Sunday, August 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 27, 2019

It took all of a week for the alliterate former actress to forget the royal intervention about how you treat people to wear off. Apparently this week she went to a shop during business hours and had a security team shoo everyone out because she didn't want to have to interact with anyone.

Meghan Markle


  1. I'm sure that was a huge favor to the shoppers involved. The poor staffers, though.

    Daily Mail says that now Markle is writing a "kids book" to establish herself as an author. I wonder if it will be written by the same person who ghostwrote Kendull and Kylie's book.

  2. Those 'everyones" are the ones who pay your stipend as royal family member. Essentially your 'bosses' as much as Her Royal Highness. Figure that sh*t out, stupid.

  3. The DM also says vogue is selling for £14 on ebay...desperate PR, trying to create demand where there is none. No one likes or wants a big fat fake.

  4. Diana always did this, that's probably where she got it from. Her & Kate are the biggest names, it's why Fergie & her Duff daughters don't like them. Kate just has her stylist bring her clothes, Meg apparently dresses herself with Harry's approval.

    1. I actually am old enough to remember the stories about Diana and those stories told that she arranged to go into the shops after hours so that she could shop privately. There were no stories of her having people qho were already shopping removed for her convenience

  5. Well to be specific they are saying Markle's guest editor issue is selling for that much. Good point..he has quite the PR team working for her.

  6. Markle is the diversion for the Crown's Pedo-Protectionist History.
    A most recent history at that.

  7. MM probably wanted to pass gas and did not want anyone to smell it. nen mom's have issues.

  8. new moms have issues

  9. MM thirst for *fame* is just so sickening. she is Soooo thirsty. Kate is such a role model .. MM must hate her so. MM will do anything to try and upstage Kate.

  10. SD AUNTIE,

  11. Every day that goes by, I loathe her more. Poor hapless Harry. What have you done?

  12. Halfwit Harry could fuck up a one-car funeral on a one-way street.I

    I mean, obviously he was going to marry a knucklehead. But no one thought he'd pick one worse than Diana.

  13. Y'all know it's safer for her that way but people are so thirsty to make Meghan out to be a bitch when she's not. But keep on, it's hilarious to see people try to twist everything she does to make out like she's some sort of demon.

  14. "Fergie and her duff daughters" is the quote of the day! I'm dying! haha

  15. There isn't anything ugly about Kate and she seems pretty lively to me. She also doesn't get article after article written about how she can't keep a consistent staff or that she talks down to "the help" or makes unreasonable demands. Unlike another Duchess.

    1. Didn't MM meet Harry when she was "yachting" ?

  16. Some people would like to see the royal family work for a living like everybody else.....making public appearances and going to charity balls does not count. If those people had planned a take down it would be called Operation Meghan Markle. Maybe Harry being the baby of the family , and possible renegade is in on it because Princess Diana.....And surely Harry notices he doesn't look like the rest of them.

  17. Do Tell - agree. Kate received negative press initially for what she didn't go "right" - it is called a learning curve. Kate received negative press for her "maternity leaves" - she had Wills backing and so the uproar died down when people learned Wills wanted the quiet lifestyle his mom desired for him. The difference between Kate and MM - Kate did not have a PR press to attempt to "cancel out" the bad press. She learned and moved on. Kate took maternity leaves, only appearing for what was really important to the family and the Throne. Unlike MM - hear me roar at the Lion King- Duchess of Sussex.

    That is the big difference.

    i can't wait for...Balmoral.

  18. Super thirsty energizer bunny.

  19. Vogue is selling for $28 usd on eBay and you can see (because ebay shows) how many have been sold and how many are left in inventory.

  20. These are sold ones and you can click on the listing to see how many the seller sold.

  21. @HumorMe I agree with you about Kate. She got negative press for a long time, but often for things outside her control. She suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a very severe type of morning sickness where sufferers can vomit dozens of time a day, get dehydrated and, due to not being able to keep food down, be nutritionally deprived. People kept saying how they/their wife worked right through their pregnancy and morning sickness. Kate was hospitalised it was so bad. She was then in the headlines for being close to her parents who were helping out a lot with the children, and for William wanting them to have a quiet life and keep the children’s lives as private as possible. After the honeymoon period, all new royals get bad press, usually not warranted. She’s a bit bland, isn’t perfect, but she keeps her head down, says and does mostly the right things. What she didn’t do was throw tantrums, lose staff, clear shops during business hours, have a whole seating area in Wimbledon cleared and the other diva behaviour of MM. Without er marriage to Harry, MM would still be a little known cable actress hustling for parts, not jetting around with her new BFFs, editing magazines and spending huge amounts of other people’s money on clothes, houses and lifestyle while requesting privacy and preaching to us to live simple lives, no new clothes, no unnecessary flights or car journeys, limit family size. I had really thought that MM would be a great addition to the BRF but she’s a disaster. MM needs to learn not to bite the hand that feeds her, because it’s not just her staff and the British public who are fed up with her now.

  22. Did she even go to Balmoral I would have thought her appearance would have been leaked by her PR by now.

  23. Anyone else remember when Michael Jackson would do this, too? He even did it during that documentary/interview he filmed with Martin Bashir in the late 90s.

  24. Interesting that none of the birthday wishes for Meg mention that she is a mum or refer to her son Archificial.

    I mean none of them, from family or friends or business partners like the Vogue UK editor Ed Enniful.

    Not even the birthday greeting from Harry, which is just signed “H”.

    1. H...
      For Heroin. Because Harry is probs a junkie.
      These sickos, right?
      Thankgodhisself I'm so much better than these grifter junkies

  25. Also, FWIW, Anna Wintour is supposedly rolling on the floor laughing about the bad reviews the September issue of Vogue UK is getting.

    Ed Enninful had been seen as a likely successor to Anna as editorial director of all the Vogues. Not any more.

  26. @Lauren: She was never invited to Balmoral. Just more fake PR from her, similar to when she said that Doria was invited for Christmas.

  27. Funny that she would choose to write a book about a baby and a rescue dog. She isn’t good at taking care of either. She looked as if she was going to drop Archeficial at the Polo, and she abandoned her rescue dog.

  28. Funny that she would choose to write a book about a baby and a rescue dog since she doesn’t appear to know how to take care of either. She nearly dropped Archificial at the Polo, and she abandoned her rescue dog in Toronto. (Which she apparently only adopted in the first place because Ellen told her to.)

  29. Megan Markles is not very likable to begin with, but she seem to be getting even more unlikable with each passing day.

  30. Gen-z99 is a Markle handle?

  31. Happy Birthday, Sparkles.

  32. The children's book is supposedly going to be about the dogs

    That's already causing backlash because one dog was given way/left behind and the other got a broken leg and hasn't been seen in some time.

    Now there's been a new dog adopted?

    The other thing is someone already wrote a children's book about "Guy" the broken legged beagle. So it's not even original.

    I would advise pick a different topic...maybe a baby book.

  33. When PH wished DM a happy birthday he used her full HRH title.

    But they didn't when they wished the third in line to the throne, Prince George, a happy birthday.

    That was notable because a big stink was made by MM stans that "when it's family, you don't have to use the title to wish them a happy birthday."

  34. These blinds are MM are getting to the point of ridiculous. Lets blame MM on everything. It rain today, its MM fault because she told the sun to stay in. The sun came out today, because MM commanded it to. Sometimes you have to use your common sense. When they showed that guy about 2 inches from her face at Wimbledon trying to take a picture and people got upset that Royal Protection stopped him from doing that. Please give it a rest already.

  35. Dreaming I don't recall seeing you here before.

    It's MM's birthday today. Why wouldn't there be a story?

    You know what's more tiresome than blinds? People who comment in blinds just to judge the site or the commenters.

    1. I’m not new and I am sick of “blame MM for everything” shit. I’ve posted many times about it. Many ppl actually LIKE MM..but you’re too busy with your head up the “adored ones” ass on here.

  36. Gen-z99 how did MM meet Harry again?

    Meeting at school seems pretty natural - that's how a lot of young couples meet.

    Dating a chef for the Invictus games so she can meet the Prince who founded the games, then dump the chef...that's the rumor. How natural is that?

  37. There isn't anything bland about Kate's looks, but to racist Gen-Z, because she's white, she's "lesser than". And yeah, Meghan made sure she met Harry.

  38. Does...anyone else think the real reason MM is laying low is she is heavily pregnant?

    The photo on the birthday message was from a year ago. In the photo she appears to be seated on a throne. Not sure if the imagery was intentional.

    (MM is seated on a chair during their tour last year.)

  39. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The Markle Sparkle saga continues. This is the love story when the village idiot marries the village bicycle.

  40. Meghan, the world may hate you and your obnoxious ways, but somewhere in crazy Trailertown USA you've got one slob who thinks you're great.

  41. I'm pretty sure security would've shooed everyone out of the store regardless. it makes there job easier when potential security threats are mitigated. I don't understand the obsession with making MM look bad. You're like mean girls in high school. Give it a rest already.

  42. She is such a douchebag. I hope Harry comes to his senses sooner than later. I wonder how much the Mother Queen will take before she cuts her raggedy ass off?

  43. Kate has grown to become a real duchess, whatever that is supposed to mean, she exudes confidence without seeming arrogant, kindness, without seeming vomitose, and sincerity, without seeming needy

    MM plays at being duchess, her greatest role yet, but since she's such a shit actress, she will never be Kate

  44. "Archificial" LMAO, usually I don't gossip about kids, but this is hilarious

  45. Yeah, Kate is so stupid, she bagged the future king, who wouldn't have looked twice at amazingly intelligent Sparkles, who got herself the half wit prince

  46. Red Velvet - I don't think that's what happens. They just form a sort of enclosure around the shopping celeb.

    Never heard about anyone else doing that. I've seen all sorts of celebs out walking and shopping during normal hours in the past.

    The famous usually will just go after hours, if they don't want to rub shoulder with serfs.

  47. It surprises me to see people say thing about Harry's intelligence. I never thought about it though. Part of the reason is he and William were kept out of the papers while they were growing up, and on into adulthood. If we heard anything about Harry, it was usually about his partying. And then, just pap pix; never really heard him speak on anything.

    I don't remember seeing this documentary series before, but it's very eye-opening. The press and staff who were very close to the situation at the time, talk about the way Harry and William were shielded by an agreement with the press. After Diana was killed, the press agreed to not harass her sons at school. That included college.

    Just watching this, I wondered if maybe part of the reason for that agreement was because Harry was having some troubles? I'll leave it to others to form their own opinions on that.

    I don't know what his IQ is, but I wonder about ADD. (He reminds me of someone I know who has ADHD.)

    He seemed happiest on his 'gap year trip.' I think Harry communicates kinesthetically, and was happiest in action, on that trip and as a soldier. The Invictus Games are also kinetic expression.

    The documentary is about both Princes, and covers other things too. It's really interesting to get a plain spoken inside account.

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -

    Guess I am trying to say that both he and MM are still finding their way as their (grownup) public royal personae.

  48. Anonymous2:49 PM

    @Samantha Harry's "thickness" isn't new. The only way he graduated from high school his instructors had to help him cheat to pass his classes. He wasn't smart enough to be accepted at Eton. Harry failed the test to become a helicopter pilot in the military (like William) which is how he became a soldier. He's always gotten through on his personality.

    I think the press has actually played down the amount of damage that the Sussexes have caused. There's a campaign underway now in Brighton & Hove to strip Harry and Meghan of their Duke & Duchesss titles. The county doesn't want any association with this couple. I know the petition was only recently started and it's already sitting at 902 signatures and they only need 1250. There's so much going on and yet on UK sites the amount of censorship is high. I'm amazed at how much the UK news actually bows down to the BRF. If the media ever truly unleashed a barrage it could destroy the monarchy.

  49. Ann - thank you for the info.

    The press thing is intriguing to me because in the U.S. we (supposedly) have freedom of the press (never mind that most stories are alike and just rewritten.)

    Wasn't there a title another town wanted to give them but they didn't show up?

  50. Diana's brother's nickname was Champagne Charlie. Harry kind of reminds me of him.

  51. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I know the Scots are upset. They were given the Dumbarton title as well on their marriage. To show their thanks the couple hasn't bothered to show up. Harry was raised better than his current behavior. The BRF will have many bridges to repair once they separate Dumb & Dumber from the family.



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