Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blind Item #8

Of course this A/A- list mostly movie actress was a mess after filming an installment of this long running franchise which she does not do anymore. She was in a relationship, but was having to hook up with the director whenever he wasn't hooking up with strippers and escorts and other actresses who owed their job to the fact they would sleep with him.


  1. Daisy Ridley/Star Wars?/Abrams?

    1. Or Michelle Rodriguez/Avatar/Cameron

  2. Megan Fox and Michael Bay?

  3. NO is ALWAYS an answer. I think ScarJO since it is A/A-.

    1. +100 empowered person. You're right.

  4. @teehee

    says the person who wasnt there and doesnt understand the unique pressures of the situation.

    thanks for sharing your irrelevant civilian opinion on something you'll never, ever, experience.

    thumbs up

  5. Is Halle Barry in anything?

  6. megan fox, michael bay, transformers

    talking about her 'breakdown' and being blacklisted for speaking up about him. michael bay gets away with so much, its sick.

  7. @notthisagain....trying to project and justifying sleeping with your boss to get ahead.

    I actually HAVE been put in situations where my superior has hit on me.... I got away from him and avoided being alone with him to avoid being put in such positions.

    Stop projecting and justifying your actions. Woman to woman : it is sad.

  8. What? Powerful women in Hollywood CAN'T say no?

    Fucking pathetic.

    1. They can't exercise their free will lol because only The Man could do that. If only powerful Hollywood women knew that they had The Man inside them the whole time. Or they could keep believing that God died so they could continue to be used as trash cans for dead people idk

  9. slow clap @J.

    Such a ridiculous sentiment that an A list actress HAS to sleep with the director for the sake of the crew. Yah. Spare me.

    But, the Megan Fox makes sense. She cannot act so explains her rise to fame.

    1. "I let them rape my son because a guy on the crew just bought a new truck and how would he pay for it if I didn't?" -hollywood moms

  10. That’s why she thinks it is okay if Woody does it tokuds, including his own
    Mariel Hemingway, this is the time to tell

  11. That might explain her negative comments about him. I wonder if so much of Hollywood does drugs in part to ease their conscience after doing so much fucked up shit to keep their jobs.

    1. And to get themselves in the headspace to do more.

  12. She still refuses to name and shame him and would take work from him today. She's a whore, darlin'.

  13. @notthisagain: ‘Someone who doesn’t understand the unique pressures of the situation’...’Something you’ll never, ever experience’?

    Sexual harassment is sexual harassment. It doesn’t matter if you’re an actress or a cleaning lady. Nobody ‘has’ to sleep with anybody, and no job should be dependent upon it. Many of us have experienced it. Being or wanting to be an actress doesn’t change the fact that it’s a choice of whether or not to actually sleep with someone for a job. I was being sexually harassed at a former job by several men. Every day. I also had to travel extensively (including many weekends) & it was never-ending harassment. So I
    quit. It seems as though you put actresses on a pedestal...since you think that nobody else could possibly understand this predicament.

  14. plus there are photos of scarjo with weinstein, she was lost of translation which is a weinstein movie LOL. harvey fucked them all.

  15. This?

  16. Didn't Fox "audition" for the Transformers movie by putting on a bikini and wash Bay's Ferrari while he filmed her? Hard to believe she was surprised to find out he was a douchebag.

  17. Harvey's Hollywood Posse: 19 Actors who stared in Mulple Movies for Weinstein

    Women actresses: Meryl Creep, Nicole Kidman, Gywenth Palho, Keira Knightley, Anna Paquin (explains everything actually for her adult career), Julia Roberts, Cate Blanchett, Penelope Cruz, Kate Winslet, JLO, JLAW, Catherina Zeta Jones, Jessica Alba, Amy Adams, Judi Dench (which explains why she defended Kevin SPacey) and Renee Zellweger.

    Charlize also was called out by the woman who was supposed to be in Cedar House rules (HW production) who was fired for not sleeping with Weinstein and Charlize ended with the do the math.

    The real victims are the WOMEN actresses who said no who are probably much better actresses than half the women listed above but REFUSED to prostitute themselves out for a job. (if any of those women are reading this POWER TO YOU! not these hoes listed above and/ or their enablers/ procurers. )

    And all these women pretend to be you slept with a man for a job. You are a whore. Pure and simple.

  18. Was there a shit fairy who pooped in a bunch of people’s cereal this morning? There sure are a lot of crotchety commenters today!

    1. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    2. Pur yourself in the shoes of anyone outside of this suck n cluck circus. Imagine waking up every morning to the energy being put out by people who live like this. Do you see why everyone is waking up and ditching Hollyweird? It is not 2:30 anymore. It is 6:45 and Hollywood looks GAH-ROS gross. Maybe folks aren't crotchety, maybe theyre freaking nauseous?

  19. interesting about keira knightley , wouldnt have guessed that.

  20. I do get testy on this subject I will admit. LOL

    I just get so mad with these Hollywood "victims" because I volunteered at a woman's shelter for a few months and those women were actual victims/ rape victims.

    To claim you are a victim for becoming world famous for sleeping with a man for your big break does not make you a "victim" but a whore.

    The thing I KNEW would happen after the #MeToo movement has already happened. Men are not hiring ad are avoiding women at all cost because a mere, unsubstantiated allegation will ruin a good man's 40 year reputation. It is sick and gross and we women HAVE to be better than that for our actual sister in trouble.

    And, I am not saying all the women listed above slept with HW...but, they sure as fuck knew and benefitted from HW. So them..."empowered women" ass. GO to your local women's shelter and meet some real victims who were ACTUALLY forced...not money/ fame or sleeping with HW.

    1. Oh, I agree, 100%! I’m a victim of DV, spent time in a DV shelter, and then subsequently counseled many victims of DV. I’m staying w/ my niece right now & her piece of shit husband is an abuser. She refuses to leave, giving me 1,000 excuses, all the while not giving a shit about the damage it’s doing to her children. Neither of them should have ever been parents. She is no longer a victim. She is a volunteer.

      I love my niece, but she is a shitty parent & it’s breaking my heart. I spend hours each day with the 3 little ones, teaching them the most BASIC stuff, that she couldn’t be bothered with - manners, how to brush your teeth, homework, reading to them, etc. They run to me when they come home from school, cuz they know I’m the only one who gives a shit. It’s beyond sad. And the asshole husband HATES me, because I’m immune to his tactics. So I get “punished” a lot, with lots of passive aggressive, sneaky bullshit. My niece believes the lies he tells her and when I refute his lies with all facts (backed up with “receipts”), she says I’m argumentative & that I refuse to accept responsibility. 😂 Ummm...NO. That’s you projecting, darlin’.

      I cannot WAIT til I have enough $$ to leave this hellhole! Unfortunately, the tantrum throwing husband sold the car they were letting me use, in retaliation for his wife spending 15 minutes in my room, where I was showing her how good her daughter is at reading comprehension now. My bad? I mean, seriously? She is not allowed to give anyone attention but him. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Life is but a dream..🎵

      And my comment about cranky commenters was really just cuz of all the infighting between commenters. Just seems like a ton of wasted breath, to me. No one will ever argue someone over to their side.

  21. Megan Fox is not A/A-. Didn't we just have this discussion?

  22. @Freebird. I am genuinely so sorry to hear that. But, the one take away is that they love you, respect you and cannot wait to see you! It is not up to you to save them and I am sorry for all the pressure you feel. It does help to let it all out... (especially on an internet form vs. physically or verbally in real life). And, no they probably should not have had kids...but, you are working hard to be a positive force in a needy child's life. And, at the very least...that is something to be proud to and for most to aspire to. I know it may suck but it obvious your work is noticed by the kids. <3

    1. I hope. The middle kid is in trouble at school daily. Has been for 2 YEARS. I’m working really hard with him to get him to listen to teacher. He has to misbehave at home if he wants attention from his parents. It’s kind of all he knows. I’m super strict & so far we’ve covered Lying, Consequences & Patience. Big concepts for a 6 year old but I’m determined. 😂 And THANK YOU. Didn’t realize how good it felt to hear that all my efforts might just be paying off. ☺️

  23. uh...Everybody in Hollywood?

  24. "everybody SUCCESSFUL in Hollywood"

  25. Keep loving those kiddos, Freebird! Bless you!😍

    1. THANK YOU! ❤️ I pray that all I’ve taight is not forgotten, once I move out. The middle one gets SO excited when something I’ve taight him sinks in. Yesterday, he came running in my room hollering. I’m like, “Calm down, lil’ nerd. What’s up? What’s so exciting?” And he replied, “BUS. US. They rhyme!!” (My lil’ talk on Rhyming words had sunk in while he was chatting w his lil sister in the next room). My heart was 10 sizes too big st that moment! It’s the little things. ❤️

    2. Oy vey. Hope you can read it w/ all those typos. 🤦🏼‍♀️ My autocorrect thinks taight is spelled taight, apparently. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    3. WTF?!! 😂 It changed it to ”taight” when I pushed “submit!” TAUGHT! TAUGHT!!!!!! 😩

  26. Since when was Megan Fox an a/A- list MOSTLY film actress? No way she was ever that high. All she really did was TRANSFORMERS.

  27. The only way this changes is if more women run studios. More women are producers and directors. Then maybe things will change. As long as men run things sleeping for roles will not change.

    Heck I knew a girl in college who slept with a professor (not even tenured or attractive) to pass a class.

    1. Drew was one of the first, if I’m not mistaken. Another reason to love her. 🌼

    2. I am totally in support of women running studios but how will putting women in charge stop exploitation? There are women willfully participating in the exploitation even when they aren't in a position that requires it of them! What we need are ethics.

  28. A powerful director can destroy your career with a phone call. We're not talking about Brad in accounting here. I guess it's easier to call women whores than admit that Hollywood is full of men with insane amounts of power.

    And guess what, that amount of power will be abused. Always.

  29. STOP! I SAID NO! @ MattDaddy and @Unknwon....I SAID NO!

    As a female victim you DO NOT get to dictate actual victims vs. women whom slept their way to the top for a job and to get to the top. I cannot with you people as I have made clear.

    Any superior (male or female) should be called out to HR (which is why they exist...YES! even Toby...). Those justifying sleeping with a man/ female (to think there are none lesbian Boses in Hollywood is asinine) for a make me sick to say you are actual rape victims.


  30. are not crazy. It truly sounds like you care for your family and your nieces and nephews. Tough. But, you should be proud for giving a damn.

    Meh. I am not popular here. So IDK how much it helps...but, my opinion matters jack shit to those kids you are taking care of.

    Keep on rocking!!

    I should note I writing this while listening to Destiny's Child; Survivor.

    It speaks for a reason. The same reason it is a classic for a reason.

  31. @notthisagain


    Well said. People outside the industry cannot understand. The problem runs deeper than even, "Will I get this part or not?"

    "Well, my boss hit on me, too, but I got away. I'm just so smart, so clever, and really know how to handle things." @TeeHee doesn't understand. Really doesn't understand.

    1. Like "will I ever get to sleep with a director for parts again?"?

  32. She "had to". Because women aren't fully human like men are, so they don't have freedom of choice or a personal will of their own or the ability to use the word "no". Poor women!

  33. According to Enty, recently Christian Bale didn’t find job during more one year because he tried to denounce Newsies’director behavior

  34. According to Gabe Hoffman, a NDA cannot be enforced regarding sexual abuse especially of minors. So Christian Bale could absolutely talk about it. Maybe he is not The Man either? Sad because he could be so easily...powerless Christian Bale I guess!
