Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 9, 2019

I wrote a few weeks ago about what happens when this singer goes brunette and it is happening in front of our eyes.

Britney Spears


  1. Are they pushing her towards this in order to maintain the guardianship?

  2. I think it's her way of saying she knows she needs the conservatorship.

  3. Wow...she didn't even last one minute on the red carpet before she hightailed it back to her SUV.

  4. Uh-oh... cuckoo time.

  5. This was sad the first time around, this time it feels extremely disturbing. Mostly on the grounds that no one is asking her to do more of anything and she's still being pushed to be in the spotlight. It's like she's a human pet. Geez.

  6. Poor Brit. How do those in her inner circle not see that she is barreling towards another heartbreaking episode? Ignored mental illness never leads to a happy ending.

  7. She looked pathetically out of place and terrified on that red carpet. My heart aches for that girl. She is clearly so unwell.

  8. just another mk ultra victim in hollyweird... he's her handler for sure

    1. Exactly. It wasn't ever mental illness, it was her struggle against what was being done to her

  9. I saw her brunette with her boyfriend. She looked like his mom. With her blonde hair, she looks youthful. The brown hair is aging her face.

    1. I disagree..I've always had blonde hair..then pink or purple..the older i get the darker I tske my hair. Looks a million times better than blonde.

  10. She looks great with the brunette hair. She is not headed for a breakdown - she is dealing with DID induced through trauma. There are no meds for DID, therefore, it is NOT a mental illness. Sam is her protector, not her "handler." She left the red carpet so he could shine. Always wishing the worst for folks, aren't you? Why don't you wish Kirk Douglas the serial rapist dead?

    1. +10000 she didnt freak out I watched it se just didnt want to e there and i like her better brunette...haters gonna hate

  11. Where is the other blind where Enty warned about Britney being in meltdown mode when she dyed her hair dark? I don't recall reading that one. Anyone link me to it, pretty please?

    Sadly, Britney's haircolor does seem to change regularly when she is in crisis mode. Blonde one week. Brunette the next. She had dozens of drastic hair color changes like this from when she married Kevin through to her 5150 hold. I remember feeling sorry for her poor hair follicles and thinking that her hair HAD to be fried to bits from all the back and forth of her being bleached blonde one moment then super dark brunette the next.

    When Britney shaved her head, I remember thinking she did it to "kill two birds with one stone" in that she might thereafter pass hair follicle drug tests for her divorce case with Kevin, and that she could ALSO use the shaved head as a means to start fresh with strong, "virgin" hair follicles instead of broken off straw stands. Clearly I was mistaken....

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Identity crisis. She always had to be what other people told her to be and was never able to create her own personality.

  12. I'm pretty sure she's going to kill herself. She's got to be dead inside. I wish her the best, but I just don't see it lasting another year.

  13. Poor Britney. I get the sense that she is a swee but damaged (& much used) lady. How come I never see her mom anymore? Can she save her daughter?

  14. Stop saying DID isn't a mental illness you twat. You can come up with whatever fucking definition you want for mental illness but mental illness just means an illness affecting the psyche which DID most certainly is. Just because you don't think there is a med for it (which, there is) doesn't mean it isn't one.

    1. She's MK Ultra.
      This was deliberately induced through trauma. It is not "mental illness"

  15. All the armchair analysts here amuse me. "Hollywierd" if you don't like it, why are you reading a Hollywood/celebrity site? lol.

  16. mk ultra. sounds like a bunch of deranged Scio's.

  17. what does DID stand for?

  18. Wow you're a fucking dumbass. Just because it was induced by PTSD or MK Ultra or whatever the fuck doesn't make it not a mental illnesses. Yes mental illnesses can be induced, they're still fucking illnesses. If you give yourself diabetes from eating like shit it's still called fucking diabetes.

    DID is dissociative identity disorder

  19. @Krissie is correct that Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is indeed a mental illness. DID is defined and classified within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association. The DSM serves as the gold-standard, principal diagnostic authority for mental health clinicians here in the U.S.

    Krissie is ALSO correct that specific etiologies for DID (i.e. trauma) do NOT negate the qualification of DID as a mental disorder. To imply so is preposterous and indicative of extreme ignorance on all matters relating to mental health. The DSM clearly states that self-reported histories of physical or sexual abuse and/or extreme trauma are COMMONALITIES among sufferers of MANY DIFFERENT MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS. Don't believe us? Read into it for yourselves. Specifically, review the DSM with regard to DID, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Attachment Disorder (just to name a few). Then, perhaps we can more easily unpack and dissect this theory you are pushing that Britney is some sort of a mind control zombie.

  20. What is she supposed to have done that indicates she is on the verge of another breakdown? Probably some childhood abuse means she has suffered PTSD and anxiety, but with medication it doesn't mean she is permanently on the edge of a breakdown.

  21. @LondonGirl if you look at the video clips she's been posting on her Instagram account and her recorded interviews on youtube going back about 4-5 years, you can clearly note a marked change in her overall condition that has progressively worsened as time went on. Specifically, it seems she's been declining since she released her last album, which was in 2016.

  22. The human brain is an amazing thing. Traumatic experience and your brain will shut it off. I've pushed my body to the limit where I could just black out. There were times I would huck myself down a set of stairs on a skateboard and just shut off from the moment of pop. You watch the footage afterwards and it just feels foreign. It's like an OBE or a minor Fugue. I started having absent seizures at 23. It is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced in my life. It's like being hypnotized and strung out, a special brand of mutiny. I feel for Brit, the pain she's in, I would have shut off years ago. I hope for her to find her footing. She made all that money and can't find peace because every where she goes the viper pit follows. I don't know much about her, it breaks my heart to see what's written here, so I never looked too far into it. I would expect someone in her situation to be putting out Morse code in her social media posts. Maybe dude was right. Leave Brittany Alone

    1. @James Howlett, well said. Regarding your absent you still experience these? My friend's child has them, and described them as "teleporting" as they would occur when he walked, rode a bike, or a scooter and he'd suddenly lose consciousness and be further along the path than prior to the seizure. Very crazy to think about!!

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM


  24. Asghari -- who's being honored for Outstanding Achievement in Fitness

    Was the hook dragging her to a red carpet trotline?

    Hilarious. Not contrived at all!

    Mental illness can definitely occur upon repeated exposure to viral infection those surrounded by artful dodger Clean Hands Pilates fail to realize is happening.

    1. @SkullChimpyCheese, please explain what you mean by mental illness being caused by viral infections.

  25. Oh so what! Its only natural to be uncomfortable in those stupid plastic noisy situations.

    And BFD she's bought some fricking hair dye!

    Girl can't get a break from you vultures.

  26. So after dropping her back at the SUV did he go in alone? What was the purpose of dragging her out there anyways. This girl needs to get out of California and away from fame.

  27. Her daddy uses her to make money. She is MK Ultra with several other split personalities.
