Friday, August 16, 2019

Your Turn

Jeffrey Epstein - Murder or Suicide?


  1. I'll believe anything when it comes to that dude at this point. He's way too connected.

  2. We all know it was a murder. The real question is was it carried out by someone specific or did the whole group of pervs get together and order the hit?

  3. Murder, The cameras should have been working at the time but they weren't and it's pretty much strict policy to fix them in any prison if they ain't working, Somebody made sure that the one in his cell wasn't working or turned off at the time of the murder.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM


  5. Neither -still alive and in military custody

  6. Where is a good psychic when you really need one? Going with murder ONLY because the noose seems to be tightening on Bill and well, history.Seen the picture of him in a dress? Killer. Epstein had it hanging on his wall......?

  7. Probably not dead at all. New identity and surgery. Just like bin Laden.

    If he is dead then definitely murder.

  8. So the guards were asleep? Both of them? Just when the cameras stopped working? Did those fellows usually sleep on the job when high society creeps are in their custody?

  9. Murder. Everyone and their blind and deaf mother saw it coming...

  10. He is still alive. They did a body switch and he was whisked away to Israel.

    1. More people are willing to say Epstein is alive, than that he committed suicide.

      Sign of the times

    2. On an interesting related note, if you check epsteins public flight logs from his airplane callsign N212JE, and N120JE, the plane was active while Epstein was in jail, and it made a trip to Antartica on 7/23..

    3. Do you think maybe he went to some private location there in Antarctica? I mean why not.

  11. Murdered. I don't believe that people who hang themselves are heard shrieking just beforehand.

    1. That, plus self-absorbed people like Epstein, who have lived a life getting away with stuff & always operating above the law, don't have it in them to end their own life. He was murdered.

  12. Not even a question. Absolutely murdered OR he's been smuggled off to Gitmo or Israel. When Q comes back, we'll see if they tell us. They usually do. Right now "they" (Deep State) took down 8Chan where Q posts, and the good guys are trying to get the board back up. Funny how Q is "nonsense" to some people, yet "they" are doing their best to bring them down AND take away freedom of speech on every single social media platform. Remember twice all social media just happened to go down at the same time? If they're working on it THIS hard, then Q's words are absolute truth, waking people up FAST, "they" cannot have this happening. Q wrote things in 2017 that have come forth as well as 2018/2019. Many things. Very damaging to the Deep State et al., and yet people still don't believe. Sad and amusing to me. What will it take to get these people on board when the truth is shining right in their eyes? Yep, nothing to see here, move along!

    1. I'm with the Q camp as well, although anything could be possible at this point. There's no telling where the lies begin or end, but Q has been the biggest pusher of Epstein related information for the past 3 years. Preemptive planning for trump's attempt at proving his innocence, or it really is a group fighting the elite establishment. It could be either, but it is certainly trump's team who has created this Q phenomenon. I can't wait to see where it goes.

    2. The anons at 8chan were doing some heavy digging on Epstein and Little St. James island right before they were shut down.

      Coincidence? I think not!

    3. Lol, did you read Mario jammies? He wanted it taken down, pig farmer maybe listened to him. He was the one doing all the heavy lifting. Mario Jammies is a real hero.

  13. Murder. This whole thing is just too big and everyone is so oddly connected.

  14. Doesn’t matter.
    Dead men tell no tales

  15. Too many convenient occurrences,and broken bones. Also, the uncovered face to show the deed was done. Murder,as expected.

  16. FBI dragging their feet on purpose. we know years and years ago they interviewed spacey and spielberg about the island

  17. At this point, still alive. They can't risk the kill switch.

  18. Asking the question keeps alive the narrative that he 'suicided' himself. Six broken neck bones, the answer is obvious. There is confirmation that the common areas cameras were operational. Where is the video. Not one mention in any press outlet. Someone is sitting on the video.

    Next question, isn't it is little too much of a coincidence? US AG Barr's father was headmaster at Dalton school where Epstein was on his staff...

    Where is Maxwell? Released photo yesterday in LA was staged long ago. She is an expert at illusion. Why hasn't she been locked down yet?

    Lastly, I keep waiting for the reveal on the Charles St storyline to see if there is some common characters involved.

  19. Snitches get stitches... or in this case.. suicided..

  20. Murder most foul.

  21. I think the Feds put Epstein in Witness Protection like they do for the organized crime people. They staged the "suicide" for the press. Now Epstein is free to tell all about all the people he was ready to blackmail anyway. The "suicide" was a farce- guards falling asleep, etc. They didn't have any problems keeping El Chapo alive and well and unharmed in the same prison, but with Epstein it suddenly became too difficult to monitor him. A few weeks prior someone tried to murder Epstein- according the Epstein and after that the Feds had to act to protect Epstein. I'm pretty sure the Clinton's wanted Epstein dead- just one couple of many who wanted Epstein dead.

    1. 100% agree,the body they showed is not The ears do not match up at all. I'm no doctor by any means but because ears are mostly made of cartiledge it would seem reasonable to assume that there would be a huge change in shape and size after death. The shape and his tragus did not match Epstein's.
      I'm and artist and several people on YT who are also artists, we all agrees that the body is not Epstein.

  22. One might think neither...

  23. Most likely murder, definitely not suicide.

  24. Murder. Arranged the Clintons or friends of theirs. Which means maybe arranged by Trump.

  25. He is as dead as a doorknob! Stop with the "he's alive" bullshit!

  26. I think the Feds put Epstein in witness protection like they do for mobsters. Epstein reported a few weeks ago that someone tried to kill him so the Feds had to act fast. The ridiculous story about guards falling asleep and forgetting to monitor Epstein are laughable. They managed to keep El Chapo the drug lord safe and sound when I’m sure his cohorts wanted to either allow him to escape or kill him. No problems in the same jail with El Chapo, but with Epstein it was all a big problem. Epstein is alive and well and getting plastic surgery to change his identify and spilling all he knows to the Feds. The Clintons were one couple who wanted Epstein dead.

  27. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Psychopaths don't commit suicide. It was murder. By whom or why is anybody's guess. We'll never know.

  28. Murder or coerced suicide.

  29. There was a long delay before we got the autopsy results . . .

    Then we're told there are broken bones in his neck . . .

    It reinforces the image of Epstein being dead in the eyes of the public. Shifts the topic to murder or suicide?

    I think he's alive.

  30. Murder I believe but could be absconded.
    No way he offed himself on his knees, while screaming, with non-guards who were overworked and asleeep not following protocol with broken cameras....after being taken off of suicide watch but afraid of being murdered....

    In any case...I saw a tweet that someone had a hint there would be a royal funeral real sauce.

  31. @bliss
    kek baby
    bring back 8ch

  32. I like the witness protection idea. That would also explain the very clear photos of his body being taken to the hospital. I really think he was murdered, but that is a great back up theory.

  33. Suicide. He tried previously.

  34. Escape. he is probably living on Elvis's ranch in South America.

  35. 1000% agreed at @riffed73. Doubt we will ever know though.

    You know if the prison guards talk the people who paid them off will kill their families. So disgusting.

  36. Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon his head...

  37. Most likely murder o the less likely option is he bought his freedom

  38. murder.
    and kill switches don't really work any more. the justice system is perverted and corrupted.

  39. snuggsbear...........have seen many guesses........yours is by far the best.

  40. awwww What's the matter dummy (aka Unknown) Can't handle the truth you dumb pile of crap

  41. Nosey this is how they sell lies to the,public. This is why you will hear the media bring up a possible "second shooter". It cements the lie there was actually a real first shooter.

  42. I read a anon post that he was killed in the medical unit. They used a pair of pants and a billy club to garrote him then he was put back in his cell. It sounds like complete bullshit until you remover you saw that Chan post (before anyone knew he was dead) that he was taken out of his cell in cuffs and a wheelchair and the guy thought they switched him. It also adds some fodder as to the cameras not working. All we do know is some weird shit is afoot. Speaking of weird shit, Earnhardt Jr’s plane skidded off the runway and burst into flames. The next day I find out that Shelly Vickers (married to NASCAR Brian Vickers)was child snatcher for Epstein.

    1. It sounds like they learned some serious information about her and she "arranged" for the whole family to be taken out. I bet she will be in jail in no time. I thought it was bizarre that his plane crashed and I knew it had some sort of connection to Epstein.

  43. Alive & protected. If he is dead, it was obviously murder. I'm going with alive & whisked away by Trump because he has the easiest access for that to happen. I don't think the Clintons would have access to murdering him....they aren't in office & it seems like even for them it would be too difficult, but not sure who else would have access to murder him. But no way did he kill himself. People like him do not end their own lives. Who knows, maybe Trump & the Clintons worked together to murder him!! Anything is possible with all these creeps.

  44. I am 50% murder, 50% he is still alive.

  45. He committed Arkancide.

  46. Murder. Rich people don't know how to make a noose.

  47. I'm disappointed no one has even mentioned the
    Reddd scarfff deathsss

  48. Mbee,Mcbee, I saw that. My guess is Phillip.

  49. Witness Protection

  50. Definitely murdered!!

  51. I would like to believe he is now in witness protection

  52. Assisted suicide - Barr got him taken off suicide watch, maybe provide material for him to hang himself.

  53. The Medical Examiner just ruled it a suicide by hanging.

  54. Olga, the middle-aged Russian masseuse, did it. Clearly she was mad about all those unpaid massages of wealthy and powerful men who chose her over all the underage girls also present.

    (It's a shame Olga doesn't actually exist. I've been feeling bad for her.)

  55. Suicide.

    He was a weak, weak man who knew his time was up.

    He knew he had to go.

    And the autopsy says suicide.

    No deep state conspiracy here.

    Just a weak man taking the coward's way out.

    1. The guy who did the autopsy is the same guy who did the autopsy for JFK, OJ, MLK, Michael Jackson, and on and on. Food for thought

  56. Also, I think the FBI is building cases against other "powerful" people and they will fall like dominoes in the months to come!

  57. Murder. Alot of powerful people wanted him silenced so they wouldn't be exposed and the autopsy showed broken bones in his neck which is more consistant with strangulation than with hanging.

  58. DM published that the results of the autopsy confirms death by suicide. So how do you explain all of the broken bones in his neck?

  59. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Murdered and I'm not convinced he's really dead.

  60. Well, they have decided they don’t want to say murdered so let’s just say assisted suicide.

  61. If he's dead, murder. Lynn Forrester de Rothschild was questioned, I believe. Ms. Maxwell lived in one of her mansions out of the country for a while after the shit hit the fan last time. Nothing would surprise me. The other Medical Examiner in the room autopsied JFK, MLK, and other high profile people. He's about as Deep State as they come.

  62. It's easy to say this now, but I told my husband a when he first went to jail that he was going to be murdered. He was killed a day after a lot of info was released. BTW, I'm from Maine and politically connected. No doubt about former Sec of state Mitchell; he was well known as a player.

  63. 85 comments and two people said it was suicide lol

  64. I would be interested in Enty's comments on why people (the ones behind the scenes) think he is actually dead.

    It was reported in the news that something nuclear happened in Russia. Why? Because other countries recorded a change in radiation. Is there anything similar with Epstein? That there are outside indications that there was an actual death event?

  65. Murder was the case that they gave him.

  66. Either murdered or coerced to suicide. Also possible he was kept alive and a suicide excuse to make people believe this case has ended.

    But I'm asking if they wanted him dead, why not kill him or permanently silence him before he was thrown into jail?

  67. Epstein is Jewish, they don't believe in suicide nor performing autopsies on the dead.

  68. Oh good gravy, every time someone has been about to testify on anything that would put SWill & Hitlery Klingon in the soup they are found dead and the public is told that despite glaring evidence making suicide highly unlikely, it’s classified as suicide.

  69. Oh definitely murder, or the body switch - there is NO way he killed himself although the endless phony details that keep emerging of the guards, the lawyer, the broken bones are fascinating in their poor liar quality.

  70. If Epstein's still alive, it's because someone wants him to tell them everything he knows. They didn't want him telling his stories to the world just to them.

    Once they know everything, his life may be over. But I still ask why now? Why was all this brought to the public's attention. Why not just off the guy before he was ever arrested.

  71. This what I think happened. I've been in jail before. His lawyers got him off suicide watch. The guards were either perpetually inept or paid to be inept. They lock you down at night and it is doubtful that another inmate was able to get into his cell. However, I was able to get mine popped in the morning right after lockdown ended and stay out until the daily regimen started, about two hours. He wasn't there long enough to earn privileges from trustees so any abnormalities were paid for. They know when cells are locked an unlocked. All they have to do is check the record. If his cell was locked that whole time, he killed himself. Guards can electronically pop your cell and nobody else's, there has to be a record of that.

    Plus, as you age your hyoid bone is more susceptible to breaking during a hanging event. I'm working with suicide at this point unless we can get records on cell entry.

  72. Murdered by someone close to Bill Clinton. (I'm a Democrat.)


    in Witness Protection.

    How many people can Bill have killed. And, yes, I would have had sex with Bill when he visited town.
    He was hot.

  73. Narcissists don't suicide as a rule. Removed, one way or another.

  74. Murder. Too many people looked the other way, too many problems with the scenario. If only the cameras had been in the hallway pointed towards his cell, and in the cell, if only he had still been on suicide watch, if only the guards had both been real guards and had actually done their jobs, etc. It's just too much to accept on face value. That's why I say that the guards, therapists/psychiatrist, anyone who had anything to do with this, etc, need to have been paid a lot of money because they are never going to get a job again in this field, and some of them may lose their license to practice. This is bad.

  75. burly cell mate did it and he paid them to do it.

  76. Please don’t confuse me with rabbit. I would not have touched “pasty white thighs” with a one hundred yard pole while wearing a full latex bodysuit. When he ran for the first time for president, it was my first time to be eligible to vote (18). There was something oozingly smarmy about him, even then, just a whiff of grossness.

    I don’t get this “autopsy ruling”. All we get is suicide by hanging? Where’s the report, with the graphic representation, indicating injuries, the drawing of the body position, like the standard pathologist’s report? If he broke the hyoid bone by leaning/lunging forward, that’s not enough force to break it. Was it already fractured from the previous incident? It’s anatomically confusing and unusual. Unless he hurled himself off the top bunk, but then how would he end up supposedly on his knees, leaning or slumped forward? If they hoped to put this baby to rest by issuing a death by hanging suicide ruling, with no actual findings or info, I guess they think the general public is really fucking dumb.

    At this point, I can’t rule anything out. Maybe he really is alive and well, and relocated. Who knows? Maybe he did get the Arkansas treatment. And wtf was GM doing getting photographed there and then with that book? So many questions. I guess I’ll go with facilitated suicide, for now.

  77. He's alive, that pic was not him. The ears did not match Epstein at all. Not even close to him. Epstein did not have much of a tragus,the purple guy did. Ears and teeth are what investigaters use to identify bodies that cannot be positively identified by their face.

  78. I thought it looked more like Bourdain and I still think so. Twitter friends disagre. B and E had similar looks. If E died as a result of a ligature from a low or no drop bed post wouldn't death by choking be more likely? Would lividity have happened between time of 'death' and the pic on the gurney? Would lividity have caused such physiological changes in the shape of the ear and nose? I think he's away somewhere having his surgery and will spill the beans. His cohort ought not take off their diapers just yet.

  79. Lapin, I guess the coroner wants us to believe that Epstein was either a gymnast or trapeze artist who could throw himself off of a 5 1/2 high bunk bed and nail a dismount by landing on his knees with his body bent forward and his head touching the floor.

  80. Body switch. Still alive.

  81. Epstein is an hero to everyone



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