Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 2, 2019

Maybe the former A- list mostly television actress who walked away from a hit show, squandered her fortune and got her sister hooked on drugs should look in the mirror at what happened back in the day and not get angry that someone reported on them.

Mischa Barton


  1. But still, Perez was really mean to her!

  2. Yes, I saw a clip of Mischa B telling off Perez Hilton. I am not one to body shame, but she is WEIRDLY fat. Like a big bowl full of jelly. She is far too young to have a Santa body. She hasn't had children, she's privileged. I don't get it. She's giving him shit cuz he called her fat, but she stays fat. It's different to gain weight with age and childbirth she has a GIANT gut

  3. P.S. Perez Hilton looks like the troll under the bridge so he's no one to talk at least Barton is really pretty so he should never have said shit to her


  5. Mischa is fug, someone get her a mirror
    one of the most over rated assholes to come out of the late 90s/ early 00s besides katie holmes

  6. Holmes gets points because she gazumped Tom Cruise by divorcing him.

  7. Perez is awful and i get why people hate him but that was the MO for celebrity bloggers back then. The meaner they were the more page visits they got. Perez took it a little too far when he mocked celebrity children. He was old enough to know that minors of celebrities were off limits. His excuse for outing people never sat well with me either but I think he has had a change of heart regarding that. There wouldn't be an opportunity for making money on celebrity gossip if the public didn't demand it. Ethics and Standards should be addressed more often regarding celebrity news but it would be hypocritical now with how our mainstream media and our governments ethics have been tanking.

    1. This place is unethical too, with how it exploits serious subjects like sexual abuse and 'outs' marginalized groups without consent in more ways than one, tbh. Uh oh... I sense one of the many mouthbreathing big-sticked, little-ducked Murrican Sharia men from this community is about to have a boring little meltdown about 'fr33 sp33ch' just because I used my free speech to critize their fandom here.

  8. People should be held accountable, but also be allowed to evolve.

    Looking at Kevin Hart - they should have kept him as host.

  9. Mischa was extremely underweight on OC can you blame her for finally hitting the buffet lol. I would. Even tho it's no doubt preventing her from working/yachting

  10. oh damn she does look pregnant. yeah that is weird. it's been a minute since she's been on OC maybe she should start cutting back on the carbs

  11. If Mischa was allegedly doing loads of cocaine, and then allegedly stopped, it would make sense that she would pack on some pounds. It’s not about the carbs. It’s her body’s way of protecting itself from starvation again. Beyond that, can we just have a moment of silence for that absolute train wreck of a hairline that Perez was sporting? Oh, honey.

  12. uhhh. that may be true but OC ended a long-ass time ago. now it's too many carbs.

  13. Kate Holmes would get some wicked cold sores on her face.

  14. it was Richard Attenborough who got her to go topless on camera

  15. Misha, Misha, Misha!

    Not going to lie, I loved Perez' website back in the day Same with PITNB and then my absolute fave Dlisted (that's how I found this site during the Mouse and Pickle never-ending childish fight).

    The only thing I liked about Perez is his dog. Perez and his weird AF beard? Omg, just toss this dude into a blender and hit puree.
