Saturday, July 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 6, 2019

The next time this A+ list news anchor goes to a sex club will be his first. The late night talk show host just likes to make it seem as if they did it as a friend thing, but the anchor left long before the sex club, leaving the late night talk show host to do the sex club thing on his own. More of his type speed thing too.

Anderson Cooper/Andy Cohen


  1. enty any comment on this?

    1. I can tell you that Q is not the real deal. It was started by 3 LARPers in October 2017. They got bored with it and gave up the 4chan trip code in December 2017. It was taken up and moved by others to 8chan in January 2018 and has been in the hands of several grifting larpers since that time. Q is now dying a slow death. This is good because it endangers the reelection of the President.

  2. Q: the puzzle for midwits who long to feel intelligent.

    (I long to test them all for schizophrenia, but am relegated to the eye-rolling gallery on social media.)

  3. yeah i know "Q is not the real deal". so tell me jeff, whos posting the pics from security cameras across the world, pics from inside af1, pics from camp david, and pics of rachel chandler a year ago? is it just a coincidence that rachel chandler was on the from page of gateway pundit today, jeff? Q has nothing to do with the re election of potus. trumps a shoo-in for 2020.

  4. i used to read here all the time then life got in the way..can anyone tell me if anything ever came up about this blind:

  5. "This is good because it endangers the reelection of the President."

    Right--because his being a piece of shit won't harm those chances at all...

  6. Also pics of Kim Jong Un while he was taking selfies, and Trump was still on AF1. Everyone knows Q is just a LARP. That's why you are all trying so hard to discredit him. Keep trying.

  7. "trumps a shoo-in for 2020."

    He could be. God knows there are enough illiterate hillbillies backing him up.

  8. All those pics you saw were available on line long before Q posted them..dont be tricked

  9. @jeff. i can tell you dont know the first thing about Q. no offense but your denial is not working too good. those pics were not available on line before Q posted them. its ok i understand but you need to know the Q proofs are piling up. not the work of grifting larpers as you alleged before.

    1. You are living in a boomer dreamworld.

  10. Chip Whitley - the rocker was Don Henley (google his name with the date of the incident).

  11. @jeff. its not a boomer dream world its the great awakening.

  12. Unknown- Yes, but what about the alliterative hillbillies?

  13. SickofyourBS -- thanks! I figured that's who it was but i didn't know if i missed out on any follow up blinds/reveals?

  14. Really good documentary by Andy Coops about his mom (RIP) it's on HBO.

    Learned a lot of new stuff.

    I like her art.

  15. @chip whitley - Good point.

    @Enty - That blind said that the woman was getting ready to go public in 2018. What happened to the woman? Did life get in the way? Can we have an update on her?

  16. That Q thing was interesting. But then it claimed that Kanye is a hero to many. So that pretty much confirms it's just a delusional rant.

    1. The fact that millions of people look up to Kanye is an indisputable fact. What’s not a fact is your opinion.

  17. Man this site attracts some of the dumbest right wing fools around.

  18. Andy was not at a sex club. This blind is inspired by a story his cohost told on SiriusXM told a few weeks ago. Sirius moved its LA HQ, and the offices are supposedly near a sex club.

  19. Good grief, what has happened to CDAN? These comments have absolutely nothing to do with cooper/cohen. Now it’s about Q??

  20. Those comments honestly seem more like robots than people

  21. Bonby Haud - I think there could be many who wish to see this site diminished or destroyed.

    If we all try to contribute good comments I think that will help the most.

  22. Shit has uterely hit the fan here.

    Q is real.
    Don't listen to people who doth protest too much.
    Think for yourself.
    Go to
    Look for QProofs.

    I was completely skeptical. But I kept digging and now I'm convinced this is real. I find I know more about what is really going on in the world, which is then revealed in the news cycle. I use my mom as an experiment. I lay this stuff on her, then when it's revealed to be true 6 months later, she is dumbfounded.

    Trolls be trollin...if it's a LARP then what does it hurt? And it WON'T hurt Donald J. Trump's chances in 2020. There is no one in the playing field for the D party. No's a vast wasteland.

  23. Jeff sounds like Microchip who was outed on GAB. He continuously posted the same tired crap and got discredited time and time again.

    There are lots of "interesting" variations of his GAB handle. Microchip......I'll let your imagination go on that one. Hahahaha

    Neon says hi microdick.

  24. I used to love watching Watch What Happens Live, but the more nasty stuff I found out about him, I couldn't stand to look at him! He's such a wannabe fame whore! I hope his son is cared for well and wasn't just whored out for photo ops.



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