Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 6, 2019

There is a celebrity drug dealer in NYC who caters only to the elite. He has also killed off a few over the years. Apparently he was told to be prepared to bring his best coke tonight for a very VIP guest. She has a lot of partying to make up on.

Meghan Markle


Brayson87 said...

One day she'll be queen! 👍😃🤗

Aquagirl said...

I think she’s partying just fine in the UK. Her nose looks as if it’s ready to collapse.

MyDogSmiles said...

Hopefully that helped Fat Markle shed a few pounds ...

Do Tell said...

Good thing she's bottlefeeding.

Aquagirl said...

She looks as if she lost some weight, but at her last appearance she was wearing butt pads so now she looks like she has a huge ass!

Pissoff said...

Show some respect people. She is better than you...and a princess.

Astra Worthington said...

Bottle feeding a plastic doll lol. Just like childhood, playing with your dolls 😆

Aquagirl said...

@Astra: Believe it or not, those reborn dolls can be fed. So creepy.

J said...

Pissoff, if fatter were better you'd get no argument.

Every day I can see the Earth's ecology improve thanks to her climate-conscious purchase of new outfits and whimsical jet travel.

She's a big fat fucking treasure.

Guesser said...

@Aquagirl,@Count will be saddened to hear about her dumper not being real.

Rosie riveter said...

And if her busted nose and big fat huge ass is fixed to absolutely perfect according to your standards- then what will you find fault in?
You still have her feet. And eye color.

MyDogSmiles said...

@Astra Worthington LOL

Aquagirl said...

Ha! Ha!

J said...

Her breath? Who knows what toxic chowder she's partly digested while low-rent yachting.

Sup said...

*to make up for, not on.

Snuggz Bear said...

Before she appears on "The Bachelorette" after the divorce, she can go on "Botched" to get her coke nose fixed by Dr. Paul Nassif.

Coffee Bean said...

Astra: Believe it or not, those reborn dolls can be fed. So creepy.
They are now "customized" to be anatomically correct with at least two "insets".
Creepy is too mild a term, truth be told.
What ever you do don't bloody search for verification.
It will hurt ones sanity and it will be in Japanese or Hebrew.

Brayson87 said...

Wow, this was something new I learned today that I had no idea of before:

Brayson87 said...

"Preemies" are smaller dolls molded after premature infants.[1][7] Between "preemie" and regular dolls, sizes can range from 4 inches to Child size.[15]

J said...

To keep the story believable they'd have to choose a doll which looked nothing like Harry.

MeliticusBee said...

Amazing how many "people" vehemently denied this was her last week because Royals should be able to get "plenty" of coke with no problems in London...or frogmore...or wherever.

Brayson87 said...

@J, You mean like a Lannister baby type deal?

J said...

Just googled, Brayson. I didn't watch Game of Thrones, but if Lannister = illegitimate yes.

Keep up the tradition.

tookiesmum said...

She’s a princess, peasants! She deserves the best nose candy.

Anonymous said...

I would sure love to know what she did to piss Enty off! I swear bashing the Duchess of Sussex is an obsession that Enty should seek help for!

J said...

LadySabre, most of the posters here (and it seems all of the intelligent ones) love the Fat Markle blinds.

- said...

Dat ass tho.

Angela said...

We may not have princesses on this website, but we sure have queen cunts.

Brayson87 said...

@J, I highly recommend Game of Thrones, it's got something for everybody. Laughs, sex, violence, mystery, zombies, dragons, etc. Not to mention the cultural references people will be still be using for years to come.

J said...

Yeah, a buddy of mine with good taste recommends it too. I don't have hbo or cable, though, and maybe watch one streaming series every year, maybe zero.

May see GOT eventually but probably not for a while. Appreciate the tip!

Brayson87 said...

@J, Various free trials of HBO Now or whatever their new streamer is and binge watching. That'll give you enough episodes to decide if you like it.

Oh the sets, costumes and special effects get better with time, it's kind of trippy to go back to the first season, like everything is so clean compared to later.

Guesser said...

What about the pub crawl with baby Archie? Seems not a peep from him for 2 hrs. Even when his "nappy" was changed. You would think it was a doll or something. Doesn't he do cute baby stuff like pee in your face or pull out your hair extensions? I am starting to think of I love Lucy when she pretended a sausage was a baby.

SlimKeith said...

Bullshit. You have a fetish Enty or else you're obsessed with this woman, it's creepy.

Angela said...

Meghan Markle attracts some quite insane levels of repulsion here, for various reasons. You can see for instance in the comments that she's a cokehead, which makes her thinner, but she's still fat, because of the baby weight, even if she wasn't really pregnant, as she had her child through a surrogate. There may be one or two contradictions in these statements, yet, as they all target Meghan, they're all simultaneously true.
So, the blinds about her are a crowdpleaser, and Enty duly reposts any crap submitted to him... oops duly delivers on the accurate reports by his sources. They're sure to get posts and traffic, which is what matters. At this point, they're about as predictable as Jimmy Buffett putting "Margaritaville" in a setlist.

Guesser said...

@Angela, just curious,what is your take on Meghan? FWIW, I believe surrogate, weight gain from meds or lack of drugs, I would no longer be surprised if the public baby was a doll. Otherwise,baby is not well. If she would just exhibit some good behavior, it wouldn't be so hard for her PR to defend her. When someone criticizes Diana,for example, we can easily bring up her embracing AIDS victims, or walking through land mine fields. What can we say to make Meghan look good to the public? She needs your help!

Astra Worthington said...

Ew I definitely didn’t want to know any of that about those creepy dolls! Lol THANKS 😫

Angela, you didn’t call the jelus h8rz “racist”, come on now! You’re slipping! I do wonder, if everyone here is so awful and the site is so bad and evil, why do you stick around? Seems kinda weird. I mean you do you, of course but it’s just strange to constantly come here and complain, don’t you think?

Astra Worthington said...

Oh hey Aquagirl I got a cookbook at a yard sale and it has what looks like a really good beet recipe, if you’re interested. Beets and leeks.

Unknown said...

A former yacht girl is not better than anyone!

Bleu said...

You're confused. Unless she's taking a movie role? Harry is now 6th in line to the throne, after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

Sd Auntie said...

looks like she lost most of it. I'd rather use Adderall than coke.

Lady Lady said...

This blind item is absolutely false, as is most of the stuff on this site. Have fun!

Mary Lamb said...

Enty doesn't need someone to send a 'tip' in, these blinds write themselves to satisfy the insane.

Aquagirl said...

@Astra: Lucky you! Yes, I’d be interested if you could somehow post something that’s easy for you to do without typing forever.

Habibti said...

Since when do you believe the 'word'of a drug dealer? Hahaha! They are all scum and liars.

Cadmium77 said...

Truly a beauty fit for a prince!

Cadmium77 said...

A beauty fit for a prince...a Hanoverian usurper prince that is.

JenV said...

Lucy's fake baby on the plane ride was a big chunk of cheese NOT sausage.


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