Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Item #8

This former A list tween actress turned A- list adult actress turned not really doing anything says that when she made a movie under the guise of the perv producer of tween entertainment, he had a hidden camera in her trailer and showed her all the footage of her after the shoot wrapped.


  1. amanda bynes dan schneider

  2. Ugh, how do the ultra disgusting get so much power?

  3. Miranda Cosgrove and Schneider?? Think that the description is a little harsh for Amanda Bynes.

    1. No way was MC ever an A list adult actress.

  4. agree with @MDAnderson ... either Cosgrove or Justice.

  5. Victoria Justice, Kenny Ortega/Rocky Horror for movie.

  6. More likely Justice it looks like Miranda has been working lately on re-booted shows.

  7. Still reeling at what a bad Rocky Horror Show that was....flat as a pancake

    Im not sure who this was, but I wish the guy had been arrested the same day. Makes me sick that whoever the producer was threw it in her face, as if it was a victory on his part. Barf.

  8. Dollar says it was a toilet cam.

  9. When does Schneider get exposed? If the new DOJ is serious about cleaning house,,of these blatant offenders, to restore confidence in a pretty lost FBI

  10. And yet she's only speaking out about this now?

  11. Men who are raped, molested or sexually humiliated don't speak up because they are thought to be chicken or pussies or the guy who likes sucking dicks.

    Women don't speak up because they're whores and temptresses good only for yachting and the imagined life of a down-market streetwalker meth-head.

    Neither can truly survive. Society ensures nobody gets away truly free or still truly alive.

    I'm pretty sure that's why it's reported what appears to be too late for "polite" society.

  12. @postaldog. I was sexually assaulted at eight. I didn’t tell anybody until I was 50. That’s what usually happens, get a life.

  13. "I'm pretty sure that's why it's reported what appears to be too late for "polite" society."

    Among other reasons, yes victim-shaming is a huge reason.

    Then the re-traumatization of the trial prep, and defense team, and trial, upon any accuser.

    Then the absolutely abysmal conviction stats: 3 percent go to jail. THREE. percent.

    Then all of that is after however long it takes for a victim to process what happened, and even admit it to themselves for the first time. Or say it out loud, to anyone, the first time. Then that is assuming whoever they tell, tells them to tell someone else.

    But victim shamers still claim these same, broken-record falsehoods about rape and rape/SA victims.

  14. i would imagine if they tried to protest or name names, there goes their career. that's why a lot of them say nothing. especially when they are children and afraid of their handlers/ blackmailers. that's how it starts.

  15. I co-sign everything Jerkula is saying as I have also read this over the years and was horrified at the thought.

    He's got this one spot-on.

  16. ITT we learn that there will be no Dubai vacation snaps on Hunter's Instagram acct.

  17. Why attack Bliss, a sweet person by all accounts.

    How is all of the ugly racial stuff making it through moderation (or not activating it.)

    What's with the sex and toilet stuff too, trying to intimidate via scatology. We're all adults, is it supposed to shock us?

  18. Samantha, your wish has been granted. I'm being censored. Just as well. I've run out of racial slurs and slang for va jay jays.

  19. @Tru I'm not judging, but there's nothing about sexual assault in this blind, only some perv filming an underage girl in her locker room and then showing her the images to brag about it. I'm a parent, and had my child come to me with something like this, my first response wouldn't be to chastise my child, but rather break a lot of bones in that producer.

    Sorry about what happened to you. But don't lash out at me for getting tired of people in this industry not speaking out to quell this abuse.
