle stuck because you can’t seem to take in when folks refute your thesis. Open the brain up a little. I’d like to add one thing I have read in comments over and over and I felt myself. People say that when Harry found Meghan they were truly happy for him. I for one believed that he has clearly preferred intimacy with non white women for a while via blinds and observation so was so very happy that he was able to marry Meghan. (Remember it was a short while ago that Charles was required to marry a virgin. That’s how far things have moved.) Then her character started to show. The breaking point was the half mil baby shower that was against protocol. Not only do we not like who she is as a person, but she disapointed us and poor Harry because basically she is power hungry and selfish. All she had to do was slip into step. It’s a pretty easy job after all. And you can’t blame it on her age. Nearly midddle aged, she has been around the block. She knew better, had guidance, but didn’t care.
      But I will meet you half way and agree there is a considerable amount of racism toxicifying the globe still and there is no doubt some folks dislike her due to race (I don’t think you’ll find them here so you may be in the wrong place for your message.) The large percentage of Britains that loathe her are mainly due to her actions. Over and over her actions have been selfish and self serving when the job she agreed to (and she has painted herself a humanitarian) is pubic service. Serving others is one of the best ways to correct an overblown ego. She has little interest because she apparently wants the big ego and wants it fed. There is a ton of material on her actions out there is you care to look.

  119. After reading all 160+ comments, I STILL wish them all the best.

    The men in the gray suits just can't kill her/all three of them off. Everyone in the world would know it wasn't an "accident."

    I can remember (vaguely) being 38, still wanting people to like me, still trying to figure the world out and how I fit in. Meghan is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

    I can't imagine the Queen doesn't have a grasp on all of this. Her advisors are probably advising her ear off. But, she's older than all of them and this isn't her first rodeo.

  120. So glad the racist labels are worthless now. Only losers go there.

  121. JUICY:

    It appears even mumbling fumbling idiot Prince Charles has had enough of Sparkles.
    Question is though: will this finally wake up the dim witted Handbag-Harry?

  122. Genz-99 is mouth foamingly obsessed with race and nuances of skin colour, yet calls everyone else racist.

    Psychology 101 for dummies: classic projection.

    1. You are what ever your darkest part is. That is why Barack Obama is the first black POTUS and the Rock was the first black WWF champ, not the first Samoan WWF champ.

  123. 'You've never seen a mixed race person before'

    Except for every single day of my life. In London. London in the United Kingdom. England. Where I live. And have been born. And grew up in. And work. And studied. And created my business in. Which employs such a person. As my accountant. Her father is from the West Indies. Her mother is English. She's as mixed race as fucking possible. She hates Sparkles too. Perhaps she's racist too towards mixed people. Because perhaps she's never seen a mixed race person before. perhaps she doesn't own a mirror.

    So except for all the, you're right, I have never seen mixed race person before. They're super rare. Especially in 2019.

    p.s.: when they have nothing to add to their screeches of 'waycist' they just make up random shit on the spot. It's why they're called LIBTARDS.

  124. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Thanks Count I bought the book.

    1. Yer welcome, Ann. I hope you enjoy it.

  125. @Not a libtard - Well said! (I'm English too.)

  126. Gen, some don't like MM because she appears to be a grasping, selfish, uncaring bitch. It has nothing to do with her skin color.

    We adopted our daughter 25 years ago knowing she was mixed. She now has 3 gorgeous children who are also mixed race. My husband and I never see the difference until people spout ridiculous theories like yours.

    I'm beginning to think that it's those who are desperate to call others "racist" who are , in fact, racist themselves.

  127. Who is 'you people' - it's unintentionally hilarious when people come to this site, join, comment, only to judge those who have joined and commented.


    How many times have you posted in Markle blinds or on other sites about Markle (rhetorical)? Stop judging.

    "I just don't understand why you people are obsessed with her.You've never seen a mixed race person before.Half of your Hollywood stars are mixed race lol.The obsession makes no sense to me."

  128. BTW I was looking for an article someone mentioned but didn't link (never found it) when I saw an article about Wendy Williams. According to WW, MM applied to be a model on her show (The WW show has models?)

    One quote stood out: "We have her DNA."

    What did that mean?

    But if so, WW could put to rest this question of "how mixed" for those who hone in on that aspect of the story, once and for all. Down to the percentile.

  129. Geez Gen I already went to semi great if tedious lengths to try to answer this! Why the repetition?

    People don't like those other people either but those are VERY old stories, or things that can get people yanked for libel (serious charges/unproven) or even killed.

    Which war did Henry start btw?! Henry...who is part East Asian through his mother's line...but no one here will call you racist if you don't like him.

    Also: according to social media shills, racism can't be practiced against white people, even though it doesn't have to be 'institutionalized' to be racism. Anyone can practice casual racism, even if it's to imply "all yt are racist." But online, there's only one type, and no one of color can be biased? Yet you and some others talk about how LSA doesn't like MM either. Oh but those must all be yt in "digital blackface" per the other person...

    Again NO ONE here hates her. This. is. a. gossip. site. and she is a current hot story.

    "Then why this strong irrational hatred towards her?you can argue that personality wise she's suspicious,but she's not starting wars unlike her husband,she's not trafficking kids unlike jolie,she's not punching people like Naomi or Cheryl etc.So why the hatred?"

  130. Exactly - and people forget the institution of monarchy is by definition anachronistic whether the people in it want it to be or not. The people fear change, because what will replace what they have known for so long? One reason I don't think they will have a 'republic' any time soon despite the whispers, those have been going on forever.

    In all this race talk why does no one bring up maybe it's misogyny? Misogyny and primogeniture kind of go hand in hand, no? As well as a 'virgin bride' long past the time when syphilis could be detected and cured?

    It was ONE generation ago that the heir to the crown needed to find and marry a virgin bride of noble birth. Diana fit the bill. His true love was Camilla before, during and after and everyone knew it. What would Diana have been spared had they all been able to live honestly?

    Charles and Camilla's history is interesting - she always did what was best for herself including marrying someone else when PC tarried too long for her liking. She got him in the end anyway but told Diana (per Diana to someone else) that she envied Diana having Charles' sons.

    It's a long running soap opera. Why WOULDN'T people be interested in the latest installment? Were they racist all the other past several centuries of royal gossip too? SMH

    "(Remember it was a short while ago that Charles was required to marry a virgin. That’s how far things have moved.) "

  131. "not a libtard" posted

    NAL, that site has too many freaking forced "accept!" pop ups. Can you give the rundown here please.

    More and more sites are forcing people to undermine adblock and accept cookies and tracking or who know what else. It's bogus.

  132. Thanks, CJ - I personally discount the royal Ripper theory. I didn't know the prince was deaf. I thought he was a hemophiliac.

    "Ripper & the Royals. It is a book about how Jack the Ripper murders were free mason conspiracy to hide the fact a catholic was in line to be king."

  133. Samantha - the article in the express informs us that Prince Charles has separated his household from the Sussexes' household. Apparently this makes news because since Prince Charles is the one who financially takes care of the Cambridges and the Sussexes, and therefor both the Cambridges and Sussexes have been mentioned on the link of his website for royal staff vacancies, suddenly the link for the Sussex-related vacancies has disappeared.
    This lead to speculation of Prince Charles separating himself from them which then upon enquiries has been confirmed by his team. Which only leads to one conclusion: he financially cut off Harry and Sparkles.

    Otherwise, they'd be no sense in doing this.

    'why the irrational hatred'

    Nobody hates her, she isn't important enough to hate or to attract such strong feelings. It's very obvious that nobody is calling for her to be guillotined, quartered or otherwise disposed of. Mainly people just want her to shut the fuck up and piss off back into obscurity where she belongs. And to take Harry with her, because thanks to her, he has never been less popular.

  134. @Ann You are $1M times correct on identity and the tone. Snark, threats then posing. Feet give her away. There is no one on the universe as impressed with her as she is with herself. She's got some buddies along for the ride w new identities. The pettiness verges on obsession with destroying any who dare remark against her,

  135. @ not a libtard/11:15

    *bravo!*. The racist is MM. She identified as white on her acting bio, but projected herself as a WoC when she was on the world “stage” marrying into the RF. Behaviour is colour blind. She’s a fuctard and an opportunist. She is “sticking it to The Man” every opportunity that presents itself. She is on the public tit and it has been reported, repeatedly, that she is abusive to each and every person she comes in contact with. People appreciate decency and respect. Her “let them eat cake” persona flies in the face of the struggling English people/economy. Professionals are queuing food lines ffs. To the rest of us, she's just gauche.

    Anyone who thinks she actually carried a baby to term/that Archie is a “living” DOLL, either do not have children of their own, or need to have their perception adjusted. That baby DOLL is NOT thriving. The arms and legs do not move and that baby DOLL is stuck in place to her chest like it’s velcroed to her. By 4/5 mos. a baby can lift its head, move, “interact” (look about and around) with its environment. It is discovering their own voice! (Vocal!!!!). Kicking and wanting to roll and explore. By this time, the baby has a serious mouth fixation. They’ll put everything and anything to their mouth to taste it (exploring!!). They reach! That doll has not, as a minimum, reached for MM’s hair once, let alone turned it's head to the sound of, i.e., the plane's engine! The whole baby thing was oneupmanship (Princess Eugenie’s wedding) and there was no going back after that.

    I was watching a Youtube video about that latest MM b.s. They said, a narcissist is the bride at every wedding, the baby at every christening and the corpse at every funeral. I think baby DOLL pretty much sums up that sentiment quite nicely. Can’t wait to see how they deal with the fact that that DOLL is obviously NOT thriving!
