Monday, August 12, 2019

Blind Item #8

Two siblings have completely cut off contact/help with their other sibling because of her continues drug abuse and behavior. All siblings are offspring of a permanent A++ lister.


  1. Paris Jackson/Prince and Blanket?

  2. Blanket goes by Bigi, not sure of spelling but pronounced Be Gee.

  3. How very sad. When MJ died, I had such high hopes for All three kids, especially Paris. Sadly the family unit failed them just as it failed the whole family. Greedy selfish family.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Maybe one of the Willis girls. I can't remember which one is supposedly pretty badly into drugs. Not Rumer, one of the other two.

  5. I’m always rooting for the Jackson kids to be healthy & content. I hope Paris gets better

  6. I don't think the two boys are doing that badly, just Paris. Of course none of them will ever have what is considered a normal life.

  7. Who would have thought the daughter of human trash, crazy enough to sell her baby, would turn out to be a mental junkie?

    1. It is as surprising as rescued pitbulls mauling the dummies who adopt them.

    2. What are you talking about?

    3. What are you talking about?

    4. he is talking about the mom, Debbie Rowe. sold her kids for cadh3

  8. These arent really jackos kids anyway!

  9. I wonder how their trusts are structured. Not casting shade at the siblings, but at the more mature adults in the family. If Paris OD's, or needs conservatorship, I wonder who will be awarded the purse strings.

    With so many of the family being such ultra conservative evangelical doomsday Christians, true (as in psychological/non-religious based) treatment might have barriers for her. An issue that someone needing treatment does not need.

    I suppose that this is an opportunity to find out if, with all the money that MJ splashed around, he made any true friends.

  10. I don't know how much "help" Bigi would be providing as a 17-year-old. Willis sisters make sense because they all got sober, but they are also all regularly hanging out with each other.

  11. Aww - I hope Tater head is good with her siblings butter and sour cream! (Lame - I know!)

  12. I look at Debbie’s high school pics Before Dr. Arnie got a hold of her face and I have doubts that’s shes the biological.

  13. I also wonder how much of the no contact is instigated by their religious family members. JW's are serious about shunning as a method of control and discipline. If Paris is getting scapegoated by the family, then the other siblings are likely lined up for being love bombed.

  14. Someone mentioned Pitbulls and I remembered a video I saw yesterday where a pitbull broke into a woman's house and killed and then ate her cat! Horrific! And all this in front of the woman, who was on a wheelchair!

  15. Sorry but there is no way Bruce Willis or Demi Moore are A++ list.

  16. B626 the rumors are Mark Lester could be the dad. There are 2 parents involved in genetics and kids can be throwbacks too, and look nothing like either parent.

    If you look at Debbie alongside Mark it seems plausible. Some say Paris looks like one of Mark's (known) daughters.

    I think the oldest kid is/was the Dr's biological kid, pix of him at that age, they're like twins. And the kid is smart, studious and even-tempered.

    Blanket, I think the Brando son that was a friend of MJ's is his dad, and the surrogate for Blanket was French and mixed-race.

    I don't understand a woman being willing to marry a man, pretend to have his bio kids, knowing they are not, and then despite being married long enough to be around the kids, want nothing to do with them, even later, when they badly NEED a parent...or to even go indoors to her former husband's funeral. She sat outside it.

    Either that's really poor ego strength or?

  17. It's really sad, all the ugly scribbling - tattoos- everywhere on Paris. Multiple addictions, and getting help for none of them.

  18. Paris is such a pretty young woman with beautiful eyes, and I could tell even at the MJ funeral that she wants to be an actor. Joe Jackson remarked he could tell Paris wanted to do something, too. Whatever else was true of Joe Jackson he could pot talent.

    So I hope Paris gets it together - gets AWAY from all junkies drunks and users, and takes some good acting classes, put wanna-be friends through multiple sh*t tests if she can (don't be easy), I dunno -- go have some other kind of life for a while. (Daniel Day Lewis took 5 years to learn how to cobble shoes in Italy! But whatever floats her boat.)

    Her biggest gifts apart from being born famous and being pretty (which can also be curses) are her health and youth. She has all the time in the world to go live life away from Hollywood, build up some stories, rather than trying to burn her candle at both ends, which will only rob and age her.

    1. She would be a me tal waste of oxygen in any environment.

  19. *spot talent, not pot talent

    typo >:(

  20. why did Eric and Julia Roberts fall out ?

  21. @Sandybrook, actually Prince is doing all right for himself! He recently graduated with a college degree. I forgot which major. He's away from the "limelight" and doing his own thing. He's become a man and apparently wants to actually do something positive and contributing with his life. I say more power to him! Jackson would be proud.

    Bigi is too young to do much, but I do know that he's into Karate, Judo, whichever one and is very good. He also definitely stays out of the limelight. I have high hopes for these two.

    Paris is a lost cause. Its a complete and utter shame. I seriously will not be surprised if she dies. OR, she could surprise us all, get clean and sober and actually do something positive with her life. One can only hope, she's lost, but can always be found.



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