Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Blind Item #13

I think everyone was actually shocked this foreign born former A list teen actress turned A-/B+ list adult actress got another big movie role. She is not that great of an actress and gives horrible interviews during press for movies. She is fast becoming to movies what Alicia Silverstone is to television shows. 


Tricia13 said...

Emma Watson?

sandybrook said...

Emm Watson

sandybrook said...


MontanaMarriott said...

Emma Watson?

Sarton Bander said...

Harry potter woman?

Humor Me said...

Emma Watson?

V said...

Emma Watson

Count Jerkula said...


Rob Zero said...

Emma Watson (Little Women)

Pissoff said...

Sucks a mean dick.

Unknown said...

Emma Watson?

MeliticusBee said...

Geezus really?
A remake of Little Women?
FFS - doesn't anyone in Pedowood have ANY ideas of their own?

The only thing that would make this better would be for the "women" to be played by a cast entirely of transgender "women" of "color", preferably giant ones so that the term "little" no longer applies either

Thia said...

I thought the exact same thing, @MeliticusBee. I can't handle one more remake or reboot. I think this is Little Women #5.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone think another remake of Little Women with too old for the parts actresses would be a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Bee...a Drag version could be fun!

taurus1987 said...

what is enty's beef with her?

Drewholtaus said...

And shes into coke now..

Honey Bunny said...

A drag version would be more interesting. I'd watch.

TeeHee@U said...

Emma Watson. She is being slammed all over the internet for her horrible, American accent.
And, as other have said.....I cannot stand anymore remakes or sequels. Hollywood is out of ideas.

JT0130 said...

Is this shocking?? Little Woman is more an ensemble movie. It is not like she is carrying it on her back. Less risk. I wouldn't be surprised if she sticks to supporting roles for a while. You xan be an extremely successful supporting actor in this era of film and tv. Critically acclaimed and whatnot. Relax Emma, you'll be fine.

Badsaw said...

Wokedom begets wokedom

shakey said...

Damn. Emma doesn't play Beth.

orangesoda said...

I thought this shit film was being remade 3 years ago? But yes Emma Watson can't act - we can agree on that.

Jnauis said...

who thinks she sucks for roles. any1

notthisagain said...

honestly after what greta gerwig and noah baumbach did to jennifer jason lee on the set of Greenberg was profoundly cruel. I can never get behind greta or baumbach. JJL wrote the film and greta/noah fucked the whole time making it, and then noah left JJL for greta just as JJL was about to give birth.

unreal. but no, greta is great, little miss quirky! ya, no thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hilary Duff

JL said...

My sentiments exactly. LOL

Unknown said...

Another very poorly-written blind. People are "shocked," not "actually shocked." Someone is not a great actress, vs. "not that great of an actress." This writing is 3rd-grade level.

rattystuffy said...

Emma flits from one rich tech nerd to another. She's in LA living with Brendan Iribe. Maybe the coke, pot and mansions make up for the lack of acting offers.

EponymousAnonymoud said...

She always looks like such a sourpuss. And we’ve already got a tiny sharp faced girl, the one from that singing movie and up in the air, and she has a lot more personality. So I vote we keep her and toss Emma back.

TeeHee@U said...

I am a straight woman and she is VERY frigid. Despite my earlier post, I did LOVE the Pride and Prejudice remake with Keira.

Alas, twas a time where remakes and sequels were not the rule of law....or the basis of an entire industry.

Samantha the 1st said...

Mr. Ent: Aw, that was mean! I like Silverstone.

Angela said...

You should also check Enty's liberal use of the word "apparently". A few weeks ago, he would start two or three blind items in a row with the adverb. That's what happens when you push the Mad Libs factory too hard.

Regarding Emma Watson, two things:
- Beauty and the Beast grossed $1.26B worldwide. So, it appears that audiences don't mind her acting. She doesn't sell tickets on her own, but neither do 90% of actors. And Alicia Silverstone has never had such a hit in her resume.
- Emma Stone was first cast in Little Women, but left the project due to conflict schedules. Watson replaced her one year ago.

I think everyone with some familiarity with film production was actually shocked that a gossip site would know as little about filmmaking.

TeeHee@U said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TeeHee@U said...

Emma sucks at acting. Period.

She is only attached to franchises or remakes.

On behalf of Vivian Leigh..."suck it bitches."

Here is to beauty and grace along with her "bitchiness." Unlike everyone cast in Little Women.

Oh well...I think Ill worry about it tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Watson's American accent in "little Women" is weird and offputting, and her acting is worse. Forgivable in the 11 yo girl she was when she started HP, but she's long past those days.

Samantha the 1st said...

Haven't seen this latest version of Little Women, but American actors have made a mess of enough English classics or accents I'm sure, so I guess turnabout is fair play.

James Howlett said...

She will always be that first crush a lot of guys had. So she's still bankable. The same dudes who crushed in her have miserable lives because they're most likely incels and their footing is slipping as being important.

Samantha the 1st said...

JH - Are those guys going to buy tickets to "Little Women" is the question, I guess.

Maybe they will allow their wives/girlfriends to drag them along.


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