Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Funding

The foreign born former sex slave turned business person is laundering money of criminals through her company. She also transports huge sums of cash from the US and other countries to Europe to be placed in banks outside US jurisdiction. According to my source, who would know every last bit about this operation, she also still transfers underage girls around the globe. How does my source know this? Her husband used the same method multiple times. My source's family has always been entwined with the pedophile. They shared the same goal. Grooming underage sex slaves who are loyal to you forever much like this former sex slave turned business person. Oh, and if you think everyone has gone into hiding since the arrest last month, apparently business has never been better. 


Fred84 said...
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MDAnderson said...

Nadia Marcinko
Source: Sara Bronfman??

B626 said...

NADIA is now a pilot

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

Holy geeze! I guess it makes sense with someone as high profile as Epstein taking the heat but geeze again, how big is this? Is the entire world a plantation and we're all their chattel?

AngelSleuth said...

Sara Bronfman

Alf Landon said...

Epstein not dead and never was in the NY cell. The military has him in custody somewhere offshore.

gauloise said...

+1 Sanela Jenkins.

PoliticallyIncorrect71 said...


We Stone Them said...


Anonymous said...

Yes Super Comic Fun Time that's it exactly. We are all just chattel living our little lives out.
Epstein was just one of many, many, many.
All we can do is try to avoid evil people. Sometimes they get you anyway though.

P keel said...

Nadia or Junkermann

Drama said...

Epstein is 100% dead. His lawyer ensured the window was there for it to happen, cellmates were moved and guards missed patrols. Wether he was coerced into it or did it voluntarily is immaterial at this point.

DaveDixter said...

I bet James Stewart knows who it is...

Alf Landon said...

Look at the fool who believe Epstein is dead because someone on TV said it. Bet he also thinks the "Real Housewives" are actually housewives.

Isighalot said...

Nobody thinks this is the Maxwell broad?

Substance D said...

When you say "sex slave" does that mean just sex or is a slave a slave and you can get them to mow the lawn and do household chores as well as turning tricks at the local Marriot when her owner is, say, out golfing?

misslexi said...

Rachel Chandler

Phelps said...

Sex Slave: Rachel Chandler
Company: Midland Agency
Source: Fergie
Husband: Prince Andrew

dougal said...

Rachel Chandler?

Raresteamboat said...

ghislaine maxwell

gauloise said...

@Isighalot Maxwell was never trafficked, she was born into wealth

Anonymous said...

Epstein is dead

Anonymous said...


Menace Roddman said...

You guys are way off

It's Eva Andersson aka Mrs. Glenn Dubin

Has to be.

Menace Roddman said...

Ya'll are way way off.

This is about Evan Anderson aka Mrs. Glenn Dubin

Also: the unredacted black book shows that investigators found naked photos of her daughter

Gollum's Wing Man said...

These sex slaves are the ones who turned and are now peds themselves. That's why it's a lifetime loyalty because you can't cure pedophilia. Those who are molested and reject the life are almost always ruined for life and many turn to drugs/alcohol and wild behavior.

Lulu Filona said...

There are two people here, one the business person former sex slave, and the other one who is the source of the story, whose family has always been entertwined with Epstein, and whose husband did the same thing.

A.Claire said...

Rachel Chandler, here is some horrifying information.... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1108732333883092993.html

Frufra said...


Monkeyweather said...

The body looked like Bourdain. Which would send a very sinister message to the worst people in the world that all of their plots are falling apart.

Monkeyweather said...

Ears didn't match. AT ALL. Nose and hairline were also different.

Monkeyweather said...

Bronfman was a sex slave. Maxwell was just a Satanist pedo ho

Monkeyweather said...


Monkeyweather said...

Ears, nose don't match corpse

Monkeyweather said...

Or they're sacrificed

Its just me said...

Not Bourdain, but interestingly enough, the picture of "Epstein" on yhe gurney was actually taken at a training site for Firefighters. This whole thing stinks, why show his face if deceased, why was he not checked on for hours, why was his roommate moved out just a day before? Too mamy questions!

GentleBreeze said...

Super Comic Fun Time
that is certainly the intention

Rosie riveter said...

Found the 4chan 8chan Reddit guy

AbbyRock said...

Rachel Chandler

Rosemary Young said...

If you want to play that game, how do you even know that Epstein was a real person? Did you ever meet him?

Blackbird said...

Head over to Rusty Shackleford's channel at You Tube ... he shot footage the other night that clearly shows two men exiting a boat and entering an underground tunnel on the island. One of the guys walks a lot like Epstein ... hiding in plain sight is the easiest way to fool all the people all of the time

EponymousAnonymoud said...

Link to the page in the black book? Or a page reference. V. Curious. Thanks.

Samantha the 1st said...

Gollum's Wing Man: The majority of abuse victims do NOT go on to abuse others -- only, perhaps, themselves, in a slow self-destruction. But early therapy/support system can greatly help in that regard.

The one that are middle aged now? Back then there was very very little understanding and zero support or therapy given child abuse survivors. That had a great deal to do with the result.

Also: not all sexual assault survivors 'act out' with "wild behavior" there is a whole spectrum of responses, from becoming asexual to becoming promiscuous and anything in between.

Blackbird said...
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Gollum's Wing Man said...

Samantha the 1st: WHERE in my post did I claim the majority of abuse victims become abusers? Hint....I didn't so.....

I also broad brushed what other survivors actions were because I didn't have time to write a novel.

I grew up in a church/cult full of peds in NJ and I can tell you I saw much more of this than you can ever imagine.

Gollum's Wing Man said...

Samantha the 1st:

Just reread both of our posts and I see that once again where I claim many victims of abuse have wild behavior, you claim I wrote ALL! Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

tinydancer61 said...

I believe the NXIVM cult and Epstein's cult (term cult used very loosely) were definitely related-too many bizarre similarities for them not to be related. And lots and lots of high dollar players involved. So many tentacles attached.

Do Tell said...

It is astounding to me that with all the moderation that's been going on here, that such ignorance and virulent antisemitism was allowed to get through.

Veritas said...

And interesting that Richard Branson is involved with both NXVIM and Epstein.
When he gets pulled in, along with Pedo Andrew, I will believe in LE again-unlikely

Leslie said...

Perhaps, the pedo elite are planning to take Musk's puke bucket off world to escape the, soon to be enraged general public.

Isabella c said...


Isabella c said...

@unknown some people say it was Hillary’s brother to send a message I think Epstein is still alive and that Trump and co have him hidden so they can get more info from him before the Deep State tries to kill him

Lulu Filona said...

Wow, Isabella, you folded in Clintons, deep state killers, all you need are the Obamas and you have a perfect conspiracy flush in there. Don't forget Trump knew about the Epstein girls and also used models to entertain clients, his hands are not exactly clean. Plus, his lackey Barr controls the jail. That is the reason there will never be a real investigation. Trump just want the dirt on people so he can keep it quiet and use it to control people.

Juliet Scott said...

Richard Branson needs to checked out. He is always trying to move on with Obama and other strangely motivated men.

LyleAlzedo said...

I find it very surprising that Rachel Chandler's name hasn't been in the news. It's either her or Ghislain Maxwell spilling the beans.

TruRes said...

We do know Fergie likes to chat. Bless her.


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