Sunday, August 11, 2019

Blind Item #4

The alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity is setting up paid appearances during an upcoming tour. That would be a first for someone in her position.


Nor Cal said...


Anonymous said...

Markle in South Africa

Anonymous said...

Meghan clearly thought there was more money in being a royal than there is in reality.

earlybird2 said...

She married a prince. Why is she still hustling like this?

Rosie riveter said...

Enty sure knows his crowd.
99% of you will believe this

Unknown said...

Yeah, and you’re one of his “crowd” @Rosie riveter so stop trying to sound superior.

The royals do accept money for appearances - if’s called sponsorship. Audi (for example) pays money to Sentebale or some other charity for Harry & William to play polo..

Sounds like Markle has taken charge of the purse strings like she’s taken charge of everything else.

Flashy Vic said...

Royal expenditure comes under parliamentary scrutiny. It's not a case bunging someone a brown envelope full of used notes.

So months are paid to the UK government who then decide how much is granted to the Royal family. You can no more pay Markle than you can pay me.

Flashy Vic said...

All monies not 'so months'.

Humor Me said...

"Appearances" ......O Lawd, what if no one shows up??

Now! said...

Markle needs money - Harry's income is minimal given the requirements of their position, and their expense accounts have supposedly been cut since their budgets moved under Buckingham Palace.

Paid appearances would be a way to bring in cash. Hard to merch ill-fitting dresses when you're on "maternity leave."

Incidentally, isn't it interesting how Markle hasn't used Archificial to merch anything?

Seems like a golden opportunity being left on the table.

All that baby gear she could promote to her millions of Instagram followers, a few of which are probably real.

Justme said...

Nutty, it does make you wonder! She is not morally above merching a kid so what gives. Truth to the theory there is no baby? Hmmm..

Now! said...

One theory is that Meg announced her pregnancy when she thought she had a surrogate lined up, but for some reason that fell through - either because the RF found the surrogate and paid her off or the surrogate changed her mind.

A (very white) baby was brought in to appear in the Christening pictures, but hasn't been seen since.

They're supposedly bringing him on the Africa trip next month, so that will be interesting.

Snatch and Ladders said...

She's staying in Cape Town, so The Stack, Soho House, CT is deffo on the hustle itinerary.

Drewholtaus said...

Get that money gurl!!

Pissoff said...


Do Tell said...

Tacky AF, what else is new from her.

KnitWit said...

Perhaps she can "yacht" for cash, especially if they are living separately. Surprised she hasn't been seen with the baby again.

Miss Smith said...

This has a somewhat unsavoury historical basis for royalty, and is not a surprise. Payment can be favours, goods, or a bill paid on her behalf. So no cash or cheque trail at all. This is an almost ordinary move on her part, so I am curious if the source of the blind is unfamiliar with royalty, or if they are referring to something quite out of the ordinary, and what that would be.

Christina said...

I don't have kids but I did babysit often when I was younger and have a bunch of second cousins who I held at different points. I wouldn't believe any of this crap but those of photos of MM in the Daily Mail where she's holding the baby? She doesn't know how to hold a baby! It really doesn't look like to me she's been doing any mothering. I don't care for Amy Schumer but today there were some photos in the DM with her kid and she's obviously parenting. She holds that baby the way a mother holds a baby. It would not surprise me if something weird is going on with MM, like no baby or stunt baby...

leo21 said...

This sounds like stuff Prince Andrew has been accused of in the past.

it took forever said...

Well big effing deal. Hasn't the born royals cornered that market already? Wasnt it this week we heard about Zara and another royal secret endorsements. Get off Meghan's back enty

Aquagirl said...

I doubt MM will end up going to South Africa.

Dannette said...

Zara is not a working royal; she is a professional athlete who gets sponsorships the way pro athletes do. If you're going to whine about poor little Meggy you should read up on your topic.

Samantha the 1st said...

No, seriously?

This is strictly verboten in the BRF.

Samantha the 1st said...

"She married a prince. Why is she still hustling like this?"

Right? Stop auditioning, *you got the job.*

Unless the whole point was to secure the bag, bust out with as much $$ as she could, before she's made to leave?

Which could be what having a surrogate carry baby 1 while getting pregnant with baby 2 was all about? If he wouldn't agree to twins being implanted, make some "Irish twins..."

Samantha the 1st said...

"Enty sure knows his crowd."

To stay in business, you have to.

"99% of you will believe this

Fair enough but there's a disclaimer on this gossip site, and the point of gossip frankly isn't whether it's true but whether it's fun to talk about.

Samantha the 1st said...

"The royals do accept money for appearances - if’s called sponsorship. Audi (for example) pays money to Sentebale or some other charity for Harry & William to play polo.."

Eh -- dunno how true or literal this is.

They're patrons of charities; the difference here is that trusting a long standing royal to give that money TO the charity vs. ?? to a brand new member...And paying for an appearance vs "hosting the royal polo game" in which it's fairly certain *some* royal will show up.

All sports are sponsored by corporations, for the advertising. That is different than acting like a celeb (yet again) not a royal and shilling for a fee. "Pay my 'foundation' and I'll come smile and shake hands and pose for pix."

The BRF needs to put its foot down. She thinks she can get over on them with a smile and an eyelash flutter. Maybe worked on Harry, maybe even a BIT with Charles who badly wanted a daughter; won't on the rest.

Samantha the 1st said...

"those of photos of MM in the Daily Mail where she's holding the baby? She doesn't know how to hold a baby!"

100 %.

But it's a good angle to use if you don't want the baby's face to be seen...on video.

I think what *might* be going on is: Someone here said that in Britain the surrogate has a few months to change their mind, or there's some type of paperwork that takes a few months.

So what if they're photoshopping the still pix -- someone else is holding the baby, and they photoshop him in -- which could explain the weirdness around the christening -- but for video in which that's not yet really possible, they use a doll?

I didn't believe that at first, and I do think there is a baby or else how would they explain that later?? But I'm starting to see what people mean, about that baby at the polo never once moving or uttering a sound, EVEN when she's carrying it in a way that would make any baby squirm and cry.

Those little legs and feet never wiggle a toe; she's got his little face smushed against her with a blanket over him (so we can't see that the doll never blinked, drooled or sighed); she doesn't once cradle him; it's just weird. OF course that could be wrong, there could be footage we haven't seen. But the carrying style was very very weird for any someone carries something smelly.

Now not everyone takes to parenting naturally and I don't want to mom-shame anyone; but still.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to veer a tiny bit. Tweet from someone in UK news says they have been notified of a "bridge event". They don't know the person's name yet but a royal funeral is being planned for eight days after the death announcement. Speculation is it's Prince Phillip.

Juliet Scott said...

If there was a real baby Markle would be posing with him every moment. The pregnancy was very clearly fake and there seems to be no baby anywhere.

Juliet Scott said...

Philip has reportedly turned up at Balmoral and sent Fergie packing. And no sign of Markle at Balmoral. .if he won't tolerate Fergie he won't tolerate the ex-hooker.

Samantha the 1st said...

"Philip has reportedly turned up at Balmoral and sent Fergie packing."

I like Philip (I don't have to always agree w/someone or like everything they say, to like the core of the human -- I'm weird like that.) The more I read about his life, and his quieter musings. I think where or when he's said something truly awkward, he was trying to make people laugh, trying to put people at ease.

But I've read some things he's said and he's actually a very insightful person. He calls himself a pragmatist, and I like that.

Juliet I hadn't heard that. My feeling is, after the parents are gone (which I hope is not for a long long time), Andrew will remarry Sarah. It's been said Andrew is "loyal to a fault," on friends and family once he's accepted someone in. And that would 'protect' her and keep her taken care of. Back in the fold, don't have to worry about $ any more, etc.

But who knows.

But I agree, Prince Philip (and also the Queen) are no fools, quite the opposite; they miss nothing. Nothing.

Ann said -

"Speculation is it's Prince Phillip."

Nooo I hope not :(

I've been learning more about him. I watched a video about his mother, Princess Alice. FASCINATING person. Great granddaughter of Queen Victoria, married a Greek Prince, Andrew. (So maybe who Prince Andrew was named for?) Converted to Greek Orthodox later in life -- founded her own religious order. Buried at Mount Olive.

I highly recommend anyone looking up videos about Princess Alice and/or Prince Philip's early life.

BTW the stint in a 'facility' - it's been said that the husband wanted her out of the way so he could dally daily. But who knows. She wouldn't have been the first inconvenient wife to have been 'locked away.' She survived it though, she must've been made of staunch stuff.

Scarlet Peaches said...

@ Ann, wait what? Prince Philip is dead? Dying?

Samantha the 1st said...

Ann --

Here is a story about what Juliet mentioned (Sarah suddenly leaving Balmoral) which also shows some royals being driven to Sunday church...they look sad. Sarah is wearing a black dress I noticed, too.

I hope it's nothing sad. Seems like a lot of bad headlines, lately.

Fifi LaRue said...

Meghan carrying holding a "baby" that doesn't move at the polo game she crashed. That was just odd. Meghan didn't know how to hold a baby, and there was absolutely no movement. How does Harry even play along with this crap? He truly is a half-wit. Meghan would be posing up a storm if the baby was real.

Fifi LaRue said...

PS: Harry Markle has photos of Markle going to or leaving a bar just after the baby shower in NYC. Suddenly, Markle isn't pregnant.

Samantha the 1st said...

rabbit are those pix online - do you mean the bump was not visible or that she drank? You can meet friends at a bar and not drink. So, simply exiting a place that serves booze doesn't prove anything.

Turitella said...

The bump was not visible in the photos.

EponymousAnonymoud said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@samantha the 1st

Phillip is 97 years of age; he lost his drivers license and caused a serious collision last year.
He is never seen in public.
Think about it.
Most people don't reach 95. The few who do, usually need help seeing, hearing, walking, and/or eating.
If you think he 'doesn't miss a thing' are kidding yourself.

Samantha the 1st said...

I think you missed my point, "DarylsBigFan."

I said -

"Prince Philip (and also the Queen) are no fools, quite the opposite; they miss nothing. Nothing."

That seems to have est you off to talk about his age, when I was talking about something else entirely.

But as far as that goes, the assertion that no one over 95 can think or observe anything is incorrect.

However, reflexes and vision can begin to fade, so a lot of nonagenarians don't drive. What has a driver's license got to do with IQ.

And yes he's out in public when he wants. He was at the Harry/Meghan wedding, don't recall what else. Weird reply to my comment.

Samantha the 1st said...

*set you off, sorry, typo

Samantha the 1st said...

Okay, NO ONE will see this, as this is now 3 or 4 pages back -- but --

Madame Tussauds has taken the Meghan statue and removed it from beside Prince Harry, and stuck it next to Priyanka Chopra.

That is some sssssssssshade.

No but seriously, that plus the word that noble couples are no longer inviting them as a couple??

There is a split on the horizon.

Christina said...

Samantha -- Just about to unsubscribe to this thread when I saw your post. Hysterical, splitting up the wax. If I was MM, I'd be a bit worried right now! LOL.

AmesR09 said...

Archie looks like her dad Thomas Markle. Y'all should give up the fake baby bs.

Anonymous said...

Not possible AmesR09. Archie doesn't have any of MM's DNA. Harry's DNA yes, MM no.

Samantha the 1st said...

Thank you Christina!

"Samantha -- Just about to unsubscribe to this thread when I saw your post. Hysterical, splitting up the wax. If I was MM, I'd be a bit worried right now! LOL."

Yes -- I would think so too! Yikes...I mean, that is so telling, to me. "You want to behave as a celeb not a royal? Go hang out with the celebs, then."

Tussaud's got its start after the French Revolution, Mme. Tussaud was a royalist and I believe that's still pretty much the feeling there...they don't play.

Samantha the 1st said...

Ames I think Archie looks just like Thomas Markle Sr., too.

Which has to bug Megs seeing how she's ghosted her dad.


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