Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Ten Minutes Of The Jeffrey Epstein Podcast

Lots of new information, new reveals and things you have never heard anywhere before.


  1. Are those "things you have never heard anywhere"
    things you've known for A Long While Enty?

  2. I agree with Enty!

    Right OR Left, these pedophilia men need to be Prosecuted, Indicted, Convicted AND Imprisoned for a long, long time!

    So, sad this was never done before now.

  3. I highly doubt he will even get to utter one name before he "commits suicide in his cell" or dies from some "mysterious cause" if you get what I mean.

  4. Oh drats...Roger Waters too??!!

    WTF is wrong w/ these people?!

  5. Phew! Thank goodness Enty is finally free to reveal all this stuff! Truly, you are a force for good, Enty.

  6. You might also be interested in the deep research from Amazing Polly, how it directly ties to the NXVIM trial, and Victoria's Secret. About 30 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc-uysS6Tlw

  7. Roger Waters is a pretty bad dude, has been for a long time.

  8. Alright, who did enty name?

    I googled and found absolutely nothing about Epstein and Waters.

  9. You really would have to try hard to find a person with a more loathsome looking mug than this pond scum.

  10. Epstein AND Waters, not OR. and I don't believe it either. I know Waters a little and despite his public persona, he's a good guy.

  11. WOW! Just WOW! What a journalist. Tip of the cap to Enty. In Brice Taylor's book, Thanks for the Memories, she tells how she was a mkultra presidential model. Her president was Ron Ragean , sorry for spelling........he was one of the kinder ones. But she had a baby and Queen took it. Am sure Raegan was a favorite undoing all of Roosevelt's laws that actually helped people. Brice Taylor has a very unique face. I see this same bright uniqueness in Prince Andrew. Never looked for dates as to prince andrew's age , but if it matches up, Wow , what a story.Maybe karma , maybe curse. But nothing hurts a mother like losing a child.I find Brice Taylor's book much more credible and comprehensive than Cathy O'Brian.

  12. I found a LOT on Epstein. I found NOTHING on Waters and Epstein "palling around".

  13. Other than Waters, I heard nothing new, just regurgitation of info already reported elsewhere.

  14. Since this looks like a case where we will actually being getting names, enty might want to tread lightly in throwing people out to the wolves. Would be embarrassing if he was proven wrong after all. ;)

  15. nice pic of RACHAEL CHANDLER in the still shot. r.c. is allison mack X100.

  16. Ah, QAnon incoming.

  17. Stepping out of this thread 😑🙄🥴

  18. is Qanon that guy who posted pics from inside airforce 1?

    1. Yep, q anon was the very first person to accuse Epstein of this, and q anon has been leaking news before the coverage for the past 2 years.

      Q anon preemptively informed us about the new peace with North Korea, the unsuccessful terrorist bombing in new York city, and this current Epstein gig. Anyone who says Q isn't legit, hasn't looked for themselves, or their beliefs don't align with Qs statements, and can't accept that Trump isn't a bad guy

  19. It's a group of peoole who have fallen for a 4chan troll and believe as you do, that some random lady named Rachel Chandler is totally connected to a pedophile ring. enty's own friends on twitter have called this nonsense.

    1. This 4 Chan troll literally posted pictures from AF1, North Korea, and the oval office,

      Every single photo was reverse searched on the internet, and every single photo was completely original. This is a drop in a bucket compared to the rest of Q. It's completely real.

  20. yes its nonsense. i wonder how rachael got to take pics of herself with bill clinton on epstiens plane. crazy. must have been photoshopped.

  21. This is why the media/hollywood elite and world leaders don't want an outsider like Trump in the White House. Do you think this arrest would have happened if a political insider was POTUS?? That's why republicans and democrats hate him. Take a good hard look at the rich old assholes that want him gone. There you'll find where evil truly lives.

  22. Gia is woke.


  23. QAnon is a military group working with Trump to unseat - what Eisenhower called - the industrial military complex and the Rosthschild banking/Vatican cabal. You don't have to believe it. It's a free country. But...

    ...when Kim Jung was threatening to blow us up Q told us Korea would be unified - even calling out the set decor/staging as it as it happened.

    ...when it looked like Dems might take the Senate - Q told us it would stay GOP and actually gain - and gave THE EXACT split.

    ...when MAddow and Dems were absolutely convinced Mueller was going to charge (or even find) obstruction/collusion - Q told us not only would it not happen but that Rod R - an Obama appointee - would stand by it.

    ...when it looked early on like Trump's campaign had AT LEAST been compromised by Russians - Q pointed us to research info showing that not only were the "Russians" paid for by Hillary's law firm, they actually were CIA assets working for the US government (which you have to read non-NBC/CNN journalists at WSJ, Sara Carter etc to find out.

    ...when the NYPD Chief said they found pedophile and child torture on Weiner's laptop that related to Huma and Hillary and it got ZERO press coverage - Q told us there would be more and Obama's Inspector General released redacted portions of his report (coming in the next few weeks) that said it found evidence of crimes against Hillary, the Clinton Foundation and "crimes against children."

    - Epstein CLAIMED he founded the Clinton Foundation in it's early years.
    - Weisntein lived next door to the Clinton's in NY
    - John Podesta was Hillary's Campaign Manager and Tony one of the largest campaign finance bundlers for her campaigns.
    - Hillary intervened to save her friend Laura Silsby from being indicted on Human Trafficking charges and also saved the Ambassador to Britain from pedophile charges
    - You know Bill.

    All these people have either rape or pedophile charges against them. ALL were critical to the funding of the Clinton and Obama campaigns. The Podesta's immediately disbanded one of the most successful/powerful lobbying firms in DC almost immediately as QAnon surfaced and told us some things that were happening behind the scenes.

    Those of us following the QAnon "drops" really could give a rat's ass whether you believe it or not.

  24. One other fun fact. Guess who was the FBI Director when Epstein cleaned all of his crimes - and all of his conspirators crimes - with the weak single charge of pedophilia now under scrutiny.....

    ....dear ol' Robert Mueller.

  25. What rape and pedo charges is Podesta facing? Pray enlighten me.

    Definitely not riding a train into Crazytown here, no siree!

  26. thank you Jim B. !!!!!!!
    Amazing Polly is amazing!!

  27. a better question about john posesta is why does he have such a yearning for "walnut sauce" . its also odd that he has used a secret lingo shared by pedophiles while exchanging emails with maria abromovich. the panic in dc is because THEY know that pain is coming. hollywood too, its over for a bunch of them yet to be named.

  28. Damn.....wouldn't it be something if Assange was charged and extradited here to the States SIMPLY so he could be utilized to bring down the billionaire pedophiles that have eluded criminal charges for so long?!?! *rubs hands together*

    Enty, thank you for clarifying what those of us who are loyal readers ALREADY know...that you are equal opportunity when it comes to exposing scum of the earth - regardless of political orientation. THANK YOU!!! 🙌🙌

  29. Cathy O'Brian's book was... really odd but ALSO there have definitely been consistencies with other books like the one from that senator about the boys club. The Franklin Cover-Up. Both books mentioned George Bush the elder I believe.

    I'm interested in reading this other one.

  30. I'll smoke what Jim B is passing around.

    Guess who that means is ALSO a pedophile? Dear ol' Robert Mueller?

    Say it ain't so - hey baby, nobody's perfect.

  31. Okay, I listened to the podcast. Some interesting stuff but a lot of rehash and claims that don't seem like they'll ever bear fruit (claiming someone was SEEN with Epstein with no evidence behind it... well, golly gee, enty how do you know this? Convenient way to insinuate without actually having to put up anything)

    But interesting nevertheless.

  32. Read qmap.pub

    Lots of Q proofs. Decide for yourself. That's all that's asked of you.

  33. Sheesh! All sorts of bizarre trolley on this thread.

  34. He’s going to walk again. Watch.

  35. Unlistenable. Take a drink of water, sound engaged, and tighten up the content.

  36. These pervs should just take an 18 year old and scrub off her makeup. Then she'll look 15. I really don't understand the attraction even to an 18 year old. These guys are so rich they could have any number of beautiful women at their feet. Does it have to be illegal for them to get a hard-on? They're that bored with sex? All of this leads to think they're just lousy fucks who think a 15 year old won't know better.

  37. So true @Kimberlini!!

  38. There are a lot of bad people in this world. But.... Qanon is a grift. You've been willfully and eagerly suckered. It takes a desire to believe nonsense to be able to believe that nonsense.
