Sunday, September 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 3, 2019

The alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity hired a company that specializes in going after people on social media who criticize their clients using bot farms. This should be fun.

Meghan Markle


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I suppose it should be easy to spot, relatively. Most bot farms are from China and use the same patterns when building profiles, and post lots of duplicate comments.

  2. it's as if she's going out of her way to make one mistake after another

    how can one single person be this stupid? It's fascinating. It really makes you wonder about Harry's common sense and unintelligence, for him to be pretty much the only person left who doesn't think she's utterly detestable.

    Oh yeah, and Rosie of course.

    1. I think she's pretty bad, actually. Furthermore, and Something none of you geniuses have mentioned, is she's several years older than the 37 she claims.
      Now that I've got that out the way....
      Know what I think is even more revolting than MM?
      You. I think you and a handful of other VeryMeanGirls here are far more detestable and cunty.
      Thank you for asking, btw

  3. Yeah, Princess Bunghole is OK but not those nasty conservatives. haha

    1. Conservatives who covered up mass rape and abuse of children at elm guest house. Prince Andrew who is a paedo. Charles who used to bum lick saville the nonce. Yh young people in the UK like Meghan better than that paedophilic horse faced trash and it drives you oldies mad doesn’t it

  4. Enty put the Markle's blinds last so the others can go without moderation.

  5. Today's latest blind about Meghan Merkin.

  6. Can someone please explain to me why so many people on this comment section complain about the weekly Meghan blinds? Everything on this site is "click-bait." Every week we have a Kardashian, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, rapper, MTV and housewife blind and no one is bothered. But put out a Meghan Markle blind and people are up in arms and whining. Why is she so special that her behavior is above reproach? She's fair game alongside any other celebrity, as far as I'm concerned. People love to hate her in the same way they hate the Kardashians. We are all waiting for our dose of fair-play justice and schadenfruede where she is concerned, as someone that vile can't get away with it forever. This is a tawdry gossip site, for Pete's sake, not the Wall Street Journal.

  7. I am good with never seeing another housewife blind again

  8. I will take Sparkles over the Krustasians.

  9. How about neither one.

  10. how about other gossip columnists? I would love to hear the lowdown on Kaiser of Celebitchy and how Lainey is tossing Meghan Markle's salad.

  11. Will this improve blimp Markle's reputation?

    Fat chance.

  12. I see that RuPaul has come out in support of Meghan.

    “Meghan’s arrival in the Royal Family marks a whole new era,” RuPaul said as part of a promo tour for his new series, Drag Race UK. “I like the way she challenges the norm.”

    First Taylor Swift, now Meghan. Good thing Ru is gay, because he has awful taste in women.

    1. Good thing Mark...le isn't actually a woman then. "Meghan" CAN'T have a baby, and it appears RuPaul knows it

  13. Hahahahaha even Andrew hasn’t had to hire a new PR team, and he’s a known pedophile. Sparkles either thinks she’s more important than she is or she’s that big of a narcissist.

    1. Right. And you’re more concerned with her actions than those of a known paedophile. Priorities seem a little screwed up there hun

    2. Watch and see how Meghan is NEVER allowed to be anywhere NEAR our president. There's a reason for that. "She" is quite lethal.
      Would not be surprised if, in the coming year, she and her plastic doll suddenly have a (fake) tragic accident, whereupon the media will force a faux funeral on the Western world.

  14. Old news from Daily Mail. It is the PR team of Weinstein and Michael Jackson- “ sunshine Sachs”. They are very obvious on daily mail and get called out a lot.
    If she spent as much time being nice instead of strategizing lies about it, may work better.
    We like the “Pretty Woman” prostitutes with the heart of gold.
    But a mean, aging one is just a Ho

  15. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Gawd MM has to be in deep trouble when they drag (pardon the pun) RuPaul out to support her. I'm hearing MM's expiration date is almost upon us. Anyone catch her post to Harry on his birthday? About what a great father he is but nada about how good a husband? I think the thick prince has some room for improvement in the husband department.

    1. @Ann: Bad photoshop job on the photo. She really thinks she’s getting away with this.

      I’ve heard the end is near.

    2. @Ann: She actually photoshopped her head on Kate’s body and the baby is Louis. The original photo is from his Christening. She’s getting desperate.

    3. Ooo really!! I haven’t seen this one of Kate and Louis. I’m assuming it is indeed Harry holding Louis?

  16. I don’t have opinions or feelings about Markle one way or another, but I am fascinated by the intense trafficking here in observations which have never been proven, witnessed, or verified. I’m guessing most of it has nothing to do with the actual person, but with actual bad people living inside poster heads. She’s obviously a stand-in for something.

  17. I don’t have opinions or feelings about Markle one way or another, but I am fascinated by the intense trafficking here in observations which have never been proven, witnessed, or verified. I’m guessing most of it has nothing to do with the actual person, but with actual bad people living inside poster heads. She’s obviously a stand-in for something.

  18. Anonymous3:29 PM

    @Aquagirl- sorry I was off checking the story about MM wore fakes of Diana's jewelry to her fashion event. The butterfly earrings and bracelet set were supposedly fakes.

    Tru this is a gossip site. That's the purpose for being here. There is no need to prove, witness, or verify anything said on this site.

    Rosie everyone has an opinion so thanks for sharing yours.

  19. @Rosie riveter
    How can Sparkles lie about her age? She's born in California, so it would be easy to get her birth certificate. They are still public.

    1. @MaryAnne: Easy. It was wiped off the internet. She’s in her early 40’s.

    2. I'm not sure, how did Beyonce do it?
      I think that if people in high places can pull off murders and suicide-eds and fake babies, surely we have to be open minded to changing dates of birth?

  20. @Ann: Any supposed BRF jewelry that she wears is a knock-off. Including the tiara at the wedding. And Diana’s aquamarine ring that she wore to the evening reception. They don’t let her get her dirty paws on anything. Can you blame them?

  21. Anonymous5:25 PM

    @Aquagirl I was on Twitter which showed a side by side comparison of Diana's actual butterfly earrings and the fakes Meghan had on at the fashion event. The wing shape is different on the fakes. So the BRF ban on MM wearing any of Diana's jewelry is still in place. I don't blame them at all. She had a plan to become Diana 2.0 which is why they put a quick halt to her wearing any of Diana's jewelry.

  22. I would love to see the sagging chinless faces of the women who obsess over Meghan on here. Do you ladies know you could probably find some 6/10 guy to eat you out and remove some of that tension?

  23. I would think it'd be incredibly easy to reveal a celeb's true age if they're lying. All it takes is someone they burned in high school to bring out a yearbook.

    1. You’re right, Krissie. Her classmates have called out her real age so she denied it and ghosted them. Meanwhile, seems like she’s been claiming 37 for about 4 years now.

  24. @Royal Fan: It’s the b/w photo in the collage on Sussex IG where Meghan is wishing Harry a Happy
    Birthday. Meghan’s head is photoshopped on
    Kate’s body. You can see a line around her neck where her head is attached and it’s the dress that Kate wore to Louis’ Christening. But when I looked again I think she holding George. So it’s a total mashup. Harry is squatting down in front of her in his grey suit, which I’m sure she photoshopped from somewhere else. He’s always squatting down in front of kids, those who are disabled, and the elderly so easy picture to find given that he’s always wearing that grey suit.

    1. So basically she’s photoshopping the fake Christening photos from May (that were supposedly taken in July). So she doesn’t have another photo of Harry & his ‘son’ since then? Okay.

  25. Nobody need worry about the bot farms. Markle hires "people" then doesn't pay the bill in full. Soon enough "people" go away. Markle comes from a family who are all poor money managers. She has enough to start something, but not enough for a follow through. She probably couldn't pay the surroget in full, that's why no baby, just a dummy.

    Aquagirl: you are funnier than hell!

  26. MM can't stop promoting herself, to her own detriment. The phrase: "familiarity breeds contempt," holds true for her.

  27. Martina Navratilova said it right "Meghan markle married into fame. Serena earned it" Damn! True lol

  28. Bullshit. MI6/5 are the ones in charge of psychological warfare for the worlds biggest Pedo Island. Since Australia is technically a Continent.
    Do fools really think only the CIA can win the hearts and minds?
    Then again misdirection has become an art form.

  29. She's had a PR firm doing this for a long time. This is not new at all.

  30. Nothing can change the fact that Harry married a biracial woman & had a child with her. She works harder than Kate on her worse day and people need to gt over it! She's not going anywhere. Long Live Meghan!

  31. Wow her bots made it all the way to CDAN.

  32. Woody Allen has one such bot farm. One die-hard person keeps interacting with me defending him. It was gross since all this account tweeted was in favour of the paedophile.

  33. Anonymous6:53 PM

    So you actually believe that the massive German guy is her biological dad?



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