Thursday, July 25, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Drama School - A Reader Blind Item

This is a story I’ve been meaning to write for a while. I tried once before, but then there were things that turned up in the news, filling in gaps and changing how I looked at the situation. It is entirely possible that more information might come out and change the narrative again, but with the kinds of stories in the news right now it’s a risk worth taking.

Years ago when I was an undergraduate, long before the internet era, I had a passion for theater. I signed up to crew on a musical, and met this guy. He was good looking, somewhat quiet, and part of the chorus; singing and dancing. After a momentary encounter, he hooked up with someone else and I ended up switching schools. We stayed in touch, and ended up spending some time together for a bit. Then we moved in different directions and have not crossed paths since.

One of the key things was how taciturn he was, only occasionally dropping a personal detail, and never once confirming anything that I had heard about him regarding his sexuality, background, or even any movies he might have made. We had an argument about full disclosure because it was a time when there was no effective treatment for the dread disease, and his only assertion was that he had been careful.

As we came into the age of freely available internet connectivity, I could get an occasional glimpse at what he might be doing; but then it was as if he disappeared. It took me years to figure out that he used aliases, and that brought me to the report of a drama school that he had run, and the accusation of being overly familiar with some of the students. At that time there were texts messages and images on the cell phones; things of a more prurient nature. Googling brought up the report in the local paper of how the drama school had been run, and reactions from the parents along the lines of: “But he seemed like such a nice guy.”

Without tracking down the court case and its disposition, my best guess is that he would have worked out a plea bargain. After all, he has been a photographer as long as I have known him, one with a particular aesthetic: young, rather pubescent-appearing appearing females in all sorts of situations. The sheer volume that he would have accumulated after 20+ years would probably have moved things in one direction.

I look back and realize we were young. It would not have been unusual for a 18 year old to have liked the way a 15 year girl looked, or even to like that look in girls one’s own age. However, in a 40 year old man, it’s disturbing and creepy.

I couldn’t figure out where someone could have gotten the idea to form a school and be so predatory. Perhaps it was something in his childhood, a drama that was being replayed, possible parental neglect? There had been hints from others of a sad past, but we know of so many who turn out just fine, even with abuse.

Then two years ago, one actor spoke out about the drama school run by the actor/designer and how this older man had made it his hunting ground. Others spoke up both with additional details in support of each other. Sadly after years of struggling with the aftermath, one had committed suicide a few years before.

Up until then, there had been no consequences for the older man. He continued to direct, produce, and design theme park attractions. As these and other abuse allegations became public, the older man went on the run overseas, seemingly escaping any legal actions that might be take again him in the United States.

It took me a while to realize that the guy I once knew fit the pattern of the older man, from the acts described, to the grooming of children by starting a children’s drama school. It was even in the same town as the former school run by the older man. I have not been able to confirm that connection, but the town is so small that the schools and theaters are all linked in a small artistic community.

So what does someone who has been charged with child pornography do for an encore? Well, that alias is still very active as a photographer. Facebook and Model Mayhem have active profiles. There are hints that there are ties overseas (London, Paris, Dubai) to clients who appreciate that aesthetic. There is also a clue that there is still yet another alias being used for membership in the acting guilds, but it’s not one that is in public records, linked to him directly.

As a final note, this is still a developing story. I know that at the time we knew each other he had been doing some movie work, but we never crossed paths once I got to LA. By putting this out there, someone may recognize something and be able to fill in details, or know that they were not alone as a victim. Super sleuthing alone, using the internet, has only brought the story this far. Current global clients are hidden behind protected paywalls, passwords, and aliases. As more information linking all of this together comes out, the story will be amended.


  1. Post the abridged version

  2. Of course you bring your little leads here instead of taking your little leads to the police. You have enough to set them on a case.

  3. Okay -
    girl meets guy while in college, who is HIV+,stays in touch over the years: he is a photographer, runs a drama school,.
    The drama school is frequented by an older man in the business looking for prey.
    Then she says the older guy is her friend?


  4. So its an acting school in Santa Barbara, the town where Gary Goddard set up shop and molested a young Anthony Edwards.

    Can't find anything about a scandal involving anyone other than Goddard.

  5. I'm thinking this is Gary Goddard, with Anthony Edwards as the accuser and Michael Egan as the actor who committed suicide. What ELSE has this scum been up to?

    1. The Michael Egan you're referring to didn't commit suicide...he's still 2015 he was sentenced to 2 years in prison for fraud...

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Gary Goddard?

  7. Where can his photos be viewed? Are they better than ALScans, Met-Art & Hegre? What about ATKHairy or InTheCrack? 20+megapixel waxed anus is an amazing site to behold.

  8. Speaking of Gary Goddard, where is he today? He seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth after Edward's allegations came out.

  9. Oy I can’t srand reader blinds. So thrilled to share their special experience, the writer’s verbosity is painful. No one has that kind of time or interest. just skip because it’s usually all about very little.

  10. Give the info to the FBI.

    Give the info to your local SVU or the SVU of the nearest large city.

  11. Blind writer: Ignore the critiques of your 'writing style' I believe everyone got the gist of it, and some might want to silence anything like this, to protect an abuser. Any abuser.

    Ignore that, and take my earlier advice please. Let them figure out if it adds up or does not.

  12. Thanks for sharing..seriously. xo

  13. I agree, please take the info u have to the police! Do u realize how many children u could help and give closure to if this whole thing blows open? Please take that into consideration!

  14. In California, knowingly exposing someone to HIV is now (as of 1/1/18) a misdemeanor and carries max 6 months in jail (was previously a felony).

  15. "Samantha said...
    Give the info to the FBI."

    NXIVM & Epstein island prosecutions have proven that the FBI and local police are in on it. The journalist who worked so hard and exposed Epstein's slap on the wrist in 2008 instead of life in prison , general population , is getting serious threats...Reason these two cases are not only getting prosecuted but exposing that the US needs to seriously start prosecuting the dirties in the justice system.

  16. Michael Egan isn't dead.

  17. Ugh. This is so sad.

    1. read that article when it came out @freebird. lives under the radar and denies everything.

  18. I can’t find anything that says Michael Egan committed suicide. LOTS of detailed articles about all of the abuse he endured, though. 😞

  19. a musical = TBC

    his sexuality = gay bi

    dread disease = AiDS

    theme park attractions = Disney

    ran away overseas = Polanski

  20. Didn't we read a version of this within the last couple of weeks?


  21. John Lasseter for director/producer/theme park designer?

  22. I don’t get a good sense that this stalker type actually knows for sure that the guy he hooked up with back in the day actually is Dirty Drama Or Pervy PIctures. Has he/she seen an online bio, or mugshot and that it would be mentioned. (In dramatic overwrought language).

  23. Then what is your advice, molly?

    Please say that to the people who keep insisting Enty go to LE with blind item gossip btw, or who insist he hasn't tried.

    This one is different: the person is a first person witness/friend. They don't realize gossip, third party or more, is only that. It can't be taken to LE. They can't do anything with gossip.

    But molly there have always been corrupt people in charge, anywhere worth mentioning; it does not mean they all are.

  24. Brian Claflin for the one that committed suicide a few years before

  25. @Donna, John Lasseter is the Co-founder of Pixar who was forced out for harassing female employees. The director/producer/theme park designer sounds like Gary Goddard. I think the narrator's friend is someone else in their 40's.

  26. All the people who constantly say the police should be contacted should contact the police them damn selves if they think it is so important. There will be more rapes, molestations and sodomies if you do t get authorities to stop this behavior. Just be sure to credit Enty as your source.

    1. Apparently they didn't read the blind about the actor who has a place for cops to get their rocks off without prying eyes. Cops and military are no better than the people they Lord over.

  27. I might be wrong, but if he met before the internet era, that is in the late 80s, early 90s and there was no cure for HIV. So wouldnt this person be dead if they had it back then? Just curious, not judging.

  28. I can imagine LE faces when told the source is a gossip website or an anonymous emailer who sent in a blind item.

    They have to have actual evidence or first-hand witness testimony.

  29. hhstarr not necessarily, some lived until medical assistance improved a lot.

    But did the blind say HIV? It does seem to imply HIV, but could be hepatitis or something.

  30. Nowhere does the writer say that the guy was HIV+. Was concerned because he didn’t give out a lot of personal information about himself. Writer wanted ‘full disclosure.’

  31. Reader blinds are always so in love with their own writing.

  32. I know it's not the right answer, but this reminds me of the local theater director from Milwaukee that molested Mark Rylant (if memory serves).

  33. Sounds like a composite of Bob Villard and Gary Goddard. Villard managed child actors, is a photographer and has an alias he uses. Christopher Pettiet could be the young actor who died.

  34. Count Jerkula said...
    All the people who constantly say the police should be contacted should contact the police them damn selves if they think it is so important. There will be more rapes, molestations and sodomies if you do t get authorities to stop this behavior. Just be sure to credit Enty as your source.

    The best way to stop that behavior forever Count is to just shoot the fuckers.

    1. TC: rapists and molestors, sure, but do we have to execute sodomites?

  35. Anonymous11:11 PM

    How on earth would this writer actually contact the police? Why do people always say that? She would go to them with this story and they would say, rightly so, that there is absolutely zero for them to do with it.


    PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A former Disney executive has been convicted of sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl.

    The Oregonian/OregonLive reports 73-year-old Michael Laney was convicted Tuesday of four counts of first-degree sexual abuse after a six-day trial.

  37. Count Jerkula said...
    TC: rapists and molestors, sure, but do we have to execute sodomites?

    At least the sodomites are entertaining, so yes lets keep them. Plus they are good cooks

    Btw Count, this wouldn't happen to be a relation of yours?

  38. No. I dont want my family to recognize any letters past B. I think it dilutes from the core issues LGB people have had to deal with.

    Oh, and i wasnt using sodomites thinking about gays, i was using it in the question for self preservation. I am a big fan of sodomy and wish more broads were.

  39. WOAH, Wait, Enty is FEMALE? Why have I been reading all of these blinds thinking Enty was a man?!?! My mind is blown.

  40. @m.w. No, Enty's a dude. This blind was written by a reader.

  41. Enty is obviously a female. No man would work so hard to spin women as the victims in every blind. And the Enty character is a MANsogynist stereotype conjured up by a bitter betty. 300lb bacon eating slob, sure.

  42. Male voice on the pod cast, Enty is male unless people are saying he hired an actor to read his own blinds?

  43. HumorMe, where does it say he is HIV+? This is obviously in the late 80's early 90's when there were no meds so sleeping around was an issue as it could lead to a death sentence.

  44. Podcast schmodcast. Only a man who dresses in his mothers skin would write blinds like these.

  45. No. I dont want my family to recognize any letters past B. I think it dilutes from the core issues LGB people have had to deal with.

    Oh, and i wasnt using sodomites thinking about gays, i was using it in the question for self preservation. I am a big fan of sodomy and wish more broads were.

    Well if you could get more women on board it would lower your chance of being roped into child support.

    1. Yep. I havent barebacked a vag in over 10yrs, cause i'm scare of child support, not AIDS.
