Thursday, September 05, 2019

Blind Item #1

It has been nearly two decades since this A- list singer died. Sure, there were drugs in his system, but to protect the family, the police made no mention of that fact it was an auto erotic situation gone bad.


  1. Michael Hutchence?

  2. Don't think so Tricia - I seem to recall that theory was always part of Hutchence's case.

  3. There's a thin line between getting oneself off and getting oneself offed, apparently.

  4. Yeah I thought that was the official story, drugs sex and rock'n'roll.

    1. I think they called it suicide (with a strong indication) of AE... I agree. Dunno?! Someone else ... MH was probably a higher rating(I would hope!)

    2. I'm Australian and it's pretty accepted that's what happened so not sure on him.

  5. Layne Staley ?--died in 2002

    1. +1-Alice in Chains were amazing

    2. Played video games with him. He would nod out on Race Games. You could tell it was himz even with no chompers.

  6. Looks like Tricia got it, the "official story" was suicide, but the description of the scene sounds more auto.

    1. I think s.s did-ratings/ timeline fits better

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Hutchence is a good guess, but the phrasing “nearly two decades” leads me to believe this is someone who died in late ‘99 or 2000.

  8. Seems like MH’s widow was the one pushing the auto erotic accidental death, as opposed to suicide. Insurance reasons?

  9. I don't know, cause of death there was supposedly speedball overdose. I don't see the coroner bending the truth that much. Then again the body was so badly decomposed that they needed to use dental records so anything is possible.

  10. Guess if you strangle somebody make sure you use a belt and take their pants off afterwards. Don't worry about the broken neck bones, that's not considered evidence of foul play anymore. You da best NYC ME!

  11. Michael H. loved his music especially his first on the posters

  12. MH's death was always known to be possibly auto erotic

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yeah. Not buying this as a big secret if it's Hutchence.

  15. Hutchence died in 1997 so it's been more than 2 decades not 'nearly 2 decades' as per the blind. Sorry I doubted you enty.

  16. Replies
    1. Scott's only been gone about four years.

  17. 22 years is pretty close to two decades as far as Enty phrasing goes.

  18. The story about Hutchence's death was always about auto asphyxiation, that part is nothing new.

  19. If the answer to this is in fact Michael Hutchence, this shouldn’t be a blind - it was all over the news at the time

  20. In addition to Layne Staley, both Dee Dee Ramone and John Entwhistle died in 2002 of what were reported as drug overdoses.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. But Deedee was never A list or primarily a singer

  22. Stuart Adamson, from Big Country?

    Jon Lee, from Feeder?

    Or possibly hide from X Japan?

    Those are the only people I could find to fit, because AEA was always mentioned around Hutchence's death.

  23. @Meemo, Do they ever have kangaroo shows down there? I mean they have donkey shows in Tijuana. I mean y'all gave the koalas chlamydia before you shot them right? The second strain is transmittable. ;)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. It s not Hutchences cause the MAIN theory was "erotic apnea" when it vas actually A PLAIN DIRECT SUICIDE

    There are interviews that only reached surface nowadays about how his life changed after the attack he had by a cab driver, that kiled his smell sense and turned him into depression, but he hitted the bottom when he started dating PAULA YATES who left his husband BOB GELDOFF creating an scandal in those days ....

    Funny part? Recent interviews refere that HE HATED THAT SITUATION and DIDNT LOVE PAULA ... HE EVEN HAD A LOVER, but she had just had Tiger Lily so he couldnt dump her

    For him it was all an entire mess and he couldnt get out from it, he had to tolerate her yealling on the phone for long cause Geldoff refused to give her the daughters and he called his manager to tell him his desperation ...

    The "idilic loveeee" paula showed tp media was only part of her imagination, he was drowning and she was an iron anchor tied to his feet, not long she kille dherself of an overdose not caring about her 4 daughter ... years later PEACHES one of her kids OD'ed herself in front of her babywith same drug her mom used to die ...

  26. he called his manager to tell him his desperation ...

    Claude Crow
    "Do you have a f***ing death wish?" - words spoken by #ChrisMurphy, band manager of #INXS, in response to my source, during a meeting at his house, when she revealed her plan to expose #ColinDiamond, his gang, and what they did to #MichaelHutchence and Michael's estate.
    Claude Crow
    Sep 4
    You would think, AT THE LEAST, for the SAFETY and SECURITY of TIGER LILY, Michael's DAUGHTER, the #INXS guys and #ChrisMurphy would want to at least KNOW, let alone DO SOMETHING, about #ColinDiamond.

    Claude Crow
    Aug 1
    Despite a recommendation from the Australian federal police to pursue charges, federal prosecutors decided not to, as the case was too complex for them.
    Quote Tweet

    Claude Crow
    · Aug 1
    In the 1990s, #ColinDiamond and his associates Gordon Fisher and Andrew Paul were under Australian federal investigation for defrauding ANZ Bank, as well as a government agency, of $22 million.

    Maybe he killed himself on 11-22 as an homage to Jack Kennedy or sumpin.

    Music critic David Fricke, writing in Rolling Stone, supplemented the standard metro daily obit: “His body bore the marks of a severe beating (a broken hand, a split lip, lacerations).11

    Or not.

  27. i know it's not jeff buckley but i'm just gonna throw it out there anyways. most beautiful voice ever

  28. Jeff Buckley drowned in the Wolf River in 1997. Not Jeff.

    IIRC, Layne Staley had been missing for a 2 weeks when they found him in an abandoned tenement building known for hosting homeless and drug addicts. He had been so sick when he had last been seen, coroner said he overdosed on a speedball, which will kill you quick, and when they found his decomposed body, it only weighed 86 lbs.

    It just seems highly unlikely it was Layne Staley.

    Could be Dee Dee Ramone.

    More likely it was John Entwistle as his death seems a bit more in line with auto-erotic asphyxiation instances.

  29. Having said all of that if the answer is Michael Hutchence, then yes, we already knew that and it was never a secret. I don't know where this "protecting the family" stuff came from.

  30. hide wasn't A anything outside of Asia so not him although that may have been auto for sure. If this is MH, definitely not a blind. I'm thinking Staley.



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