Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blind Item #12

Given their pretty open dialogue about their sex life, I'm not sure why people were all that surprised to see this A- list mostly movie actor and his wife at a swingers club here in LA.


Tricia13 said...

Arnie Hammer?

MDAnderson said...

Thomas Middleditch

MyDogSmiles said...

Thomas Middleditch

Tricia13 said...
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Tricia13 said...

Or Middlechurch?

beckywiththegoodhair said...
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MyDogSmiles said...

Tricia13 said...

Middleditch..(one from Silicon Valley)

sandybrook said...

I'm sure he's A- List somewhere and mostly movie too

Tricia13 said...

That’s why I thought maybe Armie Hammer/wife. They pretty I’m-indiscreet lol

MDAnderson said...

Not sure if Middleditch is mostly movie and he’s foreign born.

Rosie riveter said...

I don't know that there's a swingers club with good looking people?

Thia said...

My first thought was Will and Jada, but not sure the rating is correct.

Brayson87 said...

Doesn't sound like his wife is into it, sounds more like it was swing or divorce and she chose to stay and let him swing.

Anonymous said...

He’s a tool. Have you seen his wife? She’s gorgeous. And that’s not enough for him. One day soon he’ll be getting nothing at all and she’ll be doing just fine.

yepthatsme said...

Well Alec Baldwin is about to become a father again, so there's that!

Guesser said...

I have no idea who Middleditch is. The rating matches Armie Hammer.

MontanaMarriott said...

Typical it's always the ugly ass troll who pimps out the hot spouse in order to get someone(s) to swing with them. On his own I highly doubt he'd get any attention from anyone.

Tricia13 said...

Which dude?Armie and his wife are a good lucking couple .. the Middleearth (jk) Middleditch guy looks like a creeper,gnome

TeeHee@U said...

Based on the new it sounds like the creepy, nerdy dude from Silicon Valley...but is he really A-? I had not heard of him until I read about he basically gave his much prettier wife an ultimatum: Ill divorce you or you can start swinging with me.


Yah....Armie and his wife are at least hot LOL. But, I am with really is always the ugly ones that turn out to be the douchiest because deep down they know hot women would not give them a second glance if not for their fame/ money. Jonah Hill is supposedly a grade A as well. Must be the insecurities.

TeeHee@U said...

*grade A asshole

gauloise said...

its always the quiet apple pie ones you have to watch out for

Anonymous said...

Middledick. Too people think sex is the answer. Or the question.

Anonymous said...

I swear enty is getting lazy folks. He writes blinds based on news that has already broke. I have seen this on both the Huffington Post and

texasrose said...

Middleton he is a total douche. If you read the articles about his interview it clearly sounds like he got married, wanted to bang other chicks and probably have threesomes, told his wife about it. She didn't want to do it but he 'talked' her into it and he readily admits she wasn't into it and is the 'brakes' and he is the 'gas.' He basically turned her into a cuckold and then gives an interview to talk about it. She is beautiful. We'll see how long this lasts. I guess depends on how long she wants the lifestyle (not the swinging but the celeb/money lifestyle) and how long she wants to be with this goofy looking douche.

TeeHee@U said...

It has been like this for awhile @LadySabre. You pretty much know who ENTY is talking about because they either show up on other news sites already or they are doing a pap walk in the DM and basically repeats the same gossip narrative he usually has about said celebrity.

JT0130 said...

I read about this too. He seems to be manipulating his spouse. I would believe it more thatshe enjoyed the swinging if she was quoated in the interview as well. Middleditch wants to f*ck fangirls without any backlash. Who does his wife get to f*ck? I wounder if this interview happened because a mistress was going to expose everything.

TeeHee@U said...

I did read that Silicon Valley perv and his wife and preparing to do a show on swinging. So...I have a feeling she knew this was coming out in the interview and they are using this so people might be interested in the show they are pitching/ writing.

One thing is for sure....they will eventually end up divorced though.

Parade said...

Will Smith and Jada.

JT0130 said...

@teehee@U -- good point! They better cast better looking actors than Middleditch if someone ends up picking up this show. No wants to watch a show about ugly swingers. It is bad enough trying to avoid those vids on porn sites.

Brayson87 said...

Maybe some of the guys that have been f*cking his wife can give interviews. Unless she's only allowed to live out his girl/girl fantasies.

Brayson87 said...

@Gen, The wife's reluctance, it's pretty obvious that if it was up to her they wouldn't be swinging. Which is actually pretty common, it's usually one sad partner trying to hang onto the other partner however they can. If you don't want your partner f*cking other people and they still do, that's cheating no matter how one sugarcoats it.

If both partners are comfortable then hey party on, I've certainly run into some enthusiastic couples who were both very outspoken.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

What's that old saying?


"When it comes to a threesome, one is always left unsatisfied!"

Flashy Vic said...

Middleditch's missus is fucking gorgeous! I'd be well chuffed if she picked my car keys out of the glass bowl.

Tierney said...

I get that part of this 'open marriage' thing is telling people about your kink. But why? Why do you have to tell the *public* about it? Why do you have to involve people who want NO part of your sex life? That's when you immediately go from sex freak to douchebag.

Felicia said...

Oh dear gods I don’t believe in!
(Re: Baldwin having another kid by his beyond thirsty yoga thot wife.)

Goodau said...

Before you "get out girl" document everything that you might be entitled to share. He's obviously a sharing kind of person, so be considerate and keep some records to assist him.

Vita said...

Lol, Goodau!

Tierney- you bring up some interesting points...especially if the wife is the brakes, why the hell is he choosing to share this publicly? That's what gossip sites are for!

TeeHee@U said...

I have a feeling she is a writer/ producer on whatever swinger show her husband is selling. Same as that design show HW wife was on. Use the man to get $$ or a writing and or production career if the show is successful.

Yes, a ho is still a ho no matter what da do.

Vita said...

All of that being said, I read this as Armie Hammer and about sex in public spots, but I dont recall mention of swinging. Gorgeous pair, I'm sure jaws dropped.

TeeHee@U said...

Armie's shirt was atrocious and he looked rough which is unusual though...... But normally....I would totally agree haha

CJ said...

This is the Silicon Valley guy. I think his wife is swinging with him because she's curious and probably wants to have sex with other men, maybe women too. She's appearing passive and reluctant to do this but this way she can experiment with the lifestyle and still come out as though she was coerced to "save" her marriage.

They'll have their fun now and then divorce in a few years.

James Howlett said...

Middlechurch said it saved his marriage.

Carolyn said...

That Middleditch guy does seem like a douche but this blind can't really be about him, can it? I had never heard of him until this swinging news came out. No way is he A-, and certainly not mostly movie. He's apparently done both TV and movies (and web for that matter) but Silicon Valley is what he's known for and that's HBO. It simply cannot be about him, the timing is just a coincidence.

Will and Jada make more sense, although I'd assume he's permanently A.

I suspect we haven't named the right person yet.

akbar johnson said...

If it Middleditch then no surprise. She's obviously with him for the money, he is the poster boy for the dickless soy boys that seem to be everywhere now. You can just look at him and tell he's never satisified a woman in his entire life. So if he wants her to stay he better let some other dude take care of her needs. What a pathetic cuck..

JT0130 said...

@Carolyn -- i think enty was generous with the rating and career description.

Carolyn said...

Actually, I take that back! Tricia's guess of Armie Hammer seems like a solid one.

Carolyn said...

@JT0130 If it's Middleditch (and I still don't think it is) that rating and career description is more than generous! That guy isn't even a B IMO, and he's 100% NOT mostly movie.

Unknown said...

Rachel Ray and husband.

Valorious said...

True. But I mostly come for the comments. 🤓

Valorious said...

I agree! Motherhood seems to be her raison d'etre. Kinda creepy. And Alec such a rage-o-holic. She just had a miscarriage...

Valorious said...

Agreed! He is NOT mostly movie! Barely TV!

AtlantAnne said...

Harry Hamlin & Rinna


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